35 research outputs found

    In and Out of Suriname

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    This title is available online in its entirety in Open Access In and Out of Suriname: Language, Mobility and Identity offers a fresh multidisciplinary approach to multilingual Surinamese society, that breaks through the notion of bounded ethnicity enshrined in historical and ethnographic literature on Suriname


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    It is always a pleasure to read any of the ongoing elaborations of Dwight Read’s framework for the formal analysis of kinship terminologies. This exploratory case study of the Thonga-Ronga terminological system raises a number of important issues concerning the specificities of skewing as well as the encompassing methodology of Read’s generative logic program for kinship analysis. I first comment on Read’s framework for the analysis of a kinship terminology’s generative logic. I then argue (as other respondents have) for embedding the analysis of Thonga-Ronga skewing within the context of a more locally constrained field of comparison. I conclude with specific suggestions for comparing kinship models and their underlying generative logics as variants and transitions situated within an abstract morphospace.

    Chinese New Migrants in Suriname : The Inevitability of Ethnic Performing

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    In dit proefschrift worden diverse aspecten besproken van de hernieuwde Chinese migratie naar Suriname van de jaren '90 en vroege 21e eeuw. Vanaf de jaren '90 kwam er een hernieuwde stroom van immigranten uit China op gang naar Suriname. Deze nieuwe immigranten veranderende de dynamica van de bestaande Surinaamse-Chinese gemeenschap, die zich van een Hakka enclave ontwikkeld had tot een cultureel en taalkundig diverse moderne Chinese migrantengroep. De eerste groep Chinezen had zich binnen Suriname gepositioneerd door eigen ondernemerschap en politieke participatie. Met de nieuwe lichting Chinezen werd dit bemoeilijkt door een opkomend anti-immigrantengevoel. Het onderzoek is een etnografie over nieuwe Chinese migranten in de context van de migratie van 'Zuid naar Zuid', maar ook een eerste etnografie van het Chinezen in Suriname, evenals een analyse van de in Suriname verschenen etnische verhandelingen en de daar gehanteerde etnopolitiek

    New life for the Old Line: Design research to the integration of Stedenbaan / Transit-Oriented Development in local urban regeneration areas. Case: Oude Lijn Leiden region

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    Because of its polycentric organization the system of the urban network of Randstad Holland is very much dependant on the connecting infrastructure lines between the sub agglomerations and urban centres. The use and efficiency of the infrastructure network has been the subject for debate for the last years, resulting in programs that consider strategies related to the American theory of Transit-Oriented Development, which refers to a regional network of higher density, mixed-use, living environments centred around public transport stops, to be one of the possible answers to the rising mobility and urbanisation problems, which are considered a major threat to the international competitive position of the Randstad. The Stedenbaan project in the southern part of Randstad Holland (Zuidvleugel) that deals with this issue, is about the improvement of the regional public transport system by 'regionalizing' existing national railway corridors with spatial developments along the network, which would have to add to the realisation of a single cohesive metropolitan area with a heightened level of interaction between functions. (Atelier Zuidvleugel 2006) Because of the fact that in many cases these lines run through existing built environments, the main focus of the developments will be in the framework of restructuring and transformation, which can be seen as the motive for this study. In this context, local neighbourhoods in the vicinity of railway infrastructure are going to be confronted with the regional scale if a new station will be realised together with a Transit-Oriented Development related strategy. In addition, the perspective of the large infrastructure within the city, often considered as physical and psychological barriers between city districts and exceptional elements in the urban tissue, will change. The main research questions of this thesis are: Can a regional programme as Stedenbaan, based on the principles of Transit-Oriented Development, be deployed for local urban regeneration? - How should we treat infrastructure barriers within this context? The study consists of two main parts: A Body of Knowledge, which consists of a theoretical framework and a documentation of the location-specific context (Atlas) and an implementation of its outcomes in a design case. The theoretical framework consists of a reflection on the existing theories and on Transit-Oriented Development and Stedenbaan and their backgrounds. The design case is about the Oude Lijn (Old Line) railway through the Leiden region, which will be used to host the Stedenbaan system, and the potential new station area of Leiden De Mors, of which it is mentioned to be realised in the period after 2020. Its location on a crossing of roads, waterways and railroads already provide enough complexity for a single design case. The Stedenbaan conditions will only add more complexity to this.Architectur

    The authentic garden : a symposium on gardens

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    Bijdragen aan het symposium gehouden in 1990 te Leide

    In and Out of Suriname

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    This title is available online in its entirety in Open Access In and Out of Suriname: Language, Mobility and Identity offers a fresh multidisciplinary approach to multilingual Surinamese society, that breaks through the notion of bounded ethnicity enshrined in historical and ethnographic literature on Suriname

    Transformations of Kinship.

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    International audienceThis volume's fifteen contributors argue that kinship analysis should remain fundamental to the development of anthropological theory and to the understanding of past and contemporary societies. This volume's fifteen contributors argue that kinship analysis should remain fundamental to the development of anthropological theory and to the understanding of past and contemporary societies. They contend that both aspects of kinship analysis, the "hot" (issues of body, gender, and power) and the "cool" (categories and terminologies) need to be pursued. They seek the meaning of the central discovery that the thousands of kinship systems documented during the past century are but variants of a limited number of classic types -- among them Dravidian, Iroquois, Australian, and Crow-Omaha -- that recur in distant parts of the world, including North and South America, India and China, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. The individual chapters discuss the transformations linking these and other types, culminating in attempts to answer the question of whether such transformations are reversible or whether they have taken a particular direction over the very long term of history.Exploring a classic topic, this bold new work demonstrates anew the centrality of kinship analysis to the anthropological endeavor. 'Dravidian, ' 'Iroquois, ' and 'Crow-Omaha' in North American perspective / Thomas R. Trautmann and R.H. Barnes --On the formal analysis of 'Dravidian, ' 'Iroquois, ' and 'generational' varieties as nearly associative combinations / Franklin E. Tjon Sie Fat --Developmental processes in the pre-contact history of Athapaskan, Algonquian, and Numic kin systems / John W. Ives --Kinship and Dravidianate logic: some implications for understanding power, politics, and social life in a northern Dene community / Michael Asch --Dravidian nomenclature as an expression of ego-centered dualism / Emmanuel Désveaux and Marion Selz --Serial redundancy in Amazonian social structure: is there a method for poststructuralist comparison? / Alf Hornborg --Jivaro kinship: 'simple' and 'complex' formulas: a Dravidian transformation group / Anne-Christine Taylor --Taking sides: marriage networks and Dravidian kinship in lowland South America / Michael Houseman and Douglas R. White --On double language and the relativity of incest: the Campa sociology of a Dravidian-type terminology / France-Marie Renard-Casevitz --Dravidian and Iroquois in South Asia / Robert Parkin --Transformations of kinship systems in eastern Indonesia / Jean-François Guermonprez --The synchro-diachronic method and the multidirectionality of kinship transformations / M.V. Kryukov --The prehistory of Dravidian-type terminologies / N.J. Allen --Dravidian and related kinship systems / Eduardo Viveiros de Castro --Afterword: transformations and lines of evolution / Maurice Godelier