21 research outputs found
Intensity of Time and Income Interdependent Multidimensional Poverty: Well-Being and Minimum 2DGAP ; German Evidence
Extending the traditional income poverty concept by multidimensional poverty has been of growing interest within the last years. This paper contributes with an analysis of interdepend-ent multidimensional (IMD) poverty intensity of time and income, which in particular restricts social participation. The interdependency of the multiple poverty dimensions under a strong (union approach) and weak focus axiom (compensation approach) are regarded in particular when measuring the intensity of multidimensional poverty. In addition to various poverty gap measures including the multidimensional well-being gap, for the first time we propose a minimum multidimensional poverty gap (2DGAP).. - To respect Sen's capability approach with its social participation aspects we define the time dimension as genuine personal leisure time. Based on a CES well-being function and a multi-dimensional poverty line evaluated by the German population (estimated with the German Socio-Economic Panel) the individual poverty intensity of the active population is analysed for various regimes of multiple poverty. For this purpose the German Time Use Surveys 1991/92 and 2001/02 and its time use diary data are used. Analysing the active population this paper contributes too to the poverty situation of the working poor. . - All the empirical results, including the microeconometric Heckman type estimation of the IMD poverty intensity (2DGAP) and the IMD poverty risk, indicate the overall importance of the time dimension with its social participation aspect incorporated within an interdependent multidimensional time and income poverty approach. An important dimension would be ne-glected in the poverty analysis and in targeted poverty policies if time additional to income would is not respected.Intensity of time and income poverty, interdependent multidimensional time and income poverty, union and compensation approach, minimum multidimensional poverty gap (2DGAP), extended economic well-being, satisfaction/happiness, working poor
Time and Income Poverty: An Interdependent Multidimensional Poverty Approach with German Time Use Diary Data
Income as the traditional one dimensional measure in well-being and poverty analyses is extended in recent studies by a multidimensional poverty concept. Though this is certainly a progress, however, two important aspects are missing: time as an important dimension and the interdependence of the often only separately counted multiple poverty dimensions. Our paper will contribute to both aspects: First, we consider time - and income - both as striking and restricting resources of everyday activities and hence account for time and income as important multiple poverty dimensions. Second, the interdependence of the poverty dimensions will be evaluated by the German population to allow an advanced approach to understand possible substitution effects and the respective trade offs between the dimensions. Referring to the time dimension, we follow Sen's capability approach with its freedom of the living conditions' choice and social exclusion and argue, that restricted time might exclude from social participation. In particular, restricted genuine, personal leisure time (not entire leisure time) in particular is associated with a restricted social participation. The crucial question then is how to measure the substitution between income and such genuine leisure time. In our analysis we consider the country population's valuation with data from the German Socio-Economic Panel and estimate the substitution by a CES-utility function of general utility/satisfaction. Given this quantification we disentangle time, income and interdependent multidimensional poverty regimes characterising the working poor. In addition, we quantify further socio-economic influences for each interdependent multidimensional poverty regime by a multinomial logit based on time use diary data of the German Time Use Study 2001/02. One striking result for Germany: the substitution between time and income is significant and we find an important fraction of time poor who are unable to substitute their time deficit by income. These poor people are ignored within the poverty and well-being as well as the time crunch and time famine discussion so far.Interdependent multidimensional time and income poverty, time and income substitution, extended economic well-being, satisfaction, CES utility function estimation, working poor, German Socio-Economic Panel, German Time Use Surveys 2001/02
Time and income poverty: An interdependent multidimensional poverty approach with German time use diary data
Income as the traditional one dimensional measure in well-being and poverty analyses is extended in recent studies by a multidimensional poverty concept, however, two important aspects are missing: time as an important dimension and the interdependence of the often only separately counted multiple poverty dimensions. Our paper will contribute to both aspects: We consider time â and income â both as important resources of everyday activities; the interdependence of the poverty dimensions will be evaluated by the German population. Referring to the time dimension, we follow Senâs capability approach and argue, that restricted genuine, leisure time might exclude from social participation. The substitution between income and genuine leisure time is estimated by a CES-utility function of general utility with the German Socio-Economic Panel. We disentangle time, income and interdependent multidimensional poverty regimes characterising the working poor by a multinomial logit based on German 2001/02 time use diary data. One striking result: the substitution between time and income is significant and we find an important fraction of time poor who are unable to substitute their time deficit by income. These poor people are ignored within the poverty and well-being as well as the time crunch/time famine discussion so far.Interdependent multidimensional time and income poverty, time and income substitution, extended economic well-being, satisfaction, CES utility function estimation, working poor, German Socio-Economic Panel, German Time Use Surveys 2001/02.
