47 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari mekanisme terjadinya lesi aterosklerotik dan peran transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-13) pada proses pembentukan plak aterosklerosis. Sepuluh ekor films Sprague dawley jantan, umur 2 bulan, dengan rata-rata berat badan 200 gram dipergunakan sebagai hewan percobaan dalam penelitian ini. Tikus dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok masing-masing 5 ekor. Kelompok I adalah kelompok Elms yang dipergunakan sebagai kontrol, diberi pakan normal (tidak aterogenik/ mengandung kadar lemak dan kolesterol normal). Kelompok II adalah kelompok titan perlakuan yang diberi pakan aterogenik (mengandung kolesterol dan lemak tinggi). Tams dipelihara selama 12 minggu didalam kandang tunggal, mendapatkan ransum dan minum secara ad libitum. Pada akhir penelitian, tikus diambil darahnya untuk pemeriksaan darah rutin. Selanjutnya, jaringan jantung yang diperoleh dari basil nekropsi dipergunakan untuk melihat lesi aterosklerotik pada arteria koronaria dan aorta dalam jaringan melalui pemeriksaan imunohistokimia dan histopatologi. Analisis statist* dengan i test terhadap hasil pemeriksaan white blood cell dilakukan untuk mengetahui adanya perbedaan antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan. Dari analisis ini diperoleh inforntasi bahwa kadar limfosit darah films kelompok perlakuan lebih tinggi secara signifikan. Dari pemeriksaan histopatologik ditemukan adanya plak aterosklerosis pada 60% tikus percobaan. Delapan puluh persen dan pemeriksaan imunohistokimia terdapat ikatan antara antigen 1GF-fl dengan anti TGF-13 (positit). Dad penelitian ini dapat disimpu/kan bahwa adanya transforming growth factor-ft .dalam aorta atau arteri dapat menjadi suatu indikator akan terbentuknya plak aterosklerosis. Kata kunci: Sprague Dawley, aterosklerosis, plak, TGF-f


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari arti diagnostik indeks peroksida terhadap kejadian lesi aterosklerosis pada tikus putihjantan ras Sprague Dawley. Enam puluh ekor tikuS putihjantan ras Sprague Dawley berat 150g- 200g digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Tikus dibagi secara random dalam 4 kelompok, masing-masing 15 ekor. Tikus kelompok pertama diberikan ransum basal (normal), tikus kelompok kedua diberi ransum yang mengandung kadar kolesterol tinggi (4,5% kolesterol), tikus kelompok ketiga diberi ransum yang mengandung kadar lemak tinggi (20% lemak), sedangkan tikus kelompok keempat diberi ransum aterogenik yang mengandung kadar lemak dan kolesterol tinggi (20% lemak dan 4,5% kolesterol). Pada minggu ke empat, 5 ekor tikus dari masing-masing kelompok diambil secara acak untuk koleksi sample darah guna pemeriksaan kadar Thio Barbituric Acid Reactive Substance (TBARS) dan Total Antioxidant Statuse (TAS). Organ jantung diambil untuk pemeriksaan histopatologi dengan pengecatan hematoksilin eosin guna mengetahui ada tidaknya lesi aterosklerosis serta melihat perubahan lain yang mungkin terjadi. Perlakuan yang sarna diulang setelah 8 dan 16 minggu pemberian ransum. Hasil pemeriksaan terhadap kadar TBARS menunjukkan bahwa kadar TBARS tertinggi terjadi pada kelompok yang mendapatkan ransum lemak tinggi selama 16minggudan memberikankadar rerataTBARS4,752:I::2,174 mol/L.Antioksidantertinggiterjadipada kelompok yang mendapatkan ransum kolesterol tinggi selama 16minggu, yaitu sebesar 1,080:1:: 0,154 mmol/L. Lesi aterosklerosis terjadi pada tikus kelompok III yang diberi ransum lemak tinggi setelah pemberian selama 8 dan 16 minggu. Lesi ini terjadi pada indeks peroksida 6,042 dan 17,471. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa : 1. Ransum lemak tinggi yang diberikflnselama 8-16 minggu pada tikus Sprague Dawley jantan mampu menginduksi lesi aterosklerosis. 2. Lesi aterosklerosis pada tikus Sprague Dawley jantan terbentuk pada saat indeks peroksida mencapai 6,04. Nilai indeks peroksida dapat digunakan sebagai indikator awal terjadinya lesi aterisklerotik. 4. Variasi individu terhadap kejadian aterosklerosis bisa terjadi karena adanya faktor genetik

