34 research outputs found

    Freezing the boars semen: Some limitations and perspectives

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    Artificial insemination (AI) was the first great biotechnology applied to improve reproduction and genetics of farm animals. Next developed procedure to the cryopreservate semen made great step towards different possibilities almost unlimited preservation of pathogen free quality genotypes semen, its usage in different time and locations, making transport easier and manipulative fees more acceptable. Limitations of the technique consider biological traits of semen and difficulties to reproduce them. The knowledge gained from the AI and the cryopreservation experience was extremely helpful in stepwise development of each successive reproductive technology, such as superovulation, embryo transfer, and, eventually, cloning

    On estimating the surface wind stress over the sea

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2018. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 48 (2018): 1533-1541, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-17-0267.1.Our study analyzes measurements primarily from two Floating Instrument Platform (FLIP) field programs and from the Air–Sea Interaction Tower (ASIT) site to examine the relationship between the wind and sea surface stress for contrasting conditions. The direct relationship of the surface momentum flux to U2 is found to be better posed than the relationship between and U, where U is the wind speed and is the friction velocity. Our datasets indicate that the stress magnitude often decreases significantly with height near the surface due to thin marine boundary layers and/or enhanced stress divergence close to the sea surface. Our study attempts to correct the surface stress estimated from traditional observational levels by using multiple observational levels near the surface and extrapolating to the surface. The effect of stability on the surface stress appears to be generally smaller than errors due to the stress divergence. Definite conclusions require more extensive measurements close to the sea surface.This work was supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research through Award N00014-16-1-2600. We2019-01-1

    Standardi dobrobiti i biosigurnosti na farmama goveda i svinja - uslovi smeštaja i držanja goveda i svinja

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    In this paper the essential elements concerning cattle and swine rearing and growing conditions were given in order to establish welfare and biosecurity standards. These elements were formed according to detailed annual investigations on 11 cattle and 5 swine farms and include relevant spatial, microclimate and hygienic conditions. In order to establish welfare standards, certain spatial conditions have higher importance, such as correct construction and maintenance of beds, pens and yards, and type and quality of materials used to build beds and walls. It is necessary to enable movement of animals in stables and yards as basic physiological and ethologic needs, according to latest scientific data. Also, optimal temperature, relative humidity and air velocity insuring have to be considered, as well as quality ventilation in order to establish and preserve optimal microclimate conditions. Also, it must be pointed out that hygiene maintenance of stable surfaces and animal bodies on a regular bases is essential. Basic principles and criteria for welfare level assessment are given in this paper. According to results obtained in previous investigations, special attention is given to possibilities to correct rearing and growing conditions in cattle and swine farms in our country. .U radu se detaljno razmatraju osnovni elementi uslova smeštaja i držanja goveda i svinja u cilju formulisanja standarda dobrobiti i biosigurnosti. Ovi elementi, koji obuhvataju relevantne prostorne, mikroklimatske i higijenske uslove gajenja različitih kategorija goveda i svinja, definisani su na osnovu detaljnih jednogodišnjih istraživanja na 11 farmi goveda i 5 farmi svinja u našoj zemlji. Od prostornih uslova za formulisanje standarda dobrobiti i biosigurnosti u radu se naročito ističe značaj korektne izgradnje i redovnog održavanja higijene ležišta, boksova i ispusta. U formulisanju standarda dobrobiti i biosigurnosti naročita pažnja se posvećuje osobinama materijala koji se koriste za izgradnju zidova i ležišta staja, obezbeđenju površina za ležanje i mogućnostima kretanja u stajama i ispustima koje zadovoljavaju fiziološke i etološke potrebe u skladu sa najnovijim naučnim saznanjima. Od mikroklimatskih faktora razmatra se značaj obezbeđenja odgovarajuće temperature, relativne vlažnosti i brzine strujanja vazduha. U radu se, pored navedenog, ističe značaj obezbeđenja odgovarajuće ventilacije u stajama radi očuvanja optimalnih mikroklimatskih uslova (uklanjanje čestica prašine i gasova neprijatnog mirisa). Od higijenskih uslova naglašava se redovno održavanje higijene stajskih površina i tela svih kategorija goveda i svinja. U radu su izneti osnovni principi i kriterijumi za procenu nivoa dobrobiti i biosigurnosti. Na osnovu utvrđenih rezultata u jednogodišnjem istraživanju posebno se razmatraju mogućnosti korekcije uslova smeštaja i držanja goveda na farmama u našoj zemlji

