28 research outputs found

    Galactic winds and stellar populations in Lyman α\alpha emitting galaxies at z ~ 3.1

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    We present a sample of 33 spectroscopically confirmed z ~ 3.1 Lyα\alpha-emitting galaxies (LAEs) in the Cosmological Evolution Survey (COSMOS) field. This paper details the narrow-band survey we conducted to detect the LAE sample, the optical spectroscopy we performed to confirm the nature of these LAEs, and a new near-infrared spectroscopic detection of the [O III] 5007 \AA\ line in one of these LAEs. This detection is in addition to two [O III] detections in two z ~ 3.1 LAEs we have reported on previously (McLinden et al 2011). The bulk of the paper then presents detailed constraints on the physical characteristics of the entire LAE sample from spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting. These characteristics include mass, age, star-formation history, dust content, and metallicity. We also detail an approach to account for nebular emission lines in the SED fitting process - wherein our models predict the strength of the [O III] line in an LAE spectrum. We are able to study the success of this prediction because we can compare the model predictions to our actual near-infrared observations both in galaxies that have [O III] detections and those that yielded non-detections. We find a median stellar mass of 6.9 ×\times 108^8 M_{\odot} and a median star formation rate weighted stellar population age of 4.5 ×\times 106^6 yr. In addition to SED fitting, we quantify the velocity offset between the [O III] and Lyα\alpha lines in the galaxy with the new [O III] detection, finding that the Lyα\alpha line is shifted 52 km s1^{-1} redwards of the [O III] line, which defines the systemic velocity of the galaxy.Comment: 38 pages, 27 figures, 4 tables, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Dynamical Masses, Densities, and Star Formation Scaling Relations of Lyman Alpha Galaxies

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    We present the first dynamical mass measurements for Lyman alpha galaxies at high redshift, based on velocity dispersion measurements from rest-frame optical emission lines and size measurements from HST imaging, for a sample of nine galaxies drawn from four surveys. These measurements enable us to study the nature of Lyman alpha galaxies in the context of galaxy scaling relations. The resulting dynamical masses range from 1e9 to 1e10 solar masses. We also fit stellar population models to our sample, and use them to plot the Lyman alpha sample on a stellar mass vs. line width relation. Overall, the Lyman alpha galaxies follow well the scaling relation established by observing star forming galaxies at lower redshift (and without regard for Lyman alpha emission), though in 1/3 of the Lyman alpha galaxies, lower-mass fits are also acceptable. In all cases, the dynamical masses agree with established stellarmass-linewidth relation. Using the dynamical masses as an upper limit on gas mass, we show that Lyman alpha galaxies resemble starbursts (rather than "normal" galaxies) in the relation between gas mass surface density and star formation activity, in spite of relatively modest star formation rates. Finally, we examine the mass densities of these galaxies, and show that their future evolution likely requires dissipational ("wet") merging. In short, we find that Lyman alpha galaxies are low mass cousins of larger starbursts.Comment: Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal. 23 pp including three figures and four table

    The distribution of satellites around massive galaxies at 1<z<3 in ZFOURGE/CANDELS: dependence on star formation activity

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    We study the statistical distribution of satellites around star-forming and quiescent central galaxies at 1<z<3 using imaging from the FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey (ZFOURGE) and the Cosmic Assembly Near-IR Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS). The deep near-IR data select satellites down to log(M/M)>9\log(M/M_\odot)>9 at z<3. The radial satellite distribution around centrals is consistent with a projected NFW profile. Massive quiescent centrals, log(M/M)>10.78\log(M/M_\odot)>10.78, have \sim2 times the number of satellites compared to star-forming centrals with a significance of 2.7σ\sigma even after accounting for differences in the centrals' stellar-mass distributions. We find no statistical difference in the satellite distributions of intermediate-mass quiescent and star-forming centrals, 10.48<log(M/M)<10.7810.48<\log(M/M_\odot)<10.78. Comparing to the Guo2011 semi-analytic model, the excess number of satellites indicates that quiescent centrals have halo masses 0.3 dex larger than star-forming centrals, even when the stellar-mass distributions are fixed. We use a simple toy model that relates halo mass and quenching, which roughly reproduces the observed quenched fractions and the differences in halo mass between star-forming and quenched galaxies only if galaxies have a quenching probability that increases with halo mass from \sim0 for log(Mh/M)\log(M_h/M_\odot)\sim11 to \sim1 for log(Mh/M)\log(M_h/M_\odot)\sim13.5. A single halo-mass quenching threshold is unable to reproduce the quiescent fraction and satellite distribution of centrals. Therefore, while halo quenching may be an important mechanism, it is unlikely to be the only factor driving quenching. It remains unclear why a high fraction of centrals remain star-forming even in relatively massive halos.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, accepted by ApJ. Information on ZFOURGE can be found at http://zfourge.tamu.ed

