358 research outputs found

    Penentuan Jalur Diagnostik Penyakit Berbasis Konsep Pembelajaran Mesin: Studi kasus Penyakit Hepatitis C

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    Hepatitis is considered to be one of the most dangerous diseases, which often leads to death if not handled properly. Thus, early detection via precise diagnosis is needed in order to prevent the unfortunate event. This research aims to provide a novel hepatitis C diagnosis based on the machine learning algorithm, which is the classification tree from the decision tree learning and the distance correlation, which measures the Euclidean distance between 2 vectors. In particular, the goal is to develop a low computational cost yet precise algorithm for diagnosing the possibility of whether a person is being infected with Hepatitis C or not. Based on the experiment, the distance correlation-based classification tree algorithm outperforms the classical classification tree algorithm by around 3% while using only 7 features instead of 12 as in the classical algorithm. Furthermore, the algorithm identified albumin (ALB),  Creatinine (CREA), Bilirubin (BIL), Aspartate Transaminase (AST) and Cholesterol (CHOL) as significant risk factors in determining whether someone is potentially infected with hepatitis C or not, with Creatinine is identified as the most important parameter among all 5 parameters mentioned above


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    Tujuan penelitian skripsi ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan merancang sistem informasi kepegawaian pada CV. Indah Jaya Motor Palembang yang menggunakan basis data sehingga dapat mempermudah, mempercepat, dan mengurangi tingkat kesalaahan dalam pengolahan data karyawan, absensi, gaji, cuti, dan promosi karyawan. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis adalah metode iterasi, dan Diagram Use Case. Analisis yang dilakukan antara lain dengan melakukan survei atas sistem berjalan, melakukan wawancara dan pengumpulan data untuk memperoleh informasi yang dibutuhkan. Metode perancangan yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan diagram konteks, Diagram Aliran Data (DFD), kamus data, Diagram Hubungan Entitas (ERD), relasi antar tabel dan tampilan antar muka serta rencana implementasi dari sistem yang diusulkan . Adapun tahapan dalam metode iterasi ini terdiri dari survei sistem, analisis sistem, desain sistem, pembuatan sistem, implementasi sistem, dan pemeliharaan sistem. Hasil rancangan sistem informasi ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah pihak manajemen dalam mengelola data kepegawaian, sehingga dapat meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi dari masing-masing personil. Dengan adanya sistem ini diharapkan mampu mengatasi masalah-masalah yang ada pada data kepegawaian, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja pada CV. Indah Jaya Motor Palembang

    使用任务教学法进行汉语教学的影响 ——以“KOPERASI高中一年级的学生”为例——

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    AbstractAt this time, Mandarin has been widely studied in schools. There are several competencies in learning Mandarin that students must master, such as good pronunciation, writing, and memorizing a lot of vocabularies. However, according to the majority of students, Mandarin is very difficult to learn. Improving students ability in learning Mandarin, the writer use a task based approach to students in class X SMA Koperasi Pontianak. The purpose of this study was to find out the improvement of the student’s ability in the class X of SMA Koperasi Pontianak by implementing the task based approach method in learning Mandarin. The research methodology used in this research was classroom action research and tests. Classroom action research started on January 20th, 2021 until February 17th, 2021. The test method in this study was divided into pre-test and post-test. Based on the results, the pre-test showed that the average score of the class was 61.29 for Mandarin subject. Meanwhile, based on the post-test results, it showed that the average score was 85.44. This proves that the task based approach method can improves students’ ability in learning Mandarin and improve students’ ability to learn independently.Keywords: Mandarin, Task Based Approach, Teaching Metho

    Modulation of Neurally Mediated Vasodepression and Bradycardia by Electroacupuncture through Opioids in Nucleus Tractus Solitarius.

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    Stimulation of vagal afferent endings with intravenous phenylbiguanide (PBG) causes both bradycardia and vasodepression, simulating neurally mediated syncope. Activation of µ-opioid receptors in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) increases blood pressure. Electroacupuncture (EA) stimulation of somatosensory nerves underneath acupoints P5-6, ST36-37, LI6-7 or G37-39 selectively but differentially modulates sympathoexcitatory responses. We therefore hypothesized that EA-stimulation at P5-6 or ST36-37, but not LI6-7 or G37-39 acupoints, inhibits the bradycardia and vasodepression through a µ-opioid receptor mechanism in the NTS. We observed that stimulation at acupoints P5-6 and ST36-37 overlying the deep somatosensory nerves and LI6-7 and G37-39 overlying cutaneous nerves differentially evoked NTS neural activity in anesthetized and ventilated animals. Thirty-min of EA-stimulation at P5-6 or ST36-37 reduced the depressor and bradycardia responses to PBG while EA at LI6-7 or G37-39 did not. Congruent with the hemodynamic responses, EA at P5-6 and ST36-37, but not at LI6-7 and G37-39, reduced vagally evoked activity of cardiovascular NTS cells. Finally, opioid receptor blockade in the NTS with naloxone or a specific μ-receptor antagonist reversed P5-6 EA-inhibition of the depressor, bradycardia and vagally evoked NTS activity. These data suggest that point specific EA stimulation inhibits PBG-induced vasodepression and bradycardia responses through a μ-opioid mechanism in the NTS


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    In Chinese teaching, there are three factors: teachers, students, and teaching materials. In the process of teaching Chinese, textbooks are one of the most important factors. Textbooks are the bridge connecting teachers and students. According to the ability of the students, it is very important to choose the right teaching materials.This thesis evaluates and analyzes the learning effect of the "MEIHUA" textbook. The main research object is the fifth and sixth grade teachers and students of Bina Bhakti Primary School. The purpose of this research is to make evaluations by teachers and students after using this set of textbooks and to evaluate the students' learning effect on Chinese. In addition, the questionnaire method is used to collect students' evaluation of the textbook, the author conducts interviews with teachers to obtain data, and the calculation method is used to analyze the learning effect of students.From the perspective of teachers and students, they have a high evaluation of the "MEIHUA" textbook. Although teachers feel that "MEIHUA" has some shortcomings, this set of textbooks can meet the learning needs of students and make students learn Chinese more effectively. In addition, the effect of students using the "MEIHUA" textbook on Chinese learning is good, and most of the students' scores have reached the passing standard, that is more than 70 points