231 research outputs found

    Kleine Lebewesen mit großer Bedeutung: Wie Mikroben Prozesse im Meeresboden beeinflussen

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    Welche Bakterien leben in der Tiefsee und was tun sie dort? Wie beeinflussen Bakterien im Meer das Klima auf der Erde? Mit diesen Fragestellungen beschäftigt sich die Professorin Tina Treude in ihrem Vortrag zu den kleinsten Lebewesen im Meer, die aber eine große Bedeutung haben

    Methane oxidation in permeable sediments at hydrocarbon seeps in the Santa Barbara Channel, California

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    A shallow-water area in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, known collectively as the Coal Oil Point seep field, is one of the largest natural submarine hydrocarbon emission areas in the world. Both gas and oil are seeping constantly through a predominantly sandy seabed into the ocean. This study focused on the methanotrophic activity within the surface sediments (0–15 cm) of the permeable seabed in the so-called Brian Seep area at a water depth of ~10 m. Detailed investigations of the sediment biogeochemistry of active gas vents indicated that it is driven by fast advective transport of water through the sands, resulting in a deep penetration of oxidants (oxygen, sulfate). Maxima of microbial methane consumption were found at the sediment-water interface and in deeper layers of the sediment, representing either aerobic or anaerobic oxidation of methane, respectively. Methane consumption was relatively low (0.6–8.7 mmolm−2 d−1) in comparison to gas hydratebearing fine-grained sediments on the continental shelf. The low rates and the observation of free gas migrating through permeable coastal sediments indicate that a substantial proportion of methane can escape the microbial methane filter in coastal sediments

    Benthic element cycling, fluxes and transport of solutes across the benthic boundary layer in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone, (SFB 754) - Cruise No. M92, January 05 - February 03, 2013, Callao (Peru) - Callao (Peru)

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    Summary During this cruise a detailed multi-disciplinary research program was conducted at the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) within the framework of the Kiel SFB 754. Investigations were primarily conducted along a depth transect at 12° S. Major aim was to advance understanding of how OMZ´s are maintained and to determine feedbacks of benthic nutrient release on the currently expanding Peruvian OMZ with a major focus on i. variability of benthic nutrient release in response to hydrodynamic forcing and regional differences in bottom water levels of oxygen (O2), nitrate (NO3-), nitrite (NO2-), and sedimentary carbon content, ii. diapycnal and advective fluxes of excess dinitrogen (N2), ammonium (NH4+), phosphorous (P), iron (Fe), silicate (Si), and radium isotopes between the benthic boundary layer, and the stratified interior ocean as well as their entrainment into the surface mixed layer and iii. processes involved in the respective benthic N, Fe, and P cycles. To achieve this goal, physical and biogeochemical measurements were conducted in the water column as well as at the sea floor. For investigations in the water column a total of 84 CTD casts, 41 micro-structure CTD, 20 in situ pump and 12 GoFlo deployments were performed. Sediment samples were obtained during 50 multiple corer casts, 12 gravity corers and 10 benthic chamber lander deployments. Furthermore a profiler lander was used to determine in situ microprofiles of O2, NO3- and nitrous oxide (N2O) in situ. Microprofiles were obtained using glass-microsensors that were pushed into the sediment in 300 μm increments. In order to obtain time series data on the oxygen distribution and the current regime oceanographic moorings were distributed along the 12°S transect in addition to four benthic satellite-landers each equipped with upward looking ADCPs. Lastly, a glider swarm was established at 12°S. These instruments were deployed for the duration of cruise M92 as well as for the subsequent M93 cruise. Deviating from the cruise proposal, more time was spent for station works at the depth transect at 12° S. Major aim of this cruise was to obtain a coherent data set of all involved groups, which however took slightly more time than originally planned, yet bears a high scientific potential. Additionally, it was discovered that at 12° S in shallow waters sulphide was released from the seabed into the bottom water. Furthermore, in water depths from about 120 to 200 m nitrite in addition to nitrate was available in high concentrations which affects the benthic nitrogen cycle to a hitherto unknown extent. Hence these stations were more intensely investigated than originally planned. Weather conditions were fine and all deployments of the scientific gear went very well. It is expected that after analyses and synthesis of the different data sets from the different disciplines the scientific questions above can be addressed to broad extent