Intensity of Time and Income Interdependent Multidimensional Poverty: Well-Being and Minimum 2DGAP â German Evidence
Extending the traditional income poverty concept by multidimensional poverty has been of growing interest within the last years. This paper contributes with an analysis of interdependent multidimensional (IMD) poverty intensity of time and income, which in particular restricts social participation. The interdependency of the multiple poverty dimensions under a strong (union approach) and weak focus axiom (compensation approach) are regarded in particular when measuring the intensity of multidimensional poverty. In addition to various poverty gap measures including the multidimensional well-being gap, for the first time we propose a minimum multidimensional poverty gap (2DGAP). To respect Sen's capability approach with its social participation aspects we define the time dimension as genuine personal leisure time. Based on a CES well-being function and a multidimensional poverty line evaluated by the German population (estimated with the German Socio-Economic Panel) the individual poverty intensity of the active population is analysed for various regimes of multiple poverty. For this purpose the German Time Use Surveys 1991/92 and 2001/02 and its time use diary data are used. Analysing the active population this paper contributes too to the poverty situation of the working poor. All the empirical results, including the microeconometric Heckman type estimation of the IMD poverty intensity (2DGAP) and the IMD poverty risk, indicate the overall importance of the time dimension with its social participation aspect incorporated within an interdependent multidimensional time and income poverty approach. An important dimension would be neglected in the poverty analysis and in targeted poverty policies if time additional to income is not respected.intensity of time and income poverty, interdependent multidimensional time and income poverty, union and compensation approach, minimum multidimensional poverty gap (2DGAP), extended economic well-being, satisfaction/happiness, working poor, CES well-being function, German Socio-Economic Panel, German Time Use Surveys 1991/92 and 2001/02
Do time poor individuals pay more?
There is a rising number of concepts that try to describe the broad perception of time poverty. Though detailed time poverty analyses are available, still little is said about its impacts on the individual behaviour. Within this article, a possible new implication is analysed: The author tests whether time poor individuals compare less between prices as a result of their time deficit, therefore do not identify bargains or rip-offs and pay on average more for identical products and services than not time poor individuals. Using data drawn from the German Time Use Survey (GTUS) 2001/02, time use information is imputed into the German Sample Survey of Income and Expenditure (IES) 2003 to identify time poor individuals in the IES 2003. Instrumental variables estimations are arranged to account for an expected bias in ordinary least squares estimations - caused by the excluded variable (search) ability - and to catch the causal effect of time poverty on paid prices. The results do not confirm a higher price paid by time poor individuals. The findings rather suggest that time poor persons find trust in stores with a fair price performance ratio, remain loyal to them and accordingly pay a similar amount for goods and services than not time poor individuals in most cases.Eine zunehmende Zahl von AnsĂ€tzen versucht die breite Wahrnehmung von Zeitarmut zu beschreiben. Obwohl detaillierte Analysen vorhanden sind, wird meistens wenig ĂŒber die konkreten Konsequenzen auf das individuelle Verhalten gesagt. Im Rahmen dieses Artikels wird eine