168 research outputs found

    A mechanized proof of loop freedom of the (untimed) AODV routing protocol

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    The Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol allows the nodes in a Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) or a Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) to know where to forward data packets. Such a protocol is 'loop free' if it never leads to routing decisions that forward packets in circles. This paper describes the mechanization of an existing pen-and-paper proof of loop freedom of AODV in the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. The mechanization relies on a novel compositional approach for lifting invariants to networks of nodes. We exploit the mechanization to analyse several improvements of AODV and show that Isabelle/HOL can re-establish most proof obligations automatically and identify exactly the steps that are no longer valid.Comment: The Isabelle/HOL source files, and a full proof document, are available in the Archive of Formal Proofs, at http://afp.sourceforge.net/entries/AODV.shtm

    Mechanizing a Process Algebra for Network Protocols

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    This paper presents the mechanization of a process algebra for Mobile Ad hoc Networks and Wireless Mesh Networks, and the development of a compositional framework for proving invariant properties. Mechanizing the core process algebra in Isabelle/HOL is relatively standard, but its layered structure necessitates special treatment. The control states of reactive processes, such as nodes in a network, are modelled by terms of the process algebra. We propose a technique based on these terms to streamline proofs of inductive invariance. This is not sufficient, however, to state and prove invariants that relate states across multiple processes (entire networks). To this end, we propose a novel compositional technique for lifting global invariants stated at the level of individual nodes to networks of nodes.Comment: This paper is an extended version of arXiv:1407.3519. The Isabelle/HOL source files, and a full proof document, are available in the Archive of Formal Proofs, at http://afp.sourceforge.net/entries/AWN.shtm

    Scheduling and Compiling Rate-Synchronous Programs with End-To-End Latency Constraints

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    We present an extension of the synchronous-reactive model for specifying multi-rate systems. A set of periodically executed components and their communication dependencies are expressed in a Lustre-like programming language with features for load balancing, resource limiting, and specifying end-to-end latencies. The language abstracts from execution time and phase offsets. This permits simple clock typing rules and a stream-based semantics, but requires each component to execute within an overall base period. A program is compiled to a single periodic task in two stages. First, Integer Linear Programming is used to determine phase offsets using standard encodings for dependencies and load balancing, and a novel encoding for end-to-end latency. Second, a code generation scheme is adapted to produce step functions. As a result, components are synchronous relative to their respective rates, but not necessarily simultaneous relative to the base period. This approach has been implemented in a prototype compiler and validated on an industrial application

    Semantics of multi-mode DAE systems

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    Deliverable D.4.1.1 of the ITEA2 Modrio collaborative projectHybrid systems modelers exhibit a number of difficulties related to the mix of continuous and discrete dynamics and sensitivity to the discretization scheme. Modular modeling, where subsystems models can be simply assembled with no rework, calls for using Differential Algebraic Equations (DAE). In turn, DAE are strictly more difficult than ODE. They require sophisticated pre-processing using various notions of index before they can be submitted to a solver. In this report we study some fundamental issues raised by the modeling and simulation of hybrid systems involving DAEs. The objective of this work is to serve for the evolution and the design of future releases of the Modelica language for such systems. We focus on the following questions: * What is the proper notion of index for a hybrid DAE system? * What are the primitive statements needed for a DAE hybrid systems modeler? The differentiation index for DAE explicitly relies on everything being differentiable. Therefore, generalizations to hybrid systems must be done with caution. We propose relying on non-standard analysis for this. Non-standard analysis formalizes differential equations as discrete step transition systems with infinitesimal time basis. We can thus bring hybrid DAE systems to their nonstandard form, where the notion of difference index can be firmly used. From this study, general hints for future releases of Modelica can be drawn

    Analyzing an Embedded Sensor with Timed Automata in Uppaal

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    International audienceAn infrared sensor is modeled and analyzed in Uppaal. The sensor typifies the sort of component that engineers regularly integrate into larger systems by writing interface hardware and software. In all, three main models are developed. For the first, the timing diagram of the sensor is interpreted and modeled as a timed safety automaton. This model serves as a specification for the complete system. A second model that emphasizes the separate roles of driver and sensor is then developed. It is validated against the timing diagram model using an existing construction that permits the verification of timed trace inclusion, for certain models, by reachability analysis (i.e., model checking). A transmission correctness property is also stated by means of an auxiliary automaton and shown to be satisfied by the model. A third model is created from an assembly language driver program, using a direct translation from the instruction set of a processor with simple timing behavior. This model is validated against the driver component of the second timing diagram model using the timed trace inclusion validation technique. While no pretense is made of providing a general means to verify systems, The approach and its limitations offer insight into the nature and challenges of programming in real time

