100 research outputs found

    Networks of Communities and Communities of Networks in Online Government

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    Over the past decade the World Wide Web has become a core platform for the electronic operation of government. Yet the shape and nature of government presence on the Web and the online community in which it resides remains poorly understood and under-theorised. This paper analyses large-scale web crawling data that map the hyperlink network structure between government websites and the broader Web ecology in the UK. In particular, it reports the ‘communities’ of websites within a hyperlink network of over 19,000 websites and over 135,000 hyperlinks derived from 75 key UK government seed sites at national, regional (i.e. Scotland and Wales) and local government levels. Website communities were derived by utilising Infomap, a state-of-the-art community detection algorithm that operates on the principle that flows of information in complex networks reveals community structure. Identifying and analysing online communities in which government websites reside provides insights in how hyperlink communities are arranged, that is, their emergent organizing principal and the importance of government in these online communities. It is hypothesized that online ‘communities’ can occur around different policy topics (such as health, education or policing), or along institutional or jurisdictional boundaries (such as England, Scotland and Wales). Using this novel approach this paper demonstrates that communities emerge on both axes, and that social media and government portals are some of the most significant communities based on information flows. This research provides foundational knowledge about the role of government websites in the World Wide Web, the emergent online associations, and the changing dynamic of state information in the twenty-first century. It points to strategies for developing government Web presence in networks that matter

    The Relationship Between Stride Rates, Lengths and Body Size and their Affect on Elite Triathletes’ Running Performance During Competition

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    Previous research has suggested that a degree of predictability exists in the relationship between self-selected running stride rates (SR) and stride lengths (SL) with measures of body size such as mass, height and limb lengths. Significant correlations have also been revealed between these body size measures and performance and between SL and performance. However, there is also evidence to suggest that triathlon performance may be related to maintaining a longer SL during the final run. Hence, the aim of this investigation was to examine whether there was any relationship between SR and SL, with body masses and heights of senior elite triathletes during the run stage of a triathlon. The SRs and SLs of 37 male senior elite Triathlon World Championships competitors were analysed via videography and Video Expert II Coach. These values were correlated with the athletes’ body masses and heights (p\u3c0.01). The results indicated a limited relationship between height and mass with SR in the early stages of the run. However, a significant, positive correlation existed between SL and height at all points from 3 km to the end of the run. Those triathletes who were taller used longer strides. Further research is warranted to examine the effects of cycling on the subsequent run discipline during triathlon and if body size and shape of triathletes have evolved as the young sport of triathlon develops

    Cadence, Stride Rate and Stride Length During Triathlon Competition

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    Triathlon research shows cycling alters the physiological response of subsequent running but, at present, biomechanical changes are unresolved. This study examined cycling cadence and running stride rate (SR) and length (SL) used by senior elite triathletes during competition. These variables were then compared to running and triathlon performance. Data from 51 elite male World Championships triathletes were analysed via video recordings and Video Expert II Coach. Triathletes revealed consistent cadences throughout the majority of the cycle (96.8 +2.7 rpm) and run (90.9 +2.4 rpm) disciplines. However, a cadence increase (99.6 +5.7 rpm) was recorded at the completion of the cycle prior to running. Running SR and SL was significantly lower at the end of the run indicating a level of fatigue (p\u3c0.01). Running SL was significantly and positively correlated with running and triathlon performance (p\u3c0.01) suggesting those that could maintain a longer SL had a faster run and better final finishing position


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    An intervention study was performed to investigate the effect of lower-limb training programs on knee muscle activation patterns and their potential to support the knee load during running and cutting manoeuvres. It is known that balance training can reduce ACL injury but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. The effects that strength training has on support for the knee joint during sporting manoeuvres are also not known. Analysis of activation levels and patterns of leg muscles during running, sidestepping and crossover-cutting manoeuvres prior to and following 12-week training programs revealed important results in terms of potential support of load on the ACL. Balance training increased co-contraction and supportive muscle activation patterns, as did the combination of machine and balance training to a lesser extent. The strength training programs tended to reduce co-contraction and were associated with changes which would lead to less stability of the knee during sporting manoeuvres. It is recommended that balance training should be implemented to reduce an athlete’s risk of ACL injury

    Swim Positioning and its Influence on Triathlon Outcome

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    Questions have been raised regarding which of the three legs of a triathlon influences the final finishing position. Some coaches subjectively believe that the swim and run are more important than the cycle, especially since the introduction of drafting during the cycle. This study analysed race position shifts between each of the three disciplines to assess the importance of the swim finish position and final finish position during draft legal Olympic distance triathlon events. Ten male and 10 female triathlon world cup events during one season were analysed. The results suggested that the triathlon swim leg is important because the winner exited the water in the first pack in 90% of elite male and 70% of elite female races. Correlations were also derived from finishing order for the whole triathlon and a finishing order that included the swim only, cycle only or run only time. For men, the average correlations for final finishing order with each of the swim, cycle and run, respectively, were 0.49, 0.67 and 0.86 and for the women; average correlations were 0.39, 0.67 and 0.85. Hence, this indicated that it was important to exit the water in the first pack and run well after cycling to achieve a successful final finishing position

