15 research outputs found

    The asymptotic aggregation problem and the macrodescription of high dimensional systems

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    In this paper, the aggregation problem for high dimensional systems is studied in a different point of view. The deviations occuring when macro‐descriptions are built and evaluated statistically. The systems asymptotic ideal with the aggregation is studied in this sense. Also for some classes of matrices the leading eigenvalues and norms have been taken as aggregate and aggregation is studied in this sense (errors are evaluated statistically). Straipsnyje nagrinejamas daugiamačiu sistemu agregacijos uždavinys. Nuokrypiai, atsirandantys keičiant sistema jos makrodeskripcija, ivertinti statistiškai. Sistemos agreguotasis asimptotinis idealas nagrinejamas tuo pačiu požiūriu. Taip pat straipsnyje nagrinejama keliu matricu klasiu agregacija, ju pagrindines tikrines vertes ir normas naudojant kaip agregata ir nuokrypius ivertinant statistiškai. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Isolated diffuse mesangial sclerosis in three siblings

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    WOS: 000072398500029PubMed ID: 9546709

    Antimicrobial activity potential of enterococcus spp. isolated from some traditional Turkish cheeses [Bazı geleneksel Türk peynirlerinden ızole edilen enterococcus spp.’nin antimikrobiyal aktivite potansiyeli]

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    Enterococci can produce enterocins which have antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and also Gram-negative pathogenic, toxigenic and food-spoilage bacteria. The aim of this study was to determine the antimicrobial activity of Enterococcus spp. isolated from traditional Turkish cheeses such as Kashar, Manyas, Sepet, Kelle, Mihalic, Tulum. The isolates were tested against Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria innocua, Listeria ivanovii, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis and also detected the presence of entA and entB genes of these isolates. Total 66 of enterococcal isolates were obtained from 34 of cheese samples and 25 of these isolates showed antimicrobial activity against tested reference bacteria by using agar spotting method. Also it was determined most of Enterococcus spp. carried enterocin encoding entA and entB genes. We concluded that these isolates or their enterocins may have a potential for food preservation, however they should be evaluated in terms of food safety. © 2016, Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi. All rights reserved

    Shiga toxin 2 affects the central nervous system through receptor globotriaosylceramide localized to neurons

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    Affinity-purified Shiga toxin (Stx) 2 given intraperitoneally to mice caused weight loss and hind-limb paralysis followed by death. Globotriaosylceramide (Gb(3)), the receptor for Stx2, was localized to neurons of the central nervous system (CNS) of normal mice. Gb3 was not found in astrocytes or endothelial cells of the CNS. In human cadaver CNS, we found Gb(3) in neurons and endothelial cells. Mouse Gb(3) localization was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy. In Stx2-exposed mice, anti-Stx2-gold immunoreaction was positive in neurons. During paralysis, after Stx2 injection, multiple glial nuclei were observed surrounding motoneurons by electron microscopy. Also revealed was a lamellipodia-like process physically inhibiting the synaptic connection of motoneurons. Ca2+ imaging of cerebral astrocytic end-feet in Stx2-treated mouse brains suggested that the toxin increased neurotransmitter release from neurons. In this article, we propose that the neuron is a primary target of Stx2, affecting neuronal function and leading to paralysis