mögliche neue Auswirkung analysiert: Der Autor testet, ob zeitarme Individuen als eine Folge ihres Zeitdefizits weniger zwischen Preisen vergleichen, entsprechend keine SchnĂ€ppchen oder exorbitante Preise identifizieren und deshalb durchschnittlich mehr fĂŒr identische Produkte und Dienstleistungen zahlen als nicht-zeitarme Individuen. Unter Verwendung der deutschen Zeitbudgeterhebung (ZBE) von 2001/02 werden Zeitverwendungsinformationen in die Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe (EVS) 2003 imputiert, um auch dort eine Identifizierung von zeitarme Individuen zu ermöglichen. Instrumenten Variablen SchĂ€tzungen werden durchgefĂŒhrt, um eine erwartete Verzerrung - hervorgerufen durch die ausgeschlossene Variable FĂ€higkeiten - in den ĂŒblichen SchĂ€tzungen nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate zu korrigieren und den kausalen Effekt von Zeitarmut auf die gezahlten Preise zu erfassen. Die Ergebnisse bestĂ€tigen nicht, dass zeitarme Individuen einen höheren Preis fĂŒr Waren und Dienstleistungen zahlen. Sie deuten eher darauf hin, dass zeitarme Personen vertrauen zu GeschĂ€ften aufbauen, die ein faires Preis-Leistungs-VerhĂ€ltnis haben. Diesen GeschĂ€ften bleiben Sie treu und zahlen entsprechend einen Ă€hnlichen Preis wie nicht-zeitarme Individuen
Zeit- und Einkommensarmut von SelbstÀndigen als Freiberufler und Unternehmer: ein Beitrag zu interdependenter multidimensionaler Armut und zu den "working poor"
Fundierte Informationen ĂŒber den Lebensstandard, die Einkommens- und Zeitsituation von SelbstĂ€ndigen - als Freiberufler und Unternehmer (Gewerbetreibende) - sind Ă€uĂerst rar, obwohl diese Gruppe der ErwerbstĂ€tigen eine besondere Bedeutung als "Motor der Wirtschaft" zugesprochen wird. Unsere Studie ist dazu ein Beitrag und untersucht die Wohlfahrtssituation von SelbstĂ€ndigen, indem nicht nur nach der Einkommensarmut gefragt wird, sondern auch Zeitarmut im Rahmen eines neuen interdependenten multidimensionalen Armutskonzepts BerĂŒcksichtigung findet. Datenbasis ist einerseits das Sozio-oekonomische Panel fĂŒr die bevölkerungsreprĂ€sentative Bewertung der Kompensierung/SubstitutionalitĂ€t zwischen genuiner, persönlicher Freizeit und Einkommen als auch die beiden Zeitbudgeterhebungen 1992/92 und 2001/02 des Statistischen Bundesamtes. Zentrales Ergebnis: SelbstĂ€ndige sind hinsichtlich alleiniger Einkommensarmut, alleiniger Zeitarmut und interdependenter multidimensionaler Zeit- und Einkommensarmut in beiden Jahren weit stĂ€rker betroffen als alle anderen ErwerbstĂ€tigen. Ein erheblicher Anteil von nichteinkommensarmen, aber zeitarmen ErwerbstĂ€tigen generell und SelbstĂ€ndige im Besonderen ist nicht in der Lage, ihr Zeitdefizit durch ihr Einkommen zu kompensieren. In der multivariaten ErklĂ€rung des interdependenten mul- tidimensionalen (IMD) Zeit- und Einkommensarmutsrisikos (Probit-Analyse) hat sich die familiĂ€re Situation mit zunehmender Kinderzahl als signifikantes ErklĂ€rungsmuster, und zwar sowohl fĂŒr Alleinerziehende als auch fĂŒr Paare, herausgestellt. Zeit- und einkommensarme Personen werden damit sowohl in der Armuts- und Wohlfahrtsdiskussion, in der Diskussion um die "woorking poor" als auch in den Diskussionen um Zeitstress und Zeitdruck bisher generell, und fĂŒr die SelbstĂ€ndigen insbesondere, unzulĂ€ssigerweise vernachlĂ€ssigt.This paper contributes to the well-being and poverty discussion with an analysis of interdependent multidimensional (IMD) poverty of time and income, which in particular restricts social participation. The working poor focus is on the self-employed as (liberal) professionals and entrepreneurs
Zeit- und Einkommensarmut von Freien Berufen und Unternehmern
