1,813 research outputs found

    Predicting users’ behavior using mouse movement information: an information foraging theory perspective

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    The prediction of users’ behavior is essential for keeping useful information on the web. Previous studies have used mouse cursor information in web usability evaluation and designing user-oriented search interfaces. However, we know fairly to a small extent pertaining to user behavior, specifically clicking and navigating behavior, for prolonged search session illustrating sophisticated search norms. In this study, we perform extensive analysis on a mouse movement activities dataset to capture every users’ movement pattern using the effects of information foraging theory (IFT). The mouse cursor movement information dataset includes the timing and positioning information of mouse cursors collected from several users in different sessions. The tasks vary in two dimensions: (1) to determine the interactive elements (i.e., information episodes) of user interaction with the site; (2) adopt these findings to predict users’ behavior by exploiting the LSTM model. Our model is developed to find the main patterns of the user’s movement on the site and simulate the behavior of users’ mouse movement on any website. We validate our approach on a mouse movement dataset with a rich collection of time and position information of mouse pointers in which searchers and websites are annotated by web foragers and information patches, respectively. Our evaluation shows that the proposed IFT-based effects provide an LSTM model a more accurate interpretative exposition of all the patterns in the movement of the users’ mouse cursors across the screen

    Controlling the Ultrafast Dynamics of HD+ by the Carrier-Envelope Phases of an Ultrashort Laser Pulse: A Quasi-Classical Dynamics Study

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    A theoretical study on the coupled electron-nuclear dynamics of HD+ molecular ions under ultrashort, intense laser pulses is performed by employing a well-established quasi-classical model. The influence of the laser carrier-envelope phase on various channel (H + D+, D + H+, and H+ + D+) probabilities is investigated at different laser field intensities. The carrier-envelope phase is found to govern the dissociation (H + D+ and D + H+) and Coulomb explosion (H+ + D+) channel probabilities. The kinetic energy release distributions of the fragments are also found to be sensitive to the carrier-envelope phase of the laser pulse. Our results are in agreement with the previously reported quantum dynamics studies and experiments

    Characterisation of atmospheric aerosol by SEM-EDX and Ion-chromatography techniques for eastern Indo-Gangetic plain location, Varanasi, India

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    Atmospheric aerosol consists of both natural and anthropogenic origin. Studies have shown that continuous exposure to these particles is associated with a high percentage of death from respiratory and cardiovascular disease. In the present study, we have first time used both SEM-EDX analysis as well as chemical analysis to understand the differences in morphology and elemental composition of aerosols sample from a suburban clean and green area of Banaras Hindu University campus and some much polluted urban areas of the Varanasi city situated in the eastern Indo-Gangetic plain. The analysis was done by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray microanalyzer (EDX) and ionchromatography (IC). Analyses show that C, Ca, Na, S, Si, Al have dominated the sample

    Optimal edge termination for high oxide reliability aiming 10kV SiC n-IGBTs

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    The edge termination design strongly affects the ability of a power device to support the desired voltage and its reliable operation. In this paper we present three appropriate termination designs for 10kV n-IGBTs which achieve the desired blocking requirement without the need for deep and expensive implantations. Thus, they improve the ability to fabricate, minimise the cost and reduce the lattice damage due to the high implantation energy. The edge terminations presented are optimised both for achieving the widest immunity to dopant activation and to minimise the electric field at the oxide. Thus, they ensure the long-term reliability of the device. This work has shown that the optimum design for blocking voltage and widest dose window does not necessarily give the best design for reliability. Further, it has been shown that Hybrid Junction Termination Extension structure with Space Modulated Floating Field Rings can give the best result of very high termination efficiency, as high as 99%, the widest doping variation immunity and the lowest electric field in the oxide

    Inferring aerosol types over the Indo-Gangetic Basin from ground based sunphotometer measurements

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    A discrimination of aerosol types over the Indo-Gangetic Basin (IGB) region during pre-monsoon period was made using multi-year ground based sun/sky radiometer measured aerosol products associated with the size of aerosols and radiation absorptivity. High dust enriched aerosols (i.e. polluted dust, PD) were found to contribute more over the central IGB station at Kanpur (KNP, 62) as compared to the eastern IGB station at Gandhi College (GC, 31) whereas vice-versa was observed for polluted continental (PC) aerosols, which contain high anthropogenic and less dust aerosols. Contributions of carbonaceous particles having high absorbing (mostly black carbon, MBC) and low absorbing (mostly organic carbon, MOC) aerosols were found to be 11 and 10, respectively at GC, which was ~. 46 and 62 higher than the observed contributions at KNP; however, very less contribution of non-absorbing (NA) aerosols was observed only at GC (2). Variability in aerosol types together with single scattering albedo (SSA) at both the stations were also studied during the forenoon (FN) and afternoon (AN) hour, which suggests their strong association with emission sources. Results were well substantiated with the air mass back-trajectories and the fire products. Spectral information of SSA for each aerosol type discriminates the dominance of natural dust (SSA increases with increasing wavelength) with anthropogenic aerosols (SSA decreases with increasing wavelength) at both the locations. The estimated absorption à ngström exponent (AAE) values suggest relative dominance of absorbing type aerosols over the central part of IGB (due to dominant dust absorption) as compared to the eastern part during pre-monsoon period

    Assessments of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations in Delhi at different mean cycles

