64 research outputs found

    Isolated Limb Perfusion with Melphalan and TNF-α in the Treatment of Extremity Sarcoma

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    Isolated limb perfusion (ILP) with chemotherapy alone has uniformly failed in the treatment of irresectable extremity soft tissue sarcomas. The addition of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) to this treatment approach contributed to a major step forward in the treatment of locally advanced extremity soft tissue sarcoma (STS). High response rates and limb salvage rates have been reported in multicenter trials, which combined ILP with TNF-α plus melphalan, which resulted in the approval of TNF-α for this indication in Europe in 1998. Subsequently a series of confirmatory single institution reports on the efficacy of the procedure have now been published. TNF-α has an early and a late effect; it enhances tumor-selective drug uptake during the perfusion and plays an essential role in the subsequent selective destruction of the tumor vasculature. These effects result in a high response rate in high-grade soft tissue sarcomas. This induction therapy thus allows for resection of tumor remnants some 3 months after ILP and thus avoidance of limb amputation. TNF-α-based ILP is a well-established treatment to avoid amputations. It represents an important example of tumor vasculatory-modulating combination therapy and should be offered in large volume tertiary referral centers

    T Cells expressing a TCR-like antibody selected against the heteroclitic variant of a shared MAGE-A epitope do not recognise the cognate epitope

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    Antibodies-recognising peptides bound to the major histocompatibility complex (pMHC) represent potentially valuable and promising targets for chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells to treat patients with cancer. Here, a human phage-Fab library has been selected using HLA-A2 complexed with a heteroclitic peptide variant from an epitope shared among multiple melanoma-associated antigens (MAGEs). DNA restriction analyses and phage ELISAs confirmed selection of unique antibody clones that specifically bind to HLA-A2 complexes or HLA-A2-positive target cells loaded with native or heteroclitic peptide. Antibodies selected against heteroclitic peptide, in contrast to native peptide, demonstrated significantly lower to even negligible binding towards native peptide or tumour cells that naturally expressed peptides. The binding to native peptide was not rescued by phage panning with antigen-positive tumour cells. Importantly, when antibodies directed against heteroclitic peptides were engineered into CARs and expressed by T cells, binding to native peptides and tumour cells was minimal to absent. In short, TCR-like antibodies, when isolated from a human Fab phage library using heteroclitic peptide, fail to recognise its native peptide. We therefore argue that peptide modifications to improve antibody selections should be performed with caution as resulting antibodies, either used directly or as CARs, may lose activity towards endogenously presented tumour epitope

    Hyperthermia and Thermosensitive Liposomes for Improved Delivery of Chemotherapeutic Drugs to Solid Tumors

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    Lipid-based nanocarriers or liposomes have been proven successful in the delivery of chemotherapeutic agents and are currently applied clinically in the treatment of various types of cancer. Liposomes offer the advantage of a high drug payload, decreased drug toxicity and enhanced drug accumulation at tumor sites. Increased accumulation is due to the relatively leaky tumor vasculature that allows liposome extravasation. Between different types of tumors and even within one tumor, vascular permeability and thus liposome extravasation may differ greatly. Furthermore, upon accumulation of liposomes in the tumor area, drug bioavailability is not guaranteed. At present, these are the major issues for clinically used liposomal drugs

    Low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase (LMWPTP) upregulation mediates malignant potential in colorectal cancer

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    Phosphatases have long been regarded as tumor suppressors, however there is emerging evidence for a tumor initiating role for some phosphatases in several forms of cancer. Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (LMWPTP; acid phosphatase 1 [ACP1]) is an 18 kDa enzyme that influences the phosphorylation of signaling pathway mediators involved in cancer and is thus postulated to be a tumor-promoting enzyme, but neither unequivocal clinical evidence nor convincing mechanistic actions for a role of LMWPTP have been identified. In the present study, we show that LMWPTP expression is not only significantly increased in colorectal cancer (CRC), but also follows a step-wise increase in different levels of dysplasia. Chemical inhibition of LMWPTP significantly reduces CRC growth. Furthermore, downregulation of LMWPTP in CRC leads to a reduced migration ability in both 2D- and 3D-migration assays, and sensitizes tumor cells to the chemotherapeutic agent 5-FU. In conclusion, this study shows that LMWPTP is not only overexpressed in colorectal cancer, but it is correlated with the malignant potential of this cancer, suggesting that this phosphatase may act as a predictive biomaker of CRC stage and represents a rational novel target in the treatment of this disease.6108300831

