31 research outputs found

    Virtual Guidance as a Mid-level Representation for Navigation

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    In the context of autonomous navigation, effectively conveying abstract navigational cues to agents in dynamic environments poses challenges, particularly when the navigation information is multimodal. To address this issue, the paper introduces a novel technique termed "Virtual Guidance," which is designed to visually represent non-visual instructional signals. These visual cues, rendered as colored paths or spheres, are overlaid onto the agent's camera view, serving as easily comprehensible navigational instructions. We evaluate our proposed method through experiments in both simulated and real-world settings. In the simulated environments, our virtual guidance outperforms baseline hybrid approaches in several metrics, including adherence to planned routes and obstacle avoidance. Furthermore, we extend the concept of virtual guidance to transform text-prompt-based instructions into a visually intuitive format for real-world experiments. Our results validate the adaptability of virtual guidance and its efficacy in enabling policy transfer from simulated scenarios to real-world ones.Comment: Tsung-Chih Chiang, Ting-Ru Liu, Chun-Wei Huang, and Jou-Min Liu contributed equally to this work; This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Ultrasmall all-optical plasmonic switch and its application to superresolution imaging

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    Because of their exceptional local-field enhancement and ultrasmall mode volume, plasmonic components can integrate photonics and electronics at nanoscale, and active control of plasmons is the key. However, all-optical modulation of plasmonic response with nanometer mode volume and unity modulation depth is still lacking. Here we show that scattering from a plasmonic nanoparticle, whose volume is smaller than 0.001 μm3, can be optically switched off with less than 100 μW power. Over 80% modulation depth is observed, and shows no degradation after repetitive switching. The spectral bandwidth approaches 100 nm. The underlying mechanism is suggested to be photothermal effects, and the effective single-particle nonlinearity reaches nearly 10−9 m2/W, which is to our knowledge the largest record of metallic materials to date. As a novel application, the non-bleaching and unlimitedly switchable scattering is used to enhance optical resolution to λ/5 (λ/9 after deconvolution), with 100-fold less intensity requirement compared to similar superresolution techniques. Our work not only opens up a new field of ultrasmall all-optical control based on scattering from a single nanoparticle, but also facilitates superresolution imaging for long-term observation

    Realization of Polarization Control in High-Order Harmonic Generation

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    The nature of high-order harmonic generation process limits the harmonics emission to linear polarization. In this paper, we review the recent progress to generate elliptically or circularly polarized high-harmonic EUV pulses. We further demonstrate how complete control of polarization state of isolated high-harmonic pulse can be realized today by noncollinear focusing of two driving pulses with identical ellipticity but counter-rotating helicity. This paper opens a path towards the study of the fastest dynamics--down to attosecond time scales--in circular dichroism of magnetic materials, chiral molecules, and electronic spin motion.Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology; Academia Sinica; Junta de Castilla y León; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades for a Ramón y Cajal; European Social Fund; Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte

    Excavatoids O and P, New 12-Hydroxybriaranes from the Octocoral Briareum excavatum

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    Two new 12-hydroxybriarane diterpenoids, designated as excavatoids O (1) and P (2), were isolated from the octocoral Briareum excavatum. The structures of briaranes 1 and 2 were established on the basis of extensive spectral data analysis. Excavatoid P (2) is the first metabolite which possesses a 6β -chlorine atom in briarane analogues

