34 research outputs found

    Silent Conversion to Anti-Statism: Historical Origins of the Belief in Market Superiority

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    "Despite severe economic turmoil within the last decade the stock diagnosis for most market insufficiencies has been: the state must be 'slimmed down'. Satisfying social needs through the free market under the slogan of 'less government is good government' has been a constitutive feature of economic policy since the rise of neoliberalism in the 1980s. But even as the deregulation of the markets and the 'downsizing' of the state causes growing social turbulences – especially in the context of the current financial and economic meltdown – politicians, scholars and the media still cling to the idea of an omnipotent market. Deeprooted and widely-spread anti-statism still fulfils the role of a creed serving to legitimize the necessity of market-centred 'reforms'." (author®s abstract

    Blickpunkt Weltkonsum. Leben und Lernen im Netzwerk globalisierter MĂ€rkte

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    Weltweit ist Konsum ein ebenso omniprĂ€senter wie omnipotenter Bestandteil unseres Alltags. Die vielfĂ€ltigen Auswirkungen unseres Konsumhandelns werden hingegen selten umfassend, d. h. insbesondere mit Perspektive auf die Wertschöpfung auf Seiten der Produzenten, reflektiert. Der Beitrag zielt auf die Notwendigkeit einer multiperspektivisch angelegten Auseinandersetzung mit Konsumthemen in schulischen Kontexten - insbesondere im Rahmen des sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts. Dabei werden aktuelle Überlegungen zur Konsumentenverantwortung in der Welt(-konsum)gesellschaft zum Ausgangspunkt fĂŒr die Auseinandersetzung mit Konsum in den vernetzten und mitunter nur unzureichend fassbaren Strukturen globalisierter MĂ€rkte gemacht. (DIPF/Orig.)Consumerism is an omnipresent and omnipotent part of people\u27s everyday life around the world. Nevertheless, the multiple effects of consumer behavior on the individual and the world society, i. e. especially the perspective on the producer\u27s added value, are rarely reflected comprehensively. This article shows the need for a global and multiperspectival confrontation with consumer issues in school contexts - particularly in the context of social science teaching. For this purpose, recent thoughts regarding the consumer responsibility in the world (consumer) society will be taken up and represent the starting point for an exploration of the opportunities and risks of consumption in the networked and sometimes occasional elusive structures of global markets. (DIPF/Orig.

    Ökonomisierung schulischer Bildung

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    ÖKONOMISIERUNG SCHULISCHER BILDUNG Ökonomisierung schulischer Bildung / Engartner, Tim (Rights reserved) ( -

    Die Bedeutung des Themas „Bahn“ fĂŒr eine ökologische Nachhaltigskeitsbildung

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    Die seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt gefĂŒhrte Debatte ĂŒber die Zukunft der Deutschen Bahn AG zeigt, dass das Themenfeld „Bahn“ zahlreiche AnknĂŒpfungspunkte bietet, um verschiedene ökonomische Fragestellungen zu beleuchten – gerade auch im Kontext der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeitsbildung. Mit einer didaktisch und methodisch durchdachten AnnĂ€herung an das Themenfeld „Bahn“ kann dem gut begrĂŒndeten, aber hĂ€ufig unzureichend umgesetzten Postulat, Wissenschafts- und SchĂŒlerorientierung miteinander zu verbinden, Rechnung getragen werden. Denn die immense Bandbreite an Zugangs-, ErklĂ€rungs- und Interpretationsebenen erlaubt es nicht nur, das Umweltbewusstsein von SchĂŒler(inne)n zu schĂ€rfen. Werden Anleitungen zum Fahrscheinkauf erstellt, Statistiken zu Verkehrsmarktanteilen ausgewertet und Schaubilder zu externen Verkehrskosten erörtert, können Kinder und Jugendliche auch motiviert werden, die Bahn als Transportmittel ihrer Wahl zu entdecken und somit einen nachhaltigen Beitrag zum Umwelt- und Klimaschutz zu leisten More than a decade of debate about the future of Germany’s state-run rail company, Deutsche Bahn AG, has shown that the subject of “the railways” provides ample opportunity to discuss a whole range of economic issues, especially in the context of ecological sustainability. The desirable but often inadequately implemented goal of making science accessible to school students can be achieved through a didactically and methodologically well-planned approach, heightening students’ environmental awareness through the immense spectrum of perspectives, explanations and interpretations. And if instructions for buying tickets are prepared, statistics on transport market share analysed and graphics on the external costs of transport explored, children and young people can also be motivated to discover the railways as their preferred means of transport – a lasting contribution to environmental and climate protection

    Less Government is Good Government? Deregulation as an Undermining Principle of Financial Markets

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    Since liberalization became the dominant global narrative the stock response to market shortcomings has been to “slim down” the state and deregulate. In most countries the slogan of “less government is good government” has become a constitutive feature of economic policy since the 1980s. Markets lie at the heart of every successful economy, and despite not necessarily working well on their own, the economic policy of deregulation has been one of the most persistent currents in the global economy. Based as it is on classical liberalism and – at least in its origins and leanings – neoclassical theory, deregulation aims to minimize the influence of the state. But in the context of the current financial and economic meltdown – the worst economic dislocation since the Great Crash of 1929-32 – “downsizing” the state causes growing turmoil. Global networking has made financial markets much more volatile and therefore much more susceptible to crisis

