33 research outputs found

    Charitable food aid in Finland : from a social issue to an environmental solution

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    Since the establishment of the first food bank in 1995, charitable food aid (CFA) has become entrenched in Finland as a seemingly irreplaceable solution to food poverty. Further, it has recently been suggested that the focus of food aid activities is shifting from food poverty and temporary hunger alleviation towards environmental sustainability through addressing food waste via organized re-distribution of expiring food from retail to charitable organizations. This potentially creates a mechanism that (1) solidifies food poverty and (2) fortifies the paradoxical situation where charitable organizations delivering food aid are dependent on food waste rather than trying to reduce it. To understand the process that has led to this shift, a longitudinal media data analysis on the evolution of the discussion and the interpretations on CFA is presented. By conducting an inductive frame analysis, the paper answers three key questions: How was CFA framed by and through the media in Finland between 1995 and 2016? Has any single frame dominated the discussion at any given point? Finally, what are the characteristics of the frame that focuses on food surplus redistribution? The results suggest that when the practices are framed as potential receivers and redistributors of surplus, perception of CFA is mainly favourable and the root causes for food insecurity are not addressed. Thus, by focusing on environmental sustainability, food aid practices—hitherto depoliticized as a poverty problem—have gained policy relevance in the discursive space of the circular economy; perhaps at the cost of poverty policy and with unintended consequences.peerReviewe

    Työmaan valmiusasteen seuranta

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    TÀmÀn insinöörityön tavoitteena oli kÀsitellÀ valmiusasteen seurantaa maa- ja infrarakentamisen työmailla. Työn toimeksiantajana toimi Terrawise Oy, jonka yksi tÀrkeimmistÀ pÀÀmÀÀristÀ työllÀ oli löytÀÀ tehokkaita keinoja haasteeseen, miten valmiusasteeseen liittyviÀ mÀÀriÀ voidaan hallita ja mitÀ tietoa työn valmiusasteesta voidaan saada. Tavoitteena oli laatia työ, joka kÀsittelisi infrarakentamisen tuotantovaiheen mÀÀrÀ- ja kustannuslaskentaan liittyvÀÀ teoriapainotteista tietoa. Työn lÀhteenÀ kÀytettiin rakennusalan projektin- ja taloudenhallintaan liittyviÀ kirjallisuus- ja tutkimuslÀhteitÀ. LÀhteenÀ kÀytettiin myös toimeksiantajan kÀynnissÀ olevaa hanketta, jonka avulla valmiusasteen mÀÀrittÀmiseen pyrittiin löytÀmÀÀn keinoja. TyöllÀ pyrittiin havaitsemaan mahdollisimman paljon eri tekijöitÀ, jotka liittyvÀt projektin valmiusasteen mÀÀrittÀmiseen. Työn tuloksena saatiin laadittua insinöörityön toimeksiantajalle teknisen ja taloudellisen valmiusasteen seurantaan Excel-työkalu. Excel-työkalun avulla valmiusasteen mÀÀrittÀmiseen löydettiin tehokkaita keinoja toimeksiantajayrityksen projekti- ja kustannushallinnan tueksi

    Two decades of discussion on charitable food aid in Finland : analysing the framing by and through the media

