19 research outputs found

    Comparison of Asymmetry between Perceptual, Ocular, and Postural Vestibular Screening Tests

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    Background: A better understanding of how vestibular asymmetry manifests across tests is important due to its potential implications for balance dysfunction, motion sickness susceptibility, and adaptation to new environments. Objective: We report the results of multiple tests for vestibular asymmetry in 32 healthy participants. Methods: Asymmetry was measured using perceptual reports during unilateral centrifugation, oculomotor responses during visual alignment tasks, vestibulo-ocular reflex gain during head impulse tests, and body rotation during stepping tests. Results: A significant correlation was observed between asymmetries of subjective visual vertical and verbal report during unilateral centrifugation. Another significant correlation was observed between the asymmetries of ocular alignment, vestibulo-ocular reflex gain, and body rotation. Conclusions: These data suggest that there are underlying vestibular asymmetries in healthy individuals that are consistent across various vestibular challenges. In addition, these findings have value in guiding test selection during experimental design for assessing vestibular asymmetry in healthy adults

    Comparison of Asymmetry between Perceptual, Ocular, and Postural Vestibular Screening Tests

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    Background: A better understanding of how vestibular asymmetry manifests across tests is important due to its potential implications for balance dysfunction, motion sickness susceptibility, and adaptation to new environments. Objective: We report the results of multiple tests for vestibular asymmetry in 32 healthy participants. Methods: Asymmetry was measured using perceptual reports during unilateral centrifugation, oculomotor responses during visual alignment tasks, vestibulo-ocular reflex gain during head impulse tests, and body rotation during stepping tests. Results: A significant correlation was observed between asymmetries of subjective visual vertical and verbal report during unilateral centrifugation. Another significant correlation was observed between the asymmetries of ocular alignment, vestibulo-ocular reflex gain, and body rotation. Conclusions: These data suggest that there are underlying vestibular asymmetries in healthy individuals that are consistent across various vestibular challenges. In addition, these findings have value in guiding test selection during experimental design for assessing vestibular asymmetry in healthy adults

    Community-based control of the brown dog tick in a region with high rates of Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 2012-2013.

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    Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) transmitted by the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato) has emerged as a significant public health risk on American Indian reservations in eastern Arizona. During 2003-2012, more than 250 RMSF cases and 19 deaths were documented among Arizona's American Indian population. The high case fatality rate makes community-level interventions aimed at rapid and sustained reduction of ticks urgent. Beginning in 2012, a two year pilot integrated tick prevention campaign called the RMSF Rodeo was launched in a ∌ 600-home tribal community with high rates of RMSF. During year one, long-acting tick collars were placed on all dogs in the community, environmental acaricides were applied to yards monthly, and animal care practices such as spay and neuter and proper tethering procedures were encouraged. Tick levels, indicated by visible inspection of dogs, tick traps and homeowner reports were used to monitor tick presence and evaluate the efficacy of interventions throughout the project. By the end of year one, <1% of dogs in the RMSF Rodeo community had visible tick infestations five months after the project was started, compared to 64% of dogs in Non-Rodeo communities, and environmental tick levels were reduced below detectable levels. The second year of the project focused on use of the long-acting collar alone and achieved sustained tick control with fewer than 3% of dogs in the RMSF Rodeo community with visible tick infestations by the end of the second year. Homeowner reports of tick activity in the domestic and peridomestic setting showed similar decreases in tick activity compared to the non-project communities. Expansion of this successful project to other areas with Rhipicephalus-transmitted RMSF has the potential to reduce brown dog tick infestations and save human lives