821 research outputs found

    Contextual classification of multispectral image data

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    BEGIN THE ADVENTURE : How to Break the Light Barrier by A.D. 2079 (3rd ed.)

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    This edition, the third, has undergone a subtle name change, going from A.D. 2070 in the title to A.D. 2079 as the timeline is fine-tuned. Because of the almost universal failure to recognize the distinction between physical (reality-based, dynamical) and visual (appearance-based, kinematical) variables, a tremendous volume of mythology arose over the past 100 years centered around Einstein\u27s reality view of the distortions of special relativity. To get a sense of it, we point the reader to Paul J. Nahin\u27s heroic book, Time Machines, 2nd ed.,- to these Tech Notes in particular: TN#6. A High-Speed Rocket Is a One-Way Time Machine to the Future ; TN#7. Superluminal Speeds, Backward Time Travel, and Warp Drive, or Faster-Than-Light into the Past ; TN#8. Backward Time Travel According to Gödel and Tipler. But those magical effects go away when we consider that the variables of special relativity are kinematical, not physical. If they have not yet gone away in the minds of everyone, a reason may be that there is a great need felt by many fine folk for such effects to be real. There are today sizeable popular and scientific communities with vested interests in keeping those magical hopes alive. But at some point in time humanity must come of age, question the existence of Santa Claus and come to realize that what we see is not necessarily what we get
 . That the stick partly stuck in water may not be bent or broken after all even though it distinctly and definitely appears to be. Distinguished cognitive researcher Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini might characterize the period just ending as a century-long mistake of reason – a kind of mass cognitive illusion. MP-P, Inevitable Illusions/ How Mistakes of Reason Rule Our Minds, John Wiley, ISBN 0-471- 58126-7, 1994, p.18: These are errors we commit without knowing that we do so, in good faith, and errors that we often defend with vehemence, thus making our power of reasoning subservient to our illusions. Page 141: Cognitive illusions, unknown to science until some 20 years ago, are active in all of us ... Page 139: cognitive illusions are general, because they are found in all human beings. MP-P did not direct his message at Einstein; that is my doing. Yet the descriptions MP-P gives seem to fit the present context

    Analyzing Audio/Visual Data in the Digital Humanities

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    The Bloomsbury Handbook to the Digital Humanities reconsiders key debates, methods, possibilities, and failings from across the digital humanities, offering a timely interrogation of the present and future of the arts and humanities in the digital age.Comprising 43 essays from some of the field\u27s leading scholars and practitioners, this comprehensive collection examines, among its many subjects, the emergence and ongoing development of DH, postcolonial digital humanities, feminist digital humanities, race and DH, multilingual digital humanities, media studies as DH, the failings of DH, critical digital humanities, the future of text encoding, cultural analytics, natural language processing, open access and digital publishing, digital cultural heritage, archiving and editing, sustainability, DH pedagogy, labour, artificial intelligence, the cultural economy, and the role of the digital humanities in climate change. From this chapter: We offer an observation, perhaps even provocation: DH is undergoing an A/V turn. The combination of access to data either through digitization or born-digital sources alongside advances in computing from memory to deep learning is resulting in a watershed moment for the analysis of audio and visual data in the field

    Contextual Classification of Multispectral Image Data: An Unbiased Estimator for the Context Distribution

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    Recent investigations have demonstrated the effectiveness of a contextual classifier that combines spatial and spectral information employing a general statistical approach. This statistical classification algorithm exploits the tendency of certain groundcover classes to occur more frequently in some spatial contexts than in others. Indeed, a key input to this algorithm is a statistical characterization of the context: the context distribution. Here we discuss an unbiased estimator of the context distribution which, besides having the advantage of statistical unbiasedness, has the additional advantage over other estimation techniques of being amenable to an adaptive implementation in which the context distribution estimate varies according to local contextual information. Results from applying the unbiased estimator to the contextual classification of three real Landsat data sets are presented and contrasted with results from non-contextual classifications and from contextual classifications utilizing other context distribution estimation techniques

    New radiometric evidence for the age and thermal history of the metamorphic rocks of the Ruby and Nixon Fork Terranes, West-Central Alaska

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    Numerical Investigation of Boundary Conditions for Moving Contact Line Problems

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    When boundary conditions arising from the usual hydrodynamic assumptions are applied, analyses of dynamic wetting processes lead to a well-known nonintegrable stress singularity at the dynamic contact line, necessitating new ways to model this problem. In this paper, numerical simulations for a set of representative problems are used to explore the possibility of providing material boundary conditions for predictive models of inertialess moving contact line processes. The calculations reveal that up to Capillary number Ca=0.15, the velocity along an arc of radius 10Li (Li is an inner, microscopic length scale! from the dynamic contact line is independent of the macroscopic length scale a for a.103Li , and compares well to the leading order analytical ‘‘modulated-wedge’’ flow field [R. G. Cox, J. Fluid Mech. 168, 169 (1986)] for Capillary number Ca,0.1. Systematic deviations between the numerical and analytical velocity field occur for 0.1168, 169 (1986)] is used as a boundary condition along an arc of radius R=10-2a from the dynamic contact line, agree well with those using two inner slip models for Ca\u3c0.1, with a breakdown at higher Ca. Computations in a cylindrical geometry reveal the role of azimuthal curvature effects on velocity profiles in this vicinity of dynamic contact lines. These calculations show that over an appropriate range of Ca, the velocity field and the meniscus slope in a geometry-independent region can potentially serve as material boundary conditions for models of processes containing dynamic contact lines