    Kleine Lebewesen mit großer Bedeutung: Wie Mikroben die Chemie im Meeresboden beeinflussen

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    Benthic Dinitrogen Fixation Traversing the Oxygen Minimum Zone Off Mauritania (NW Africa)

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    Despite its potential to provide new nitrogen (N) to the environment, knowledge on benthic dinitrogen (N2) fixation remains relatively sparse, and its contribution to the marine N budget is regarded as minor. Benthic N2 fixation is often observed in organic-rich sediments coupled to heterotrophic metabolisms, such as sulfate reduction. In the present study, benthic N2 fixation together with sulfate reduction and other heterotrophic metabolisms were investigated at six station between 47 and 1,108 m water depth along the 18°N transect traversing the highly productive upwelling region known as Mauritanian oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Bottom water oxygen concentrations ranged between 30 and 138 μM. Benthic N2 fixation determined by the acetylene reduction assay was detected at all stations with highest rates (0.15 mmol m−2 d−1) on the shelf (47 and 90 m water depth) and lowest rates (0.08 mmol m−2 d−1) below 412 m water depth. The biogeochemical data suggest that part of the N2 fixation could be linked to sulfate- and iron-reducing bacteria. Molecular analysis of the key functional marker gene for N2 fixation, nifH, confirmed the presence of sulfate- and iron-reducing diazotrophs. High N2 fixation further coincided with bioirrigation activity caused by burrowing macrofauna, both of which showed high rates at the shelf sites and low rates in deeper waters. However, statistical analyses proved that none of these processes and environmental variables were significantly correlated with benthic diazotrophy, which lead to the conclusion that either the key parameter controlling benthic N2 fixation in Mauritanian sediments remains unidentified or that a more complex interaction of control mechanisms exists. N2 fixation rates in Mauritanian sediments were 2.7 times lower than those from the anoxic Peruvian OMZ

    Anaerobic oxidation of methane in the Concepcion Methane Seep Area, Chilean continental margin

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    Within subduction zones of active continental margins, large amounts of methane can be mobilized by dewatering processes and transported to the seafloor along migration pathways. A recently discovered seep area located off Concepción (Chile) at water depth between 600 to 1100 mbsl is characterized by active methane vent sites as well as massive carbonates boulders and plates which probably are related to methane seepage in the past. During the SO210 research expedition “Chiflux” (Sept-Oct 2010), sediment from the Concepción Methane Seep Area (CSMA) at the fore arc of the Chilean margin was sampled to study microbial activity related to methane seepage. We sampled surface sediments (0-30cm) from sulfur bacteria mats, as well as clam, pogonophoran, and tubeworm fields with push cores and a TV-guided multicorer system. Anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) and sulfate reduction rates were determined using ex-situ radioisotope tracer techniques. Additionally, porewater chemistry of retrieved cores as well as isotopic composition and age record of surrounding authigenic carbonates were analyzed. The shallowest sulfate-methane-transition zone (SMTZ) was identified at 4 cm sediment depth hinting to locally strong fluid fluxes. However, a lack of Cl- anomalies in porewater profiles indicates a shallow source of these fluids, which is supported by the biogenic origin of the methane (�13C -70h PDB). Sulfide and alkalinity was relatively high (up to 20 mM and 40 mEq, respectively). Rates of AOM and sulfate reduction within this area reached magnitudes typical for seeps with variation between different habitat types, indicating a diverse methane supply, which is affecting the depths of the SMTZ. Rates were highest at sulfur a bacteria mats (20 mmol m-2 d-1) followed by a large field of dead clams, a pogonophoran field, a black sediment spot, and a carbonate rich clam field. Lowest rates (0.2 mmol m-2 d-1) were measured in close vicinity to these hot spots. Abundant massive carbonate blocks and plates hint to a very old seep system with a probably much higher activity in the past. The U-Th age record of these authigenic carbonates reach back to periods of venting activity with more than 150 ka ago. Carbon isotopic signatures of authigenic carbonates (�13C -50 to -40hPDB) suggest a biogenic carbon source (i.e. methane), also in the past. We found several indications for the impact of recent earthquakes within the seep area (cracks, shifted seafloor), which could be an important mechanism for the triggering of new seepage activity, change in fluid expulsion rates and colonization patterns of the cold seep fauna