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    Jo kaksi vuosikymmentä virallisen sosiaalipolitiikan rajapinnoilla toiminut ruoka-apu on murrosvaiheessa: Tulisiko toiminta hiljaisen hyväksynnän sijaan tunnustaa, jolloin avun kohdentamista ja järjestämistä voidaan avoimesti kehittää yhdessä kirkon, kunnallisen sosiaalitoimen ja yksityisen sektorin kesken? Onko toiminnan fokus siirtymässä väliaikaiseksi tarkoitetusta akuutin nälän torjunnasta kohti sosiaalipoliittisen ruoka- köyhyyden ja ekologisen ruokahävikin ongelmat yhdistävää ratkaisumallia? Julkisen, yksityisen ja kolmannen sektorin yhteistyönä toteutettavan saksalaisen ruoka-apumallin (Berliner Tafel -ruokapankkiverkosto) rantautuminen Suomeen (Yhteinen Pöytä Vantaalla) sekä mallin herättämä valtakunnallinen kiinnostus osoittavat, että aiemmin pääsääntöisesti kirkon ja kolmannen sektorin toteuttama ruoka-apu on laajentumassa eri toimijoita yhdistäväksi, järjestelmälliseksi kokonaisuudeksi. Kuinka ruoka-avulle annetut käsitykset ja merkityksenannot ovat kehittyneet kahdessa vuosikymmenessä alun kriittisestä lähestymisestä nykyiseen hyväksyvään näkökulmaan? Entä miten aiheesta käyty keskustelu on muuttunut tänä aikana? Tämä tutkielma pyrkii kehystämisen ja kehysten käsitteiden avulla vastaamaan seuraaviin kysymyksiin: miten ruoka-aputoiminta on kehystetty viimeisen 20 vuoden aikana; kenen toimesta, millä tavalla ja minä ajankohtina kehyksiä on käytetty; sekä mitkä ovat keskeisimpien kehysten tunnuspiirteet? Tutkielma tulkitsee ruoka-avun vakiintumista Pohjoismaisen hyvin- vointivaltion kontekstissa, käyttäen aineistona Helsingin Sanomista koottua media- aineistoa (N=529). Kehysanalyysin (frame package analysis) avulla pyritään tarkastelemaan ruoka-aputoiminnan ympärillä käydyn keskustelun kehitystä suhteessa hyvinvointivastuun siirtymiin sekä yhteiskunnassa tapahtuneisiin muutoksiin. Tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, että i) ruoka-apua ja etenkin leipäjonoja käytetään aineistossa ensisijaisesti retorisena keinona, visuaalisena merkkinä ja osoituksena tuloköyhyydestä Suomessa; ii) kun toimintaa käsitellään ruoka-avun ja hävikin yhdistävän kehyksen kautta, toiminta nähdään lähes poikkeuksetta positiivisena, eikä nälän tai ruokaturvattomuuden juurisyitä käsitellä; iii) epämääräisen ”nälkä” –käsitteen käyttäminen ruoka-avun kontekstissa on aineiston perusteella johtanut tilanteeseen, jossa avuntarvitsijoiden subjektiivisia kokemuksia nälästä pyritään arvioimaan jotta apua voitaisiin kohdistaa, ja samalla keskustelu päätyy keskittymään lähinnä nälän taustalla vaikuttavaan tuloköyhyyteen; iv) hyvinvointivastuun siirtymät, etenkin siirrettäessä vastuuta valtiolta kirkolle, ovat liittyneet ruoka-avusta käytyyn keskusteluun läpi aineiston aikavälin; ja v) ruoka-apua jakavat toimijat ovat aineiston perusteella jokseenkin aliedustettuina mediassa.For two decades, charitable food aid has operated at the fringes of official social policy in Finland. In recent years, these practices, that were until recently regarded as a national shame, have become widely accepted means of not only feeding the food insecure, but also of managing food waste. At the same time, the tasks of the state, the civil society and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland are being redefined. For example, the Berliner Tafel –food bank network scheme, which incorporates actors from the public sector, the private sector and the church and civil society, has been implemented in Vantaa. This reform has been well received and it has piqued interest in other cities as well. But how have the interpretations of charitable food aid evolved from the highly criticized beginnings in the 1990’s to the situation of the present? And how has the discussion on charitable food aid changed during this time period? By utilizing the concepts of framing and frameworks, this thesis endeavours to answer three key questions: how has charity food aid been framed during the 20-years of discussion; who is using these frames, how do they use the frames and at what times; and finally what are the characteristics of the essential frames? The rooting of charitable food aid is studied in the context of a Nordic welfare regime by analysing the frames utilized in Helsingin Sanomat newspaper between 1995 and 2016 (N=529). Utilizing frame package analysis, the thesis attempts to explore the tentative linkages between the evolution of frames utilized within the discussion and the more abstract notions of changes in welfare responsibilities and the Finnish welfare state as a whole. By analysing the various frameworks through which charitable food aid has been interpreted throughout the timespan, the results suggest that i) charitable food aid, most notably the breadlines, are predominantly used as a rhetoric device in the discussion; ii) when the practices are framed as potential receivers and redistributors of food waste, the normative perception of charitable food aid is mainly positive and the underlying causes for Finnish food insecurity are not addressed; iii) the vague concept of ”hunger” has led to speculation on whether or not the recipients are actually in need of aid, and moreover to the discussion focusing more on economic poverty rather than dimensions of food insecurity; iv) the responsibilities within the context of the Finnish welfare regime, especially through the transition of welfare responsibilities from the state to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and the civil society, have been addressed in the discussion throughout the timespan; and v) the organizers of charitable food aid are somewhat underrepresented in the media

