59 research outputs found
Re-organization of assessment during the educational emergency in primary and secondary teaching: an Italian case
The educational crisis caused by the pandemic created an unprecedented need
to reorganize teaching and learning processes, and the educational assessment
became one of the thorniest issues in this rapid change; assessment reorganization
entails layered complexities on micro, meso and macro levels. This
research is contextualized in a larger digital ethnographic study of three different
Italian teacher online communities, uncovering the experience from mixedmethods
research. Following this research, a survey instrument was developed
and launched. Current paper reports on the survey aiming to uncover the change
in assessment practices during the educational emergency while reflecting on
teachers’ beliefs on the assessment, the use of remote assessment methods
before and during the pandemic, and its re-organization. Findings suggest a
significant reorganization of assessment during the COVID-19 educational
emergency in all school orders. Through all school orders, teachers perceived a
reduction in the importance of assessment during the pandemic and,
consequently, used most assessment techniques significantly less than before.
However, different methods changed differently, with oral examinations
diminishing dramatically and increased use of closed-question quizzes
AI in board Game-Based Learning
Despite receiving less attention in educational research compared to digital games, boardgames show
great potential as a learning environment in many educational scenarios. They promote acquisition of
disciplinary knowledge and key competences, generate a sense of physical “togetherness”, can be
employed in situation of social and economic disadvantage, and can be modified (or “modded”), for
better alignment with disciplinary content. The use of games in European schools is very limited;
teachers see the potential of games for learning, but their competence in the use of games for learning
is superficial and limited to personal experience. High-performance AI systems such as GPT-4 have
emerged as a potential game-changer in education, as a collaborative partner to assist teachers in
learning design or to automatize decision-making processes. Despite known limitations, trained LLMs
show promise in executing educational tasks. This study explores whether trained High-performance
AI can facilitate teachers in the creation of boardgame-based learning units, by bridging their knowledge
gap in game knowledge and game-based instructional skills. Using the GDBL ID model, the most
comprehensive available instructional model for the creation of boardgame-based learning units, in this
exploratory study we instructed Chat GPT to address two key phases of bGBL design: the choice of the
game for the learning activity and the personalization of the game for constructive alignment and
inclusion. Evaluation of the output by GBL experts highlights the potential of AI tools for bGB
Immediate direct-to-implant breast reconstruction: A single center comparison between different procedures
BackgroundThe increased incidence of conservative mastectomy operations (nipple- and skin- sparing) has increased the frequency of immediate breast reconstructions (IBR). In order to guarantee patients the best possible aesthetic outcome, the least chance of complications and moreover, the least postoperative pain, the technique with prepectoral prosthetic pocket was recently reconsidered with the use of ADM. This is the first study using Fortiva® in prepectoral breast reconstruction, and it compares the outcomes of three different patient populations (undergoing retromuscular, prepectoral and prepectoral reconstruction with ADM). The authors suggest that prepectoral breast reconstruction with ADM may bring benefits compared to the current standard technique (retromuscular) as well as compared to the prepectoral reconstruction without ADM.MethodsRetrospective data analysis of patients who underwent mastectomy followed by immediate breast reconstruction with silicone implants (DTI), performed by a team of breast surgeons and plastic surgeons. Logistic factor regressions were performed in order to investigate the effects of the three different intervention techniques on the incidence of complications. Fisher's exact test was used to analyze the differences in the occurrence of each complication. Mann Whitney test was used to compare the averages of referred pain. A p value <0.05 was considered significant.ResultsA total of 67 patients underwent DTI reconstruction, of which 43 with retromuscular prosthesis, 13 prepectoral and 11 prepectoral with ADM. We found a significantly lower incidence of surgical complications with ADM, exclusively in comparison with retromuscular reconstruction (p = 0.028). It emerges prepectoral reconstruction with ADM involves significantly less visibility of the implant than both the prepectoral surgery without ADM (p = 0.013) and the retromuscular technique (p = 0.029). Finally, postoperative pain referred at twelfth month is significantly less relevant in the group with prepectoral prosthesis and ADM, both in the group with retromuscular (p < 0.001) and prepectoral without ADM (p = 0.001).ConclusionsThis study demonstrates that immediate prepectoral breast reconstruction with ADM is a safe and reliable technique, able to exceed some type of limits imposed by prepectoral reconstruction. Moreover, it provides benefits if compared to the current standard technique. In the future, this technique could also be added to it, after a proper selection of patients in pre- and intraoperative time
