26 research outputs found

    Espessura corneana mensurada pelo paquímetro ultra-sônico e pelo microscópio especular Topcon SP-2000P em gatos

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    Avaliou-se a espessura corneana central de 13 gatos normais com microscópio especular de não-contato Topcon SP-2000P e paquímetro ultra-sônico. Foi observado aumento da espessura corneana mensurada pelo paquímetro ultra-sônico comparado ao microscópio especular.The central corneal thickness of 13 normal cats was evaluated by a Topcon SP-2000P noncontact specular microscope and by an ultrasonic pachymetry was evaluated. An increase on the corneal thickness measured by ultrasonic pachymetry as compared to the specular microscope was observed

    Liberação intraocular de ofloxacina associada a lente de contato biossintética em ceratite bacteriana experimental em cães

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    Avaliou-se a concentração de ofloxacina liberada por uma lente de contato de membrana de celulose biossintética, para tratamento de ceratite bacteriana experimental em cães, pela inoculação de Staphylococcus aureus intraestromal. Comparou-se o tratamento com a lente de contato biossintética impregnada com ofloxacina à terapia tópica convencional. Realizou-se avaliação microbiológica e dosagem de ofloxacina no humor aquoso por meio do método de cromatografia líquida de alto rendimento (HPLC). Houve diferença estatística na contagem de colônias bacterianas entre os olhos com ceratite e os demais grupos, no primeiro dia de coleta. O biomaterial, impregnado com ofloxacina, promoveu liberação gradual durante o período de avaliação, aos três e sete dias; no terceiro dia, o grupo tratado com a lente de contato obteve mediana de 3,72μg/mL, enquanto o grupo tratado com colírio resultou em 49,56μg/mL. Apesar do valor inferior, o grupo com lente de contato atingiu a concentração inibitória mínima, sendo eficaz no controle da infecção bacteriana.The concentration of ofloxacin released by contact lens made of biosynthetic cellulose membrane was evaluated for the treatment of experimental bacterial keratitis in dogs by intrastromal inoculation of Staphylococcus aureus. The biosynthetic contact lens impregnated with ofloxacin was compared with the conventional topical therapy. The microbiological evaluation and the determination of ofloxacin in aqueous humor were evaluated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). There was not statistical difference in the counting of bacterial colonies among the eyes with keratitis and other groups, on the first day of collection. The biomaterial, impregnated with ofloxacin, promoted gradual release during the evaluation period, at three and seven days; on the third day, the group treated with the contact lens obtained a median of 3.72μg/mL, while the group treated with eye drops resulted in 49.56μg/mL. Despite the lower value, the group with contact lens reached the minimum inhibitory concentration, which was effective in controlling the bacterial infection.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Avaliação clínica da ablação uveal intravítrea com gentamicina em cães portadores de glaucoma crônico

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    Investigou-se, clinicamente o resultado da ablação uveal intravítrea em 13 olhos cegos de cães com glaucoma crônico unilateral. Os olhos acometidos foram submetidos à ablação uveal intravítrea, por meio de injeção na câmara vítrea de 0,5ml de sulfato de gentamicina (40mg/ml) associado a 0,3ml de fosfato de dexametasona (4mg/ml). As variáveis clinicas oftálmicas foram quali-quantificadas em escores, por até 48 semanas do pós-operatório; além de aspectos relacionados à dor, como variações do apetite e peso corporal. Nos sinais clínicos, de secreção ocular, blefaroespasmo, quemose, hifema e pigmentação, neovascularização, pannus e variações de apetite e peso corporal, não se notaram diferenças significativas entre os momentos. A ablação uveal intravítrea diminuiu a hiperemia conjuntival, porém acarretou aumento de opacidade corneana. A associação da ablação com antiinflamatórios tópico e sistêmico indicou não se tratar de procedimento doloroso.The purpose of the study was to investigate the clinical alterations of intravitreal uveal ablation. Thirteen irreversible blind canine eyes, presenting unilateral chronic glaucoma. All the glaucomatous eyes were submitted to intravitreal uveal ablation but the injection of 0.5ml of gentamicin sulfate solution (40mg/ml) associated with 0.3ml of dexametasone phosphate (4mg/ml) through the vitreous chamber. The oftalmic clinical variables were evaluated and classified in scores until 48 weeks after surgery. Clinical signs of pain, like apetite variations and body weight were also evaluated. Clinical signs of ocular discharge, blepharoespasm, quemosis, hifema and pigmentation, neovascularization, pannus and appetite variations and body weight did not show significant differences. The intravitreal uveal ablation reduced the conjunctival hyperemia, however caused increase in corneal opacity. The association of ablation with topic and sistemic antiflamatories was not a painful procedure

    Facoemulsificação em cães, com e sem implante de lente intra-ocular em piggyback: estudo clínico da inflamação pós-operatória

