999 research outputs found

    C+O detonations in thermonuclear supernovae: Interaction with previously burned material

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    In the context of explosion models for Type Ia Supernovae, we present one- and two-dimensional simulations of fully resolved detonation fronts in degenerate C+O White Dwarf matter including clumps of previously burned material. The ability of detonations to survive the passage through sheets of nuclear ashes is tested as a function of the width and composition of the ash region. We show that detonation fronts are quenched by microscopically thin obstacles with little sensitivity to the exact ash composition. Front-tracking models for detonations in macroscopic explosion simulations need to include this effect in order to predict the amount of unburned material in delayed detonation scenarios.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, uses isotope.sty, accepted for publication in A&

    On Type Ia Supernovae From The Collisions of Two White Dwarfs

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    We explore collisions between two white dwarfs as a pathway for making Type Ia Supernovae (SNIa). White dwarf number densities in globular clusters allow 10-100 redshift <1 collisions per year, and observations by (Chomiuk et al. 2008) of globular clusters in the nearby S0 galaxy NGC 7457 have detected what is likely to be a SNIa remnant. We carry out simulations of the collision between two 0.6 solar mass white dwarfs at various impact parameters and mass resolutions. For impact parameters less than half the radius of the white dwarf, we find such collisions produce approximately 0.4 solar masses of Ni56, making such events potential candidates for underluminous SNIa or a new class of transients between Novae and SNIa.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Proton-Rich Nuclear Statistical Equilibrium

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    Proton-rich material in a state of nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) is one of the least studied regimes of nucleosynthesis. One reason for this is that after hydrogen burning, stellar evolution proceeds at conditions of equal number of neutrons and protons or at a slight degree of neutron-richness. Proton-rich nucleosynthesis in stars tends to occur only when hydrogen-rich material that accretes onto a white dwarf or neutron star explodes, or when neutrino interactions in the winds from a nascent proto-neutron star or collapsar-disk drive the matter proton-rich prior to or during the nucleosynthesis. In this paper we solve the NSE equations for a range of proton-rich thermodynamic conditions. We show that cold proton-rich NSE is qualitatively different from neutron-rich NSE. Instead of being dominated by the Fe-peak nuclei with the largest binding energy per nucleon that have a proton to nucleon ratio close to the prescribed electron fraction, NSE for proton-rich material near freeze-out temperature is mainly composed of Ni56 and free protons. Previous results of nuclear reaction network calculations rely on this non-intuitive high proton abundance, which this paper will explain. We show how the differences and especially the large fraction of free protons arises from the minimization of the free energy as a result of a delicate competition between the entropy and the nuclear binding energy.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Surface Detonations in Double Degenerate Binary Systems Triggered by Accretion Stream Instabilities

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    We present three-dimensional simulations on a new mechanism for the detonation of a sub-Chandrasekhar CO white dwarf in a dynamically unstable system where the secondary is either a pure He white dwarf or a He/CO hybrid. For dynamically unstable systems where the accretion stream directly impacts the surface of the primary, the final tens of orbits can have mass accretion rates that range from 10510^{-5} to 103M10^{-3} M_{\odot} s1^{-1}, leading to the rapid accumulation of helium on the surface of the primary. After 102\sim 10^{-2} MM_{\odot} of helium has been accreted, the ram pressure of the hot helium torus can deflect the accretion stream such that the stream no longer directly impacts the surface. The velocity difference between the stream and the torus produces shearing which seeds large-scale Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities along the interface between the two regions. These instabilities eventually grow into dense knots of material that periodically strike the surface of the primary, adiabatically compressing the underlying helium torus. If the temperature of the compressed material is raised above a critical temperature, the timescale for triple-α\alpha reactions becomes comparable to the dynamical timescale, leading to the detonation of the primary's helium envelope. This detonation drives shockwaves into the primary which tend to concentrate at one or more focal points within the primary's CO core. If a relatively small amount of mass is raised above a critical temperature and density at these focal points, the CO core may itself be detonated.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Submitted to ApJL. For a high-resolution version, movies, and other supporting material see http://www.ucolick.org/~jfg/projects/double-white-dwarf-accretion

    Making Black Holes in Supernovae

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    The possibility of making stellar mass black holes in supernovae that otherwise produce viable Type II and Ib supernova explosions is discussed and estimates given of their number in the Milky Way Galaxy. Observational diagnostics of stellar mass black hole formation are reviewed. While the equation of state sets the critical mass, fall back during the explosion is an equally important (and uncertain) element in determining if a black hole is formed. SN 1987A may or may not harbor a black hole, but if the critical mass for neutron stars is 1.5 - 1.6 M\sun, as Brown and Bethe suggest, it probably does. Observations alone do not yet resolve the issue. Reasons for this state of ambiguity are discussed and suggestions given as to how gamma-ray and x-ray observations in the future might help.Comment: 14 pages, uuencoded gzipped postscript, Accepted Nuclear Physics A, Gerry Brown Festschrift contributio