    Somatostatin analogues for receptor targeted photodynamic therapy

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an established treatment modality, used mainly for anticancer therapy that relies on the interaction of photosensitizer, light and oxygen. For the treatment of pathologies in certain anatomical sites, improved targeting of the photosensitizer is necessary to prevent damage to healthy tissue. We report on a novel dual approach of targeted PDT (vascular and cellular targeting) utilizing the expression of neuropeptide somatostatin receptor (sst2) on tumor and neovascular-endothelial cells. We synthesized two conjugates containing the somatostatin analogue [Tyr3]-octreotate and Chlorin e6 (Ce6): Ce6-K3-[Tyr3]-octreotate (1) and Ce6-[Tyr3]-octreotate-K3-[Tyr3]-octreotate (2). Investigation of the uptake and photodynamic activity of conjugates in-vitro in human erythroleukemic K562 cells showed that conjugation of [Tyr3]-octreotate with Ce6 in conjugate 1 enhances uptake (by a factor 2) in cells over-expressing sst2 compared to wild-type cells. Co-treatment with excess free Octreotide abrogated the phototoxicity of conjugate 1 indicative of a specific sst2-mediated effect. In contrast conjugate 2 showed no receptor-mediated effect due to its high hydrophobicity. When compared with un-conjugated Ce6, the PDT activity of conjugate 1 was lower. However, it showed higher photostability which may compensate for its lower phototoxicity. Intra-vital fluorescence pharmacokinetic studies of conjugate 1 in rat skin-fold observation chambers transplanted with sst2+ AR42J acinar pancreas tumors showed significantly different uptake profiles compared to free Ce6. Co-treatment with free Octreotide significantly reduced conjugate uptake in tumor tissue (by a factor 4) as well as in the chamber neo-vasculature. These results show that conjugate 1 might have potential as an in-vivo sst2 targeting photosensitizer conjugate

    Serum amino acids, biopterin and neopterin during long-term immunotherapy with interferon-alpha in high-risk melanoma patients

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    Abstract Immunotherapy with interferon-alpha (IFN-a) induces neuropsychiatric side effects, most notably depression. One of the presumed pathophysiological mechanisms is an effect on tryptophan metabolism. As tryptophan is the precursor of serotonin, decreased availability of tryptophan to the central nervous system could result in serotonin deficiency. Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH ) is a cofactor for one of the enzymes synthesizing serotonin. We conducted an exploratory 4 ( ) study into the serum concentrations of large neutral amino acids (AA), biopterin (BIOP) and neopterin (NEOP), of 67 patients with high-risk melanoma, who were either treated with two different doses of IFN-a or were part of an observation-only control group. We found evidence for IFN-a to decrease concentrations of all AA except phenylalanine. The decrease in tryptophan concentration was most prominent and consistent. These changes persisted throughout a year of maintenance treatment. Concentrations of NEOP rose sharply, whereas, those of BIOP did not change. Except for the increase in NEOP and the increase in the ratio between phenylalanine (PHE) and tyrosine (TYR), no support for derangement in BH metabolism was found. The increase in the ratio between PHE and 4 ( ) TYR suggests inhibition of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. Patients with IFN-a induced anxiety and depression had higher pretreatment concentrations of NEOP. Changes in tryptophan metabolism may play a role in the pathophysiology of the neuropsychiatric side effects of IFN-a, and further research into the predictive potential of NEOP is warranted.

    Acute cellular and vascular responses to photodynamic therapy using EGFR-targeted nanobody-photosensitizer conjugates studied with intravital optical imaging and magnetic resonance imaging

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    Targeted photodynamic therapy (PDT) has the potential to selectively damage tumor tissue and to increase tumor vessel permeability. Here we characterize the tissue biodistribution of two EGFR-targeted nanobody-photosensitizer conjugates (NB-PS), the monovalent 7D12-PS and the biparatopic 7D12-9G8-PS. In addition, we report on the local and acute phototoxic effects triggered by illumination of these NB-PS which have previously shown to lead to extensive tumor damage. Methods: Intravital microscopy and the skin-fold chamber model, containing OSC-19-luc2-cGFP tumors, were used to investigate: a) the fluorescence kinetics and distribution, b) the vascular response and c) the induction of necrosis after illumination at 1 or 24 h post administration of 7D12-PS and 7D12-9G8-PS. In addition, dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) of a solid tumor model was used to investigate the microvascular status 2 h after 7D12-PS mediated PDT. Results: Image analysis showed significant tumor colocalization for both NB-PS which was higher for 7D12-9G8-PS. Intravital imaging showed clear tumor cell membrane localization 1 and 2 h after administration of 7D12-9G8-PS, and fluorescence in or close to endothelial cells in normal tissue for both NB-PS. PDT lead to vasoconstriction and leakage of tumor and normal tissue vessels in the skin-fold chamber model. DCE-MRI confirmed the reduction of tumor perfusion after 7D12-PS mediated PDT. PDT induced extensive tumor necrosis and moderate normal tissue damage, which was similar for both NB-PS conjugates. This was significantly reduced when illumination was performed at 24 h com

    A Heat‐Activated Drug‐Delivery Platform Based on Phosphatidyl‐(oligo)‐glycerol Nanocarrier for Effective Cancer Treatment

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    The potential of cancer drugs is not fully exploited due to low tumor uptake and occurrence of systemic side effects, limiting maximum tolerated dose. Actively targeted nanocarriers improve efficacy while minimizing off‐target toxicity. Herein, it is the first time a drug‐delivery platform for heat‐triggered intravascular drug release is described, based on synthetic phosphatidyl‐(oligo)‐glycerols from organic synthesis to preclinical investigation in feline patients. For the nanocarrier formulated doxorubicin (DOX), superior tumor drug delivery and antitumor activity compared with free DOX, conventional liposomal DOX (Caelyx), and temperature‐sensitive lysolipid‐containing DOX‐liposomes in rat sarcoma are demonstrated. In a comparative oncological study with neoadjuvant treatment of feline sarcoma, a metabolic response determined with 18 F‐FDG‐positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging (PET/MRI) and histopathological response after tumor resection are significantly better compared with free DOX, potentially by overcoming drug resistance based on improved intratumoral drug distribution. This novel drug‐delivery platform has great potential for the treatment of locally advanced tumors in humans