Inclusion of Platinum Agents in Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Patients: Development of GRADE (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) Recommendation by the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM)
In the absence of identified therapeutic targets, chemotherapy is the main systemic treatment option for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). The achievement of a pathological complete response (pCR) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy leads to good outcome, whereas patients not achieving a pCR are at high risk of relapse. Various trials have evaluated the inclusion of platinum in neoadjuvant chemotherapy regimens for TNBC, leading to non-univocal results. The panel of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM) Guidelines on Breast Cancer developed a clinical recommendation on the addition of platinum to anthracycline/taxane-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy for TNBC by using the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) methodology and the Evidence to Decision framework (EtD). Five studies were eligible. The panel identified the following outcomes of benefit: pCR (critical), disease/event-free survival (DFS/EFS, critical), and overall survival (OS, critical). The panel identified febrile neutropenia (critical), serious adverse events (critical), anemia grade 3-4 (important), thrombocytopenia grade 3-4 (important) as outcomes of harms. The probability of pCR was higher in the platinum-based chemotherapy group versus control group (RR = 1.45, 95%CI 1.28-1.64); however, no impact on long-term outcome was observed. Neoadjuvant treatment regimens containing platinum resulted in a non-significant increase in the risk of febrile neutropenia and in a significant increase in the risk serious adverse events, G3-G4 anemia and G3-G4 thrombocytopenia: 11.3% versus 0.8%, RR = 15.66 (95%CI 6.38-38.44). The panel judged uncertain/favorable the benefit/harms balance. The panel's final recommendation was conditional in favor of the inclusion of platinum in anthracycline/taxane-based neoadjuvant regimens for TNBC
The Effect of Adjuvant Radiotherapy on One- and Two-Stage Prosthetic Breast Reconstruction and on Autologous Reconstruction: A Multicenter Italian Study among 18 Senonetwork Breast Centres
Purpose: In modern breast cancer treatment, a growing role has been observed for breast reconstruction together with an increase in clinical indications for postmastectomy radiotherapy (PMRT). Choosing the optimum type of reconstructive technique is a clinical challenge. We therefore conducted a national multicenter study to analyze the impact of PMRT on breast reconstruction. Methods: We conducted a retrospective case-control multicenter study on women undergoing breast reconstruction. Data were collected from 18 Italian Breast Centres and stored in a cumulative database which included the following: autologous reconstruction, direct-to-implant (DTI), and tissue expander/immediate (TE/I). For all patients, we described complications and surgical endpoints to complications such as reconstruction failure, explant, change in type of reconstruction, and reintervention. Results: From 2001 to April 2020, 3116 patients were evaluated. The risk for any complication was significantly increased in patients receiving PMRT (aOR, 1.73; 95% CI, 1.33-2.24; p < 0.001). PMRT was associated with a significant increase in the risk of capsular contracture in the DTI and TE/I groups (aOR, 2.24; 95% CI, 1.57-3.20; p < 0.001). Comparing type of procedures, the risk of failure (aOR, 1.82; 95% CI, 1.06-3.12, p=0.030), explant (aOR, 3.34; 95% CI, 3.85-7.83, p < 0.001), and severe complications (aOR, 2.54; 95% CI, 1.88-3.43, p < 0.001) were significantly higher in the group undergoing DTI reconstruction as compared to TE/I reconstruction. Conclusion: Our study confirms that autologous reconstruction is the procedure least impacted by PMRT, while DTI appears to be the most impacted by PMRT, when compared with TE/I which shows a lower rate of explant and reconstruction failure. The trial is registered with NCT04783818, and the date of registration is 1 March, 2021, retrospectively registered
Du destin cellulaire Ă la formation des circuits dans les ganglions de la base
Basal ganglia (BG) are a set of brain nuclei that control crucial aspects of everyday life such as motor control, habit learning and reward. In particular, the striatum is the biggest nucleus and input station of BG. It is formed by two subsets of projection neurons (SPN) that modulate BG output activity either directly (dSPN) or indirectly via other BG structures (iSPN). The two populations are intermixed, allowing parallel activation of the two pathways. Impaired balance of dSPN and iSPN activity is part of the aetiology of many BG neuropathies, including Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases; however, to date we have poor knowledge on how the two subtypes are specified and how they intermix during development. Using a unique combination of mouse genetic tools, here I show that dSPN and iSPN are specified early as independent populations, have different early distribution and gradually intermix. Moreover, I show that the process of intermix relies on expression of transcription factor Ebf1 in dSPN, a gene that also controls dSPN ability to integrate in BG circuits. These findings provide a new framework to investigate the molecular mechanisms controlling striatal mosaic assembly and will provide instrumental to