34 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the research was to find out the economic efficiency of different types of cattle breeding specializations. The income of farms was evaluated on the basis of models. The results have shown that price relationships had a decisive influence on the efficiency of particular type of specialization. At the current price relationships in Slovenia milk production is economically still the most efficient type of specialization and hard to compete with by the farms specialized into fattening cattle breeding due to large areas of agricultural land required by this type of specialization. Stable price relationships are necessary for a more rapid development of fattening cattle breeding but, without an appropriate premium policy, breeding of fattening cows and that of slaughtering first calving heifers in the conditions where agricultural land is a limiting factor will not be able to undergo a more intensive development.Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti ekonomsko uspešnost pri različnih tipih gospodarstev in različnih govedorejskih usmeritvah. Dohodak kmetij smo izvrednotili na osnovi modelov. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo cenovna ruzmerja odločilen vpliv na uspešnost posamezne usmeritve. Trenutno je v Sloveniji še vedno ekonomsko daleč najbolj uspešna pridelava mleka, ki ji usmeritve v rejo govedi za meso težko konkurirajo tudi zaradi velikih površin kmetijske zemlje, ki jih te usmeritve zahtevajo. Za hitrejši razvoj reje govedi za meso so potrebna stabilna cenovna razmerja, brez ustrezne politike premiranja pa se reja krav za meso in reja klavnih prvesnic v razmerah, kjer predstavlja zemlja omejitveni dejavnik, ne bo pomembneje razvila

    Pridruživanje Europskoj uniji na području poljoprivrede - slovensko iskustvo

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    The paper presents Slovenia\u27s experience with the new European Union (EU) enlargement process in the area of agriculture. The pre-accession process incorporates the harmonisation of legislation, institution building, adjustment of the agricultural policy, accession negotiations, and adjustment and restructuring of agriculture and food-processing industry for the competitive conditions of the EU internal market. The development of agriculture and the agricultural policy in Slovenia have been considerably different from that in the EU. Slovenia, therefore, has to undergo a thorough agricul¬tural policy reform, marked particularly by the introduction of direct payments and other comparable mechanisms of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The reform is supported by the new Agricul¬ture Act, which provides a basis for implementing comparable agricultural policy. The Agency for Agricultural Markets and Rural Development has been established as an organisation responsible for implementation of the CAP measures. During the negotiating process Slovenia has so far carried out a thorough two-year screening of legislation and submitted its negotiating position. In the posi¬tion, Slovenia expressed its readiness to adopt the acquis, it requested some minor permanent or tem¬porary derogation from the acquis, and required to have a status equal to that of the present Member States with regard to the distribution of budgetary funds (in particular direct payments). Reforms and the negotiating process have over the period been supported by the agricultural economic research, based on a comparative analysis of agriculture and agricultural policy, and the model-based and sectoral estimation of effects of accession. Accession will be favourable for the Slovenian agriculture only in case, which is politically less realistic, that it will be treated equally to the present Member States and that it achieves equal level of competitiveness of agriculture and food-processing industry.U radu je prikazano slovensko iskustvo s novim procesom širenja Europske unije (EU), vezano uz područje poljoprivrede. Postupak koji prethodi pridruživanju obuhvaća usklađivanje zakonodavstva, izgradnju institucija, prilagođavanje poljoprivredne politike, pregovore o pridruživanju te usklađivanje i restrukturiranje poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije prema uvjetima na unutrašnjem tržištu EU. Razvoj poljoprivrede i poljoprivredna politika u Sloveniji znatno se razlikuje od stanja u EU. Stoga Slovenija mora provesti temeljitu reformu poljoprivredne politike, prvenstveno uvođenjem izravnih plaćanja i drugih komparativnih mehanizama Zajedničke poljoprivredne politike (Common Agricultural Policy, CAP). Reformi će pomoći novi Zakon o poljoprivredi kojim su osigurane pretpostavke za provedbu usporedive poljoprivredne politike. Ured za poljoprivredno tržište i razvoj sela ustanovljen je kao organizacija odgovorna za provedbu mjera predviđenih CAP-om. Tijekom procesa pregovaranja Slovenija je obavila dvogodišnje snimanje stanja zakonodavstva i dostavila svoja pregovaračka stajališta. U stajalištima je iskazana spremnost za usvajanje pravnog poretka EU (acquis), uz zahtjev za manjim trajnim ili privremenim odstupanjima od acquisa, te status jednak statusu današnjih zemalja članica kada je riječ o dodjeli proračunskih sredstava (posebno izravnih plaćanja). Reforme i proces pregovaranja bile su praćene agroekonomskim istraživanjima, uz usporednu analizu poljoprivrede i poljoprivredne politike, te su rađene procjene posljedica pridruživanja temeljene na modelima i stanju grane. Pridruživanje bi za slovensku poljoprivredu bilo povoljno tek kada bi, što je politički manje realno, Slovenija imala tretman jednak današnjim zemljama članicama i kada bi ostvarila jednaku razinu konkurentnosti poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije

