94 research outputs found

    Multilineage Differentiation Potential of CNS Cell Progenitors in a Recent Developed Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata L.) Nervous Model

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    Neural Progenitor Cells (NPCs) have gathered more and more attention in the field of Neural Stem Cells (NSCs). However, the multilineage differentiating behavior of these cells and their contribution to tissue regeneration, almost in lower vertebrate taxa, remain unknown. Since the early 1970s, many comparative studies have been performed using immunocytochemical screening on the brains of several vertebrate taxa, including teleosts, in order to identify these cells, even if the data are sometimes contrasting. This study aims: (1) to investigate in vitro the potential proliferative role of NPCs and Radial Glia Progenitors (RGP) in seabream neurogenesis; (2) to reveal the strict ability of fish NSCs to undertake the multilineage development and differentiation in neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. By the use of double Immunofluorescence (IF) analysis and phase contrast microscopy, we identified the multilineage differentiation and the exact cell morphology. We demonstrated that NSC can self-renew and differentiate into different types of neurons or glial cells during extended culturing. Mature neurons expressed specific neuronal markers; they could differentiate during long term culturing, generating an extensive neurite growth. Glia was found highly mitotic and could developed mature astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Glial cells were assessed by Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) reactivity; neurons and myelinating oligodendrocytes were immunostained with cell-specific markers. This work provide that the multilineage differentiation potential of seabream neural cell progenitors might be a useful tool for neurodegenerative diseases, being a promising approach for repairing the CNS injuries, also in other animals, as a new coming strategy for function recovery of damaged nerves

    The Increasing Trend in Cesarean Sections in South Eastern Italy: Medical and Biopolitical Analysis of Causes and Possible Mechanisms for Its Reduction

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    Abstract: Caesarean section (CS) rates are rising globally, though with considerable variation from country to country; in Italy the CS rate is about 38.2% and in Puglia, a region in the South-east (4 million inhabitants), the CS rate is about 47.7%, up 4.25% in the last two years. Currently, the high rate of CS and operative delivery in developed countries may be attributed to larger foetuses, an increase in the frequency of diabetes mellitus and pelvic adiposity, advanced maternal age at first pregnancy and a decrease in tissue elasticity. Moreover patients have a very low acceptance of any maternal-foetal risk in labour, and there is a significant increase of CS "on maternal request". Studies of communities with low rates of caesarean delivery may help to identify factors that lower the CS rate, such as cultural attitudes toward childbirth, design of the perinatal system,and genetic and social aspects. Also needed are biopolitical projects for the rationalisation of human and technological resources, which may lead to a reduction in legal claims and a natural decrease in defensive practices or defensive obstetrics based on doubtful diagnoses. Furthermore, the number of caesarean deliveries performed "on maternal demand" should be reduced by making sure that women are adequately informed about the safety of vaginal versus caesarean delivery. National health programs should be insttituted and extended to large populations, showing the costs and benefits of vaginal versus CS delivery. This analysis reviews the current reasons for performing CS, analyzing limitations in labour management and focusing on dystocia, in order to identify possible socio-political and medical mechanisms that may reduce the CS rate in south-eastern Italy, including promising but under-used technologie

    Should the visceral peritoneum at the bladder flap closed at caesarean sections a post partum sonographic and clinical assessment?

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    Objective. To compare cesarean section (CS) using open or closed visceral peritoneum of the bladder flap (BF) in relation to fluid collection in vesico-uterine space (VUS) by ultrasound (US) and clinical outcome. Material and methods. A prospective cohort of repeat CS in 474 in advanced first and second stage of labor was studied. All women underwent a Misgav Ladach CS, in local combined anesthesia. These were divided into two groups by surgical management of the BF at the time of CS: Group I (n?262), with visceral peritoneum left open and Group II (n?212), with visceral peritoneum closed. An US check for the fluid collections in the VUS was done in the third post-operative day. The two groups were also clinically compared for: intra-operative estimated blood loss, the need for post-CS pain killers, febrile morbidity and duration of hospital stay. Results. Visceral peritoneum (VP) closure resulted in a significant increase blood collections in the VUS (p50.05). VP closure resulted in a significantly higher morbidity in all the following parameters. Rate of BFHs, post-operative fever, need for post-operative analgesia, require antibiotic administration and prolonged hospitalisation (p50.05). Conclusions. VP suturing of women requiring CS for dystocia is associated to increased rate of blood collection in the VUS, which could possibly explain the higher rate of puerperal complications in these patients. These data clearly indicate that suturing the VP of the BF in women undergoing CS for dystocia is contraindicated. This data could be probably extrapolated to all cesarean deliveries

    Residue depletion and histopathological alterations in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) after oral administration of oxytetracycline