    Benthic element cycling, fluxes and transport of solutes across the benthic boundary layer in the Mauritanian oxygen minimum zone, (SFB754) - Cruise No. M107, May 30 - July 03, 2014, Fortaleza (Brazil) - Las Palmas (Spain)

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    Summary A detailed multi-disciplinary research program was conducted at the Mauritanian oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Investigations were primarily performed along a depth transect at 18°20’ N. In this area upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich deep water is strongly seasonal, predominating from April until December. Major aim was to advance understanding of how OMZs are maintained and to determine feedbacks of benthic nutrient release on the currently expanding Mauritanian OMZ under such conditions. Major focus was on (i) variability of benthic nutrient release in response to hydrodynamic forcing and regional differences in geochemistry, (ii) diapycnal and advective fluxes of nutrients, trace metals, and radio-tracer between the sediments and the stratified interior ocean as well as their entrainment into the surface mixed layer and (iii) processes involved in the respective benthic and pelagic N, Fe, and P cycles. The working program in the water column comprised a total of 73 CTD casts, 38 microstructure CTD- and 17 in situ pump deployments. Moorings and Glider were deployed at 18°20’ N and 19°50’ N. Furthermore, in the northern working area ADCP-transects and casts of Underway CTDs were conducted to follow upwelling-induced frontal systems. In situ benthic fluxes of nutrients and oxygen were conducted using the Biogeochemical Observatories BIGO I and BIGO II comprising a total of 9 deployments. Further sediment samples for biogeochemical, investigations were obtained during the deployment of 22 casts of a video guided Multiple Corer (MUC). All deployments were successful and the envisaged data and samples were collected

    Hydrocarbon Degradation in Caspian Sea Sediment Cores Subjected to Simulated Petroleum Seepage in a Newly Designed Sediment-Oil-Flow-Through System

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    The microbial community response to petroleum seepage was investigated in a whole round sediment core (16 cm length) collected nearby natural hydrocarbon seepage structures in the Caspian Sea, using a newly developed Sediment-Oil-Flow-Through (SOFT) system. Distinct redox zones established and migrated vertically in the core during the 190 days-long simulated petroleum seepage. Methanogenic petroleum degradation was indicated by an increase in methane concentration from 8 μM in an untreated core compared to 2300 μM in the lower sulfate-free zone of the SOFT core at the end of the experiment, accompanied by a respective decrease in the δ13C signal of methane from -33.7 to -49.5‰. The involvement of methanogens in petroleum degradation was further confirmed by methane production in enrichment cultures from SOFT sediment after the addition of hexadecane, methylnapthalene, toluene, and ethylbenzene. Petroleum degradation coupled to sulfate reduction was indicated by the increase of integrated sulfate reduction rates from 2.8 SO42-m-2 day-1 in untreated cores to 5.7 mmol SO42-m-2 day-1 in the SOFT core at the end of the experiment, accompanied by a respective accumulation of sulfide from 30 to 447 μM. Volatile hydrocarbons (C2–C6 n-alkanes) passed through the methanogenic zone mostly unchanged and were depleted within the sulfate-reducing zone. The amount of heavier n-alkanes (C10–C38) decreased step-wise toward the top of the sediment core and a preferential degradation of shorter (C30) was seen during the seepage. This study illustrates, to the best of our knowledge, for the first time the development of methanogenic petroleum degradation and the succession of benthic microbial processes during petroleum passage in a whole round sediment core