9 research outputs found

    Examination of DON-toxin content of milling byproduct generated after color sorting

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    Thanks to the favorable impact of vintage effect occurring in recent years the Fusarium contamination of wheat and consequently a high DON-toxin concentration is often caused problem. The DON-toxin in terms of human and animal health is a serious food safety risk factor. Therefore, it is important that there are methods during the wheat milling process which reduces the level of toxin. We confirmed in our earlier examinations, that with the help of modern color sorting machine the DON-toxin content of wheat items is effectively can be reduced. The question is, during the process how parallel changes the mycotoxin content of by-products, which are used primarily as animal forage. The authors are presented an analysis of these relevant experimental data. The results show, that the toxin content of the by-product is exceeds the starting wheat item's toxin content. However, the result of the regression analysis shows that no correlation in the toxin contents between the starting raw material, purified wheat and by-product. This should be considered to the users when they would like to utilize the by-product as ingredient of forage or feedstuff

    Examination of DON-toxin content of milling by product generated after color sorting

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    Thanks to the favorable impact of vintage effect occurring in recent years the Fusarium contamination of wheat and consequently a high DON-toxin concentration is often caused problem. The DON-toxin in terms of human and animal health is a serious food safety risk factor. Therefore, it is important that there are methods during the wheat milling process which reduces the level of toxin. We confirmed in our earlier examinations, that with the help of modern color sorting machine the DON-toxin content of wheat items is effectively can be reduced. The question is, during the process how parallel changes the mycotoxin content of by-products, which are used primarily as animal forage. The authors are presented an analysis of these relevant experimental data. The results show, that the toxin content of the byproduct is exceeds the starting wheat item's toxin content. However, the result of the regression analysis shows that no correlation in the toxin contents between the starting raw material, purified wheat and by-product. This should be considered to the users when they would like to utilize the by-product as ingredient of forage or feedstuff

    Don, F-2 and T-2 mycotoxin assay of plant-based feedstock raw materials using the ELISA method

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    In our study, plant-based raw materials, used for feeding different animal species, are investigated, using a competitive ELISA method. The raw materials most commonly used for feeding (soy and alfalfa pellets, as well as wheat, barley and maize) were used in the tests. Of Fusarium mycotoxins, deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone (F-2) and T-2 toxins were measured. Measurement results were evaluated using the mathematical- statistical program RStudio. In our experiment, we found that all three mycotoxins tested could be detected in all of the samples, but the values were not quantifiable with acceptable precision in each case. The average detected DON toxin result was an order of magnitude greater than the results of the other toxins. It has been shown in our study that the presence of the mycotoxins deoxynivalenol, zearalenone and T-2 poses a serious food and feed safety risk, since they are present in feedstock raw materials, even though only in small amounts. Today, these mycotoxins are present together in more and more cases, greatly increasing the above-mentioned risk

    Takarmányozásra használt növényi alapanyagok DON, F-2, T-2 mikotoxin-vizsgálata ELISA-módszerrel

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    Tanulmányunkban különböző állatfajok etetésére használt növényi alapanyagokat vizsgáltunk kompetitív ELISA-módszerrel. A vizsgálatok során takarmányozáshoz legygyakrabban használt alapanyagokkal (szója- és lucerna-pellet, valamint búza, árpa és kukorica) dolgoztunk. A Fusarium mikotoxinok közül a deoxinivalenol (DON), zearalenon (F-2) és a T-2 toxinokat mértünk. A mérési eredményeinket RStudio matematikai-statisztikai programmal értékeltük. Kísérletünkben megállapítottuk, hogy mindhárom vizsgált mikotoxin detektálható - volt mindegyik mintában, de nem mindegyikben volt mennyiségileg elfogadható pontossággal meghatározható érték. A detektált DON toxin eredmények átlagértéke egy nagyságrenddel nagyobbnak bizonyult a többi toxinnál. Vizsgálatunk során bizonyítást nyert, hogy a deoxinivalenol, zearalenon és T-2 mikotoxinok jelenléte komoly takarmány- és élelmiszer-biztonsági veszélyt jelent, hiszen ha csak kis mennyiségekben is, de jelen vannak már a takarmány-alapanyagokban. Napjainkban egyre több esetben fordul elő ezen mikotoxinok együttes jelenléte, ami nagymértékben sokszorozza az előbb említett kockázatot

    DON toxin content examination of milling byproduct generated after colour sorting procedure in terms of nutritional utilization

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    SUMMARY Thanks to the impact of vintage effect occurring in recent years the Fusarium contamination of wheat and consequently a high DON toxin concentration often cause problem. The DON toxin in terms of human and animal health is a serious food safety risk factor. Therefore, it is important to have methods during the wheat milling process, which reduce the level of toxin. The authors confirmed in earlier examinations, that using modern colour sorting machine the DON toxin content of wheat items can effectively be reduced. The question is, that how does the mycotoxin content of the resulting byproduct change, which is used primarily as animal feed. The authors presented an analysis of these relevant experimental data. The results show, that the toxin content of the by-product exceeds the starting wheat item's one. However, the result of the regression analysis shows that there is no correlation between the toxin contents of the starting raw material, the purified wheat and the by-product. This should be considered by the users when the resulting material is intended to utilize as feed ingredient