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    ABSTRACT Daily, monthly, seasonal and annual moving means of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations from August, 2007 to October, 2008 at Delhi (28� 35' N; 77� 12' E), the seventh populous megacity in the world are presented. PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations varied seasonally with atmospheric processes and the anthropogenic activities. PM10 decreases during monsoon by ~25-80 �g m-3 and PM1 and PM2.5 by ~10-15 �g m-3 from their pre-monsoon levels. Emissions from fireworks during Deepawali in the post-monsoon season increases PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 levels by 300, 350 and 400 �g m-3, respectively over their monsoon levels. Seasonal variation of mixing heights, temperatures, winds and rainfall, accounts for the inter-annual variability of PM1, PM2.5, and PM10. Accordingly, wintertime PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 components contribute by ~30-33% to annual levels. PM10 in summer is higher by 8% to that of PM2.5 and by 9% to that of PM1. PM10 components in post-monsoon are lower by 5% to that of PM2.5 and by 7% to that of PM1. Also, PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 levels were higher during October, 2008 than those in 2007, but their levels were almost remain the same in August and September of 2007 and 2008. Moving means of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 and their concentrations in different seasons are useful in policy making decisions thereupon aiming to improve the air quality in Delhi

    Autonomous transport and splitting of a droplet on an open surface

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    Pumpless transport of droplets on open surfaces has gained significant attention because of its applications starting from vapor condensation to Lab-on-a-Chip systems. Mixing two droplets on open surfaces can be carried out quickly by using wettability patterning. However, it is quite challenging to split a droplet in the absence of external stimuli because of the interfacial energy of the droplet. Here, we demonstrate a standalone power-free technique for transport and splitting of droplets on open surfaces using continuous wettability gradients. A droplet moves continuously from a low to a high wettability region on the wettability-gradient surface. A Y-shaped wettability-gradient track – laid on a superhydrophobic background – is used to investigate the dynamics of the splitting process. A three-dimensional phase-field Cahn-Hilliard model for interfaces and the Navier-Stokes equations for transport are employed and solved numerically using the finite element method. Numerical results are used to decipher the motion and splitting of droplet at the Y junction using the principle of energy conservation. It is observed that droplet splitting depends on the configuration of the Y junction; droplets split faster for the superhydrophobic wedge angle of 90∘ and the splitting ratio (ratio of the sizes of daughter droplets) depends on the widths of the Y branches. A critical branch-width ratio (w2w1=0.79) is identified below which the droplet does not split and moves towards the branch of higher width and settles there. The present study provides the required theoretical underpinnings to achieve autonomous transport and splitting of droplets on open surfaces, which has clear potential for applications in Lab-on-a-Chip devices

    Effect of levothyroxine therapy on hypertension in hypothyroid patients

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to observe whether levothyroxine replacement therapy has an effect on hypertension in patients of hypothyroidism. This prospective study included all newly diagnosed cases of hypothyroidism (overt or subclinical) with hypertension, of either sex between 21-70 years of age. Levothyroxine replacement therapy was administered continuously during study period. Patients were clinically assessed for blood pressure before and every 3-4 monthly on levothyroxine therapy. Statistical analysis was carried out using a paired Student’s t-test. During one year study period, out of 180 newly diagnosed hypothyroid cases enrolled, 88 had overt hypothyroidism (OH) and 92 subclinical hypothyroidism (SH). Male: female ratio was 1: 6.5. Of these, hypertension was present in 51 (28.33%) patients (33 OH and 18 SH). Only diastolic blood pressure was raised in 28(54.9%) cases, systolic in 12 (23.53%) and both systolic and diastolic in 11 (21.57%) cases. Incidence of only diastolic hypertension was comparatively more in overt hypothyroidism (57.57%) than subclinical hypothyroidism (50%). Complete reversal of hypertension was observed in 8 out of 17 SH and 18 out of 29 OH cases while partial reversal was noted in one case in each category. A statistically significant decrease in mean values of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure was observed in patients of SH as well as OH. Hypertension is fairly common in patients of hypothyroidism. Replacement therapy with levothyroxine is quite helpful in reversing hypertension, a potential cardiovascular risk factor.KEYWORDS: Hypertension; Hypothyroidism; Levothyroxine therapyInternet Journal of Medical Update 2012 January;7(1):13-1

    Stress and depression among infertile couples: A cross-sectional study from a government fertility clinic

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    Background: Infertility is usually associated with long-term stress, which can manifest as anxiety and depressive symptoms. The goal of this study is to look into the emotional well-being of couples dealing with infertility challenges, as well as to look into the causes of anxiety and despair in these couples. Methods: The research was conducted in a government clinic set up at New Delhi, India with the participation of two hundred couples (400 participants), who were attending there for treatment purposes. The Fertility Problem Inventory (FPI) and the Hamilton Depression Score (HAM-D) were utilized to develop the questionnaire. We also interviewed our subjects to find out more about their sociodemographic and fertility-related characteristics. To evaluate our hypotheses, we used independent-samples t-tests (M SD) and the chi-square test. The objective of the study: The study\u27s goal was to assess the stress and sadness experienced by infertile couples who visited government infertility clinics, as well as to determine the independent variables that may have been associated with infertility. These characteristics included age, sex, educational qualification, profession, infertility period, and type of family. Results: Infertile women were younger (48% were in 26 to 30 years), while 40% of men were 31-35 years old. However, females experienced a much lower level of psychological well-being. Anxiety and depression in infertile couples were linked with age, marriage duration, social issues, sexual issues, and marital relationship tension. Financial stress was also associated with trait anxiety. Our method could explain 58 percent of the variance in depressive symptoms and 62 percent of the variance in anxiety-related symptoms. Conclusions: Symptoms of depression and anxiety in infertile couples were present prominently. It caused an impact on marital & sexual relationships. It is essential to encourage the monitoring of these markers as well as the treatment of underlying stress through suitable psychological therapies