Freiberuflern und Unternehmern (Gewerbetreibende) wird nachgesagt, sie seien als SelbstĂ€ndige nicht nur einkommensreich sondern auch zeitreich, da sie aufgrund ihrer UnabhĂ€ngigkeit und ZeitsouverĂ€nitĂ€t auch verhĂ€ltnismĂ€Ăigviel disponible Zeit zur VerfĂŒgung haben. Unsere Studie untersucht diese These und damit erstmals die Wohlfahrtssituation von Freien Berufen und Unternehmern indem nicht nur nach der Einkommensarmut gefragt wird, sondern auch Zeitarmut im Rahmen eines neuen interdependenten multidimensionalen Armutskonzepts BerĂŒcksichtigung findet. Datenbasis ist einerseits das Sozio-ökonomische Panel fĂŒr die bevölkerungsreprĂ€sentative Bewertung der Kompensierung/SubstitutionalitĂ€t zwischen genuiner, persönlicher Freizeit und Einkommen als auch die aktuellste Zeitbudgeterhebung 2001/02 des Statistischen Bundesamtes.Insgesamt ist eine besondere Betroffenheit multipler Zeit- und Einkommensarmut der Freiberufler und verstĂ€rkt der Unternehmer im Vergleich zu allen ErwerbstĂ€tigen festzuhalten, ein Ergebnis, das landlĂ€ufigen EinschĂ€tzungen bemerkenswert widerspricht.Ein erheblicher Anteil von nicht-einkommensarmen aber zeitarmen ErwerbstĂ€tigen generell, und Unternehmer wie auch Freiberufler im Besondern, ist nicht in der Lage, ihr Zeitdefizit durch ihr Einkommen zu kompensieren.Dieser Personenkreis wird sowohl in der Armuts- und Wohlfahrtsdiskussion, in der Diskussion um die woorkingpoor als auch in den Diskussionen um Zeitstress und Zeitdruck bisher generell, und insbesondere fĂŒr die SelbstĂ€ndigen als Freiberufler und Unternehmer, vernachlĂ€ssigt.It is common sense that (liberal) professions and entrepreneurs (tradesmen) as self-employed are rich by money and, because of their independence and time sovereignty, are rich by time, too. This study tries to shed empirically based light on the issue and the well-being situation of the professions and entrepreneurs in particular by asking not only about income poverty but also about time poverty within the framework of a new interdependent multidimensional poverty approach. Database is the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) for the evaluation of the substitution/trade-off of genuine leisure time and income as well as the German Time Use Surveys (GTUS) 1991/92 and 2001/02 for the actual poverty analyses. Altogether, compared to employees a particular concernment of multidimensional time and income poverty of professions and notably entrepreneurs is identified; a result which is in contrast to common valuation. A remarkable percentage of the not income poor but time poor employees in general, and professions as well as entrepreneurs in particular, is not able to compensate their time deficit by income. These individuals are neglected in the poverty and well-being discussion so far, in the discussion about the woorking poor as well as in the discussion concerning time stress and time presure in generall, and for professions as well as entrepreneurs inparticular
Sind SelbstÀndige zeit- und einkommensarm? Eine Mikroanalyse der Dynamik interdependenter multidimensionaler Armut mit dem Sozio-ökonomischen Panel und den deutschen Zeitbudgeterhebungen
Nach herkömmlicher Meinung sind SelbstĂ€ndige - als Freiberufler und Unternehmer (Gewerbetreibende) - nicht nur einkommensreich sondern auch zeitreich, da sie aufgrund ihrer UnabhĂ€ngigkeit und ZeitsouverĂ€nitĂ€t auch verhĂ€ltnismĂ€Ăig viel und disponible Zeit zur VerfĂŒgung haben. Unsere Studie untersucht diese These und damit erstmals die Wohlfahrtssituation von SelbstĂ€ndigen indem nicht nur nach der Einkommensarmut gefragt wird, sondern auch Zeitarmut im Rahmen eines neuen interdependenten multidimensionalen Armutskonzepts BerĂŒcksichtigung findet. Datenbasis ist einerseits das Sozio-ökonomische Panel fĂŒr die bevölkerungsreprĂ€sentative Bewertung der SubstitutionalitĂ€t/trade-off zwischen genuiner, persönlicher Freizeit und Einkommen als