    The Construction of Cosmopolitan Glocalities in Secondary Classrooms through Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the Social Sciences

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    Our article argues for content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in the social sciences, as part of a new literacy towards 21st century challenges at school. At first, we will show how multilingualism is closely juxtaposed with global discourses in a worldwide network of glocalities. Thereafter, for the conceptual framework of the suggested pedagogy, we explain why cosmopolitanism must constitute an integral part thereof, accompanying the genesis of classroom glocalities. The heart of our competence model for CLIL in the social sciences fosters the promotion of global discourse competence with adolescent students. In short, this learning aim is a hybrid of subject and language learning, incorporating the merits of language didactics as well as “21st century skills”. Finally, in the last step, we will present #climonomics, a simulation of a multilingual EU parliamentary debate about climate change and climate action for secondary students. This example intends to demonstrate how multilingualism through CLIL amplifies the magnitude of global discourses during a simulation yet realistic setting. It should provide ‘food for thought’ for similar initiatives in research and teaching, to encourage the facilitation of cosmopolitan visions in classroom glocalities

    Wie denken Studierende ĂŒber die Pluralismusdebatte in der Volkswirtschaftslehre? Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Befragung an deutschen Hochschulen

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    Die vorliegende Untersuchung widmet sich der Frage, wie Studierende der VWL an deutschen Hochschulen ihr Fach und die anhaltende Pluralismusdebatte zum SelbstverstĂ€ndnis der Ökonomik wahrnehmen. Hierzu wurde eine schriftliche Befragung im vierten Semester an den UniversitĂ€ten Bonn, Frankfurt/M., Hamburg, Heidelberg und Mannheim durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Befunde belegen eine deutliche Diskrepanz zwischen einer eingehenden Selbst- und Fachreflexion der Studierenden einerseits und einer eher verhaltenen Diskursreflexion andererseits: In Übereinstimmung mit der Pluralismusdebatte erleben sie ihr Fach als praxisfern, mathematisch fokussiert, wenig interdisziplinĂ€r und abgewandt von gesellschaftlichen Grundfragen. Eine flĂ€chendeckende Beteiligung an der Pluralismusdebatte bleibt indessen aus. Maßgeblich scheint hierfĂŒr das wettbewerbs- und leistungsorientierte Klima der VWL zu sein: Aus Sicht der Befragten mindert dies ihre Bereitschaft, sich uneigennĂŒtzig fĂŒr eine fachliche Erneuerung einzusetzen.The present study examines the way in which German university students think about economics and the so-called pluralism debate. The latter revolves around the self-concept of modern economics. The study is based on a paper-pencil survey among economics students in their fourth semester at the universities of Bonn, Frankfurt/M., Hamburg, Heidelberg, and Mannheim. The results reveal a discrepancy between students‘ rigorous self- and discipline reflection on the one hand and their restrained discourse reflection on the other: In line with the pluralism debate, they experience their subject as being abstract, mathematically focused, and lacking both interdisciplinarity as well as societal relevance. However, despite this criticism, students‘ engagement in the pluralism debate remains low. One key factor for this discrepancy lies in the highly competitive and performance-oriented climate in economics. This reduces their willingness to become unselfishly active in the renewal of the discipline

    Wie denken Studierende ĂŒber die Pluralismusdebatte in der Volkswirtschaftslehre? Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Befragung an deutschen Hochschulen

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    Schriftlich befragt wurden 351 Studierende der VWL im vierten Semester an den UniversitĂ€ten Bonn, Frankfurt/M., Hamburg, Heidelberg und Mannheim. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich in drei Kernpunkten zusammenfassen. Die Studierenden teilen die Kritik an der ökonomischen Mainstream-Lehre. Die VWL wird von ihnen als praxisfern, mathematisch fokussiert, wenig interdisziplinĂ€r und abgewandt von gesellschaftlichen Grundfragen erlebt. Eine flĂ€chendeckende Beteiligung an der Pluralismusdebatte findet gleichwohl kaum statt. Hochschulweit beklagen die Befragten vielmehr eine immense Wettbewerbsorientierung in der VWL. Karriereambitionen, Leistungsdruck und Konkurrenzdenken nehmen im Studium zu, wĂ€hrend Attribute des Sozialverhaltens (u. a. Idealismus, SolidaritĂ€t, Hilfsbereitschaft, EinfĂŒhlungsvermögen) in den Hintergrund treten. Diese VerĂ€nderung scheint die Bereitschaft der Studierenden zu mindern, sich uneigennĂŒtzig fĂŒr eine fachliche Erneuerung in der VWL einzusetzen

    Social science education under digital conditions: The role of creativity in media practices on social networks

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    Purpose: This paper explores social media practices with an exemplarily focus on constructions of space and social movements. It aims at identifying prospects for social science education under digital conditions regarding the reconfiguration of content and possibilities for digital literacy. Approach: By reviewing and summarizing popular strands of discussion on the application of social media practices in constructions of spaces and social movements, we identify common didactical themes from an educational perspective. Subsequently, we discuss social networks as real-world learning contexts in light of creative practices. Findings: Building on this, we derive theoretical implications for social science education for teaching and learning within social networks with a special focus on creativity. Following this, we present implications for social science literacy as well as digital literacy, which are two sides of the same coin. Practical implications: Finally, we present implications for future research and outline prospects for a future social science education