14,190 research outputs found

    Starch-Based Diet and Type 2 Diabetes

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    The starch based diet was discovered and developed by Dr. John McDougal who claimed that a diet consisting of 70% starch, 20% vegetable and 10% fruit while eliminating meat, fat and diary products has helped his patients reverse their diabetes. In this study, we will re-examine the effect of this diet on blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes. We hypothesize that eating on a starch-based diet improves insulin sensitivity in individuals with type 2 diabetes. A survey of 10 selected type 2 diabetes diagnosed individuals was conducted. Each individual was interviewed and given the option to participate in the study. 7 consented to participate and are put on the starch-based diet for 4 weeks. At the end of each week their blood glucose and other vital readings are to be taken. The participants are given instructions on how to go on the diet. The expected outcome will come from the analysis of the result after the end of 4 weeks on the diet. We expect similar conclusions with that of Dr. McDougal’s findings on the starch-based diet. At this time, it is early to draw conclusions because the instruments required for this project arrived late from the vendors. Therefore, it is appropriate to state that conclusion will be finalized after the end of the four weeks

    Chinese Culture at Thiong Ting Funeral Home

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    In Indonesia, the death customs of different ethnic group have different characteristics, customs and habits. Some are buried in a special area, burned (Ngaben - Balinese) and other methods. In every province in Indonesia there are one or two Chinese funeral home services that provide mourning services to families, start from bathing, makeup, providing coffins, preparing funerals and cremations, they also give services for traditional ceremonies, religion in accordance with the beliefs. A Chinese funeral home whose existence is very striking is in the middle of the city of Surakarta, namely THIONG TING. This study aimed to describe Chinese culture in death customs, religion, socio-culture in the community using THIONG TING funeral services, describe mourning service activities and facilities provided to funeral home service users. Data was collected using observations, interviews, data processing and presenting data analysis. The results of studies and research at the THIONG TING funeral home are very useful for researchers who have an interest in the cultural life of the Chinese community. Keywords: Funeral home, THIONG TING, Chinese cultur

    Cellular thermosetting fluoropolymers and process for making them

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    Thermosetting fluoropolymer foams are made by mixing fluid from thermosetting fluoropolymer components having a substantial fluoride content, placing the mixture in a pressure tight chamber, filling the chamber with a gas, at a relatively low pressure, that is unreactive with the fluoropolymer components, allowing the mixture to gel, removing the gelled fluoropolymer from the chamber and therafter heating the fluoropolymer at a relatively low temperature to simultaneously cure and foam the fluoropolymer. The resulting fluoropolymer product is closed celled with the cells storing the gas employed for foaming. The fluoropolymer resins employed may be any thermosetting fluoropolymer including fluoroepoxies, fluoropolyurethanes and fluoroacrylates

    Letter to the Editor

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    Whilst the article by Nicholson AN [1] comprehensively reviews medical and environmental stresses associated with commercial flight, recent widespread increase in press coverage and community perceptions regarding compromised flight safety and security require emphasis. Adverse psychological sequelae resulting from terrorist threat to passenger aircraft leads to avoidance of commercial flights [2] as well as stress and anxiety in flight [3]. There is now community-wide anxiety about flight security in view of recent terrorist attacks such as commercial jets being flown into The Twin Towers in New York City on September 11th 2001 [2] and more recent security fears on trans-Atlantic flights [4]. Psychological stresses associated with increased pre-departure security checks and flights delayed or cancelled by security concerns have increased since September 11th [3]. Libyan involvement in the 1988 mid-air bomb explosion of a Pan-Am flight over Lockerbie was widely speculated at the time and further highlighted in 2001 [5]. Air-rage (passengers being verbally or physically aggressive or disruptive during flight) related to substance and alcohol use/refusal is increasing, poses physical and psychological risks to others on the plane and occasionally requires costly and inconvenient diversion of the flight [6]. Passengers with flight anxiety who already have fears out of proportion to the excellent safety of commercial flight pre-September 11th [7] will now have to contend with random unpredictable acts of violence and terrorism. Fear of flying possesses significant public health implications [7], affecting 10-40% of adult passengers [8] and up to 9.2% of crew staff [9]. In extreme cases it leads to severe anxiety reactions including panic attacks in-flight [3]. On the ground, avoiding flights exposes individuals to risks associated with using alternative transport [7]