    Analiza primenjenih biosigurnosnih mera u proizvodnji sperme nerastova

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    This paper gives a detailed analysis of the applied biosecurity measures in the production of boar sperm at a swine reproduction center. Biosecurity indicators (existence of a written biosecurity plan, isolation, introduction of newly acquired animals into the herd, herd health, assessment of the personnel attitude towards equipment, traffic control, attitude towards visitors, feeding and watering control, manure management, disposal of dead animal carcasses, attitude towards other animals, rodents and birds control, sanitation) were viewed and evaluated by rating scale: (5) - excellent, (4) - very good, (3) - good, (2) - sufficient, (1) - insufficient, there are resources for improvement (0) - insufficient, with no resources for improvement. Obtained data were analyzed in the SWOT process, taking into account all the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities for improving the biosecurity level. The situation in the center is rated as very good, with an average rating of 4.15. However, one disadvantage is serious and related to the boar facilities isolation possibilities, taking into account their location and the presence of two types of male breeding animals (boars and bulls) in the same location. Newly acquired breeding animals are purchased from various sources, but with a rigorous regime of control and not at the same time.U radu je detaljno analizirana primena biosigurnosnih mera u proizvodnji sperme nerastova u jednom centru za veštačko osemenjavanje svinja. Sagledani su i procenjeni svi indikatori biosigurnosti (postojanje pisanog plana biosigurnosti, izolacija, uvođenje novonabavljenih životinja u zapat, zdravstveni status zapata, ocena odnosa osoblja prema opremi, kontrola kretanja i prometa, odnos prema posetiocima, kontrola ishrane i vodosnabdevanja, izđubravanje, uklanjanje leševa uginulih životinja, odnos prema drugim životinjama na farmi, kontrola populacija glodara i ptica, sanitacija), i ocenjeni prema skali ocena: (5) - odličan, (4) - vrlo dobar, (3) - dobar, (2) - dovoljan, (1) - nedovoljan, ima resursa za poboljšanje, (0) nedovoljan, nema resursa za poboljšanje. U razmatranju rezultata primenjena je SWOT analiza i utvrđene prednosti, nedostaci, rizici i mogućnosti za podizanje nivoa biosigurnosti. Stanje u centru je ocenjeno kao vrlo dobro, uz prosečnu ocenu 4,15. Međutim, jedan nedostatak je veoma ozbiljan i odnosi se na mogućnost izolacije objekata, uzimajući u obzir njegovu lokaciju i prisustvo dve vrste muških priplodnih životinja (nerastova i bikova) na istoj lokaciji. Nove priplodne životinje se nabavljaju iz različitih izvora, ali uz rigorozan režim kontrole i ne u isto vreme. Svakako, izmeštanje objekata za držanje priplodnih nerastova na drugu bezbednu lokaciju predstavlja složen ali prioritetan zadatak, kojim bi se otklonile brojne pretnje po proizvodnju sperme

    UNR/CDSE1 expression as prognosis biomarker in resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients: A proof-of-concept