    Drone-mittauksen tarkkuus ja sen kehittÀminen kuitupuuvarastojen inventoinnissa

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    UPM Kaukaan tehdasintegraatin kuitupuuvarastojen kokoa valvotaan kuukausittaisissa inventoinneissa. Inventoinnissa on otettu kĂ€yttöön fotogrammetriaan perustuva mittausmenetelmĂ€, jossa varastoalueen kuitupuupinomuodostelmat ilmakuvataan kauko-ohjattavalla dronella. KĂ€sittelemĂ€llĂ€ kuva-aineistoa mallinnusohjelmistossa pinoista saadaan mitattua pinojen kehystilavuus. Kertomalla kehystilavuus yleisellĂ€ pinokuutiokertoimella saadaan lopputulokseksi pinojen kiintotilavuus. OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ tutkittiin fotogrammetrisen mittausmenetelmĂ€n tarkkuutta sekĂ€ kartoitettiin sen kehitystarpeita. Drone-menetelmĂ€n on havaittu tuottavan todellista kiintokuutiomÀÀrÀÀ suurempia arvioita pinojen tilavuuksista. Mittaustuloksen virheellisyyden epĂ€illÀÀn johtuvan pinokuutiokertoimen epĂ€tarkkuudesta sekĂ€ pinojen vĂ€leihin jÀÀvĂ€n tyhjĂ€n tilan vaikutuksesta. OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ tutkittiin mittaustarkkuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitĂ€ sekĂ€ kĂ€ytiin lĂ€pi kehitysideoita tarkkuuden parantamiseksi. Tavoitteena oli muodostaa uusi kiintotilavuuden laskennassa kĂ€ytettĂ€vĂ€ pinokuutiokerroin. Tutkimus toteutettiin koejĂ€rjestelyin mittaamalla ennalta tunnettuja kuitupuueriĂ€ drone-menetelmĂ€llĂ€. Kuitupinoja mitattiin erilaisissa pinomuodostelmissa, joissa tarkasteltiin pinovĂ€lien vaikutusta kehystilavuuteen. Drone-mittauksen tuloksia verrattiin paino-otantamenetelmĂ€n sekĂ€ perinteisen pinomittausmenetelmĂ€n tuottamiin tuloksiin. Drone-mittaus tuotti keskimÀÀrin 9 % paino-otantamittausta pienemmĂ€n arvion koepinojen kiintotilavuudesta. Drone-menetelmĂ€ arvioi koepinojen kehystilauuden keskimÀÀrin 20 % pinomittauksen arviota suuremmaksi. Tuloksien tarkastelussa havaittiin, ettĂ€ fotogrammetrinen mittausmenetelmĂ€ kaipaa vielĂ€ kehitystyötĂ€ nykyisten rajoitteiden hiomiseksi. MerkittĂ€vin kehitystĂ€ kaipaava alue on paikannuksen tarkkuus. Drone-inventoinnissa pÀÀstÀÀn tarkempiin tuloksiin hyödyntĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ mittauksessa RTK-satelliittipaikannusta sekĂ€ maastotukipisteitĂ€ georeferoinnissa. Drone-menetelmĂ€n rajoitteista huolimatta se on todettu kĂ€yttökelpoiseksi menetelmĂ€ksi kuitupuuvarastojen inventoinnissa. Koemittausten rajallisen lukumÀÀrĂ€n vuoksi tuloksista ei voida vetÀÀ perustavanlaatuisia johtopÀÀtöksiĂ€. Kiintotilavuuden laskennassa kĂ€ytettĂ€vĂ€n yleistettĂ€vĂ€n pinokuutiokertoimen luominen edellyttÀÀ jatkotutkimuksia suuremmalla otoskoolla.The Volume of pulpwood storages of UPM Kaukas mill are monitored in monthly inventories. UPM has implemented a new photogrammetry-based method for the inventory, where the pulpwood stack formations are captured in aerial photography using a remotely controlled drone. The images are processed in photogrammetry software and converted into point cloud from which the gross volume the pulp stacks can be measured. The net volume is calculated by multiplying the gross volume by a standard conversion factor. This thesis studies the accuracy of the photogrammetric method and its developmental needs. It’s a known problem that the drone method tends to over-estimate the net volume of the pulpwood stacks. Reasons for this error is suspected to be caused by several factors: by using an inaccurate conversion factor when calculating the net volume and by the gaps between the pulpwood piles. This thesis explores the factors causing the measurement error and surveys the potential ways to improve the accuracy. One objective is to form a new conversion factor to be used in net volume calculation. The research was conducted by measuring pre-selected pulpwood shipments using the drone method. Pulp stacks were measured in different stack formations to study the effects of the gaps between the stacks to the gross volume. Results of the drone-measurements were compared to results yielded by weight sampling and manual stack measuring methods. Drone method estimated the net volume of the pulp stacks an average of 9 % lower compared to the weight sampling method. The drone method yielded the gross volume of the pulp stacks an average of 20% higher than stack measurement method. It was observed that the photogrammetric measuring method requires further development for patching out its defects. The most significant area in need of improvement is the accuracy of positioning. The accuracy of measurements can be increased by using RTK navigation system in positioning and ground control points in georeferencing. Despite its current limitations, the drone method has been found to be a serviceable method in the inventory of pulpwood stacks. Due to the limited number of measurement samples, no fundamental conclusions can be made based on the results of this study. Forming a standardized conversion factor for net volume calculation requires further studies with larger sample sizes

