8,039 research outputs found

    Fabrication of a focusing soft X-ray collector payload

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    A large area X-ray focusing collector with arc minute resolution and a position sensitive detector capable of operating in the soft X-ray region was developed for use on sounding rockets in studying stellar X-ray sources. The focusing payload consists of the following components, which are described: (1) a crossed paraboloid mirror assembly; (2) an aspect camera and star tracker; (3) a focal plane assembly containing an imaging proportional counter and its preamplifiers, high voltage power supplies and gas system; (4) a fiducial system; and (5) housekeeping, data handling, instrumentation and telemetry electronics. The design, tests, and operation are described

    A survey of cost-sensitive decision tree induction algorithms

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    The past decade has seen a significant interest on the problem of inducing decision trees that take account of costs of misclassification and costs of acquiring the features used for decision making. This survey identifies over 50 algorithms including approaches that are direct adaptations of accuracy based methods, use genetic algorithms, use anytime methods and utilize boosting and bagging. The survey brings together these different studies and novel approaches to cost-sensitive decision tree learning, provides a useful taxonomy, a historical timeline of how the field has developed and should provide a useful reference point for future research in this field

    Perturbed Three Vortex Dynamics

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    It is well known that the dynamics of three point vortices moving in an ideal fluid in the plane can be expressed in Hamiltonian form, where the resulting equations of motion are completely integrable in the sense of Liouville and Arnold. The focus of this investigation is on the persistence of regular behavior (especially periodic motion) associated to completely integrable systems for certain (admissible) kinds of Hamiltonian perturbations of the three vortex system in a plane. After a brief survey of the dynamics of the integrable planar three vortex system, it is shown that the admissible class of perturbed systems is broad enough to include three vortices in a half-plane, three coaxial slender vortex rings in three-space, and `restricted' four vortex dynamics in a plane. Included are two basic categories of results for admissible perturbations: (i) general theorems for the persistence of invariant tori and periodic orbits using Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser and Poincare-Birkhoff type arguments; and (ii) more specific and quantitative conclusions of a classical perturbation theory nature guaranteeing the existence of periodic orbits of the perturbed system close to cycles of the unperturbed system, which occur in abundance near centers. In addition, several numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the validity of the theorems as well as indicating their limitations as manifested by transitions to chaotic dynamics.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, submitted to the Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Elastodynamics of radially inhomogeneous spherically anisotropic elastic materials in the Stroh formalism

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    A method is presented for solving elastodynamic problems in radially inhomogeneous elastic materials with spherical anisotropy, i.e.\ materials such that cijkl=cijkl(r)c_{ijkl}= c_{ijkl}(r) in a spherical coordinate system r,θ,ϕ{r,\theta,\phi}. The time harmonic displacement field u(r,θ,ϕ)\mathbf{u}(r,\theta ,\phi) is expanded in a separation of variables form with dependence on θ,ϕ\theta,\phi described by vector spherical harmonics with rr-dependent amplitudes. It is proved that such separation of variables solution is generally possible only if the spherical anisotropy is restricted to transverse isotropy with the principal axis in the radial direction, in which case the amplitudes are determined by a first-order ordinary differential system. Restricted forms of the displacement field, such as u(r,θ)\mathbf{u}(r,\theta), admit this type of separation of variables solutions for certain lower material symmetries. These results extend the Stroh formalism of elastodynamics in rectangular and cylindrical systems to spherical coordinates.Comment: 15 page

    Entanglement sudden birth of two trapped ions interacting with a time-dependent laser field

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    We explore and develop the mathematics of the two multi-level ions. In particular, we describe some new features of quantum entanglement in two three-level trapped ions confined in a one-dimensional harmonic potential, allowing the instantaneous position of the center-of-mass motion of the ions to be explicitly time-dependent. By solving the exact dynamics of the system, we show how survivability of the quantum entanglement is determined by a specific choice of the initial state settings.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Long-range dynamics of magnetic impurities coupled to a two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    We consider a two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice with weakly coupled impurities, i.e. additional spins interacting with the host magnet by a small dimensionless coupling constant g<<1. Using linear spin-wave theory, we find that the magnetization disturbance at distance r from a single impurity behaves as g/r for 1>1/g. Surprisingly the disturbance is inversely proportional to the coupling constant! The interaction between two impurities separated by a distance r is proportional to g^2/r for 1>1/g. Hence at large distances, the interaction is universal and independent of the coupling constant. We also find that the frequency of Rabi oscillations between two impurities is proportional to g^2 ln(gr) at 1<<r<<1/g, logarithmically enhanced compared to the spin-wave width. This leads to a new mechanism for NMR, NQR and EPR line broadening. All these astonishing results are due to the gapless spectrum of the magnetic excitations in the quantum antiferromagnet.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    CSNL: A cost-sensitive non-linear decision tree algorithm

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    This article presents a new decision tree learning algorithm called CSNL that induces Cost-Sensitive Non-Linear decision trees. The algorithm is based on the hypothesis that nonlinear decision nodes provide a better basis than axis-parallel decision nodes and utilizes discriminant analysis to construct nonlinear decision trees that take account of costs of misclassification. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by applying it to seventeen datasets and the results are compared with those obtained by two well known cost-sensitive algorithms, ICET and MetaCost, which generate multiple trees to obtain some of the best results to date. The results show that CSNL performs at least as well, if not better than these algorithms, in more than twelve of the datasets and is considerably faster. The use of bagging with CSNL further enhances its performance showing the significant benefits of using nonlinear decision nodes. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by applying it to seventeen data sets and the results are compared with those obtained by two well known cost-sensitive algorithms, ICET and MetaCost, which generate multiple trees to obtain some of the best results to date. The results show that CSNL performs at least as well, if not better than these algorithms, in more than twelve of the data sets and is considerably faster. The use of bagging with CSNL further enhances its performance showing the significant benefits of using non-linear decision nodes

    Calculations of polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities for the Be+^+ ion

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    The polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities of the Be+^+ ion in the 22S2^2S state and the 22P2^2P state are determined. Calculations are performed using two independent methods: i) variationally determined wave functions using Hylleraas basis set expansions and ii) single electron calculations utilizing a frozen-core Hamiltonian. The first few parameters in the long-range interaction potential between a Be+^+ ion and a H, He, or Li atom, and the leading parameters of the effective potential for the high-LL Rydberg states of beryllium were also computed. All the values reported are the results of calculations close to convergence. Comparisons are made with published results where available.Comment: 18 pp; added details to Sec. I

    Structural investigation of MOVPE-Grown GaAs on Ge by X-ray techniques

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    The selection of appropriate characterisation methodologies is vital for analysing and comprehending the sources of defects and their influence on the properties of heteroepitaxially grown III-V layers. In this work we investigate the structural properties of GaAs layers grown by Metal-Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) on Ge substrates – (100) with 6⁰ offset towards – under various growth conditions. Synchrotron X-ray topography (SXRT) is employed to investigate the nature of extended linear defects formed in GaAs epilayers. Other X-ray techniques, such as reciprocal space mapping (RSM) and triple axis ω-scans of (00l)-reflections (l = 2, 4, 6) are used to quantify the degree of relaxation and presence of antiphase domains (APDs) in the GaAs crystals. The surface roughness is found to be closely related to the size of APDs formed at the GaAs/Ge heterointerface, as confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), as well as atomic force microscopy (AFM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)