    A shift from passive teaching at medical conferences to more interactive methods improves physician learning

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    Conferences that deliver interactive sessions designed to enhance physician participation, such as role play, small discussion groups, workshops, hands-on training, problem- or case-based learning and individualised training sessions, are effective for physician education

    Cellular thermosetting fluorodiepoxide polymers

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    Thermosetting fluoropolymer foams are made by mixing fluid form thermosetting fluoropolymer components having a substantial fluorine content, placing the mixture in a pressure tight chamber, filling the chamber with a gas, at relatively low pressure, that is unreactive with the fluoropolymer components, allowing the mixture to gel, removing the gelled fluoropolymer from the chamber and thereafter heating the fluoropolymer at a relatively low temperature to simultaneously sure and foam the fluoropolymer. The resulting fluoropolymer product is closed celled with the cells storing the gas employed for foaming. The fluoropolymer resins employed may be any thermosetting fluoropolymer including fluoroepoxies, fluoropolyurethanes and fluoroacrylates

    Optimisasi Jumlah Produksi dalam Memperoleh Keuntungan Maksimal Pada Penjualan Dompet dan Tas Jimshoney “NAYA Online Shopping”

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    ABSTRACT Linear programming is one of the most widely used operational research techniques in practice and is known for being easy to understand. The method in solving linear programming in "Naya Online Shopping" is by the graphical method and compared with LINGO software. The purpose of the completion of linear programming is to optimize the amount of production in obtaining maximum profits. And an optimal solution is obtained, namely a maximum profit of IDR 1,750,000. with 50 bags of "ting-ting bags" to be purchased from agents and many "crown wallets" to be purchased from agents of 100 pieces. From the maximum capacity of the shelter 150 pieces can be maximized by purchasing as many as 50 bags and purchasing 100 pieces of wallet. From the sensitivity test, it can be concluded that each capital increase or reduction of IDR 750,000 will result in a gain or loss of IDR 12,500. Completion of linear programming with research into the operation of graphical methods and LINGO software obtained the same value. Keywords: Linear programming, Operations of graphical method operations, LINGO software, sensitivity test ABSTRAK Linear progamming adalah salah satu teknik riset operasi yang paling banyak dipergunakan dalam praktik dan dikenal karena mudah dipahami. Metode dalam penyelesaian linear progamming pada “Naya Online Shopping” yaitu dengan metode grafik dan dibandingkan dengan software LINGO. Tujuan dari penyelesaian linear progamming ini adalah untuk mengoptimalkan jumlah produksi dalam memperoleh keuntungan maksimal. Dan didapatkan solusi optimal yaitu keuntungan maksimum sebesar Rp1.750.000, dengan banyaknya tas “ting-ting bag” yang akan dibeli dari agen sebanyak 50 buah dan banyaknya dompet “crown wallet” yang akan dibeli dari agen sebanyak 100 buah. Dari kapasitas maksimal penampungan 150 buah dapat dimaksimalkan dengan pembelian tas sebanyak 50 buah dan pembelian dompet 100 buah. Dari uji sensitivitas dihasilkan bahwa setiap penambahan atau pengurangan modal sebesar Rp750.000, maka akan didapatkan keuntungan atau kerugian sebesar Rp12.500,. Penyelesaian linear progamming dengan riset operasi metode grafik dan software LINGO didapatkan hasil yang sama nilainya. Kata Kunci: Linear progamming, Riset operasi, Software LINGO, Optimasi, Pemodelan Matematik
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