    New Frames for Food Charity in Finland

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    In 2017 in Finland, approximately 1,843 tons of food aid was delivered by initiatives financed by the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) alone. Nationally, the FEAD’s operational programme is focused exclusively on combating food poverty. It works to distribute food aid to the most deprived people throughout the country using 650 distribution centres run by partner organisations. These are usually parishes, faith-based organisations (FBOs) or nongovernmental organisations (NGOs). Altogether, 271,723 food parcels and 55,754 meals were provided to recipients within the year.peerReviewe

    Power-to-gas as an emerging profitable business through creating an integrated value chain

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    AbstractPower-to-gas (PtG) technology has received considerable attention in recent years. However, it has been rather difficult to find profitable business models and niche markets so far. PtG systems can be applied in a broad variety of input and output conditions, mainly determined by prices for electricity, hydrogen, oxygen, heat, natural gas, bio-methane, fossil CO2 emissions, bio-CO2 and grid services, but also full load hours and industrial scaling. Optimized business models are based on an integrated value chain approach for a most beneficial combination of input and output parameters. The financial success is evaluated by a standard annualized profit and loss calculation and a subsequent return on equity consideration. Two cases of PtG integration into an existing pulp mill as well as a nearby bio-diesel plant are taken into account. Commercially available PtG technology is found to be profitable in case of a flexible operation mode offering electricity grid services. Next generation technology, available at the end of the 2010s, in combination with renewables certificates for the transportation sector could generate a return on equity of up to 100% for optimized conditions in an integrated value chain approach. This outstanding high profitability clearly indicates the potential for major PtG markets to be developed rather in the transportation sector and chemical industry than in the electricity sector as seasonal storage option as often proposed

    Power-to-Gas as an Emerging Profitable Business Through Creating an Integrated Value Chain

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    AbstractPower-to-gas (PtG) technology has received considerable attention in recent years. However, it has been rather difficult to find profitable business models and niche markets so far. PtG systems can be applied in a broad variety of input and output conditions, mainly determined by prices for electricity, hydrogen, oxygen, heat, natural gas, bio-methane, fossil CO2 emissions, bio-CO2 and grid services, but also full load hours and industrial scaling. Optimized business models are based on an integrated value chain approach for a most beneficial combination of input and output parameters. The financial success is evaluated by a standard annualized profit and loss calculation and a subsequent return on equity consideration. Two cases of PtG integration into an existing pulp mill as well as a nearby bio-diesel plant are taken into account. Commercially available PtG technology is found to be profitable in case of a flexible operation mode offering electricity grid services. Next generation technology, available at the end of the 2010s, in combination with renewables certificates for the transportation sector could generate a return on equity of up to 100% for optimized conditions in an integrated value chain approach. This outstanding high profitability clearly indicates the potential for major PtG markets to be developed rather in the transportation sector and chemical industry than in the electricity sector as seasonal storage option as often proposed