    Identifikasi Tipe Dehidrasi dan Profil Elektrolit Mayor pada Pasien Kucing di Rumah Sakit Hewan Prof. Soeparwi dan Beberapa Klinik Hewan di Wilayah Yogyakarta

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    Dehydration is defined as a lack of body fluids followed by loss of electrolytes, and changes in acid-base balance. The type of dehydration is limited based on the concentration of sodium in serum at the time of dehydration. Maintenance of osmotic pressure and distribution of several compartments of body fluids are the main functions of the four major electrolytes, namely sodium (Na +), potassium (K +), chloride (Cl‾), and bicarbonate (HCO3‾). Sodium is the most cation in extracellular fluid, most potassium cation in intracellular fluid and chloride is the most anion in extracellular fluid. The purpose of this study was to identify the type of dehydration and to determine the major electrolyte profile in cats in Yogyakarta and its surroundings. This study used 18 sick cats that were thought to be dehydrated, marked by decreased skin turgor, CRT> 2 seconds, and 12 cats that were suspected of having electrolyte balance disorders with symptoms of ascites, uropoetic disorders. Blood was drawn for all cats to measure Pack Cells Volume (PCV) levels. Patient clinical data and patient diagnosis were recorded, cats with changes in serum PCV levels were separated for examination of levels of sodium, chloride, potassium using Seamaty SMT-120V. The type of dehydration is identified based on the sodium level in the serum of a dehydrated cat. The results showed that most of the cat patients were dehydrated had low serum sodium levels (hyponatremia). There was 1 cat patient had low chloride levels. Potassium levels in cats with UT obstruction increased, which led to a decrease in the Na: K ratio. Cat bicarbonate levels did not show any change. From the results of the study it was concluded that dehydration in cats at Prof. Soeparwi is hypotonic dehydration (71%). The sodium profile mostly decreased, chloride and bicarbonate levels did not change, while there were changes in potassium levels in patients with UT disorders. The advice given is to check electrolytes before doing fluid therapy. Prior to electrolyte testing, dehydrated cats can be given a sodium solution.

    Faktor Risiko Feline Panleukopenia pada Kucing di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    AbstractFeline panleukopenia virus (FPV) infection in cats caused a disease called feline panleukopenia with high morbidity and mortality worldwide. There is no causative therapy for this disease yet, therefore knowing risk factors is important measure to prevent the disease. This study was designed to investigate the risk factors of feline panleukopenia in Special Region of Yogyakarta therefore disease prevention can be done as early as possible. A retrospective case-control study that used 35 cats in the case group and 70 cats in the control group. Case group consisted all feline panleukopenia patients that were tested positive with Anigen FPV Ag Test Kit (Bionote, South Korea) from two local clinics. Control group consisted cats that were own by the neighbour of cats from the case group with age and sex as matching variables. Owner characteristics including formal education, occupation, duration of having cat(s), monthly maintenance cost, and interaction time per day also feline characteristics including breed, neuter status, origin, husbandry, and vaccination status were assessed. Association analysis was done using EpiInfo (chi-square and odds ratio) and manually calculated (estimated attributable fraction and estimated population attributable fraction). Associated risk factors of feline panleukopenia were duration of having cat(s) less than a year, domestic cat breed, cat origins such as pet store or market and stray cat, the presence of new cat(s), outdoor cat lifestyle, waste disposal outdoor, and not vaccinated cat. Vaccination status and the presence of new cat(s) had the highest strength compared to other risk factors. It can be concluded that vaccination and quarantine of new animals are important measures to prevent feline panleukopenia.Keywords: case-control study, cats, feline panleukopeni