    The influence of long-term treadmill exercise on bone mass and articular cartilage in ovariectomized rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Loss of bone quality and deterioration of articular cartilage are commonly seen after menopause. While exercise may protect against tissue degeneration, a clear link has yet to be established. The aim of the present study is to investigate the influence of long-term treadmill exercise on changes in bone mass and articular cartilage in ovariectomized rats.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sixty female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to 4 groups: ovariectomized (OVX), ovariectomized plus treadmill exercise (OVX-RUN), treadmill exercise alone (RUN), and control (CON) groups. After 36 weeks, the following variables were compared among the 4 groups. Bone mass was evaluated by trabecular bone volume and bone mineral density (BMD). Articular cartilage in the knee joints was evaluated by histology analysis and a modified Mankin score.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Rats in the ovariectomized groups (OVX and OVX-RUN) had significantly lower BMD and bone mass than the non-ovariectomized rats (CON and RUN), indicating that exercise did little to preserve bone mass. However, the sedentary OVX group had a significantly worse modified Mankin score (7.7 ± 1.4) than the OVX-RUN group (4.8 ± 1.0), whose scores did not differ significantly from the other 2 non-operated groups. The articular cartilage in the sedentary OVX rats was relatively thinner, hypocellular, and had more clefts than in the other 3 groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study suggests that long-term exercise protects articular cartilage in OVX rats but does not retard the loss of bone mass seen in after menopause.</p

    Urinary levels of organophosphate flame retardants metabolites in a young population from Southern Taiwan and potential health effects

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    BackgroundOrganophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) are widely distributed in the environment and their metabolites are observed in urine, but little is known regarding OPFRs in a broad-spectrum young population from newborns to those aged 18 years.ObjectivesInvestigate urinary levels of OPFRs and OPFR metabolites in Taiwanese infants, young children, schoolchildren, and adolescents within the general population.MethodsDifferent age groups of subjects (n=136) were recruited from southern Taiwan to detect 10 OPFR metabolites in urine samples. Associations between urinary OPFRs and their corresponding metabolites and potential health status were also examined.ResultsThe mean level of urinary Σ10 OPFR in this broad-spectrum young population is 2.25 μg/L (standard deviation (SD) of 1.91 μg/L). Σ10 OPFR metabolites in urine are 3.25 ± 2.84, 3.06 ± 2.21, 1.75 ± 1.10, and 2.32 ± 2.29 μg/L in the age groups comprising of newborns, 1-5 year-olds, 6-10 year-olds, and 11-18 year-olds, respectively, and borderline significant differences were found in the different age groups (p=0.125). The OPFR metabolites of TCEP, BCEP, DPHP, TBEP, DBEP, and BDCPP predominate in urine and comprise more than 90% of the total. TBEP was highly correlated with DBEP in this population (r=0.845, p&lt;0.001). The estimated daily intake (EDI) of Σ5OPFRs (TDCPP, TCEP, TBEP, TNBP, and TPHP) was 2,230, 461, 130, and 184 ng/kg bw/day for newborns, 1-5 yr children, 6-10 yr children, and 11-17 yr adolescents, respectively. The EDI of Σ5OPFRs for newborns was 4.83-17.2 times higher than the other age groups. Urinary OPFR metabolites are significantly correlated with birth length and chest circumference in newborns.ConclusionTo our knowledge, this is the first investigation of urinary OPFR metabolite levels in a broad-spectrum young population. There tended to be higher exposure rates in both newborns and pre-schoolers, though little is known about their exposure levels or factors leading to exposure in the young population. Further studies should clarify the exposure levels and factor relationships