    Pridruživanje Europskoj uniji na području poljoprivrede - slovensko iskustvo

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    The paper presents Slovenia\u27s experience with the new European Union (EU) enlargement process in the area of agriculture. The pre-accession process incorporates the harmonisation of legislation, institution building, adjustment of the agricultural policy, accession negotiations, and adjustment and restructuring of agriculture and food-processing industry for the competitive conditions of the EU internal market. The development of agriculture and the agricultural policy in Slovenia have been considerably different from that in the EU. Slovenia, therefore, has to undergo a thorough agricul¬tural policy reform, marked particularly by the introduction of direct payments and other comparable mechanisms of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The reform is supported by the new Agricul¬ture Act, which provides a basis for implementing comparable agricultural policy. The Agency for Agricultural Markets and Rural Development has been established as an organisation responsible for implementation of the CAP measures. During the negotiating process Slovenia has so far carried out a thorough two-year screening of legislation and submitted its negotiating position. In the posi¬tion, Slovenia expressed its readiness to adopt the acquis, it requested some minor permanent or tem¬porary derogation from the acquis, and required to have a status equal to that of the present Member States with regard to the distribution of budgetary funds (in particular direct payments). Reforms and the negotiating process have over the period been supported by the agricultural economic research, based on a comparative analysis of agriculture and agricultural policy, and the model-based and sectoral estimation of effects of accession. Accession will be favourable for the Slovenian agriculture only in case, which is politically less realistic, that it will be treated equally to the present Member States and that it achieves equal level of competitiveness of agriculture and food-processing industry.U radu je prikazano slovensko iskustvo s novim procesom širenja Europske unije (EU), vezano uz područje poljoprivrede. Postupak koji prethodi pridruživanju obuhvaća usklađivanje zakonodavstva, izgradnju institucija, prilagođavanje poljoprivredne politike, pregovore o pridruživanju te usklađivanje i restrukturiranje poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije prema uvjetima na unutrašnjem tržištu EU. Razvoj poljoprivrede i poljoprivredna politika u Sloveniji znatno se razlikuje od stanja u EU. Stoga Slovenija mora provesti temeljitu reformu poljoprivredne politike, prvenstveno uvođenjem izravnih plaćanja i drugih komparativnih mehanizama Zajedničke poljoprivredne politike (Common Agricultural Policy, CAP). Reformi će pomoći novi Zakon o poljoprivredi kojim su osigurane pretpostavke za provedbu usporedive poljoprivredne politike. Ured za poljoprivredno tržište i razvoj sela ustanovljen je kao organizacija odgovorna za provedbu mjera predviđenih CAP-om. Tijekom procesa pregovaranja Slovenija je obavila dvogodišnje snimanje stanja zakonodavstva i dostavila svoja pregovaračka stajališta. U stajalištima je iskazana spremnost za usvajanje pravnog poretka EU (acquis), uz zahtjev za manjim trajnim ili privremenim odstupanjima od acquisa, te status jednak statusu današnjih zemalja članica kada je riječ o dodjeli proračunskih sredstava (posebno izravnih plaćanja). Reforme i proces pregovaranja bile su praćene agroekonomskim istraživanjima, uz usporednu analizu poljoprivrede i poljoprivredne politike, te su rađene procjene posljedica pridruživanja temeljene na modelima i stanju grane. Pridruživanje bi za slovensku poljoprivredu bilo povoljno tek kada bi, što je politički manje realno, Slovenija imala tretman jednak današnjim zemljama članicama i kada bi ostvarila jednaku razinu konkurentnosti poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije

