303 research outputs found

    Meniere's disease treated by grommet insertion

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    INTRODUCTION: Menière’s disease (MD) is an uncommon cause of sudden profound vertigo. A variety of medical and surgical treatments have been used to manage this condition. This study reviewed the outcomes of patients treated with grommet insertion and transtympanic steroid injection. METHODS: Patients diagnosed with MD between 2007 and 2017 were identified, and case notes and audiological data were retrieved for those managed by grommet (ventilation tube) insertion with and without transtympanic steroid injection. RESULTS: Thirty-three patients were identified as being diagnosed with MD. Grommet insertion resulted in cessation or improvement of attacks in 91% of cases. The mean follow-up duration was 33.8 months (median: 29 months). The mean hearing threshold across the low frequencies improved from 57.2dBHL to 49.4dBHL (p=0.031). Following the intervention, improved tinnitus was reported in 80% of cases. Twelve patients (36%) reported aural fullness prior to grommet insertion; all reported improved symptoms following the procedure. CONCLUSIONS: Early grommet insertion with transtympanic steroid injection, combined with customised vestibular physiotherapy, may provide an alternative first-line strategy for MD, preventing further true MD attacks. In some patients, it may significantly improve hearing thresholds

    Enhancing dysphonia clinic consultations through a focus on patients' expectations : streamlining and validation of a new tool (ACaPELa-R questionnaire)

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    ObjectiveThe Assessing and Caring for Patients' Expectations in Laryngology ('ACaPELa') questionnaire was developed to guide laryngology clinic consultations. This study aimed to audit its use, revise it depending on outcomes and validate it.MethodsThe questionnaire was completed by all new patients attending a laryngology clinic over one year. The questionnaire was refined and validated in a new cohort of patients over a six-month period.ResultsThirty-seven of 242 patients (15.3 per cent) incorrectly gave the same ranking to more than one question. Questions with similar content were collapsed to cover broader themes, and an outcome question was added, resulting in the five-item Assessing and Caring for Patients' Expectations in Laryngology - Revised ('ACaPELa-R') questionnaire. Using this revised questionnaire, there was a significant reduction in the number of same-ranked questions (4.4 vs 15.3 per cent; p = 0.003) and high patient satisfaction post-consultation (95.7 per cent).ConclusionThe Assessing and Caring for Patients' Expectations in Laryngology - Revised questionnaire makes patients' rank ordering of questions easier. It can be used to inform how different topics should be approached during the consultation and utilised for clinician self-audit

    Clinical applicability and revision of the ACaPELa questionnaire

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    The Assessing and Caring for Patients’ Expectations in Laryngology (ACaPELa) questionnaire was created to understand patients’ thoughts and concerns and guide clinical consultation. As part of our standard clinical practice, all patients attending the laryngology clinic in our department complete the ACaPELa, rank ordering their expectations prior to the clinical consultation. Feedback received from the patients during the 2-year run of the voice clinic using the above set-up has indicated that the questionnaire was proven difficult to rank order, with patients’ finding some of the options very similar in content

    Differential involvement of trigeminal transition zone and laminated subnucleus caudalis in orofacial deep and cutaneous hyperalgesia: the effects of interleukin-10 and glial inhibitors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In addition to caudal subnucleus caudalis (Vc) of the spinal trigeminal complex, recent studies indicate that the subnuclei interpolaris/caudalis (Vi/Vc) transition zone plays a unique role in processing deep orofacial nociceptive input. Studies also suggest that glia and inflammatory cytokines contribute to the development of persistent pain. By systematically comparing the effects of microinjection of the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-10 and two glial inhibitors, fluorocitrate and minocycline, we tested the hypothesis that there was a differential involvement of Vi/Vc and caudal Vc structures in deep and cutaneous orofacial pain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Deep or cutaneous inflammatory hyperalgesia, assessed with von Frey filaments, was induced in rats by injecting complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) into the masseter muscle or skin overlying the masseter, respectively. A unilateral injection of CFA into the masseter or skin induced ipsilateral hyperalgesia that started at 30 min, peaked at 1 d and lasted for 1-2 weeks. Secondary hyperalgesia on the contralateral site also developed in masseter-, but not skin-inflamed rats. Focal microinjection of IL-10 (0.006-1 ng), fluorocitrate (1 μg), and minocycline (0.1-1 μg) into the ventral Vi/Vc significantly attenuated masseter hyperalgesia bilaterally but without an effect on hyperalgesia after cutaneous inflammation. Injection of the same doses of these agents into the caudal Vc attenuated ipsilateral hyperalgesia after masseter and skin inflammation, but had no effect on contralateral hyperalgesia after masseter inflammation. Injection of CFA into the masseter produced significant increases in N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor NR1 serine 896 phosphorylation and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) levels, a marker of reactive astrocytes, in Vi/Vc and caudal Vc. In contrast, cutaneous inflammation only produced similar increases in the Vc.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results support the hypothesis that the Vi/Vc transition zone is involved in deep orofacial injury and suggest that glial inhibition and interruption of the cytokine cascade after inflammation may provide pain relief.</p

    Patterns of urgent hoarseness referrals to ENT – When should we be suspicious of cancer?