    The Relation Between SFR and Stellar Mass for Galaxies at 3.5 z\le z\le 6.5 in CANDELS

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    Distant star-forming galaxies show a correlation between their star formation rates (SFR) and stellar masses, and this has deep implications for galaxy formation. Here, we present a study on the evolution of the slope and scatter of the SFR-stellar mass relation for galaxies at 3.5z6.53.5\leq z\leq 6.5 using multi-wavelength photometry in GOODS-S from the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) and Spitzer Extended Deep Survey. We describe an updated, Bayesian spectral-energy distribution fitting method that incorporates effects of nebular line emission, star formation histories that are constant or rising with time, and different dust attenuation prescriptions (starburst and Small Magellanic Cloud). From zz=6.5 to zz=3.5 star-forming galaxies in CANDELS follow a nearly unevolving correlation between stellar mass and SFR that follows SFR \sim MaM_\star^a with a=0.54±0.16a = 0.54 \pm 0.16 at z6z\sim 6 and 0.70±0.210.70 \pm 0.21 at z4z\sim 4. This evolution requires a star formation history that increases with decreasing redshift (on average, the SFRs of individual galaxies rise with time). The observed scatter in the SFR-stellar mass relation is tight, σ(logSFR/M\sigma(\log \mathrm{SFR}/\mathrm{M}_\odot yr1)<0.3 ^{-1})< 0.3\ - 0.4 dex, for galaxies with logM/M>9\log M_\star/\mathrm{M}_\odot > 9 dex. Assuming that the SFR is tied to the net gas inflow rate (SFR \sim M˙gas\dot{M}_\mathrm{gas}), then the scatter in the gas inflow rate is also smaller than 0.3-0.4 dex for star-forming galaxies in these stellar mass and redshift ranges, at least when averaged over the timescale of star formation. We further show that the implied star formation history of objects selected on the basis of their co-moving number densities is consistent with the evolution in the SFR-stellar mass relation.Comment: 31 pages, 24 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Evolution of the Galaxy Rest-Frame Ultraviolet Luminosity Function Over the First Two Billion Years

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    We present a robust measurement and analysis of the rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) luminosity function at z=4-8. We use deep Hubble Space Telescope imaging over the CANDELS/GOODS fields, the Hubble Ultra Deep Field and the Year 1 Hubble Frontier Field deep parallel observations. These surveys provides an effective volume of 0.6-1.2 x 10^6 Mpc^3 over this epoch, allowing us to perform a robust search for faint (M_UV=-18) and bright (M_UV < -21) galaxies. We select candidate galaxies using a well-tested photometric redshift technique with careful screening of contaminants, finding a sample of 7446 galaxies at 3.51000 galaxies at z~6-8. We measure the luminosity function using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis to measure robust uncertainties. At the faint end our results agree with previous studies, yet we find a higher abundance of UV-bright galaxies at z>6, with M* ~ -21 at z>5, different than that inferred based on previous trends at lower redshift. At z=8, a single power-law provides an equally good fit to the UV luminosity function, while at z=6 and 7, an exponential cutoff at the bright-end is moderately preferred. We compare to semi-analytical models, and find that the lack of evolution in M* is consistent with models where the impact of dust attenuation on the bright-end of the luminosity function decreases at higher redshift. We measure the evolution of the cosmic star-formation rate density, correcting for dust attenuation, and find that it declines as (1+z)^(-4.3 +/- 0.5) at z>4, consistent with observations at z>9. Our observations are consistent with a reionization history that starts at z>10, completes at z>6, and reaches a midpoint (x_HII = 0.5) at 6.7<z<9.4. Finally, our observations predict that the abundance of bright z=9 galaxies is likely higher than previous constraints, though consistent with recent estimates of bright z~10 galaxies. [abridged]Comment: Re-submitted to the Astrophysical Journal after first referee's report. 34 pages, 21 figures, 7 tables. The source file includes a machine readable table of our full galaxy sampl

    A comprehensive study of Hα\alpha emitters at zz \sim 0.62 in the DAWN survey: the need for deep and wide regions