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as skin carcinogens:Comparison of benzo [a]pyrene, dibenzo[def,p]chrysene and three environmental mixtures in the FVB/N mouse

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    The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), was compared to dibenzo[def,p]chrysene (DBC) and combinations of three environmental PAH mixtures (coal tar, diesel particulate and cigarette smoke condensate) using a two stage, FVB/N mouse skin tumor model. DBC (4 nmol) was most potent, reaching 100% tumor incidence with a shorter latency to tumor formation, less than 20 weeks of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) promotion compared to all other treatments. Multiplicity was 4 times greater than BaP (400 nmol). Both PAHs produced primarily papillomas followed by squamous cell carcinoma and carcinoma in situ. Diesel particulate extract (1 mg SRM 1650b; mix 1) did not differ from toluene controls and failed to elicit a carcinogenic response. Addition of coal tar extract (1 mg SRM 1597a; mix 2) produced a response similar to BaP. Further addition of 2 mg of cigarette smoke condensate (mix 3) did not alter the response with mix 2. PAH-DNA adducts measured in epidermis 12 h post initiation and analyzed by (32)P post- labeling, did not correlate with tumor incidence. PAH- dependent alteration in transcriptome of skin 12 h post initiation was assessed by microarray. Principal component analysis (sum of all treatments) of the 922 significantly altered genes (p<0.05), showed DBC and BaP to cluster distinct from PAH mixtures and each other. BaP and mixtures up-regulated phase 1 and 2 metabolizing enzymes while DBC did not. The carcinogenicity with DBC and two of the mixtures was much greater than would be predicted based on published Relative Potency Factors (RPFs)

    Weltrohstoffversorgung: Konflikt oder Kooperation?

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    Unter dem Eindruck der jĂŒngsten Preishausse auf den internationalen RohstoffmĂ€rkten wird nunmehr in vielen LĂ€ndern befĂŒrchtet, daß die Welt an der Schwelle zunehmender Schwierigkeiten bei der Versorgung mit mineralischen und landwirtschaftlichen Rohstoffen einschließlich Nahrungsmitteln steht. Der krĂ€ftige Preisanstieg bei diesen Rohstoffen war jedoch ĂŒberwiegend konjunkturell bedingt. Bei Getreide verursachten Mißernten unerwartete ProduktionsausfĂ€lle grĂ¶ĂŸeren Ausmaßes. Wirksame Preisabsprachen zwischen ProduzentenlĂ€ndern hat es, anders als bei Erdöl, entgegen einer verbreiteten Meinung nicht gegeben. LĂ€ngerfristig wird sich das Preisniveau auf den RohstoffmĂ€rkten, wenn auch nicht drastisch, so doch kontinuierlich erhöhen. Preisfluktuationen um den Trend werden weiterhin diese MĂ€rkte kennzeichnen. Ernsthafte Rohstoffverknappungen brauchen fĂŒr den Rest dieses Jahrhunderts nicht erwartet zu werden. So ĂŒbersteigen z. B. im Falle zahlreicher nicht-regenerierbarer NE-Metalle die bekannten Weltreserven deutlich den Weltbedarf; bei tropischen ErnĂ€hrungsgĂŒtern und bei Getreide ist der Spielraum fĂŒr eine nachhaltige Erhöhung der FlĂ€chenertrĂ€ge noch sehr groß, vor allem in EntwicklungslĂ€ndern. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit fĂŒr die Bildung von Produzentenkartellen in der Zukunft ist gering. KĂ€me es dennoch zu Kartellabsprachen, so wĂ€ren diese bestenfalls kurzfristig erfolgreich. Das gleiche gilt fĂŒr ExportbeschrĂ€nkungen, die in Zeiten knappen Angebots sensibler Produkte (z. B. Getreide) den internen Preisanstieg dĂ€mpfen sollen. Angesichts der verbreiteten Knappheitspsychose kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, daß es im Falle von temporĂ€ren Angebotsdefiziten zu Überreaktionen kommt, die erhebliche Gefahren fĂŒr den freien und multilateralen Welthandel in sich bergen. Solchen Gefahren kann nur erfolgreich durch partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, nicht jedoch durch nationale AlleingĂ€nge, begegnet werden. Erforderlich sind ein international vereinbartes System von Verhaltensregeln zur Sicherung des undiskriminierten Zugangs zu RohstoffmĂ€rkten bei angemessenen Preisen, die koordinierte Bildung von RohstoffvorrĂ€ten, internationale Rohstoffabkommen zwischen Produzenten- und VerbraucherlĂ€ndern, Regelungen zur Verbesserung des allgemeinen Investitionsklimas im Rohstoffbereich und der Abbau der Handelsschranken der IndustrielĂ€nder gegenĂŒber Exporten landwirtschaftlicher Produkte sowie rohstoff- und/oder arbeitsintensiver Halb- und Fertigwaren aus EntwicklungslĂ€ndern. --