    Pengaruh Penangkaran terhadap Profil Eritrosit Lumba-lumba Hidung Botol dari Perairan Laut J awa = The Influence of the Captivity in Bottlenose Dolphin Erythrocytes Profile from The Waters of The Java Sea

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    Di laut Jawa banyak populasi lumba-lumba yang sering tersangkutjala para nelayan saat mencari ikan di laut. Di Indonesia, lumba lumba hidung botol merupakan mamalia air yang dilindungi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil eritrosit bottlenose dolphin (lumba-lumba hidung botol) sebeluni dan setelah penangkaran. Tujuh ekor lumba-lumba digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sampel darah diambil melalui vena superfisialis sirip ekor guna pemeriksaan eritrosit, meliputi jumlah, morfologi, kadar hemoglobin dan hematokrit. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan saat lumba-lumba diangkat dari perairan Laut Jawa dan setelah lumba-lumba mengalami penangkaran di PT. WSI, Kendal, Jawa Tengah. Data sebelum dan sesudah penangkaran dibandingkan dan diuji dengan analisis statistik t-test berpasangan pada tingkat signifikasi 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin dan nilai hematokrit secara signifikan. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penangkaran yang dilakukan oleh PT.WSI, Kendal, Jawa Tengahmeningkatkan profil eritrositlumba-lumba hidungbotol. In the Java Sea, there are a lot of dolphins, that often snagged fishing nets. While In Indonesia, bottlenose dolphins are mammals protected water. The aims of this research was to study the erythrocytes profile in bottlenose dolphins before and after the captivity. Seven dolphins were used in this research. Blood samples were\u27 taken out from the superficial vein of tail for examination of the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin levels and value ofhematokrit. Sampling was done when the dolphins appointed from the waters of the Java Sea and after experiencing dolphin captivity in PT. WSI, Kendal, Central Java. The data before and after captivity were compared and tested with the statistical analysis on the level of significance of the paired t-test 95%. The results showed the significant increase in the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin levels and the values ofhematokrit significantly. It was concluded that captivity done by WSI Corporation, Kendal, Central Java did increase the profile of erythrocytes inbottlenose dolphins


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    Atherosclerosis is a disease characterized by thickening of the artery wall and narrowing of its lumen. Although, people in the world have known that atherosclerosis is caused by high blood plasma concentration of LDL, and hardening and narrowing of arterial wall is due to various depositions including lipids, cholesterol and calcium, but little have known that atherosclerosis is an inflammatory process. Since interleukin-10 has known as one of mediator of inflammatory reaction that remains in atherogenic process, we assumed that ⢠another sitokin like interleukin-1 is also involved in that process. The purpose of this research was to study the interleukin-1 in atherogenesis in rat. Twenty male and female Sprague Dawley rats (10 each), 2 months of age, were used as experimental animals. Rats were weighed than allotted into 4 groups of 5 each : group I was male rats that fed basal diet, group II was male rats that fed atherogenic diet, group III was female rats that fed basal diet and group 1V was female rats that fed atherogenic diet. After 3 months on experi¬mental diet, all animals were weighed, the blood sample was collected into the EDTA tube for cholesterol and trigliceride levels, total white blood cell (WBC), monocyte and limpho¬cyte. All animals were then killed, the heart was taken out, saved into the bottle with 10 % of formaldehyde, for histopathologic and immunohistochemistry analyses. The result of the analyses of variance for factorial design showed that there were significant differences (