    Laterally Propagating Detonations in Thin Helium Layers on Accreting White Dwarfs

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    Theoretical work has shown that intermediate mass (0.01Msun<M_He<0.1Msun) Helium shells will unstably ignite on the accreting white dwarf (WD) in an AM CVn binary. For more massive (M>0.8Msun) WDs, these helium shells can be dense enough (5x10^5 g/cc) that the convectively burning region runs away on a timescale comparable to the sound travel time across the shell; raising the possibility for an explosive outcome. The nature of the explosion (i.e. deflagration or detonation) remains ambiguous. In the case of detonation, this causes a laterally propagating front whose properties in these geometrically thin and low density shells we begin to study here. Our calculations show that the radial expansion time of <0.1 s leads to incomplete helium burning, in agreement with recent work by Sim and collaborators, but that the nuclear energy released is still adequate to realize a self-sustaining detonation propagating laterally at slower than the Chapman-Jouguet speed. Our simulations resolve the subsonic region behind the front and are consistent with a direct computation of the reaction structure from the shock strength. The ashes are typically He rich, and consist of predominantly Ti-44, Cr-48, along with a small amount of Fe-52, with very little Ni-56 and with significant Ca-40 in carbon-enriched layers. If this helium detonation results in a Type Ia Supernova, its spectral signatures would appear for the first few days after explosion. (abridged)Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure, accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    The light curve of SN 1987A revisited: constraining production masses of radioactive nuclides

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    We revisit the evidence for the contribution of the long-lived radioactive nuclides 44Ti, 55Fe, 56Co, 57Co, and 60Co to the UVOIR light curve of SN 1987A. We show that the V-band luminosity constitutes a roughly constant fraction of the bolometric luminosity between 900 and 1900 days, and we obtain an approximate bolometric light curve out to 4334 days by scaling the late time V-band data by a constant factor where no bolometric light curve data is available. Considering the five most relevant decay chains starting at 44Ti, 55Co, 56Ni, 57Ni, and 60Co, we perform a least squares fit to the constructed composite bolometric light curve. For the nickel isotopes, we obtain best fit values of M(56Ni) = (7.1 +- 0.3) x 10^{-2} Msun and M(57Ni) = (4.1 +- 1.8) x 10^{-3} Msun. Our best fit 44Ti mass is M(44Ti) = (0.55 +- 0.17) x 10^{-4} Msun, which is in disagreement with the much higher (3.1 +- 0.8) x 10^{-4} Msun recently derived from INTEGRAL observations. The associated uncertainties far exceed the best fit values for 55Co and 60Co and, as a result, we only give upper limits on the production masses of M(55Co) < 7.2 x 10^{-3} Msun and M(60Co) < 1.7 x 10^{-4} Msun. Furthermore, we find that the leptonic channels in the decay of 57Co (internal conversion and Auger electrons) are a significant contribution and constitute up to 15.5% of the total luminosity. Consideration of the kinetic energy of these electrons is essential in lowering our best fit nickel isotope production ratio to [57Ni/56Ni]=2.5+-1.1, which is still somewhat high but is in agreement with gamma-ray observations and model predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 6 pages, 2 table

    On Carbon Burning in Super Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars

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    We explore the detailed and broad properties of carbon burning in Super Asymptotic Giant Branch (SAGB) stars with 2755 MESA stellar evolution models. The location of first carbon ignition, quenching location of the carbon burning flames and flashes, angular frequency of the carbon core, and carbon core mass are studied as a function of the ZAMS mass, initial rotation rate, and mixing parameters such as convective overshoot, semiconvection, thermohaline and angular momentum transport. In general terms, we find these properties of carbon burning in SAGB models are not a strong function of the initial rotation profile, but are a sensitive function of the overshoot parameter. We quasi-analytically derive an approximate ignition density, ρign2.1×106\rho_{ign} \approx 2.1 \times 10^6 g cm3^{-3}, to predict the location of first carbon ignition in models that ignite carbon off-center. We also find that overshoot moves the ZAMS mass boundaries where off-center carbon ignition occurs at a nearly uniform rate of ΔMZAMS\Delta M_{\rm ZAMS}/Δfov\Delta f_{\rm{ov}}\approx 1.6 MM_{\odot}. For zero overshoot, fovf_{\rm{ov}}=0.0, our models in the ZAMS mass range \approx 8.9 to 11 MM_{\odot} show off-center carbon ignition. For canonical amounts of overshooting, fovf_{\rm{ov}}=0.016, the off-center carbon ignition range shifts to \approx 7.2 to 8.8 MM_{\odot}. Only systems with fovf_{\rm{ov}} 0.01\geq 0.01 and ZAMS mass \approx 7.2-8.0 MM_{\odot} show carbon burning is quenched a significant distance from the center. These results suggest a careful assessment of overshoot modeling approximations on claims that carbon burning quenches an appreciable distance from the center of the carbon core.Comment: Accepted ApJ; 23 pages, 21 figures, 5 table