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    We present new estimates of the luminosity function (LF) and star formation rate density (SFRD) for an Hα\alpha selected sample at z0.62z\sim0.62 from the Deep And Wide Narrow-band (DAWN) survey. Our results are based on a new Hα\alpha sample in the extended COSMOS region (compared to Coughlin et al. 2018) with the inclusion of flanking fields, resulting in a total area coverage of \sim1.5 deg2^2. A total of 241 Hα\alpha emitters were selected based on robust selection criteria using spectro-photometric redshifts and broadband color-color classification. We explore the effect of different dust correction prescriptions by calculating the LF and SFRD using a constant dust extinction correction, A{Hα=1_{\textrm{H}\alpha}=1} mag, a luminosity-dependent correction, and a stellar-mass dependent correction. The resulting Hα\alpha LFs are well fitted using Schechter functions with best-fit parameters: L=1042.24^*=10^{42.24} erg s1^{-1}, ϕ=102.85\phi^*=10^{-2.85} Mpc3^{-3}, α=1.62\alpha = -1.62 for constant dust correction, L=1042.31^*=10^{42.31} erg s1^{-1}, ϕ=102.8\phi^*=10^{-2.8} Mpc3^{-3}, α=1.39\alpha=-1.39 for luminosity-dependent dust correction, and L=1042.36^*=10^{42.36} erg s1^{-1}, ϕ=102.91\phi^*=10^{-2.91} Mpc3^{-3}, α=1.48\alpha = -1.48, for stellar mass-dependent dust correction. The deep and wide nature of the DAWN survey effectively samples Hα\alpha emitters over a wide range of luminosities, thereby providing better constraints on both the faint and bright end of the LF. Also, the SFRD estimates ρSFR=101.39\rho_{\textrm{SFR}}=10^{-1.39} M_{\odot}yr1^{-1}Mpc3^{-3} (constant dust correction), ρSFR=101.47\rho_{\textrm{SFR}}=10^{-1.47} M_{\odot}yr1^{-1}Mpc3^{-3} (luminosity-dependent dust correction), and ρSFR=101.49\rho_{\textrm{SFR}}=10^{-1.49} M_{\odot}yr1^{-1}Mpc3^{-3} (stellar mass-dependent dust correction) are in good agreement with the evolution of SFRD across redshifts (0<z<20 < z < 2) seen from previous Hα\alpha surveys.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    H alpha Emitting Galaxies at z similar to 0.6 in the Deep And Wide Narrow-band Survey

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    Abstract We present new measurements of the Hα luminosity function (LF) and star formation rate (SFR) volume density for galaxies at z?~?0.62 in the COSMOS field. Our results are part of the Deep And Wide Narrow-band Survey (DAWN), a unique infrared imaging program with large areal coverage (~1.1 deg2 over five fields) and sensitivity ( at 5σ). The present sample, based on a single DAWN field, contains 116 Hα emission-line candidates at z?~?0.62, 25% of which have spectroscopic confirmations. These candidates have been selected through the comparison of narrow and broad-band images in the infrared and through matching with existing catalogs in the COSMOS field. The dust-corrected LF is well described by a Schechter function with erg s?1, Mpc?3, erg s?1 Mpc?3, and α?=??1.75?±?0.09. From this LF, we calculate a SFR density of ρSFR?=?10?1.37?±?0.08 M⊙ yr?1 Mpc?3. We expect an additional cosmic variance uncertainty of ~20%. Both the faint end slope and luminosity density that we derive are consistent with prior results at similar redshifts, with reduced uncertainties. We also present an analysis of these Hα emitters’ sizes, which shows a direct correlation between the galaxies’ sizes and their Hα emission

    Halpha Emitting Galaxies at Z ~ 0.6 in the Deep and Wide Narrow-Band Survey

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    We present new measurements of the H luminosity function (LF) and star formation rate (SFR) volume density for galaxies at z0.62 in the COSMOS field. Our results are part of the Deep And Wide Narrow-band Survey (DAWN), a unique infrared imaging program with large areal coverage (1.1 deg2 over five fields) and sensitivity (9.9 x 10(exp -18) erg cm(exp -2) s(exp -1) at 5). The present sample, based on a single DAWN field, contains 116 H emission line candidates at z0.62, 25% of which have spectroscopic confirmations. These candidates have been selected through the comparison of narrow and broad-band images in the infrared and through matching with existing catalogs in the COSMOS field. The dust-corrected LF is well described by a Schechter function with L* = 10 (exp 42.64 +/- 0.92) erg s (exp 1), Phi* = 10 (exp -3.320.93)Mpc(exp 3), L*Phi* = L 10(exp 39.40) 0.15 erg s(exp 1)Mpc(exp 3), and =1.75+/-0.09. From this LF, we calculate a SFR density of SFR=10(exp 1.37+/-0.08)solar mass yr(exp 1)Mpc(exp 3). We expect an additional cosmic variance uncertainty of 20%. Both the faint end slope and luminosity density that we derive are consistent with prior results at similar redshifts, with reduced uncertainties. We also present an analysis of these H emitters' sizes, which shows a direct correlation between the galaxies' sizes and their H emission