89 research outputs found

    Rational solitons in deep nonlinear optical Bragg grating

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    We have examined the rational solitons in the Generalized Coupled Mode model for a deep nonlinear Bragg grating. These solitons are the degenerate forms of the ordinary solitons and appear at the transition lines in the parameter plane. A simple formulation is presented for the investigation of the bifurcations induced by detuning the carrier wave frequency. The analysis yields among others the appearance of in-gap dark and antidark rational solitons unknown in the nonlinear shallow grating. The exact expressions for the corresponding rational solitons are also derived in the process, which are characterized by rational algebraic functions. It is further demonstrated that certain effects in the soliton energy variations are to be expected when the frequency is varied across the values where the rational solitons appear

    Effects of lattice variations on confinement in photonic crystal microcavity using green tensor method

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    Electric field distribution in and around the 2D PC cavity was calculated for different lattice parameters using the Dyson formulation of the Green tensor. The results demonstrate the sensitive effects of structural variation of the photonic crystal on the effectiveness of field confinement in the cavity

    Planar Waveguide from PPV Derivatives

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    Abstract. We report in this paper the result of thin film fabrication of MEH-PPV and MEH-PPB having good optical transparency and low surface roughness suitable for planar waveguide application. The linear optical properties of the polymers were characterized using reflectometry and prism coupling, while the non-linear optical property was measured by means of optical third harmonic generation (THG). The waveguide attenuation of the polymer films was determined by employing prism coupling set-up equipped with a photodiode array detector. The MEH-PPV waveguide film was shown to have a very low attenuation of 0.5 dB cm-1 at 1064 nm yielding an unprecedentedly high figure of merits of 11 at 1 GW/cm2. Pandu Gelombang Planar dari Turunan PPVSari. Dalam tulisan ini dilaporkan fabrikasi film tipis polimer MEH-PPV dan MEH-PPB yang mempunyai transparansi optik tinggi dan permukaan yang halus sehingga cocok untuk aplikasi pandu gelombang planar. Sifat optic linier dari polimer yang bersangkutan diukur dengan teknik reflektometri dan kopling prisma dan sifat optic nonlinier diukur dengan metoda third harmonic generation (THG). Selanjutnya, atenuasi pandu gelombang dari film polimer yang bersangkutan diukur dengan konfigurasi kopling prisma dan detector diode arrat. Film pandu gelombang yang dihasilkan dalam eksperimen ini memiliki atenuasi rendah sebesar 0.5 dB cm-1 pada panjang gelombang 1064 nm dan menghasilkan "figure of merits" (FOM) sebesar 11 pada intensitas 1 GW/cm2 yang merupakan nilai tertinggi sejauh ini

    Photo-induced Modulation of Ferroelectric Polarization in Multiferroic TbMnO3

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    Efecto de un Programa de Construcción de la Resiliencia en Estudiantes del Nivel Secundario

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar el efecto de un programa de construcción de la resiliencia en la resiliencia de 44 adolescentes de 3ero de secundaria de sexo masculino, de edades entre los 13 a 15 años. La resiliencia fue medida con el cuestionario Medición de Resiliencia y Competencia Social, el cual fue aplicado antes y después del programa. El Programa de Construcción de Resiliencia para Niños y Adolescentes (Resilience Builder Program for Children and Adolescents) de Alvord, Zucker, y Grados (2011) consistió en 30 sesiones didvido en dos unidades con 14 sesiones de trabajo y una de revisión cada una. Los resultados demuestran que los estudiantes participantes del programa incrementaron su resiliencia después del programa. Palabras claves: Programa de Construcción de la Resiliencia, resiliencia, estudiantes de secundariaTesi


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    vi, 282 hal.; ill.; 15 c


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    vi, 282 hlm. : ilus. ; tab. ; 24 cm

    FI-483 Mekanika Kuantum

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    ii,vi.26 hal,;ill,;27 c


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