339 research outputs found

    Perilaku Kewirausahaan pada Usaha Mikro Kecil (UMK) Tempe di Bogor Jawa Barat

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    Micro and small enterprises (MSE) is a dominant business form in Indonesia with the percentage up to 90%. However, there is a tendency that the entrepreneur is identified to large scale of business. The purpose of this study were (1) identify the characteristics of entrepreneurs in MSE industry (2) analyze the effect of entrepreneurial characteristics and the business climate for entrepreneurial behavior (3) analyze the effect of entrepreneurial behavior on its performance. Purposive sampling technique was applied to select 121 respondent. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to estimate entrepreneurial behavior. The results of this study showed that entrepreneurial characteristics was found on the MSE, furthermore stronger entrepreneurial characteristics was found on the large scale production. There is a positive and significant relationship between entrepreneurial characteristics and the business climate for entrepreneurial behavior. Entrepreneurial characteristics was influencing the most on the behavior of entrepreneurs. In addition entrepreneurial behavior was also positive and significant influence on its business performance. Thus, this study confirmed that entrepreneurial behavior was also found in small businesses, not only in large enterprises

    Toleransi Beberapa Genotipe Padi Umur Pendek Terhadap Pasokan Air Terbatas

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    Field and screen house experiments were conducted in 2009 in Indramayu and Sukamandi. The field experiments was carried out at farmer\u27s field in the Cilandak village, Anjatan District, Indramayu Regency from May to October 2009. Nine rice genotypes (AS996, OM5240, BP5478-2F-KN-11-2-B, Inpari 10, Inpari 1, Silugonggo, dan Dodokan) were tested. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with three replications. The treatments were: (a) fully irrigated (100% irrigated); (b) half-dry (75% irrigated), irrigation water was given until one month after planting, followed with weekly irrigation until crop harvest, and (c) dry (50% irrigated), irrigation water was given until one month after planting, then no more irrigation was given until harvest. The plant characters observed were: percentage of empty grain per panicle, grain weight per unit area, drought sensitivity index (S), and genotype superiority index (Pi). The screenhouse experiment was conducted in pots at the Rice Research Institute, Sukamandi, from July to October 2009, arranged in a completely randomized block design with three replications. The rice genotypes tested were the same as those in the field trial, The treatments wer three categories of water supply, namely minimum (4,000 m3/ha/season), optimal (5,500 m3/ha/season) and excessive (7,000 m3/ha/season). The plant characters observed were: grain weight (g/pot), percentage of filled grains/panicle, plant height, and age of flowering. The results showed that water stress during flowering stage increased percentage of empty grains from 25.6% to 34.3% and decreased grain yields from 11.3% to 23.2%. Genotypes AS996, OM5240, and BP5478-2F-KN-11-2-B were tolerant to drought, and gave higher yields than Inpari 10, Inpari 1, Silugonggo, and Dodokan. Under drought stress conditions, when the drought conditions were not extreme with soil moistures of 41.3% to 51.7%, yields of the three genotypes were not significantly tolerances from those under the normal condition (6.66 to 7.27 t/ha). Besides drought tolerant, genotypes AS996 and OM5240 were also efficient in using water during the crop growth