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    Background: Current UK referral criteria stipulate that hoarseness should be persistent to merit 2 week wait (2WW) or urgent suspicion of cancer (USOC) referral. This study delineates patterns of hoarseness presentation with a view to assisting referral pathways, and whereby reassurance could be provided. Methods: A pre-existing database of patients referred with hoarseness under the urgent suspicion of cancer (USOC) category was analysed. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed on a variety of demographic and comorbid features to produce odds ratios (OR) of features either related or not related to laryngeal cancer. Results: Of 698 consecutive hoarseness referrals were studied. In these referrals there were 506(73%) with persistent hoarseness and 192(27%) with intermittent hoarseness. The most significant patient variables related to laryngeal cancer were persistent hoarseness (OR 4.97), recreational drug use (OR 4.94), male gender (OR 4.01) and weight loss (OR 3.75). Significant patient variables present not related to laryngeal cancer diagnosis were intermittent hoarseness (OR 0.2), the presence of cough (OR 0.2), globus sensation (OR 0.25) and recent viral infection (OR 0.29). Conclusion: The strongest association with cancer is seen in patients that are persistently hoarse. Patients with fluctuating hoarseness do not need an “urgent suspicion of cancer” referral. Additional demographic referral information could help to streamline the referral of these patients, and reassure others

    Activated Microglia Inhibit Axonal Growth through RGMa

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    By causing damage to neural networks, spinal cord injuries (SCI) often result in severe motor and sensory dysfunction. Functional recovery requires axonal regrowth and regeneration of neural network, processes that are quite limited in the adult central nervous system (CNS). Previous work has shown that SCI lesions contain an accumulation of activated microglia, which can have multiple pathophysiological influences. Here, we show that activated microglia inhibit axonal growth via repulsive guidance molecule a (RGMa). We found that microglia activated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) inhibited neurite outgrowth and induced growth cone collapse of cortical neurons in vitro—a pattern that was only observed when there was direct contact between microglia and neurons. After microglia were activated by LPS, they increased expression of RGMa; however, treatment with RGMa-neutralizing antibodies or transfection of RGMa siRNA attenuated the inhibitory effects of microglia on axonal outgrowth. Furthermore, minocycline, an inhibitor of microglial activation, attenuated the effects of microglia and RGMa expression. Finally, we examined whether these in vitro patterns could also be observed in vivo. Indeed, in a mouse SCI model, minocycline treatment reduced the accumulation of microglia and decreased RGMa expression after SCI, leading to reduced dieback in injured corticospinal tracts. These results suggest that activated microglia play a major role in inhibiting axon regeneration via RGMa in the injured CNS

    Floristic analysis of a high-speed railway embankment in a Mediterranean landscape

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    We analyzed the floristic composition of a 4.5 km-long segment of a high-speed railway in Lazio, central Italy, which travels on an artificial embankment through an intensively-farmed landscape. In total, 287 vascular plant species were recorded. The life-form distribution was found to be similar to that of the regional species pool, with high percentages of therophytes (38%) and phanerophytes (13%). In the chorological spectrum the Mediterranean floristic element prevailed (44%), while alien species were 8% of the flora. The phytosociological spectrum showed a high diversity of characteristic species from the class Stellarietea mediae or its subordinate syntaxa (26%), and in particular from the order Thero-Brometalia (Mediterranean, sub-nitrophilous annual communities). Species from forest syntaxa had a relatively high diversity (9%). These results suggest that the ecological filtering provided by the Mediterranean regional climate controlled species assemblage even in a completely artificial habitat, preventing floristic homogenization: the flora of the studied railway section is only partially »ruderalized«, while it keeps strong links with the regional (semi-) natural plant communities. However, in contrast to what is observed in central and north Europe, the railway sides studied in the present paper do not seem to represent a refugial habitat for rare species from grassland communities, mainly because in Italy semi-natural dry grasslands are still widely represented

    Olprinone Attenuates the Acute Inflammatory Response and Apoptosis after Spinal Cord Trauma in Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Olprinone hydrochloride is a newly developed compound that selectively inhibits PDE type III and is characterized by several properties, including positive inotropic effects, peripheral vasodilatory effects, and a bronchodilator effect. In clinical settings, olprinone is commonly used to treat congestive cardiac failure, due to its inotropic and vasodilating effects. The mechanism of these cardiac effects is attributed to increased cellular concentrations of cAMP. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the pharmacological action of olprinone on the secondary damage in experimental spinal cord injury (SCI) in mice. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Traumatic SCI is characterized by an immediate, irreversible loss of tissue at the lesion site, as well as a secondary expansion of tissue damage over time. Although secondary injury should be preventable, no effective treatment options currently exist for patients with SCI. Spinal cord trauma was induced in mice by the application of vascular clips (force of 24 g) to the dura via a four-level T5-T8 laminectomy. SCI in mice resulted in severe trauma characterized by edema, neutrophil infiltration, and production of inflammatory mediators, tissue damage, apoptosis, and locomotor disturbance. Olprinone treatment (0.2 mg/kg, i.p.) 1 and 6 h after the SCI significantly reduced: (1) the degree of spinal cord inflammation and tissue injury (histological score), (2) neutrophil infiltration (myeloperoxidase activity), (3) nitrotyrosine formation, (4) pro-inflammatory cytokines, (5) NF-kappaB expression, (6) p-ERK1/2 and p38 expression and (7) apoptosis (TUNEL staining, FAS ligand, Bax and Bcl-2 expression). Moreover, olprinone significantly ameliorated the recovery of hind-limb function (evaluated by motor recovery score). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together, our results clearly demonstrate that olprinone treatment reduces the development of inflammation and tissue injury associated with spinal cord trauma