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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap Pembayaran Hutang Piutang dengan Penambahan dari Hasil Panen Padi. Jenis  penelitian  ini  adalah  penelitian  lapangan,  metode  pengumpulan  datanya dengan cara wawancara. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini ada dua yaitu primer  dan  sekunder.  Metode  analisisnya  adalah  deskriptif  analisis  dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa dalam  pelaksanaan  hutang  piutang  ini tidak memenuhi  rukun dan syarat al-qard, maka praktek hutang piutang  ini  tidak sah  menurut  hukum  Islam.  Sedangkan  faktor-faktor  yang melatarbelakangi adanya praktek tersebut dikarenakan adanya kebutuhan yang mendesak serta kemudahan dalam menutupi  kebutuhan  hidup  masyarakat  setempat.  Ditambah  dengan  minimnya pengetahuan  tentang  hukum  transaksi  tersebut  dalam  Islam.  Setiap tambahan atas jumlah pinjaman dari pihak yang berutang itu dikatakan riba, tambahan hasil panen padi dalam transaksi utang piutang tersebut merupakan tambahan yang tidak boleh diambil meskipun rata-rata pinjaman tersebut untuk modal usaha serta dengan tambahan tersebut akan menimbulkan keterpurukan dalam kehidupan ekonominya. Hal ini sangatlah tidak dianjurkan, karena salah satu pihak sudah pasti merasa dirugikandan dapat menyebabkan keterpurukan dan kesusahan dalam  kehidupan ekonominya, maka jelas tambahan tersebut dilarang untuk diambil. This study aims to analyze the Overview of Islamic Law on Payments for Debt Receivables with Additions from Rice Harvesting Results. This type of research is field research, the method of data collection is by interview. The data sources in this study are two, namely primary and secondary. The analysis method is descriptive analysis using a qualitative approach. The results of this study that in the implementation of these accounts payable do not fulfill the pillars and al-qard conditions, the practice of accounts payable is not valid according to Islamic law. While the factors underlying the practice are due to the urgent need and ease of covering the living needs of the local community. Coupled with the lack of knowledge about the law of the transaction in Islam. Every additional amount of the loan from the debtor is said to be riba, additional rice yields in the debt debt transaction are additional things that should not be taken even though the average loan for business capital and the addition will cause deterioration in its economic life. This is not recommended, because one of the parties certainly feels hurt and can cause deterioration and distress in his economic life, so obviously these additions are prohibited from being taken

    Comparative morphological differences between umbilical cords from chronic hypertensive and preeclamptic pregnancies.

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    To compare morphological changes in the umbilical cords from chronic hypertensive and preeclamptic patients having normal or pathological umbilical artery Doppler ultrasonographic results. Umbilical cords from 34 normotensive, 31 chronic hypertensive and 70 preeclamptic women with normal and abnormal Doppler flow velocity waveforms (FVW) at 35-40 gestational weeks were studied. Morphological changes in the umbilical cords were examined on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections. The total umbilical cord area, total vessel area, and wall thickness of umbilical vessels were measured in systematic random samples using unbiased stereology methods. An ANOVA test was used for statistical analysis. In the chronic hypertensive and preeclamptic groups with normal Doppler FVW, the thickness of the umbilical cord vessels remained nearly constant, whereas both the total area and the lumen area were reduced. These changes correlate with the histopathological findings, suggesting a mainly vasoconstrictive effect. By contrast, analysis of the preeclamptic group with pathologic Doppler FVW showed a comparable reduction of all parameters of the umbilical cord. Histopathological findings were related to smaller, contracted smooth muscle cells of the vessel wall, which is suggestive of a predominant hypoplastic mechanism. As a result of reduced uteroplacental perfusion, fetal hypoxia and intrauterine growth retardation become unavoidable in preeclampsia. The histopathological changes in the umbilical cord between the chronic hypertensive and preeclamptic patients depend on the Doppler results. In conclusion, the umbilical artery Doppler FVW indices provide good values for predicting intrauterine growth retardation in preeclamptic patients.</p

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