    ZĂ©lus: A Synchronous Language with ODEs

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    International audienceZĂ©lus is a new programming language for modeling systems that mix discrete logical time and continuous time behaviors. From a user's perspective, its main originality is to extend an existing Lustre-like synchronous language with Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). The extension is conservative: any synchronous program expressed as data-flow equations and hierarchical automata can be composed arbitrarily with ODEs in the same source code. A dedicated type system and causality analysis ensure that all discrete changes are aligned with zero-crossing events so that no side effects or discontinuities occur during integration. Programs are statically scheduled and translated into sequential code that, by construction, runs in bounded time and space. Compilation is effected by source-to-source translation into a small synchronous subset which is processed by a standard synchronous compiler architecture. The resultant code is paired with an off-the-shelf numeric solver. We show that it is possible to build a modeler for explicit hybrid systems Ă  la Simulink/Stateflow on top of an existing synchronous language, using it both as a semantic basis and as a target for code generation

    Arguments cadencés dans un compilateur Lustre vérifié

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    National audienceLustre is a synchronous language for programming systems as block diagrams from which low-level imperative code is generated automatically. Recent work applies the Coq interactive proof assistant to specify a compiler from a core subset of Lustre to the Clight input language of CompCert from which assembly code is generated. The overall correctness proof connects the stream semantics of Lustre to the imperative semantics of the assembly code.Every stream in a Lustre program is associated with a static ‘clock’ that represents when it is active. Compilation transforms the clocks into conditional statements that control when the corresponding value are calculated. Previous work made the simplifying assumption that the inputs and outputs of any given block shared the same static clock. This paper describes one way to lift this restriction. It requires enriching the static typing rules for clocks and the semantic model, and, to satisfy the Clight semantics, adding a compilation pass to ensure that any variable passed to a function call has been initialized.Lustre est un langage synchrone pour programmer des systĂšmes avec des schĂ©mas-blocs desquels un code impĂ©ratif de bas niveau est gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© automatiquement. Des travaux rĂ©cents utilisent l'assistant de preuve Coq pour spĂ©cifier un compilateur d'un noyau de Lustre vers le langage Clight de CompCert pour ensuite gĂ©nĂ©rer du code assembleur.La preuve de correction de l'ensemble relie la sĂ©mantique de flots de Lustre avec la sĂ©mantique impĂ©rative du code assembleur. Chaque flot dans un programme Lustre est associĂ© avec une « horloge » statique qui reprĂ©sente ses instants d'activation. La compilation transforme les horloges en des instructions conditionnelles qui dĂ©terminent quand les valeurs associĂ©es sont calculĂ©es. Les travaux prĂ©cĂ©dents faisaient l'hypothĂšse simplificatrice que toutes les entrĂ©es et sorties d'un bloc partagent la mĂȘme horloge. Cet article dĂ©crit une façon de supprimer cette restriction. Elle exige d'abord d'enrichir les rĂšgles de typage des horloges et le modĂšle sĂ©mantique. Ensuite, pour satisfaire le modĂšle sĂ©mantique de Clight, on ajoute une Ă©tape de compilation pour assurer que chaque variable passĂ©e directement Ă  un appel de fonction a Ă©tĂ© initialisĂ©e

    Analyse de dépendance vérifiée pour un langage synchrone à flot de données

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    National audienceVélus est une formalisation d'un langage synchrone à flots de données et de sa compilation dans l'assistant de preuve Coq. Il inclut une définition de la sémantique dynamique du langage, un compilateur produisant du code impératif, et une preuve de bout en bout que le compilateur préserve la sémantique des programmes. Dans cet article, on spécifie dans Vélus la sémantique de deux structures d'activation présentes dans les compilateurs modernes : switch et déclarations locales. Ces nouvelles constructions nécessitent une adaptation de l'analyse statique de dépendance de Vélus, qui produit un graphe acyclique comme témoin de la bonne formation d'un programme. On utilise ce témoin pour construire un schéma d'induction propre aux programmes bien formés. Ce schéma permet de démontrer le déterminisme du modÚle sémantique dans Coq

    Sundials/ML: interfacing with numerical solvers

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    International audienceWe describe a comprehensive OCaml interface to the Sundials suite of numerical solvers (version 2.6.2). Noteworthy features include the treatment of the central vector data structure and benchmarking results