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    Infestasi parasit gastlointestinal adalah salah satu penyebab defisiensi makromineral. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi status makrominera(Ca dan P ) pada domba yang terinfestasi ringan dan berat oleh cacing strongil. Tiga puluh tujuh (37) ekor domba lokal, jantan, umur +12 bulan di daerah Sleman digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Domba di kelompokkan menjadi kelompok yang terinfestasi ringan( 26 ekor) dan kelompoky ang terinfestasbi erat (10 ekor) cacings hongil. Pengelompokkan domba didasarkan pada pemeriksaan parasitologi terhadap jumlah telur cacing per gram tinja. Setiap domba pada masing-masing kelompok diambil sampel darah sebanyak 5 mL melalui vena jugularis, selanjutnya dipisahkan plasmanya. Pengambilan sampel darah dilakukan sebelum domba digembalakan atau  diberi pakan. Plasma yang diperoleh disimpan pada suhu- 20'C sampai analisis mineral dilakukan. Analisis Ca dalam plasma dilakukan dengan metode o-Kresolpthalein Komplekson yang diuraikan oleh Ray Sarkerd an Chaunan( 1967), dan fosfat anorganik dalam plasma diperiksa dengan menggunakan metodef osfomolibdat( Kraft dan Duer, 1999). Pemeriksaan jumlah telur cacing dilakukan secara mikroskopik dengan menggunakan metode McMaster. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa(1) 97% domba lokal, jantan, dewasa(± 12 bulan) di daerah Sleman terinfestasi cacing strongil, (2) infestasi ringan ( 1.000 epg) cacing strongil pada domba tampaknya tidak menimbulkan gejala klinis atau gangguan patologis yang dapat mengganggu metabolisme makromineral( Ca dan P), dan (3) stafus domba yang terinfestasi ringan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata dengan domba yang terinfestasi berat dan status makrominerapl ada kedua kelompok tersebut masih dalam batas nilai fisiologisnorm(Ca:9,65±0,29 d an 10,60 ±.0,46m g/dl dan (P:6,61r0,25dan6,76±0,38mg/dl). Kata kunci: makromineral, cacings trongil, domb

    Kasus Ankilostomiasis Pada Pasten Anjing di Klinik Penyakit Dalam, Rumah Sakit Hewan FKH.UGM Selama Tahun 2005 = Case of Ancylostomiasis in Dog Patiens in Department of Internal Medicine, Animal Hospital, ...

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    Ancylostoma caninum rnerupakan cacing tarnbang yang banyak irenyeriuig pada manusia dan hewan kesayangan seperti anjing. Meskipun kasus ankilostomiasis banyak ditemukan namun angka kejadian penyakit ankilostomiasis pada pasien anjing di Klinik Penyakit Dalam RSH FKH-UGM belurn pernah diteliti secara final dan dipublikasikan. Kajian bertujuan untuk mengungkap angka kejadian ankilostomiasis pada pasien anjing yang ada di Klinik Penyakit Dalam RSH selama tahun 2005. Kajian dilakukan dengan metode retrospektif, dengan menggunakan data dari medical record pasien yang ada di Klinik Penyakit Dalam, RSH FKH-UGM selama tahun 2005. Data ankilostomiasis pada anjing didasarkan pada adanya telur cacing Ancylostoma sp pada pemeriksaan tinja. Data yang diperoleh diolah sehingga diperoleh angka juinlah penderita ankilostomiasis per bulan, dan persentase penderita ankilostomiasis dibanding dengan penyakit lainnya tiap bulannya dalam periode sate tahun. Hasi! penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kasus ankilostomiasis pada pasien anjing di Klinik Penyakit Dalarn RSH FKH-UGM selalu ada sepanjang tahun 2005. Dibanding dengan penyakit lainnya kasus ankilostomiasis anjing merupakan penyakit yang paling dominan, dan mencapai puncaknya (23,33%) pada bulan Oktober. Berdasar pada banyaknya kasus di sepanjang tahun dan dominannya penyakit ankilostomiasis pada anjing yang punya risiko untuk menular pada manusia, maka penyuluhan kepada pemilik anjing dan kewaspadaan untuk pencegahan penularan ke manusia sangat penting untuk diupayakan. Kat.a kunci : anjing, ankilostomiasis Ancylostoma caninum is hookworm which many groaning at human and pet animals such as dogs. Aithought ancylostomiasis has been found many cases, disease incidences numbers of ancylostomiasis at dogs patients which handled in Department of Internal Medicine, Animal Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, have never been reported in detail and published. Therefore this study was conducted the number of ancylostomiasis incidences in the dog patient at the Department of Internal Medicine, Animal Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine during year 2005. Research was done using retrospective method, by collective data from medical record of the patient in Department of Internal Medicine, Animal Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine during year 2005. The data of ancylostomiasis at dog was established based on finding of Ancylostoma sp worm egg by microscopic examination. Data subsequently was analyzed to have conformation about the number of ancylostomiasis in the patients by month and the percentage of ancylostomiasis cases compared to the other diseases monthly in period of one year. Result of research demonstrated that the case of ancylostomiasis in dog patient in Department of Internal Medicine, Animal Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, occurred at all year in 2005. Compared to the other diseases this case was prominent and reach the peak (23,33%) in October. Base on the prominent of the disease, it cause a risk to dog owner, hence counselling to owner of dog and care for prevention of infection to man importance to be strived. Key ords: Anjing,Ankilostomiasis Key words : dog, ancylostomiasi

