15 research outputs found

    The Déjà Vu Illusion

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    Automatic affective dynamics: An activation–habituation model of affective assimilation and contrast

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    Abstract. Our modeling approach seeks to better understand the computational dynamics of the affective and cognitive systems. One experimental phenomenon open to such dynamical analysis is "affective priming "-- or the influence of a prior stimulus on subsequent affective processing. In this type of procedure, ‘assimilation priming ’ refers to when the response to the target is biased in favor of the prime, such as with brief or minimally attended primes. However, following long durations or highly attended primes, the response to the target is often biased against the prime, which is termed ‘contrast priming’. We present a neural dynamics model of affective priming in which this transition from assimilation to contrast occurs automatically as a result of habituation. Unlike response strategies, this transition is predicted to rise and fall in a gradual nonlinear manner as a function of prime duration. We confirmed this prediction with a speeded affect judgment task that manipulated the exposure duration of valenced images.

    A teoria das duas consciências

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    Baseando-se na repartição da "consciência" feita por Tolman, Engelmann chama uma de consciência-imediata, a parte individual e presente, e outra de consciência-mediata, a parte restante. Engelmann subdivide a consciência-mediata em consciência-mediata-do-observador, individual mas passada, e consciência-mediata-de-outros. Engelmann apresenta ainda mais três teorias aparentadas: a teoria das oito hipóteses básicas, nome dado às primeiras hipóteses que partem da consciência-imediata e terminam na consciência-mediata-de-outros; a teoria dos indicadores de consciência, em número bem maior que o simples relato verbal; e a teoria dos cinco escalões de percepto, nome dado às diversas atitudes que um ser humano é capaz de exercer ante um percepção consciente