    Aktivitas Antimikroba Minyak Esensial Jahe Merah (Zingiber Officinale Var. Rubrum) dan Lengkuas Merah (Alpinia Purpurata K. Schum) terhadap Bakteri Patogen dan Perusak Pangan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik, komposisi dan aktivitas antimikroba minyak esensial jahe merah dan lengkuas merah lokal Indonesia terhadap empat spesies bakteri patogen dan Perusak pangan, yaitu B.cereus ATCC 10876, E.coli ATCC 25922, S. typhimurium ATCC 14028, dan P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853. Analisis karakteristik fisika-kimia dilakukan sesuai standar ISO 7355:1985. Komposisi kimia dianalisis menggunakan alat GC-MS. Pengujian aktivitas antimikroba dilakukan dengan metode difusi cakram untuk menentukan zona hambat, sertabroth microdillution untuk menentukan nilai Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) dan Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC). Karakteristik minyak esensial jahe merah yang dihasilkan yaitu kuning kecoklatan, berat jenis 0,883, indeks bias 1,480, putaran optik -8.45, larut jernih (1:1) dalam alkohol 90%, bilangan asam 2,06, dan bilangan ester 42,45. Minyak esensial lengkuas merah memiliki karakteristik warna kuning terang, berat jenis 0,895, indeks bias 1,496, putaran optik -9.15, larut jernih (1:1) dalam alkohol 90%, bilangan asam 1,95 dan bilangan ester 140,15. Komponen mayor minyak esensial jahe merah terdiri dari trimethyl-heptadien-ol, ar-curcumene, camphene, carbaldehyde, -sesquiphellandrene, dan nerol; sedangkan komponen mayor minyak esensial lengkuas merah terdiri dari 1.8-cineole, chavicol,9-desoxo9-xi-hydroxy-3,5,7,8,9,12-pentaacetat-ingol, -caryophyllenedan -selinene. Minyak esensial jahe merah dan lengkuas merah memiliki aktivitas antibakteri yang bersifat moderat terhadap bakteri patogen dan Perusak pangan, dengan kisaran zona hambat rata-rata 7,17-10,33 mm dan 7,25-11,17 mm. Minyak esensial jahe merah dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri uji pada nilai MIC 2,65-3,97 mg/mL dan nilai MBC 3,10-5,29 mg/mL, sedangkan minyak esensial lengkuas merah dapat menghambat bakteri uji dengan nilai MIC 1,79-4,03 mg/mL dan nilai MBC 1,79-4,92 mg/mL. Berdasarkan nilai MIC dan MBC, sensitivitas bakteri uji terhadap minyak esensial jahe merah dan lengkuas merah menurun berturut-turut dari B. cereus > E. coli > S. typhimurium > P. aeruginosa. Sensitivitas bakteri Gram positif dan Gram negatif terhadap kedua minyak esensial ini menunjukkan potensi minyak esensial jahe merah dan lengkuas merah untuk digunakan sebagai pengawet alami di industri pangan

    Nutraceutical properties and health-promoting biological activities of fruits of watermelon cultivars with different origins

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    This study was focused on biologically active compounds extracted from pulp and rind of watermelon fruits (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai, 1916) cultivars with different origins (Italy, Costa Rica, Brazil, Ecuador and Santana-Romania). Total polyphenols and flavonoids, lycopene and L-citrulline, were extracted from the pulp and their content determined spectrophotometrically. L-citrulline was also measured in the rind. In addition, the determination of some biological activities (antioxidant activity and inhibition of the amylase and lipase enzymes) of watermelon pulp was carried out. The examined pulp of the watermelon cultivars revealed to have a high content of antioxidants (e.g., lycopene up to 39.68 ± 0.13 μg/g FW in an Italian cultivar) and bioactive molecules (e.g., L-citrulline up to 0.87 mg/g FW in the Ecuadorian cultivar). Watermelon rind had higher contents of L-citrulline (up to 2.60 mg/g FW) compared to pulp. The comparisons between watermelons cultivars revealed the significant inhibitory of lipase (values ranging from 117.10 to 312.12 IC50) and α-amylase (values ranging from 145.52 to 322.13 IC50), so confirming their health-promoting potential. All these factors taken together make watermelon a high-value food with evident benefits on human health. The results of this study could facilitate the discovery, improvement and utilization of new watermelon cultivars with high nutraceutical properties

    Impact of social distancing during COVID-19 pandemic on crime in Los Angeles and Indianapolis