    Automatisierte politische Kommunikation auf Twitter

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    Der Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter hat sich zu einer bedeutsamen Plattform der politischen Online-Kommunikation entwickelt. Doch nicht nur Politiker/innen und Parteien sowie das Publikum des politischen Systems scheinen auf Twitter aktiv zu sein. Zunehmend spielen auch automatisierte Accounts - sogenannte Socialbots - eine wichtige Rolle in der Online-Kommunikation und werden systematisch dazu eingesetzt, laufende Kommunikationsprozesse zu beeinflussen und zu manipulieren. Doch auch wenn entsprechende automatisierte Accounts gemeinhin als Problem und Gefahr fĂŒr Prozesse der Meinungsbildung im Internet betrachtet werden, existiert bisher nur wenig gesichertes Wissen darĂŒber, inwieweit es ihnen tatsĂ€chlich gelingt, öffentliche Debatten auf Twitter zu beeinflussen. Vor diesem Hintergrund zielt der Beitrag am Beispiel von Online-Konversationen zur US-PrĂ€sidentschaftswahl 2016 darauf ab, erste Einsichten ĂŒber PopularitĂ€t und Einfluss automatisierter Accounts in politischer Online-Kommunikation zu vermitteln. Diese Einsichten wurden mithilfe eines Methodenmixes aus formalen Methoden der sozialen Netzwerkanalyse und qualitativen Methoden zur Kategorisierung der Eigenschaften und AktivitĂ€ten von Twitter-Accounts gewonnen und verweisen darauf, dass automatisierte Accounts es zwar nicht schaffen Spitzenwerte hinsichtlich PopularitĂ€t und  Einfluss auf laufende Konversationen zu erlangen, aber dennoch im Vergleich zu »normalen« User/innen ĂŒberdurchschnittlich erfolgreich in ihren BemĂŒhungen darum sind. &nbsp

    The interaction between the vastus medialis and vastus intermedius and its influence on the extensor apparatus of the knee joint

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    Although the vastus medialis (VM) is closely associated with the vastus intermedius (VI), there is a lack of data regarding their functional relationship. The purpose of this study was to investigate the anatomical interaction between the VM and VI with regard to their origins, insertions, innervation and function within the extensor apparatus of the knee joint.Methods: Eighteen human cadaveric lower limbs were investigated using macro-dissection techniques. Six limbs were cut transversely in the middle third of the thigh. The mode of origin, insertion and nerve supply of the extensor apparatus of the knee joint were studied. The architecture of the VM and VI was examined in detail, as was their anatomical interaction and connective tissue linkage to the adjacent anatomical structures.Results: The VM originated medially from a broad hammock-like structure. The attachment site of the VM always spanned over a long distance between: (1) patella, (2) rectus femoris tendon and (3) aponeurosis of the VI, with the insertion into the VI being the largest. VM units were inserted twice—once on the anterior and once on the posterior side of the VI. The VI consists of a complex multi- layered structure. The layers of the medial VI aponeurosis fused with the aponeuroses of the tensor vastus intermedius and vastus lateralis. Together, they form the two- layered intermediate layer of the quadriceps tendon. The VM and medial parts of the VI were innervated by the same medial division of the femoral nerve.Conclusion: The VM consists of multiple muscle units inserting into the entire VI. Together, they build a potential functional muscular complex. Therefore, the VM acts as an indirect extensor of the knee joint regulating and adjusting the length of the extensor apparatus throughout the entire range of motion. It is of clinical importance that, besides the VM, substantial parts of the VI directly contribute to the medial pull on the patella and help to maintain medial tracking of the patella during knee extension. The interaction between the VM and VI, with responsibility for the extension of the knee joint and influence on the patellofemoral function, leads readily to an understanding of common clinical problems found at the knee joint as it attempts to meet contradictory demands for both mobility and stability. Surgery or trauma in the anteromedial aspect of the quadriceps muscle group might alter a delicate interplay between the VM and VI. This would affect the extensor apparatus as a whole

    Do dance floor force reduction and static stiffness represent dynamic floor stiffness during dance landings?

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    Dance training on floors that are not \u27sprung\u27 are assumed to have direct implications for injury. Standards for dance floor manufacture in Europe and North America quantify floor force reduction by measuring the impact forces of drop masses. In addition, many studies of human mechanical adaptations to varied surfaces, have quantified test surfaces using measures of static stiffness. It is unclear whether these methods for the measurement of floor mechanical properties actually reflect dancer requirements or floor behaviour under dancer loading. The aim of this study was to compare the force reduction, static stiffness and dynamic stiffness of a range of dance floors. Dynamic stiffness was measured during dancers performing drop landings. Force reduction highly correlated (p= 0.086) with floors of moderate dynamic stiffness, but was less accurate for high and low stiffness floors. Static stiffness underestimated the dynamic stiffness of the floors. Measurement of floor force reduction using European sports surface standards may provide an accurate representation of dynamic floor stiffness when under load from dancers performing drop landings. The discrepancy between static and dynamic stiffness may be explained by the inertial characteristics of the floor and the rapid loading of the floors during dancer landings. The development of portable systems for measuring floor behaviour under human loads using modern motion capture technologies may be beneficial for improving the quantification of dance floor mechanical properties