generate fully formed striatal neurons in vitro. Another BG population, corridor neurons, shares common origin with SPN; however, instead of migrating toward the striatum, these cells form a transient corridor (Co) that is crucial for the formation of the internal capsule, a major axonal pathway in mammals. Despite their importance for brain wiring, whether Co cells also play a role in the adult brain is unknown. Through a combination of genetic fate map and in vivo timecourse, I surprisingly show that these cells participate to specific nuclei of the central extended amygdala, a structure implicated in anxiety and fear response. This finding indicates that Co neurons might contribute to anxiety regulation and sheds new light on the formation of evolutionarily conserved structures of great behavioral and clinical interest. Taken together, my findings not only provide new and critical information on neuronal migration and circuit formation in the BG, but also a new conceptual framework to investigate the formation of nuclear structures of the anterior brain.Les ganglions de la base (BG) sont un ensemble de noyaux qui contrôle des taches fondamentales de la vie quotidienne, notamment le control des mouvements, ainsi que l’apprentissage et le reward. En particulier, le striatum est le noyau principal des BG et le majeur relais d’input. Il est formé par deux sous-types de neurones de projection (SPN) qui modulent l’activité de sortie des BG directement (dSPN) ou indirectement (iSPN) via d’autres structures. Les deux populations sont intermelangés, ce qui permet l’activation parallèle des deux voies. Une perte d’équilibre entre l’activité des dSPN et des iSPN est partie de l’étiologie de plusieurs neuropathies des BG, y compris la maladie de Parkinson et celle de Huntington. Malgré l’importance fonctionnelle de ces neurones, on a une connaissance très incomplète de comment les deux sous-types sont spécifiés au cours du développement; de plus, la question de comment les deux sous-types se mélangent pour former l’architecture fonctionnelle du striatum reste à élucider. Utilisant une combinaison unique d’outils génétiques disponible dans la souris, j’ai montré que les dSPN et iSPN sont spécifiés dés très tôt et diffèrent dans leur distribution dans le striatum embryonnaire pour s’intermélanger progressivement. De plus, je montre que ce processus de mélange repose sur l’expression du facteur de transcription Ebf1, un gène qui est exprimé spécifiquement dans le dSPN et contrôle aussi l’intégration de ces derniers dans les circuits des BG. Mes résultats fournissent un nouveau contexte pour investiguer les mécanismes moléculaires qui contrôlent l’assemblage du striatum et donnent des informations essentielles pour la génération de neurones striataux in vitro. Une autre population des BG, les neurones du corridor, ont la même origine que les SPN; cependant, au lieu de migrer vers le striatum, ces neurones forment une structure provisoire qui est cruciale pour former la capsule interne, un des majeurs faisceaux d’axones dans le cerveau des mammifères. Malgré leur importance pour le développement de la connectivité cérébrale, on ne sait pas si ces neurones jouent aussi un rôle dans le cerveaux adulte. À travers une combinaison de fate mapping génétique et d’analyse moléculaire à différent stades du développement, je montre que ces neurones contribuent à des noyaux spécifiques de l’amygdale étendue, une structure impliquée dans le control de la peur et de l’anxiété. Ces résultats montrent que les neurones du corridor pourraient contribuer à la régulation de l’anxiété et améliorent notre connaissance sur la formation de ces structures, qui sont très conservés au cours de l’évolution et qui ont un grand intérêt pathologique. Pris dans l’ensemble, mes résultats fournissent non seulement des nouvelles et très importantes informations sur la façon dont les circuits des BG sont formés, mais déterminent un nouveau cadre conceptuel pour investiguer le développement et la connectivité du cerveau antérieur
"Play, Mod, Design". Mappare le possibilitĂ di uso formativo dei giochi per la formazione dei docenti.
Vi è un crescente interesse rispetto all’introduzione del gioco in con-
testi di formazione. Questo è dovuto da una parte alla sempre più grande diffu-
sione di questo medium, fruito soprattutto, ma non esclusivamente, dalle fasce
giovanili della popolazione; dall’altra parte, alla continua crescita del mercato
ludico, che propone prodotti sempre piĂą specializzati e spesso rivolti diretta-
mente all’ambito educativo. Ciononostante, le esperienze formative che fanno
un uso ricco e consapevole del gioco in ambiti di apprendimento formale sono
ancora oggi poco diffuse e molto eterogenee. Questo contributo presenta un
semplice modello, chiamato “Play, Mod, Design” per classificare le opportunitĂ
di uso formativo dei giochi, propedeutico a (i) chiarire la confusione terminolo-
gica che è spesso presente nel discorso sull’uso formativo dei giochi (ii) aumen-
tare la consapevolezza rispetto alle diverse possibilitĂ di uso del gioco in chiave
formativa (iii) fornire alcune indicazioni preliminari rispetto alle competenze ri-
chieste per implementare efficacemente le diverse possibilitĂ di uso formativo
del gioco
Du destin cellulaire Ă la formation des circuits dans les ganglions de la base
