92 research outputs found

    Testing gravity with cold atom interferometry: Results and prospects

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    Atom interferometers have been developed in the last three decades as new powerful tools to investigate gravity. They were used for measuring the gravity acceleration, the gravity gradient, and the gravity-field curvature, for the determination of the gravitational constant, for the investigation of gravity at microscopic distances, to test the equivalence principle of general relativity and the theories of modified gravity, to probe the interplay between gravitational and quantum physics and to test quantum gravity models, to search for dark matter and dark energy, and they were proposed as new detectors for the observation of gravitational waves. Here I describe past and ongoing experiments with an outlook on what I think are the main prospects in this field and the potential to search for new physics

    Identical particles exchange symmetry and the electric dipole moment in molecules

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    Based on fundamental symmetries, molecules cannot have a permanent electric dipole moment although it is commonly used in the literature to explain the different molecular spectra for heteronuclear and homonuclear molecules. Electric-dipole rotational and vibrational spectra can indeed be observed in heteronuclear molecules while they are missing in molecules with identical nuclei. I show that the missing spectral features can be explained as an effect of the exchange symmetry for identical particles.Comment: Revised argument, results unchanged. Corrected typos. Added reference

    Squeezing on momentum states for atom interferometry

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    We propose and analyse a method that allows for the production of squeezed states of the atomic center-of-mass motion that can be injected into an atom interferometer. Our scheme employs dispersive probing in a ring resonator on a narrow transition of strontium atoms in order to provide a collective measurement of the relative population of two momentum states. We show that this method is applicable to a Bragg diffraction-based atom interferometer with large diffraction orders. The applicability of this technique can be extended also to small diffraction orders and large atom numbers by inducing atomic transparency at the frequency of the probe field, reaching an interferometer phase resolution scaling Δϕ∼N−3/4\Delta\phi\sim N^{-3/4}, where NN is the atom number. We show that for realistic parameters it is possible to obtain a 20 dB gain in interferometer phase estimation compared to the Standard Quantum Limit.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A portable laser system for high precision atom interferometry experiments

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    We present a modular rack-mounted laser system for the cooling and manipulation of neutral rubidium atoms which has been developed for a portable gravimeter based on atom interferometry that will be capable of performing high precision gravity measurements directly at sites of geophysical interest. This laser system is constructed in a compact and mobile design so that it can be transported to different locations, yet it still offers improvements over many conventional laboratory-based laser systems. Our system is contained in a standard 19" rack and emits light at five different frequencies simultaneously on up to 12 fibre ports at a total output power of 800 mW. These frequencies can be changed and switched between ports in less than a microsecond. The setup includes two phase-locked diode lasers with a phase noise spectral density of less than 1 \mu rad/sqrt(Hz) in the frequency range in which our gravimeter is most sensitive to noise. We characterize this laser system and evaluate the performance limits it imposes on an interferometer.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures; The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Measurement of the Newtonian gravitational constant using ultracold atoms

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    New quantum sensors based on atom interferometry make it possible to measure gravity with extreme precision. In Florence we measured the value of the gravitational constant G for the first time using an atom interferometer. Nuovi sensori quantistici basati sull’interferometria atomica permettono di misurare la gravità con estrema precisione. A Firenze per la prima volta si è misurato il valore della costante gravitazionale G utilizzando un interferometro atomico

    Coherent control of quantum transport: modulation-enhanced phase detection and band spectroscopy

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    Amplitude modulation of a tilted optical lattice can be used to steer the quantum transport of matter wave packets in a very flexible way. This allows the experimental study of the phase sensitivity in a multimode interferometer based on delocalization-enhanced Bloch oscillations and to probe the band structure modified by a constant force.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to EPJ Special Topics for the special issue on "Novel Quantum Phases and Mesoscopic Physics in Quantum Gases

    Bragg gravity-gradiometer using the 1^1S0_0-3^3P1_1 intercombination transition of 88^{88}Sr

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    We present a gradiometer based on matter-wave interference of alkaline-earth-metal atoms, namely 88^{88}Sr. The coherent manipulation of the atomic external degrees of freedom is obtained by large-momentum-transfer Bragg diffraction, driven by laser fields detuned away from the narrow 1^1S0_0-3^3P1_1 intercombination transition. We use a well-controlled artificial gradient, realized by changing the relative frequencies of the Bragg pulses during the interferometer sequence, in order to characterize the sensitivity of the gradiometer. The sensitivity reaches 1.5×10−51.5 \times 10^{-5} s−2^{-2} for an interferometer time of 20 ms, limited only by geometrical constraints. We observed extremely low sensitivity of the gradiometric phase to magnetic field gradients, approaching a value 105^{5} times lower than the sensitivity of alkali-atom based gradiometers. An efficient double-launch technique employing accelerated red vertical lattices from a single magneto-optical trap cloud is also demonstrated. These results highlight strontium as an ideal candidate for precision measurements of gravity gradients, with potential application in future precision tests of fundamental physics.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Towards an atom interferometric determination of the Newtonian gravitational constant

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    We report on progress towards an atom interferometric determination of the Newtonian gravitational constant. Free-falling laser-cooled atoms will probe the gravitational potential of nearby source masses. To reduce systematic errors, we will perform double differential measurements between two vertically separated atom clouds and with different source mass positions
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