439 research outputs found

    Opening new pages of history: Reports of German military attachés from Japan in 1937–1941

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    The article is devoted to military and political events in the Far East on the eve and at the beginning of World War II, namely, German-Japanese relations. The rapprochement of Germany and Japan during this period had a serious geopolitical reason, which consisted in the attitude of both countries towards the Soviet Union. It was a common military and political goal for both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. The presence of such an external enemy led to the creation of a German-Japanese military-political alliance, which, however, could not overcome the geographical remoteness of both countries, as well as the partners’ wary attitude towards mutual ambitions in the Asia Pacific region. A huge role in the development of military-political relations between Germany and Japan was played by their military diplomats operating in Tokyo and Berlin. Military-political cooperation between the two countries did not stop until April 1945 and was represented not only by the conclusion of bilateral agreements, contacts with the top leadership of Germany and Japan, and the exchange of intelligence information, but also by the organization of delivery of military supplies, which, however, did not have any real significance. Central to the article is the analysis of reports of German military attachés accredited to the German embassy in Tokyo. These documents are deposited in the captured archival funds, which are stored in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Most of these documents are reviews of military operations during the Sino-Japanese War, as well as data on the armed forces of Japan and the army of the central government of China (Kuomintang). Some of the materials contain intelligence information about the Red Army and the Soviet military forces in the Far East. The Authors did not set themselves the goal of recreating the full picture of military-political cooperation between Germany and Japan in the pre-war period and during the Second World War, but rather limited themselves to analyzing the reflection of this topic in the reports of German military attachés from Tokyo

    Public health and public health services: lectures-presentations, computer tests and practical skills

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    ОБЩЕСТВЕННОЕ ЗДОРОВЬЕОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯУЧЕБНЫЕ ПОСОБИЯРассматриваются современные вопросы общественного здоровья и здравоохранения как науки и предмета преподавания

    About some economic applications of cohort analysis

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    Nowadays, there is the problem of evaluating the return on advertising costs for industries with a delayed conversion. Cohort analysis is a series of studies which are conducted at certain time intervals. Using cohort analysis we can better assess the effectiveness of advertising channels for industries with a delayed conversion. Cohort analysis can be used to analyze following items: efficiency in the context of "traffic sources", usefulness of changes on the web site; assessment of effectiveness of marketing campaigns; assessment of impact of seasonality on the behavior of the user; the decision-making period. The article presents an overview of tools we can use to collect data for analysis. The article also describes the method of selection and the variants of the cohorts to construct the analysis. For demonstration of the proposed method and calculation variant, there is considered the practical example of building a cohort analysis. Using these method and the example of calculating, the companies with delayed conversion can analyze the effectiveness of Internet advertising for different advertising channels. © 2018 Author(s)

    Activity of lectins of winter wheat seedlings infected with mycoplasma and treated with salicylic acid

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    Changes in activity of soluble and cell wall lectins have been revealed in seedlings of winter wheat Triticum aestivum L. cultivar Mironovskaya 808 after infection with mycoplasma Acholeplasma laidlawii 118. The protective effect of salicylic acid was manifested as negating the bursts of lectin activity induced by mycoplasma infection. © 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Change in lectin specificity of winter wheat seedlings in the course of infection with mycoplasms

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    The activity of soluble lectins in leaves and roots of seedlings of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar Mironovskaya 808 increased 1 day and 2 days, respectively, after infection with the mycoplasma Acholeplasma laidlawii 118. Analysis of acid-soluble proteins of wheat leaves by PAGE revealed the appearance of 22- and 20-kDa polypeptides, the disappearance of a 14-kDa polypeptide, and an increase in the content of polypeptides with molecular weights of 76, 48, 25, and 18 kDa. The 18-kDa polypeptide is a subunit of wheat germ agglutinin. A change in the activity of lectins may be a nonspecific response of plants to infection with the pathogen

    Angular Forces Around Transition Metals in Biomolecules

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    Quantum-mechanical analysis based on an exact sum rule is used to extract an semiclassical angle-dependent energy function for transition metal ions in biomolecules. The angular dependence is simple but different from existing classical potentials. Comparison of predicted energies with a computer-generated database shows that the semiclassical energy function is remarkably accurate, and that its angular dependence is optimal.Comment: Tex file plus 4 postscript figure


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    Anatomic and clinical research of duodenojejunal change in norm, and at the chronic duodenal obstruction, of functional character was realized. Peculiarities of motor-evacuation disorders + were revealed with help of X-ray method and peripheral computed, electrogastroenterography. Sizes, variants of forms of duodenojejunal change in norm, and in pathology were determined with, use of endoscopic method


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    We propose findings for laser ablation of organic materials in liquids as one of the perspective methods of nanoparticles synthesis on their basis. We describe nanoparticles synthesis for 2,6-diaminopyridine-4-nitrophenol (2,6DAP4N) cocrystal by the method of material laser ablation at nanoparticles condensation in liquid (dodecane and polyphenyleneoxide). Laser radiation with wavelength equal to 355 nm, pulse duration - 10 ns, pulse repetition rate - 3.8 kHz, and pulse power density equal to 170 kW/cm2 has been used in the study. Nanoparticles in the form of colloids have been obtained and studied by visible range spectroscopy and optical microscopy. Obtained particles size is around 0.5 μm