11 research outputs found

    1800-talets borgerliga erfarenheter

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    The power of character : Middle-class masculinities, 1800–1900

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    This is a study of continuity and change in middle-class conceptions of ideal manhood. My theoretical cues are the notions of the male as an unproblematised and genderless norm, masculinity as homosocial, and George L. Mosse’s use of countertypes. Notions of passions, youth, and character were important throughout the century. If young men could learn to master the dangerous passions especially in the precarious period of youth, they would develop character. If men instead gave in to the passions, they would fall and become countertypes. Meanwhile, young men lived according to another notion, that young men should have their fling. The meaning of manhood also changed over time. In the decades around 1800, manhood meant to lead a life which would be beneficial to society as a whole. Another ideal, that of the man of the world, was founded on urbane manners as a tactic to further one’s career. By mid-century, the ideal of the self-made man came to the fore. The homosocial world of business was now seen as a good way to mould manly characters. In the last decades of the century, moralists criticized the sexual double standard and male sexuality. To remain chaste until marriage became a central mark of manhood. Autobiographers, however, reveal that to many men, Don Juan was a hero rather than a villain. The notion that men were genderless and that masculinity was not a subject of discussion cannot be sustained. Masculinity was indeed the subject of intense discussions. Meanwhile, neither moralists nor autobiographers shed critical light on married, adult men. The problem was how young men should best be guided into an adult position of legitimate power; that position of power in itself was not problematised. While most masculinities were homosocial, this was not exclusively so. Countertypes were more complex than what Mosse allows for. Men who had taken ideal manhood too far could be countertypes, and at times men endorsed ideals which meant unmanliness to moralists.

    The power of character : Middle-class masculinities, 1800–1900

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    This is a study of continuity and change in middle-class conceptions of ideal manhood. My theoretical cues are the notions of the male as an unproblematised and genderless norm, masculinity as homosocial, and George L. Mosse’s use of countertypes. Notions of passions, youth, and character were important throughout the century. If young men could learn to master the dangerous passions especially in the precarious period of youth, they would develop character. If men instead gave in to the passions, they would fall and become countertypes. Meanwhile, young men lived according to another notion, that young men should have their fling. The meaning of manhood also changed over time. In the decades around 1800, manhood meant to lead a life which would be beneficial to society as a whole. Another ideal, that of the man of the world, was founded on urbane manners as a tactic to further one’s career. By mid-century, the ideal of the self-made man came to the fore. The homosocial world of business was now seen as a good way to mould manly characters. In the last decades of the century, moralists criticized the sexual double standard and male sexuality. To remain chaste until marriage became a central mark of manhood. Autobiographers, however, reveal that to many men, Don Juan was a hero rather than a villain. The notion that men were genderless and that masculinity was not a subject of discussion cannot be sustained. Masculinity was indeed the subject of intense discussions. Meanwhile, neither moralists nor autobiographers shed critical light on married, adult men. The problem was how young men should best be guided into an adult position of legitimate power; that position of power in itself was not problematised. While most masculinities were homosocial, this was not exclusively so. Countertypes were more complex than what Mosse allows for. Men who had taken ideal manhood too far could be countertypes, and at times men endorsed ideals which meant unmanliness to moralists.

    Kvinnor, mÀn och alla andra: en svensk genushistoria

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    Kvinnor, mÀn och alla Andra : En svensk genushistoria

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    Svenska historieböcker Ă€r ofta genusomedvetna. Den genushistoria som har skrivits bortser dessutom ofta frĂ„n andra maktförhĂ„llanden som pĂ„verkat mĂ€nniskors liv och samhĂ€llet i stort. Den hĂ€r boken Ă€r en genushistoria som handlar om kvinnor och mĂ€n och om maktrelationerna mellan dem – men ocksĂ„ om alla Andra.Det finns etniska Andra, sexuella Andra, kroppsliga Andra och mĂ„nga andra Andra. Gemensamt har de bara att de definierats som mindre vĂ€rda, problematiska och annorlunda. Kvinnor, mĂ€n och alla Andra handlar om genus, etnicitet, sexualitet, funktionshinder och maskulinitet i svensk historia frĂ„n 1700-talets mitt till i dag. Genom att studera olika maktordningar i ett intersektionalitetsperspektiv ger författarna en mer fullstĂ€ndig bild av den svenska historien och visar pĂ„ de mekanismer som skapar underordning och utanförskap.Denna utökade upplaga följer genushistorien fram till 2021. Ett nytt slutkapitel diskuterar omstruktureringen av vĂ€lfĂ€rdsstaten sedan 1990-talet och effekterna av samhĂ€llets digitalisering, liksom #metoo-kampanjen och Black Lives Matter-rörelsen. Ett helt nytt kapitel om transhistoria har ocksĂ„ tillkommit. Boken riktar sig till alla som vill fördjupa sin kunskap om den svenska historien ur ett genus- och mĂ„ngfaldsperspektiv. Den Ă€r lĂ€mplig som kurslitteratur för universitets- och högskolestuderande i historia och genusvetenskap

    Kristen manlighet. Ideal och verklighet 1840-1940

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    I denna antologi diskuteras med fokus pÄ nordiska förhÄllanden sambandet mellan kristen religion och konstruktionen av manlighet under perioden 1840 till 1940. En central frÄga Àr hur kristna ideal som exempelvis ödmjukhet, mildhet och sjÀlvförsakelse, vilka i den borgerliga genusdiskursen kommit att knytas till kvinnokönet, inverkade pÄ konstruktionen av kristen manlighet och vilka uttryck detta tog sig i enskilda mÀns liv. Vidare analyseras de teologiska och ideologiska perspektiven och deras betydelse för konstruktionen av manlighet och hur det manliga kontrasterats mot det kvinnliga. Teoretiskt utgÄr undersökningarna dels frÄn de till synes motsÀgelsefulla teserna om religionens feminisering och om samhÀllets rekonfessionalisering, dels frÄn nyare manshistorisk forskning. Artiklarna speglar det komplexa samspelet mellan konfession, nation, religiös kultur, genusrelationer och manlighetsideal under en period prÀglad av religiös mobilisering. Konkret handlar antologin dels om mÀn som agerade inom ramen för en etablerad kyrklig struktur pÄ hemmaplan, dels om mÀn i kyrkliga motkulturer och/eller kristna missionsrörelser. SÄ undersöks till exempel den kristna manliga filantropin, vÀckelserörelsers och frikyrkors mansideal, manliga missionÀrer i Kina, kristen manlighet inom skönlitteratu-ren samt prÀsterlig manlighet inom katolicism och protestantism