32 research outputs found

    A crucial psycholinguistic prerequisite to reading: Children's metalinguistic awareness

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    Aspectos generales del desarrollo lingüístico del preadolescente

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    Gradualmente se va madurando y extendiendo entre los dedicados a la enseñanza el convencimiento de la importancia de la aportación que la psicología aplicada puede llevar a la solución de los problemas educativos y didácticos. Por este motivo me siento animado a ofrecer una breve síntesis de las indicaciones y tendencias actuales, con el designio de insertar en un cuadro general una exposición útil sobre la psicología del desarrollo lingüístico del preadolescente,con la esperanza .de que el presente panorama ofrezca una invitación a un estudio más profundo. Intentaré, sobre todo, delinear las situaciones actuales de la llamada recientemente psicolingüística, haciendo una breve historia y exponiendo los conceptos esenciales de la problemática. Luego pasaré a tratar de las características y factores del desarrollo lingüístico en general: la introducción a una segunda síntesis concerniente directamente al preadolescente como sujeto de la educación lingüística en la escuela media

    Introduction: building the history of language learning and teaching (HoLLT)

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    The papers presented in this issue are the result of a workshop held at the University of Nottingham in December 2012 as part of an Arts and Humanities Research Council research network Towards a History of Modern Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (2012–14) intended to stimulate historical research into language teaching and learning. This, the first workshop in the programme, focused on exchanging information on the history of language learning and teaching (HoLLT) across the different language traditions, for it had become clear to us that scholars working within their own language disciplines were often relatively unaware of work outside these. We hope that this special issue — with overview articles on the history of English, French, German, and Spanish as second/foreign languages — will help overcome that lack of awareness and facilitate further research collaboration. Charting the history of language teaching and learning will, in turn, make us all better informed in facing challenges and changes to policy and practice now and in the future. It is instructive in the current climate, for example, to realize that grave doubts were held about whether second foreign languages could survive alongside French in British schools in the early twentieth century (McLelland, forthcoming), or to look back at earlier attempts to establish foreign languages in primary schools (Bayley, 1989; Burstall et al., 1974; Hoy, 1977). As we write, language learning in England is undergoing yet more radical change. Language teaching for all children from the age of seven is being made compulsory in primary schools from 2014, while at Key Stage 3 (up to age 16), where a foreign language has not been compulsory since 2002, the most recent programme of study for England has virtually abandoned the recent focus on intercultural competence and now requires learners to ‘read great literature in the original language’,1 a radical change in emphasis compared to the previous half-century, which seems to reflect a very different view of what language learning is for. We seem to be little closer in 2014 than we were at the dawn of the twentieth century to answering with any certainty the questions that lie at the very foundations of language teaching: who should learn a foreign language, why learners learn, what they need to learn, and what we want to teach them — answers that we need before we can consider how we want to teach. The research programme begun under our research network is intended to help us to take ‘the long view’ on such questions

    La consapevolezza metalinguistica. Teoria, sviluppo, strumenti di misurazlone

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    Bilinguisme précoce et développement de la personnalité chez l'enfant bilingue. Première données d'une recherche

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    Titone Renzo. Bilinguisme précoce et développement de la personnalité chez l'enfant bilingue. Première données d'une recherche. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 34 n°351, 1981. Groupe d'études du langage II, Université de Strasbourg. pp. 697-703

    Actuales tendencias de la didáctica de los idiomas

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    De las gramáticas funcionales a la “perfomance grammar"

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    Toward an integrated construct of applied psycholinguistics: the case of second language acquisition

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    Nos últimos anos tem sido realizado um progresso lento mas firme no sentido de elucidar certas estratégias e certas variáveis fundamentais do aprendizado de uma segunda língua. A teoria e a pesquisa passaram por profundas fertilizações mútuas das quais resultou uma visão cada vez mais clara de que determinados aspectos importantes do processo de aprendizagem de uma segunda língua eram consecutivos com os processos de aquisição da língua materna. Na medida em que a pesquisa desvendava de maneira firme e enérgica novos horizontes, as teorias apareciam e desapareciam como soía acontecer no audacioso novo mundo da psicolingüística. O objetivo central deste trabalho é expor o que considero ser o ponto essencial: uma teoria abrangente ou integrada para o aprendizado de uma segunda língua. Tal teoria deve ser vista em termos de um modelo holístico do comportamento verbal e do aprendizado lingüístico, capaz de amplas potencialidades de transferênci

    Vida escolar

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    Se aborda la figura del maestro en dos significados: el significado posesivo, de plena madurez de la personalidad y el significado transeúnte, de capacidad comunicativa de los valores personales. Es decir, en el primer sentido, el hombre es dueño de su ser; en el segundo, el hombre es dueño o dominador de los demás, para enriquecerlos; sin embargo, este hombre antes de ser maestro de los demás, debe ser maestro de sí mismo. Y es precisamente a esta meta a donde el maestro de los demás debe conducir al alumno. Es la propiedad de la educación.Ministerio Educación CIDEBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]