79 research outputs found

    On base sizes for actions of finite classical groups

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    Let G be a finite almost simple classical group and let ? be a faithful primitive non-standard G-set. A base for G is a subset B C_ ? whose pointwise stabilizer is trivial; we write b(G) for the minimal size of a base for G. A well-known conjecture of Cameron and Kantor asserts that there exists an absolute constant c such that b(G) ? c for all such groups G, and the existence of such an undetermined constant has been established by Liebeck and Shalev. In this paper we prove that either b(G) ? 4, or G = U6(2).2, G? = U4(3).22 and b(G) = 5. The proof is probabilistic, using bounds on fixed point ratios

    On the prime graph of simple groups

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    Let GG be a finite group, let Ļ€(G)\pi(G) be the set of prime divisors of āˆ£Gāˆ£|G| and let Ī“(G)\Gamma(G) be the prime graph of GG. This graph has vertex set Ļ€(G)\pi(G), and two vertices rr and ss are adjacent if and only if GG contains an element of order rsrs. Many properties of these graphs have been studied in recent years, with a particular focus on the prime graphs of finite simple groups. In this note, we determine the pairs (G,H)(G,H), where GG is simple and HH is a proper subgroup of GG such that Ī“(G)=Ī“(H)\Gamma(G) = \Gamma(H).Comment: 11 pages; to appear in Bull. Aust. Math. So

    On the uniform domination number of a finite simple group

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    Let GG be a finite simple group. By a theorem of Guralnick and Kantor, GG contains a conjugacy class CC such that for each non-identity element xāˆˆGx \in G, there exists yāˆˆCy \in C with G=āŸØx,yāŸ©G = \langle x,y\rangle. Building on this deep result, we introduce a new invariant Ī³u(G)\gamma_u(G), which we call the uniform domination number of GG. This is the minimal size of a subset SS of conjugate elements such that for each 1ā‰ xāˆˆG1 \ne x \in G, there exists sāˆˆSs \in S with G=āŸØx,sāŸ©G = \langle x, s \rangle. (This invariant is closely related to the total domination number of the generating graph of GG, which explains our choice of terminology.) By the result of Guralnick and Kantor, we have Ī³u(G)ā©½āˆ£Cāˆ£\gamma_u(G) \leqslant |C| for some conjugacy class CC of GG, and the aim of this paper is to determine close to best possible bounds on Ī³u(G)\gamma_u(G) for each family of simple groups. For example, we will prove that there are infinitely many non-abelian simple groups GG with Ī³u(G)=2\gamma_u(G) = 2. To do this, we develop a probabilistic approach, based on fixed point ratio estimates. We also establish a connection to the theory of bases for permutation groups, which allows us to apply recent results on base sizes for primitive actions of simple groups.Comment: 35 pages; to appear in Trans. Amer. Math. So

    On the involution fixity of exceptional groups of Lie type

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    The involution fixity ifix(G){\rm ifix}(G) of a permutation group GG of degree nn is the maximum number of fixed points of an involution. In this paper we study the involution fixity of primitive almost simple exceptional groups of Lie type. We show that if TT is the socle of such a group, then either ifix(T)>n1/3{\rm ifix}(T) > n^{1/3}, or ifix(T)=1{\rm ifix}(T) = 1 and T=2B2(q)T = {}^2B_2(q) is a Suzuki group in its natural 22-transitive action of degree n=q2+1n=q^2+1. This bound is best possible and we present more detailed results for each family of exceptional groups, which allows us to determine the groups with ifix(T)ā©½n4/9{\rm ifix}(T) \leqslant n^{4/9}. This extends recent work of Liebeck and Shalev, who established the bound ifix(T)>n1/6{\rm ifix}(T) > n^{1/6} for every almost simple primitive group of degree nn with socle TT (with a prescribed list of exceptions). Finally, by combining our results with the Lang-Weil estimates from algebraic geometry, we determine bounds on a natural analogue of involution fixity for primitive actions of exceptional algebraic groups over algebraically closed fields.Comment: 45 pages; to appear in Int. J. Algebra Compu

    Large subgroups of simple groups

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    Let GG be a finite group. A proper subgroup HH of GG is said to be large if the order of HH satisfies the bound āˆ£Hāˆ£3ā‰„āˆ£Gāˆ£|H|^3 \ge |G|. In this note we determine all the large maximal subgroups of finite simple groups, and we establish an analogous result for simple algebraic groups (in this context, largeness is defined in terms of dimension). An application to triple factorisations of simple groups (both finite and algebraic) is discussed.Comment: 37 page

    Fixed point spaces in primitive actions of simple algebraic groups

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    AbstractLet G be a simple algebraic group of adjoint type acting primitively on an algebraic variety Ī©. We study the dimensions of the subvarieties of fixed points of involutions inĀ G. In particular, we obtain a close to best possible function f(h), where h is the Coxeter number of G, with the property that with the exception of a small finite number of cases, there exists an involution t in G such that the dimension of the fixed point space of t is at least f(h)dimĪ©

    Base sizes for primitive groups with soluble stabilisers

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    Let GG be a finite primitive permutation group on a set Ī©\Omega with point stabiliser HH. Recall that a subset of Ī©\Omega is a base for GG if its pointwise stabiliser is trivial. We define the base size of GG, denoted b(G,H)b(G,H), to be the minimal size of a base for GG. Determining the base size of a group is a fundamental problem in permutation group theory, with a long history stretching back to the 19th century. Here one of our main motivations is a theorem of Seress from 1996, which states that b(G,H)ā©½4b(G,H) \leqslant 4 if GG is soluble. In this paper we extend Seress' result by proving that b(G,H)ā©½5b(G,H) \leqslant 5 for all finite primitive groups GG with a soluble point stabiliser HH. This bound is best possible. We also determine the exact base size for all almost simple groups and we study random bases in this setting. For example, we prove that the probability that 44 random elements in Ī©\Omega form a base tends to 11 as āˆ£Gāˆ£|G| tends to infinity.Comment: 43 pages; to appear in Algebra and Number Theor
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