84 research outputs found

    Osteological material from the Lake Mätäjärvi

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    Interactions between developmental phenology, carbon movement, and storage constrain demography in the understory clonal herb Podophyllum peltatum L.

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    Little is known about how carbon integration and storage dynamics affect and are affected by demography in field populations. We sought to elucidate this link by examining dynamic patterns of carbon integration relative to the timing of demographically significant developmental decisions regarding shoot type determination in mayapple, Podophyllum peltatum, a clonal plant with large and persistent rhizomes. Individual rhizome systems growing in natural populations were fed 14CO2 either in late-April, early-May, or mid-June, then harvested at intervals throughout the current season and into the next. When distribution of label was examined we found that carbon fixed at different times in the growing season is used differently: April-fixed assimilate remained in the labeled shoot or was moved into the old rhizome, May-fixed assimilate was found predominantly in the old rhizome, while early-June fixed assimilate moved into the old rhizome and the extending new ramet. Movement of assimilate into the old rhizome appeared to have precedence over formation of additional new ramets. Despite significant within season changes in location of dominant sinks within rhizome systems, there was little redistribution of labeled assimilate: early fixed assimilate was not used to fuel later within season growth, however, assimilate was redistributed between seasons. Vegetative and sexual systems differed in the distribution only of April-fixed assimilate. This was observed even though early labeling occurred prior to anthesis. Sexual systems retained a greater proportion of assimilate in the stem than did vegetative ones, which exported more to the old rhizome. 14C-distribution patterns did not vary between systems differing in future demographic status suggesting that the developmental decision regarding shoot type is based on resources acquired in prior years. We explore the hypothesis that preformation and storage are functionally linked traits that permit plants to coordinate the developmental determination of structures differing in cost and demographic function with known resource status. We conclude that demography influences and is influenced by integrative physiology and that physiological restrictions on within season redistribution of assimilates constrain plants’ capacities to respond to short-term environmental variation. Such constraints may affect plants’ abilities to respond to rapid environmental change in the Anthropocene

    Kenttäaseman perusteellinen historiikki tavoittaa Kevon hengen

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    Pyöveli ympäristönsuojelijana

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    Kaupungit ovat kautta aikojen kärsineet monenlaisista ympäristöongelmista. Ihmistoiminta ja kaupunkien runsas kotieläinkanta ovat tuottaneet erilaisia jätteitä, juomavesi on ollut pilaantunutta tai sitä on ollut liian vähän, jätevesistä ei ole huolehdittu, ja ilman laatukin on usein ollut ainakin paikallisesti huono

    De-extinct species as wildlife

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    The concept of wildlife embodies two sources of controversy regarding de-extinct animals. First, the multifaceted dependence of these animals on humans; and second, the property rights to de-extinct animals. Both provide reasons for not counting them as wildlife. A subsequent question is, however, whether we should maintain this divide or allow the boundaries to blur. If we aim to maintain it, we end up trying to stop a process that is evolving rapidly and difficult to curb by legal means. If we relinquish these boundaries, we give up customary cultural models and related cultural practices. In biology, the divide between domestic and wild species is usually considered arbitrary and the degree of synanthropy (degree of association with humans) to present a continuum. Still, wildlife is normally defined through the notion of domestication: those animals that are not domesticated are wildlife. De-extinction turns the setting upside down: the de-extinct animals would normally be classified as domesticated, since they are generated by human action and could be owned as private property, but the problem is that they are not intended as domestic – de-extinct animals are ultimately created to be wildlife. Thus the concept of wildlife calls for refinement so as to allow their inclusion. We present a classification of animal species based both on their degree of synanthropy and the complex ownership issues. It appears that de-extinct species would probably initially represent species with a low synanthropy index but a high need for human care, but might later evolve into “real” wildlife in the strict sense of the term.</p

    Geoenergy permit practices in Finnish municipalities - Challenges with good governance

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    The rapidly increasing renewable energy installations are often controlled through permit schemes, and good permit practices need to be developed for energy policy planning purposes. In Finland ground heat exchangers (GHEs) for geoenergy systems commonly need a permit from the municipal building control. We examine this municipal permit scheme, its functionality in groundwater protection and compatibility with the principles of good governance. Our data consists of permit and notification documents, interviews of building control officials and municipal regulations and instructions from nine municipalities in Southwest Finland. Similar studies based on empirical data have not been conducted earlier on geoenergy permit schemes. Despite common legislation there were many differences between municipalities in the application-stage permit practices, municipal regulations, supervision and quality control of GHEs. Well-functioning permit practices safeguard both the public and the neighbors’ interests, promote groundwater protection and support the client with quality control.</p

    Kohti sääetiikkaa

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    Pekingin olympialaisten avajaiset vuonna 2008 olivat mahtavat. Sama voidaan todeta kiinalaisten sääinsinöörien toiminnasta, jonka ansiosta uhkaava sade ei päässyt pilaamaan tilaisuutta. Säänmuokkaus ei kuitenkaan saa kaikkien hyväksyntää eikä ole moraalisesti ongelmatonta. Millaisia eettisiä kysymyksiä siihen liittyy? Entä milloin, jos milloinkaan, säänmuokkaus on moraalisesti hyväksyttävissä? Nämä kysymykset kuuluvat uuden tutkimusotsakkeen alle, jota ei vielä oikeastaan ole, sääetiikan. Esittelemme tässä artikkelissa uuden ja kiinnostavan soveltavan etiikan tutkimusalueen, joka käsittelee säänmuokkaukseen liittyviä eettisiä, ympäristönsuojelullisia ja poliittisia kysymyksiä