    Polarization control of isolated high-harmonic pulses

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    High-harmonic generation driven by femtosecond lasers makes it possible to capture the fastest dynamics in molecules and materials. However, thus far, the shortest isolated attosecond pulses have only been produced with linear polarization, which limits the range of physics that can be explored. Here, we demonstrate robust polarization control of isolated extreme-ultraviolet pulses by exploiting non-collinear high-harmonic generation driven by two counter-rotating few-cycle laser beams. The circularly polarized supercontinuum is produced at a central photon energy of 33 eV with a transform limit of 190 as and a predicted linear chirp of 330 as. By adjusting the ellipticity of the two counter-rotating driving pulses simultaneously, we control the polarization state of isolated extreme-ultraviolet pulses—from circular through elliptical to linear polarization—without sacrificing conversion efficiency. Access to the purely circularly polarized supercontinuum, combined with full helicity and ellipticity control, paves the way towards attosecond metrology of circular dichroism.The experimental work was carried out at National Tsing Hua University, Institute of Photonics Technologies, supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (grants 105-2112-M-007-030-MY3, 105-2112-M-001-030 and 104-2112-M-007-012-MY3). The concept of isolated circularly polarized attosecond pulses was developed by C.H.-G., D.D.H., M.M.M., C.G.D., H.C.K., A.B. and A.J.-B.. C.H.-G. acknowledges support from the Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship within the EU Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (2007–2013), under Research Executive Agency grant agreement no. 328334. C.H.-G. and L.P. acknowledge support from Junta de Castilla y León (SA046U16) and the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (FIS2013-44174-P, FIS2016-75652-P). C.H.-G. acknowledges support from a 2017 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators (BBVA Foundation). M.M.M. and H.C.K. acknowledge support from the Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences (award no. DE-FG02-99ER14982) for the concepts and experimental set-up. For part of the theory, A.B., A.J.-B., C.G.D., M.M.M. and H.C.K. acknowledge support from a Multidisciplinary University Research Initiatives grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (award no. FA9550-16-1-0121). A.J.-B. also acknowledges support from the US National Science Foundation (grant no. PHY-1734006). This work utilized the Janus supercomputer, which is supported by the US National Science Foundation (grant no. CNS-0821794) and the University of Colorado, Boulder. This research made use of the high-performance computing resources of the Castilla y León Supercomputing Center (SCAYLE, www.scayle.es), financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). J.L.E. acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (DGE-1144083). L.R. acknowledges support from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU16/02591)

    Women with endometriosis have higher comorbidities: Analysis of domestic data in Taiwan

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    AbstractEndometriosis, defined by the presence of viable extrauterine endometrial glands and stroma, can grow or bleed cyclically, and possesses characteristics including a destructive, invasive, and metastatic nature. Since endometriosis may result in pelvic inflammation, adhesion, chronic pain, and infertility, and can progress to biologically malignant tumors, it is a long-term major health issue in women of reproductive age. In this review, we analyze the Taiwan domestic research addressing associations between endometriosis and other diseases. Concerning malignant tumors, we identified four studies on the links between endometriosis and ovarian cancer, one on breast cancer, two on endometrial cancer, one on colorectal cancer, and one on other malignancies, as well as one on associations between endometriosis and irritable bowel syndrome, one on links with migraine headache, three on links with pelvic inflammatory diseases, four on links with infertility, four on links with obesity, four on links with chronic liver disease, four on links with rheumatoid arthritis, four on links with chronic renal disease, five on links with diabetes mellitus, and five on links with cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, etc.). The data available to date support that women with endometriosis might be at risk of some chronic illnesses and certain malignancies, although we consider the evidence for some comorbidities to be of low quality, for example, the association between colon cancer and adenomyosis/endometriosis. We still believe that the risk of comorbidity might be higher in women with endometriosis than that we supposed before. More research is needed to determine whether women with endometriosis are really at risk of these comorbidities

    Two Genetic Mechanisms in Two Siblings with Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Psychosis

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    Intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are complex neurodevelopmental disorders with high heritability. To search for the genetic deficits in two siblings affected with ID and ASD in a family, we first performed a genome-wide copy number variation (CNV) analysis using chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA). We found a 3.7 Mb microdeletion at 22q13.3 in the younger sister. This de novo microdeletion resulted in the haploinsufficiency of SHANK3 and several nearby genes involved in neurodevelopment disorders. Hence, she was diagnosed with Phelan–McDermid syndrome (PMS, OMIM#606232). We further performed whole-genome sequencing (WGS) analysis in this family. We did not detect pathogenic mutations with significant impacts on the phenotypes of the elder brother. Instead, we identified several rare, likely pathogenic variants in seven genes implicated in neurodevelopmental disorders: KLHL17, TDO2, TRRAP, EIF3F, ATP10A, DICER1, and CDH15. These variants were transmitted from his unaffected parents, indicating these variants have only moderate clinical effects. We propose that these variants worked together and led to the clinical phenotypes in the elder brother. We also suggest that the combination of multiple genes with moderate effects is part of the genetic mechanism of neurodevelopmental disorders