25 research outputs found

    Significant sequelae after bacterial meningitis in Niger: a cohort study

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    Beside high mortality, acute bacterial meningitis may lead to a high frequency of neuropsychological sequelae. The Sahelian countries belonging to the meningitis belt experience approximately 50% of the meningitis cases occurring in the world. Studies in Africa have shown that N. meningitidis could cause hearing loss in up to 30% of the cases, exceeding sometimes measles. The situation is similar in Niger which experiences yearly meningitis epidemics and where rehabilitation wards are rare and hearing aids remain unaffordable. The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency of neuropsychological sequelae after acute bacterial meningitis in four of the eight regions of Niger

    Shanghaied into the future: the Asianization of the future Metropolis in post-Blade Runner cinema

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    The clichéd 1930–1950 Western cinematic images of Shanghai as a fascinating den of iniquity, and, in contrast, as a beacon of modernity, were merged in Fritz Lang’s Metropolis. As a result, a new standard emerged in science ction lms for the representation of future urban conglomerates: the Asianized metropolis. e standard set by this lm, of a dark dystopian city, populated by creatures of all races and genetic codes, will be adopted in most of the representations of future cities in non-Asian cinema. is article traces the representation of Shanghai in Western cinema from its earliest days (1932– Shanghai Express) through Blade Runner (1982) to the present (2013– Her). Shanghai, already in the early 1930s, sported extremely daring examples of modern architecture and, at the same time, in non-Asian cinema, was represented as a city of sin and depravity. is dualistic representation became the standard image of the future Asianized city, where its debauchery was o en complemented by modernity; therefore, it is all the more seedy. Moreover, it is Asianized, the “Yellow Peril” incarnated in a new, much more subtle, much more dangerous way. As such, it is deserving of destruction, like Sodom and Gomorrah

    Review article: reflux and its consequences--the laryngeal, pulmonary and oesophageal manifestations. Conference held in conjunction with the 9th International Symposium on Human Pepsin (ISHP) Kingston-upon-Hull, UK, 21-23 April 2010

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    BACKGROUND: Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the commonest diseases of Western populations, affecting 20 to 30% of adults. GERD is multifaceted and the classical oesophageal symptoms such as heartburn and regurgitation often overlap with atypical symptoms that impact upon the respiratory system and airways. This is referred to as extra-oesophageal reflux disease (EERD), or laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR), which manifests as chronic cough, laryngitis, hoarseness, voice disorders and asthma. AIM: The 'Reflux and its consequences' conference was held in Hull in 2010 and brought together a multidisciplinary group of experts all with a common interest in the many manifestations of reflux disease to present recent research and clinical progress in GERD and EERD. In particular new techniques for diagnosing reflux were showcased at the conference. METHODS: Both clinical and non-clinical key opinion leaders were invited to write a review on key areas presented at the `Reflux and its consequences' conference for inclusion in this supplement. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Eleven chapters contained in this supplement reflected the sessions of the conference and included discussion of the nature of the refluxate (acid, pepsin, bile acids and non-acid reflux); mechanisms of tissue damage and protection in the oesophagus, laryngopharynx and airways. Clinical conditions with a reflux aetiology including asthma, chronic cough, airway disease, LPR, and paediatric EERD were reviewed. In addition methods for diagnosis of reflux disease and treatment strategies, especially with reference to non-acid reflux, were considered