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    Aquaculture is a key component of the animal food industry, but intensive farming conditions increase the incidence of infectious diseases. Oxytetracycline (OTC) plays a major role for infectious diseases in fishes. Its MRLs include their 4-epimers, so in this trial, the depletion of residues of OTC and 4-epioxytetracycline in muscle and liver have been evaluated in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) after oral administration. Hepatotoxicity has been investigated with histopathological effects on target tissues. A validated DAD-HPLC with SPE extraction has been applied. Residual levels in muscle and liver depleted with a similar kel, but mean retention time and t½ß resulted longer in muscle than in liver because of different vascularization. The OTC concentrations were below the LMR at 48 h after dosing. No analytical peaks ascribable to 4-epi-OTC or other derivatives were detected, while histopathology of liver showed degenerated parenchymal hepatocytes, nuclear pyknosis, focal necrosis and inflammatory leucocytes infiltration. It can be concluded that the assessment of pharmacokinetic and residual depletion of antibiotics result fundamental to determine the most suitable therapeutic regime and to minimize the toxic effects in fish species

    Hyperhomocysteinemia as a Risk Factor and Potential Nutraceutical Target for Certain Pathologies

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    Hyperhomocysteinemia is recognized as a risk factor for several diseases, including cardiovascular and neurological conditions. Homocysteine (HCys) is a key metabolite involved in the biosynthesis and metabolism of methionine (Met), which plays a pivotal role in the physiological cell's life cycle. The biochemistry of Met is finely regulated by several enzymes that control HCys concentration. Indeed, balanced activity among the enzymes is essential for the cell's well-being, while its malfunction could raise HCys concentration which can lead to the onset of several pathological conditions. The HCys concentration increase seems to be caused mainly by the widely diffused polymorphisms of several enzymes. Nowadays, a blood test can easily detect elevated concentrations of HCys, referred to as Hyperhomocysteinemia (HHCys). Prolonged exposure to this condition can lead to the onset of cardiovascular disease and can lead to the development of atherosclerosis, stroke, inflammatory syndromes like osteoporosis and rheumatism, as well as neuronal pathologies including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. In this review, we analyzed the literature of several pathological conditions in which the molecular pathways of HHCys are involved. Interestingly, several observations indicate that the calibrated assumption of correct doses of vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and betaine may control HHCys-related conditions

    Caesarean Section in the World: a new ecological approach

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    Introduction. This study aimed to estimate the most recent caesarean section rates in the world and examine the association between these rates and old and new indicators of health care. Methods. Authors analyzed the Caesarean Section (CS) rates, also in geo-economic and economic groups, and correlated them to maternal and neonatal mortality, to births attended by skilled health personnel and to births among adolescents. Analysis of covariance and piecewise regressions were used for the statistical analysis. Results. In 47.2% of the countries, the CS rate exceeded 15%. Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean along with Europe, North America and Oceania had the highest values. The analysis showed an inverse association between CS rates and Maternal Mortality (MMR) and Neonatal Mortality (NMR) for all geographical areas except for Europe. The greatest association was observed in lower-middle-income countries. In developing countries only 50% of cases, occur in medical facilities and only half of these are seen by medical, nursing and obstetrical staff. Age of the mother appears to influence the outcome and choice of delivery type. Countries where an high ABR rate is present have low CS use. Conclusions. To best evaluate the consequences of the increasing rate of CS, it would be useful to identify the most sensitive outcome indicators

    Pathology of sea turtles <i>Caretta caretta</i> found on the coast of Apulia (south Italy)

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    On the basis of the most recent scientific literature, little is known on sea turtle renal pathology, as most published data mainly regard tortoises. The authors examined 49 carcasses of sea turtles belonging to the species Caretta caretta, stranded on the coasts of Apulia (South Italy). The subjects were classified by species and gender, weighed, morphometrical assessed, and submitted to pathological and bacteriological examinations

    Microvascular Density, Endothelial Area, and Ki-67 Proliferative Index Correlate Each Other in Cat Post-Injection Fibrosarcoma

