1,528 research outputs found

    Benthic invertebrates that form habitat on deep banks off southern California, with special reference to deep sea coral

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    There is increasing interest in the potential impacts that fishing activities have on megafaunal benthic invertebrates occurring in continental shelf and slope ecosystems. We examined how the structure, size, and high-density aggregations of invertebrates provided structural relief for fishes in continental shelf and slope ecosystems off southern California. We made 112 dives in a submersible at 32−320 m water depth, surveying a variety of habitats from high-relief rock to flat sand and mud. Using quantitative video transect methods, we made 12,360 observations of 15 structure-form-ing invertebrate taxa and 521,898 individuals. We estimated size and incidence of epizoic animals on 9105 sponges, black corals, and gorgonians. Size variation among structure-form-ing invertebrates was significant and 90% of the individuals were <0.5 m high. Less than 1% of the observations of organisms actually sheltering in or located on invertebrates involved fishes. From the analysis of spatial associations between fishes and large invertebrates, six of 108 fish species were found more often adjacent to invertebrate colonies than the number of fish predicted by the fish-density data from transects. This finding indicates that there may be spatial associations that do not necessarily include physical contact with the sponges and corals. However, the median distances between these six fish species and the invertebrates were not particularly small (1.0−5.5 m). Thus, it is likely that these fishes and invertebrates are present together in the same habitats but that there is not necessarily a functional relationship between these groups of organisms. Regardless of their associations with fishes, these invertebrates provide structure and diversity for continental shelf ecosystems off southern California and certainly deserve the attention of scientists undertaking future conservation efforts

    Protein regulation: Tag wrestling with relatives of ubiquitin

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    AbstractUbiquitin modification is a well established way of regulating protein levels and activities. Modification by related ubiquitin-like proteins is turning out to have a diverse range of interesting cellular functions

    Scalable Production and Purification of Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors (AAV).

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    Here we describe methods for the production of adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors by transient transfection of HEK293 cells grown in serum-free medium in orbital shaken bioreactors and the subsequent purification of vector particles. The protocol for expression of AAV components is based on polyethyleneimine (PEI) mediated transfection of a 2-plasmid system and is specified for production in milliliter to liter scales. After PEI and plasmid DNA (pDNA) complex formation the diluted cell culture is transfected without a prior concentration step or medium exchange. Following a 3-day batch process, cell cultures are further processed using different methods for lysis and recovery. Methods for the purification of viral particles are described, including iodixanol gradient purification, immunoaffinity chromatography, and ultrafiltration, as well as quantitative PCR to quantify vector titer

    Evidence of presolar SiC in the Allende Curious Marie calcium–aluminium-rich inclusion

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    Calcium–aluminium-rich inclusions (CAIs) are one of the first solids to have condensed in the solar nebula, while presolar grains formed in various evolved stellar environments. It is generally accepted that CAIs formed close to the Sun at temperatures above 1,500 K, where presolar grains could not survive, and were then transported to other regions of the nebula where the accretion of planetesimals took place. In this context, a commonly held view is that presolar grains are found solely in the fine-grained rims surrounding chondrules and in the low-temperature fine-grained matrix that binds the various meteoritic components together. Here we demonstrate, on the basis of noble gas isotopic signatures, that presolar SiC grains were incorporated into fine-grained CAIs in the Allende carbonaceous chondrite at the time of their formation, and have survived parent-body processing. This finding provides new clues on the conditions in the nascent Solar System at the condensation of the first solids

    Status of Uncooled Infrared Detector Technology at ULIS, France

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    The high level of accumulated expertise by ULIS and CEA/LETI on uncooled microbolometers made from amorphous silicon enables ULIS to develop uncooled IRFPA with 17 ”m pixel-pitch to enable the development of small power, small weight and power (SWaP) and high performance IR systems. Key characteristics of amorphous silicon based uncooled IR detector is described to highlight the advantage of this technology for system operation. A full range of products from 160 x 120 to 1024 x 768 has been developed and we will focus the paper on the ÂŒ VGA with 17 ”m pixel pitch. Readout integrated circuit (ROIC) architecture is described highlighting innovations that are widely on-chip implemented to enable an easier operation by the user. The detector configuration (integration time, windowing, gain, scanning direction), is driven by a standard IÂČC link. Like most of the visible arrays, the detector adopts the HSYNC/VSYNC free-run mode of operation driven with only one master clock (MC) supplied to the ROIC which feeds back pixel, line and frame synchronisation. On-chip PROM memory for customer operational condition storage is available for detector characteristics. Low power consumption has been taken into account and less than 60 mW is possible in analogue mode at 60 Hz. A wide electrical dynamic range (2.4V) is maintained despite the use of advanced CMOS node. The specific appeal of this unit lies in the high uniformity and easy operation it provides. The reduction of the pixel-pitch turns this TEC-less ÂŒ VGA array into a product well adapted for high resolution and compact systems. Noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) of 35 mK and thermal time constant of 10 ms have been measured leading to 350 mK.ms figure of merit. We insist on NETD trade-off with wide thermal dynamic range, as well as the high characteristics uniformity and pixel operability, achieved thanks to the mastering of the amorphous silicon technology coupled with the ROIC design. This technology node associated with advanced packaging technique, paves the way to compact low power system.Defence Science Journal, 2013, 63(6), pp.545-549, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.63.5753

    Ultrathin silica films on Pd(111): Structure and adsorption properties

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    We studied the preparation of thin silica films on Pd(111) using low energy electron diffraction (LEED), infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (IRAS), and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The films grow from the onset as a double-layer (bilayer) silicate and show no long-range ordering as judged by LEED, thus bearing close similarities to the silicate films grown on a Pt(111) support. The results provide further evidence that the principal structure (monolayer vs bilayer) of ultrathin silica films on metal substrates is primarily governed by the affinity of a metal substrate to oxygen. Individual adsorption of CO and D2 on the prepared films showed that both molecules penetrate through the film and chemisorb on the Pd(111) surface. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations showed that CO bonding on Pd(111) underneath the silica film becomes weaker as compared to the bare Pd(111) surface, but the vibrational frequencies remain unaffected, that is in nice agreement with the experimental results

    HIV-Infektion : Update 2009 fĂŒr HausĂ€rzte. Teil 1

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    Quintessenz: In der Schweiz werden jĂ€hrlich >750 HIV-Infektionen neu diagnostiziert. Die Ansteckung geschieht via Blut oder Sex, und nicht bei alltĂ€glichen sozialen Kontakten. Die CD4-Lymphozytenzahl ist bestens etabliert zur Messung der Immunsuppression. Die grösste Gefahr opportunistischer Infekte droht bei CD4-Werten <200/ÎŒl. Dank antiretroviraler Therapie (ART) sollten viele HIV-infizierte Patienten in der Schweiz eine quasi normale Lebenserwartung haben. Momentan ist eine ART bei CD4-Werten <350/ÎŒl indiziert. Die HIV-Diagnose wird auch in der Schweiz hĂ€ufig zu spĂ€t gestellt. HausĂ€rzte spielen bei der frĂŒhzeitigen Diagnosestellung (grosszĂŒgiges Anbieten von HIV-Tests) und bei der PrĂ€vention von Immundefizienz und opportunistischen Komplikationen eine entscheidende Rolle. P Bei HIV-Neudiagnose soll der Patient einem HIV-Spezialisten zugewiesen werden, um weitere AbklĂ€rungen durchzufĂŒhren und die Indikation zum ART-Beginn zu stellen
