11 research outputs found

    Conserved CDC20 Cell Cycle Functions Are Carried out by Two of the Five Isoforms in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The CDC20 and Cdh1/CCS52 proteins are substrate determinants and activators of the Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) E3 ubiquitin ligase and as such they control the mitotic cell cycle by targeting the degradation of various cell cycle regulators. In yeasts and animals the main CDC20 function is the destruction of securin and mitotic cyclins. Plants have multiple CDC20 gene copies whose functions have not been explored yet. In Arabidopsis thaliana there are five CDC20 isoforms and here we aimed at defining their contribution to cell cycle regulation, substrate selectivity and plant development.Studying the gene structure and phylogeny of plant CDC20s, the expression of the five AtCDC20 gene copies and their interactions with the APC/C subunit APC10, the CCS52 proteins, components of the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC) and mitotic cyclin substrates, conserved CDC20 functions could be assigned for AtCDC20.1 and AtCDC20.2. The other three intron-less genes were silent and specific for Arabidopsis. We show that AtCDC20.1 and AtCDC20.2 are components of the MCC and interact with mitotic cyclins with unexpected specificity. AtCDC20.1 and AtCDC20.2 are expressed in meristems, organ primordia and AtCDC20.1 also in pollen grains and developing seeds. Knocking down both genes simultaneously by RNAi resulted in severe delay in plant development and male sterility. In these lines, the meristem size was reduced while the cell size and ploidy levels were unaffected indicating that the lower cell number and likely slowdown of the cell cycle are the cause of reduced plant growth.The intron-containing CDC20 gene copies provide conserved and redundant functions for cell cycle progression in plants and are required for meristem maintenance, plant growth and male gametophyte formation. The Arabidopsis-specific intron-less genes are possibly "retrogenes" and have hitherto undefined functions or are pseudogenes

    After the Berlin Wall: Central Europe up close

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    Legume Plant Peptides as Sources of Novel Antimicrobial Molecules Against Human Pathogens

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    Antimicrobial peptides are prominent components of the plant immune system acting against a wide variety of pathogens. Legume plants from the inverted repeat lacking clade (IRLC) have evolved a unique gene family encoding nodule-specific cysteine-rich NCR peptides acting in the symbiotic cells of root nodules, where they convert their bacterial endosymbionts into non-cultivable, polyploid nitrogen-fixing cells. NCRs are usually 30–50 amino acids long peptides having a characteristic pattern of 4 or 6 cysteines and highly divergent amino acid composition. While the function of NCRs is largely unknown, antimicrobial activity has been demonstrated for a few cationic Medicago truncatula NCR peptides against bacterial and fungal pathogens. The advantages of these plant peptides are their broad antimicrobial spectrum, fast killing modes of actions, multiple bacterial targets, and low propensity to develop resistance to them and no or low cytotoxicity to human cells. In the IRLC legumes, the number of NCR genes varies from a few to several hundred and it is possible that altogether hundreds of thousands of different NCR peptides exist. Due to the need for new antimicrobial agents, we investigated the antimicrobial potential of 104 synthetic NCR peptides from M. truncatula, M. sativa, Pisum sativum, Galega orientalis and Cicer arietinum against eight human pathogens, including ESKAPE bacteria. 50 NCRs showed antimicrobial activity with differences in the antimicrobial spectrum and effectivity. The most active peptides eliminated bacteria at concentrations from 0.8 to 3.1 ΌM. High isoelectric point and positive net charge were important but not the only determinants of their antimicrobial activity. Testing the activity of shorter peptide derivatives against Acinetobacter baumannii and Candida albicans led to identification of regions responsible for the antimicrobial activity and provided insight into their potential modes of action. This work provides highly potent lead molecules without hemolytic activity on human blood cells for novel antimicrobial drugs to fight against pathogens

    Terminal bacteroid differentiation in the legume-rhizobium symbiosis: nodule-specific cysteine-rich peptides and beyond.

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    International audienceContents 411 I. 411 II. 412 III. 412 IV. 413 V. 414 VI. 414 VII. 415 VIII. 415 416 References 416 SUMMARY: Terminal bacteroid differentiation (TBD) is a remarkable case of bacterial cell differentiation that occurs after rhizobia are released intracellularly within plant cells of symbiotic legume organs called nodules. The hallmarks of TBD are cell enlargement, genome amplification and membrane permeabilization. This plant-driven process is governed by a large family of bacteroid-targeted nodule-specific cysteine-rich (NCR) peptides that were until recently thought to be restricted to a specific lineage of the legume family, including the model plant Medicago truncatula. Recently, new plant and bacterial factors involved in TBD have been identified, challenging our view of this phenomenon at mechanistic and evolutionary levels. Here, we review the recent literature and discuss emerging questions about the mechanisms and the role(s) of TBD