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    Soft tissue sarcomas are a large group of different tumor types both in humans and in animals. Among them, fibrosarcoma is the most frequent malignant mesenchymal tumoral form in cats, representing up to 28% of all cat skin tumors, while human fibrosarcoma, fortunately, only represents 5% of all sarcomas and 0.025% of the world-wide burden of tumors. This low incidence in humans leads to consideration of this group of tumoral diseases as rare, so therapeutic options are few due to the difficulty of starting clinical trials. In this context, the identification of research models for fibrosarcomas could be of great interest to deepen knowledge in this field and recognize new or possible biological pathways involved in tumor progression and metastasis. Angiogenesis is considered a fundamental scattering cause of tumor aggressiveness and progression in all forms of cancer, but only a few research parameters were developed and reported to express them quantitatively and qualitatively. The role in angiogenesis of microenvironmental stromal cells, such as fibroblasts, lymphocytes, mast cells, and macrophages, was largely demonstrated since this topic was first approached, while quantification of new vessels and their blood capacity in tumoral area is a relatively recent approach that could be well developed thanks to expertise in immunohistochemistry and image analysis. In this paper, a crossing study evaluating microvascular density (MVD), endothelial area (EA), and Ki-67 proliferative index was reported for a series of formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue samples from 99 cat patients, affected by cat post-injection fibrosarcoma, by using a till Ă—400 magnification light microscopy. We aim to demonstrate that cat pets may be considered a useful animal model for better studying the correspondent human diseases and we report, for the first time to our knowledge, experimental data in terms of correlation among MVD, EA, and Ki-67 strictly involved in aggressiveness and tumoral progression

    Immunohistochemical, pharmacovigilance, and omics analyses reveal the involvement of ATP-sensitive K+ channel subunits in cancers: role in drug–disease interactions

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    Background: ATP-sensitive-K+ channels (KATP) are involved in diseases, but their role in cancer is poorly described. Pituitary macroadenoma has been observed in Cantu’ syndrome (C.S.), which is associated with the gain-of-function mutations of the ABCC9 and KCNJ8 genes. We tested the role of the ABCC8/Sur1, ABCC9/Sur2A/B, KCNJ11/Kir6.2, and KCNJ8/Kir6.1 genes experimentally in a minoxidil-induced renal tumor in male rats and in the female canine breast cancer, a spontaneous animal model of disease, and in the pharmacovigilance and omics databases.Methods: We performed biopsies from renal tissues of male rats (N = 5) following a sub-chronic high dosing topical administration of minoxidil (0.777–77.7 mg/kg/day) and from breast tissues of female dogs for diagnosis (N = 23) that were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Pharmacovigilance and omics data were extracted from EudraVigilance and omics databases, respectively.Results: An elevated immunohistochemical reactivity to Sur2A-mAb was detected in the cytosol of the Ki67+/G3 cells other than in the surface membrane in the minoxidil-induced renal tumor and the breast tumor samples. KCNJ11, KCNJ8, and ABCC9 genes are upregulated in cancers but ABCC8 is downregulated. The Kir6.2-Sur2A/B-channel opener minoxidil showed 23 case reports of breast cancer and one case of ovarian cancer in line with omics data reporting, respectively, and the negative and positive prognostic roles of the ABCC9 gene in these cancers. Sulfonylureas and glinides blocking the pancreatic Kir6.2-Sur1 subunits showed a higher risk for pancreatic cancer in line with the positive prognostic role of the ABCC8 gene but low risks for common cancers. Glibenclamide, repaglinide, and glimepiride show a lower cancer risk within the KATP channel blockers. The Kir6.2-Sur1 opener diazoxide shows no cancer reactions.Conclusion: An elevated expression of the Sur2A subunit was found in proliferating cells in two animal models of cancer. Immunohistochemistry/omics/pharmacovigilance data reveal the role of the Kir6.1/2-Sur2A/B subunits as a drug target in breast/renal cancers and in C.S

    Effect of rearing system (free-range vs cage) on gut and muscle histomorphology and microbial loads of Italian White breed rabbits

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    Objective The growing consumers’ interest on animal welfare has raised the request of products obtained by alternative rearing systems. The present study was conducted to assess the influence of housing system on gut and muscle morphology and on microbial load in rabbits reared under free-range (FR) and cage system (CS). Methods A total of forty weaned (35 days of age) male Italian White breed rabbits were allotted according to the rearing system, and at 91 days of age were randomly selected and slaughtered for the morphological evaluation of tissue from duodenum and longissimus lumborum. Morphometric analysis of the villus height, villus width, crypt depth, villus height/crypt depth ratio, and villus surface was performed. The microbial loads on hind muscle was determined by total mesophilic aerobic count (TMAC), Escherichia coli and Enterobacteriaceae; whereas, total anaerobic bacteria count (TABC) and TMAC, E. coli and Enterobacteriaceae was determined on caecal content. Results Rearing system did not interfere with the duodenum and muscle histomorphology in both rabbit groups. Similarly, microbial load of caecal content showed no significant differences on the TABC and TMAC. Conversely, significant difference was found for E. coli strains in caecal content, with the lower counts in FR compared to CS rabbits (p<0.01). Microbiological assay of muscle revealed significant lower TMAC in FR vs CS rabbits (p< 0.05). All rabbit meat samples were negative for E. Coli and Enterobacteriaceae. Conclusion Free-range could be considered a possible alternative and sustainable rearing system in rabbits to preserve gut environment and muscle quality
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