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    Governments have implemented social distancing measures to address the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The measures include instructions that individuals maintain social distance when in public, school closures, limitations on gatherings and business operations, and instructions to remain at home. Social distancing may have an impact on the volume and distribution of crime. Crimes such as residential burglary may decrease as a byproduct of increased guardianship over personal space and property. Crimes such as domestic violence may increase because of extended periods of contact between potential offenders and victims. Understanding the impact of social distancing on crime is critical for ensuring the safety of police and government capacity to deal with the evolving crisis. Understanding how social distancing policies impact crime may also provide insights into whether people are complying with public health measures. Examination of the most recently available data from both Los Angeles, CA, and Indianapolis, IN, shows that social distancing has had a statistically significant impact on a few specific crime types. However, the overall effect is notably less than might be expected given the scale of the disruption to social and economic life

    Sequence-dependent Administration of Raloxifene and 5-Fluorouracil/Pemetrexed Protects against Pemetrexed Cytotoxicity in Human Bone Marrow

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    BACKGROUND: Pemetrexed (Alimta) is a new-generation multitargeted antifolate that inhibits several key enzymes in the de novo pathways of pyrimidine and purine biosynthesis, including thymidylate synthase (TS), dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) and glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (GARFT). Alimta has demonstrated antitumor activity in a broad array of human malignancies, e.g. breast, non-small cell lung cancer, malignant pleural mesothelioma and pancreatic, colorectal, gastric, bladder, head and neck cancer, and is currently in phase III clinical trials. It has been reported that a dose of 600 mg/m2 of pemetrexed showed toxicity to bone marrow and the gastrointestinal system. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate raloxifene (RAL) in combination with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)/pemetrered multitargeted antifolate (MTA) to determine the most effective regimens and cellular mechanism of action to mitigate pemetrexed cytotoxicity in human bone marrow cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In order to determine the sequence-dependent interaction between MTA, 5-FU and RAL on proliferation, cell viability was carried out using the Quick Cell Proliferation Assay by exposing the HS-5 and MCF-7 cells to (i) MTA, 5-FU and RAL alone, or (ii) RAL 24 h prior to 5-FU followed 2 h later by MTA, or (iii) 5-FU 2 h prior to MTA followed 24 h later by RAL. RESULTS: The growth rate in MCF-7 in early RAL was 69 +/- 8.65% and late RAL was 36 +/- 4.6% of the control whereas in bone marrow early RAL was 78 +/- 8.65% and late RAL was 52 +/- 5.49% of the control. The late RAL exhibits significant protection against MTA cytotoxicity in bone marrow. The findings were further supported by cell flow cytometry, apoptosis and Western blot analysis data. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that sequence-dependent administration of RAL (5FU/MTA/RAL), in combination with 5-FU/MTA, protects against MTA toxicity in human bone marrow while maintaining the maximum inhibitory effect of pemetrexed in breast cancer

    Use of dirty plastic waste as precursors for activated carbon production – a contribution to the circular economy

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    The production of activated carbons (ACs) from dirty plastic wastes derived from the mechanical/biological treatment of urban solid wastes, disposable plastics and plastics used in agriculture is reported. The use of these precursors is innovative and contributes to the circular economy by the valorization of dirty plastics that are usually disposed in landfills. ACs were produced by physical activation, with air or CO2, and chemical activation, with KOH or K2CO3. ACs presented a BET (N2) area and pore volume up to 723 m2/g and 0.32 cm3/g. Selected samples were tested for the 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) and 4-chloro-2-methyl-phenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) removal from the liquid phase. PB-K2CO3-1:1–700 presented an apparent maximum adsorption capacity of 245 and 289 mg g−1 for MCPA and 2,4-D, respectively.Fundo Ambiental Portuguê

    C-reactive protein response to influenza vaccination as a model of mild inflammatory stimulation in the Philippines

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    C-reactive protein (CRP) is increasingly measured as a marker of systemic inflammation that predicts elevated risk for cardiovascular disease. Influenza vaccination is a mild pro-inflammatory stimulus, and the CRP response to vaccination may provide additional information on individual differences in inflammatory response and risk for disease