    Efficacy of Albendazole Against Strongylus sp. and Hematology Changes on Equine in Yogyakarta Special Region

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    The infestation of Strongylus sp. in horses can cause losses to horse breeders, including anorexia, anemia, gastrointestinal diseases and can cause death and decrease the horse population in DIY. Albendazole was a Benzimidazole preparation that is often used to treat worms in ruminants. This study also aims to determine the effect of Albendazole on blood images before and after treatment. The material used in this study were 10 horses with male and female sex,  over 3 years old, and infected with Strongylus sp. with an infestation rate of 200 EPG in faeces. Before treatment of drug was carried out, the faeces was examined with Mc Master method. After treatment with Albendazole, the worm eggs were examined three times at intervals of three days. Routine examination of worm eggs and blood was carried out at the Laboratory of the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The results showed that the EPG number decreased from the 0th, 3rd, 6th and 9th day of examinations. The average number of EPG on the 0th day was 990 eggs/gram, and the examination on the 9th day showed the number of eggs was 0 eggs/gram. The results of the hematology examination also showed no significant difference except for the high number of eosinophils on the 12th day after drug administration. The conclusion from this research is that Albendazole as a worm medicine can kill Srongylus sp. however, it does not affect the horse's hematology and health status

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Grid terhadap Kualitas Hasil Rontgen Anjing dan Kucing Pasien RSH Prof. Soeparwi FKH UGM

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    Dokter hewan praktisi sering menjumpai permasalahan dalam penegakan diagnosis, salah satunya adalah pemanfaatan rontgen atau hasil X-ray yang belum optimal. Kualitas radiografi itu sendiri meliputi densitas, kontras, ketajaman dan distorsi, sedangkan salah satu penyebab yang dapat menurunkan kualitas radiografi adalah radiasi hambur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas radiograf dengan mengurangi radiasi hambur sinar-x menggunakan grid. Penelitian ini menggunakan 10 ekor anjing dan 10 ekor kucing dengan berat badan bervariasi dan fokus rontgen yang berbeda. Setiap hewan dilakukan pengambilan sampel xray sebanyak 2 kali, yaitu foto rontgen menggunakan grid dan tanpa grid pada posisi lateral dan anterior-posterior. Hasil rontgen dibandingkan antara foto rontgen dengan grid dan tanpa grid. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa pengujian foto rontgen menggunakan grid mampu mengurangi radiasi hambur sehingga lebih mengoptimalkan radiograf dan membantu dokter hewan dalam penegakan diagnosa