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    A uveíte peri e pós-operatória é o maior problema da cirurgia para extração de catarata no cão, sendo considerada o fator mais importante para o sucesso cirúrgico, imediato e tardio. Diversos protocolos pré e pós-operatórios utilizando agentes anti-inflamatórios esteroidais e não-esteroidais têm sido empregados na tentativa de controle da uveíte cirurgicamente induzida. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a reação inflamatória pós-operatória, clinicamente e por meio da pressão intraocular (PIO), após a cirurgia de facoemulsificação para extração de catarata em cães, com e sem implante de lente intraocular (LIO) em piggyback. Empregaram-se, 25 cães portadores de catarata, subdivididos em dois grupos: G1 (com implante de LIO), G2 (sem implante de LIO). A técnica cirúrgica adotada foi a facoemulsificação bimanual unilateral. Avaliações clínicas e mensurações da PIO foram aferidas antes do procedimento cirúrgico (0) e nos tempos 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 e 60 dias após o ato cirúrgico. Cães do grupo G1 apresentaram sinais clínicos de uveíte visivelmente mais intensos, relativamente aos do G2. Entretanto, a PIO não demonstrou diferença significativa entre os dois grupos analisados, nem entre os olhos operados e os contralaterais. A utilização de duas LIOs humanas em piggyback no cão é exequível, porém suscita mais inflamação e complicações no pós-operatório.Perioperative and postoperative uveitis is the main problem in cataract surgery in dogs, affecting short-term and long-term postoperative success. Numerous therapeutic methods involving both steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents have been used to reduce surgically-induced uveitis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the postoperative inflammatory reaction and intraocular pressure after phacoemulsification surgery for cataract extraction with and without intraocular piggyback lens (IOL) implantation in dogs. A total of 25 dogs were divided into two groups: Group 1 (with IOL implantation) and Group 2 (without IOL implantation). The performed surgical technique consisted of unilateral bimanual phaco-emulsification. Clinical assessment and intraocular pressure were measured before surgery (0) and at 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 60 days after the surgery. Clinical assessment revealed inflammatory reaction more severe in dogs of G1 when compared to G2. Intraocular pressure did not differ significantly either between G1 and G2 or operated and non-operated eyes. Intraocular lens (IOL) implantation using piggyback technique with human IOL is a possible method to be performed in canine ophthalmology. However, nursing care is necessary as the the procedure induces inflammation and complications in the postoperative period

    Fashion Tales. Come è cambiato l'immaginario della moda

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    This volume stems from the second edition of the international conference Fashion Tales, organized by ModaCult, a study center of the Catholic University of Milan, in June 2015. Back then, the focus on sustainability and the consolidation of the digital turn forced to think about the future of fashion in a new way, as an expression of a new responsible acting where the interests of consumers, producers and fashion communicators can converge. But what about today? What are the scenarios for the future of fashion? The question is even more relevant when we consider that in the meantime we have also gone through the pandemic years that have accelerated processes and perhaps even changed the expectations of many social actors. This volume allows us to reason about what has stabilized in the complex world revolving around fashion, about those changes that in 2015 appeared as frontiers still largely to be explored. Like a still image, the texts collected in this volume offer us the opportunity to take a tentative stock of fashion in the first two decades of the 21st century. Ten essays, organized around three areas, Identity, Media and Communication, and Technology and Sustainability, offering ten perspectives on objects and themes that were changing the fashion imaginary in 2015. Subjects rooted in territories until recently absent from journalistic narratives and brand collections, communication models and unprecedented possibilities of interweaving physical and virtual, images and texts: all of this was expanding the space of the possible and also seemed to open up new potential fields of action to be explored. A few years later, rereading these essays allows us to take stock of what of those announced changes has been consolidated

    Renal Scintigraphy in the Acute Care Setting

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    Renal scintigraphy is a powerful imaging method that provides both functional and anatomic information, which is particularly useful in the acute care setting. In our institution, for the past 2 decades, we have used a 25-minute renal diuretic protocol, technetium-99m ((99m)Tc) mercaptoacetyltriglycine with simultaneous intravenous injection of furosemide, for all ages and indications, including both native and transplant kidneys. As such, this protocol has been widely used in the workup of acutely ill patients. In this setting, there are common clinical entities which affect patients with native and transplant kidneys. In adult patients with native kidneys one of the most frequent reasons for emergency room visits is renal colic due to urolithiasis. Although unenhanced computed tomography is useful to assess the anatomy in cases of renal colic, it does not provide functional information. Time zero furosemide renal scintigraphy can do both and we have shown that it can effectively stratify patients with renal colic. To this end, 4 characteristic patterns of scintirenography have been identified, standardized, and consistently applied: no obstruction, partial obstruction (mild vs high grade), complete obstruction, and stunned (postdecompressed) kidney. With the extensive use of this protocol over the past 2 decades, a pattern of "regional parenchymal dysfunction" indicative of acute pyelonephritis has also been delineated. This information has proved to be useful for patients presenting with urinary tract infection and suspected pyelonephritis, as well as for patients who were referred for workup of renal colic but were found to have acute pyelonephritis instead. In instances of abdominal trauma, renal scintigraphy is uniquely suited to identify urine leaks. This is also true in cases of suspected leak following renal transplant or from other iatrogenic/postsurgical causes. Patients presenting with acute renal failure can be evaluated with renal scintigraphy. A scintigraphic pattern of "relative preservation of flow as compared to function" has been identified as indicative of acute tubular necrosis, which is distinct from other potential causes of acute renal failure, such as nephrotoxicity and in the case of renal transplants, rejection