    Bringing New Opportunities to Develop Statistical Software and Data Analysis Tools in Romania

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    In the last decade, open source programming technology is widely used among statisticians for developing a new statistical software and data analysis. This is R software environment and the main objective of this paper is to underline the importance of R for statistical computations, data analysis, visualization and applications in various fields. Regarding to this, the paper is primarily intended for people already familiar with common statistical concepts. Thus the statistical methods used to illustrate the R performance are not explained in detail. The main intention is to offer an overview to get started, to motivate beginners by illustrating the flexibility of R, and to show how simply it enables the user to carry out statistical computations

    The James Webb Space Telescope Mission

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    Twenty-six years ago a small committee report, building on earlier studies, expounded a compelling and poetic vision for the future of astronomy, calling for an infrared-optimized space telescope with an aperture of at least 4m4m. With the support of their governments in the US, Europe, and Canada, 20,000 people realized that vision as the 6.5m6.5m James Webb Space Telescope. A generation of astronomers will celebrate their accomplishments for the life of the mission, potentially as long as 20 years, and beyond. This report and the scientific discoveries that follow are extended thank-you notes to the 20,000 team members. The telescope is working perfectly, with much better image quality than expected. In this and accompanying papers, we give a brief history, describe the observatory, outline its objectives and current observing program, and discuss the inventions and people who made it possible. We cite detailed reports on the design and the measured performance on orbit.Comment: Accepted by PASP for the special issue on The James Webb Space Telescope Overview, 29 pages, 4 figure


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    Рад описује и анализира промене у пољопривреди и прехрамбеној индустрији Словеније у периоду 1992-2006. са посебним освртом на године после 2000. у светлу укључивања у Европску унију (ЕУ). Укључење није проузроковало већих потешкоћа у пољопривреди као целини. Овакав исход може се приписати чињеници да су се цијеви и механизми аграрне политике у Словенији усклађивали са Заједничком аграрном политиком (ЦАП) већ у предприступном периоду. Због тога је преузимање ЦАП након укључења значило пре свега наставак мера које су се проводиле већ у оквиру националне аграрне политике али са већим фондовима за подршку пољопривреде. Доходак пољопривреде остао је на релативно високом нивоу у односу на претходне године, а анализа главних фактора који детерминирају доходак показала је да су се углавном настављали трендови карактеристични за период после 1999. – благи тренд повећања пољопривредне производње, тренд пада цена пољопривредних производа код произвођача и интензиван тренд раста буџетске подршке пољопривреди. Словенија је традиционално нето увозник хране али се због укидања царинске заштите за увоз из ЕУ и мање погодних услова за извоз у треће земље дефицит повећао на до сада највиши ниво. Отварање тржишта после приступа повећало је конкурентни притисак на прехрамбену индустрију и економски резултати тог сектора су се значајно погоршали. Пољопривредно-прехрамбени ланац се суочава са важним изазовима. Проблем релативно ниске конкурентности сектора још није решен и тражи значајне структурне промене и прилагођавање


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    The paper outlines the most noticeable economic effects of the 2004 accession of Slovenia to the European Union (EU) on its agri-food sector. The main national statistical data are used to compare the situation in the Slovenian agri-food sector in the pre- and postaccession period. The main expected effects were related to joining the vast Common market through increased market competition and opportunities, as well as through the structural and organizational adjustments of a relatively small agri-food sector to it. Unexpectedly, these adjustments were halted in general, resulting most evidently in the increased export of raw agri-food products and import of processed products. Slovenian agri-food chain, especially the food industry, remains heavily challenged by its relatively poor competitive and organizational performance, both even more pronounced a decade after the EU accession