auch die beiden Zeitbudgeterhebungen 1992/92 und 2001/2 des Statistischen Bundesamtes. Zentrales Ergebnis: SelbstĂ€ndige sind hinsichtlich alleiniger Einkommensarmut,alleiniger Zeitarmut und interdependenter multidimensionaler Zeit- und Einkommensarmut in beiden Jahren weit stĂ€rker betroffen als alle anderen Gruppen der armen ErwerbstĂ€tigen, der working poor. Ein erheblicher Anteil von nicht-einkommensarmen aber zeitarmen ErwerbstĂ€tigen generell, und SelbstĂ€ndige im Besonderen, ist nicht in der Lage, ihr Zeitdefizit durch ihr Einkommen zu kompensieren. WĂŒrde man SelbstĂ€ndige bei der Armuts- und Wohlfahrtsdiskussion auĂen vor lassen, so wĂŒrde eine bedeutende Gruppe der working poor zu unrecht vernachlĂ€ssigt.It is common sense that the self-employed - as professions and entrepreneurs - are rich by money and, because of their independence and time sovereignty, are rich by time, too. However, time stress and the variety of small businesses sometimes tell another story. This study tries to shed empirically based light on the issue and its dynamics by asking not only about income poverty but also about time poverty within the framework of a new interdependent multidimensional poverty approach. Database is the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) for the evaluation of the substitution/trade-off of genuine leisure time and income as well as the German Time Use Surveys (GTUS) 1991/92 and 2001/02 for the actual poverty analyses. Main result: The self-employed are more often affected by single income poverty, single time poverty as well as interdependent multidimensional time and income poverty than all other poor employees (working poor) for both periods of observation. A remarkable percentage of not income poor but time poor employees in general, and the self-employed in particular, is not able to compensate their time deficit by income. Neglecting the self-employed in the poverty and well-being discussion would disregard an important group of the working poor
Sind SelbstÀndige zeit- und einkommensarm? Eine Mikroanalyse der Dynamik interdependenter multidimensionaler Armut mit dem Sozio-ökonomischen Panel und den deutschen Zeitbudgeterhebungen
It is common sense that the self-employed â as professions and entrepreneurs â are rich by money and, because of their independence and time sovereignty, are rich by time, too. However, time stress and the variety of small businesses sometimes tell another story. This study tries to shed empirically based light on the issue and its dynamics by asking not only about income poverty but also about time poverty within the framework of a new interdependent multidimensional poverty approach. Database is the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) for the evaluation of the substitution/trade-off of genuine leisure time and income as well as the German Time Use Surveys (GTUS) 1991/92 and 2001/02 for the actual poverty analyses. Main result: The self-employed are more often affected by single income poverty, single time poverty as well as interdependent multidimensional time and income poverty than all other poor employees (âworking poorâ) for both periods of observation. A remarkable percentage of not income poor but time poor employees in general, and the self-employed in particular, is not able to compensate their time deficit by income. Neglecting the self-employed in the poverty and well-being discussion would disregard an important group of the âworking poorâ.Self-employed, liberal professions (Freie Berufe), entrepreneurs, interdependent multidimensional time and income poverty, time and income substitution, extended economic well-being, satisfaction/happiness, CES welfare function estimation, working poor, German Socio-Economic Panel, German Time Use Surveys 1991/92 and 2001/02