Basal ganglia (BG) are a set of brain nuclei that control crucial aspects of everyday life such as motor control, habit learning and reward. In particular, the striatum is the biggest nucleus and input station of BG. It is formed by two subsets of projection neurons (SPN) that modulate BG output activity either directly (dSPN) or indirectly via other BG structures (iSPN). The two populations are intermixed, allowing parallel activation of the two pathways. Impaired balance of dSPN and iSPN activity is part of the aetiology of many BG neuropathies, including Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases; however, to date we have poor knowledge on how the two subtypes are specified and how they intermix during development. Using a unique combination of mouse genetic tools, here I show that dSPN and iSPN are specified early as independent populations, have different early distribution and gradually intermix. Moreover, I show that the process of intermix relies on expression of transcription factor Ebf1 in dSPN, a gene that also controls dSPN ability to integrate in BG circuits. These findings provide a new framework to investigate the molecular mechanisms controlling striatal mosaic assembly and will provide instrumental to generate fully formed striatal neurons in vitro. Another BG population, corridor neurons, shares common origin with SPN; however, instead of migrating toward the striatum, these cells form a transient corridor (Co) that is crucial for the formation of the internal capsule, a major axonal pathway in mammals. Despite their importance for brain wiring, whether Co cells also play a role in the adult brain is unknown. Through a combination of genetic fate map and in vivo timecourse, I surprisingly show that these cells participate to specific nuclei of the central extended amygdala, a structure implicated in anxiety and fear response. This finding indicates that Co neurons might contribute to anxiety regulation and sheds new light on the formation of evolutionarily conserved structures of great behavioral and clinical interest. Taken together, my findings not only provide new and critical information on neuronal migration and circuit formation in the BG, but also a new conceptual framework to investigate the formation of nuclear structures of the anterior brain.Les ganglions de la base (BG) sont un ensemble de noyaux qui contrôle des taches fondamentales de la vie quotidienne, notamment le control des mouvements, ainsi que l’apprentissage et le reward. En particulier, le striatum est le noyau principal des BG et le majeur relais d’input. Il est formé par deux sous-types de neurones de projection (SPN) qui modulent l’activité de sortie des BG directement (dSPN) ou indirectement (iSPN) via d’autres structures. Les deux populations sont intermelangés, ce qui permet l’activation parallèle des deux voies. Une perte d’équilibre entre l’activité des dSPN et des iSPN est partie de l’étiologie de plusieurs neuropathies des BG, y compris la maladie de Parkinson et celle de Huntington. Malgré l’importance fonctionnelle de ces neurones, on a une connaissance très incomplète de comment les deux sous-types sont spécifiés au cours du développement; de plus, la question de comment les deux sous-types se mélangent pour former l’architecture fonctionnelle du striatum reste à élucider. Utilisant une combinaison unique d’outils génétiques disponible dans la souris, j’ai montré que les dSPN et iSPN sont spécifiés dés très tôt et diffèrent dans leur distribution dans le striatum embryonnaire pour s’intermélanger progressivement. De plus, je montre que ce processus de mélange repose sur l’expression du facteur de transcription Ebf1, un gène qui est exprimé spécifiquement dans le dSPN et contrôle aussi l’intégration de ces derniers dans les circuits des BG. Mes résultats fournissent un nouveau contexte pour investiguer les mécanismes moléculaires qui contrôlent l’assemblage du striatum et donnent des informations essentielles pour la génération de neurones striataux in vitro. Une autre population des BG, les neurones du corridor, ont la même origine que les SPN; cependant, au lieu de migrer vers le striatum, ces neurones forment une structure provisoire qui est cruciale pour former la capsule interne, un des majeurs faisceaux d’axones dans le cerveau des mammifères. Malgré leur importance pour le développement de la connectivité cérébrale, on ne sait pas si ces neurones jouent aussi un rôle dans le cerveaux adulte. À travers une combinaison de fate mapping génétique et d’analyse moléculaire à différent stades du développement, je montre que ces neurones contribuent à des noyaux spécifiques de l’amygdale étendue, une structure impliquée dans le control de la peur et de l’anxiété. Ces résultats montrent que les neurones du corridor pourraient contribuer à la régulation de l’anxiété et améliorent notre connaissance sur la formation de ces structures, qui sont très conservés au cours de l’évolution et qui ont un grand intérêt pathologique. Pris dans l’ensemble, mes résultats fournissent non seulement des nouvelles et très importantes informations sur la façon dont les circuits des BG sont formés, mais déterminent un nouveau cadre conceptuel pour investiguer le développement et la connectivité du cerveau antérieur
Impressioni storiche: Parma dal fascismo alla Liberazione nelle foto dell’Archivio Amoretti
Alla Casa della musica di Parma, dal 25 aprile al 24 maggio 2015, una mostra fotografica promossa dall'Assessorato alla cultura, con la consulenza scientifica dell’Istituto storico della Resistenza e dell’età contemporanea di Parma, ha esposto 150 scatti di Armando Amoretti. In questo articolo gli autori presentano la storia dello studio fotografico Amoretti e una selezione di immagini tratte dallo straordinario fondo archivistico lasciato dal fotografo parmense
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