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    Tractament del càncer; Expressió gènica; Anàlisi de supervivènciaTratamiento del cáncer; Expresión génica; Análisis de supervivenciaCancer treatment; Gene expression; Survival analysisPancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is an aggressive form of pancreatic cancer and the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death. When possible, curative approaches are based on surgical resection, though not every patient is a candidate for surgery. There are clinical guidelines for the management of these patients that offer different treatment options depending on the clinical and pathologic characteristics. However, the survival rates seen in this kind of patients are still low. The CDSE1 gene is located upstream of NRAS and encodes an RNA-binding protein termed UNR. The aim of this study was to analyze UNR expression and its correlation with outcome in patients with resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). For this, samples from resectable PDAC patients who underwent duodenopancreatectomy were used to evaluate UNR protein expression by immunohistochemistry using a tissue microarray. Here, we observed that low UNR expression was significantly associated with shorter progression-free survival after surgery (P = 0.010). Moreover, this prognostic marker remained significant after Cox proportional hazards model (P = 0.036). We further studied the role of CDSE1 expression in patient’s prognosis using data from public repositories (GEO and TGCA), confirming our results. Interestingly, CDSE1 expression correlated with that of genes characteristic of an immunogenic molecular subtype of pancreatic cancer. Based on these findings, UNR may be considered a potential prognostic biomarker for resectable PDAC and may serve to guide subsequent adjuvant treatment decisions.This work has been carried out with the support of the RNA-Reg CONSOLIDER Network CSD2009-00080 (J.M.-U. and J.G.-F.), and Spanish Health Research Project Funds PI16/01468 from “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (A.C. and J.G.-F.), both of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness

    Adipose-derived stem cells and platelet-rich plasma for preventive treatment of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in a murine model

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 43.7 (2015) DOI: 10.1016/j.jcms.2015.04.026Objectives: The main challenge in treating bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) is the absence of an effective established treatment. We aimed to compare different potentially preventive treatments for BRONJ after dental extractions in zoledronic acid (ZA)-treated animals. We studied the local application of different combinations of adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) with or without previous stimulation with bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in rats. Material and methods: Fifty-six male Wistar rats were treated with ZA for 9 weeks. Dental extractions were performed in the eighth week, and the animals were divided into 4 groups. In group 1 (n ¼ 14), alveolar coverage with mucoperiosteal flap was performed. In group 2 (n ¼ 14), PRP was applied over the sockets and covered with the flap. In group 3 (n ¼ 15), allogeneic ASCs with PRP were applied and covered with the flap. In group 4 (n ¼ 13), animals were treated with ASCs cultured with BMP-2, PRP, and flap coverage. Histologic, fluorescence, and radiologic studies of the maxillae were performed. Results: ASC-treated animals showed lower frequency of osteonecrosis (14% vs 50%, p ¼ 0.007) and greater bone turnover (p ¼ 0.024) and osteoclast count (p ¼ 0.045) than those not receiving the ASC treatment. Conclusions: In this high-risk model, ASC-based treatments seem to prevent BRONJ more effectively than mucosal flap with or without PRP. The combination of ASCs and PRP appears to be synergistic, and the addition of BMP-2 could further improve the resultsThis study was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs (FIS PI10/01991) and a RETICS grant from ISCIII (RD12/0019/0035) and the Education Council of Madrid (P2010/BMD-2420)

    Polno prenosive bolesti svinja

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    In boars semen could be detected many viruses during viremic phase of disease: vesicular disease, PRRS virus, Japanese encephalitis B virus, parvovirus, Aujecsky diseas and Classical swine fever virus, as well as bacteria: Brucella suis, B. abortus, and different serovars of Leptospira. Most important sexual transmissive diseases of swine are described in this paper, as well as their control and international regulations related to trade of semen.U spermi nerastova mogu se ustanoviti brojni virusi, prvenstveno tokom viremične faze bolesti: vezikularne bolesti, parvovirus, pikornavirusi, PRRS-a, japanskog encefalitisa B, virus Aujeckijeve bolesti i klasične kuge svinja, uz bakterije: Brucella suis, B. abortus, i više serovara Leptospira interrogans. U radu je dat pregled najznačajnijih polno prenosivih bolesti svinja i osvrt na međunarodno prihvaćene propise koji se odnose na promet semena nerastova i sprečavanje prenošenja infekcija

    Rat model of anal sphincter injury and two approaches for stem cell administration

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    AIM To establish a rat model of anal sphincter injury and test different systems to provide stem cells to injured area. METHODS Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) were isolated from BDIX rats and were transfected with green fluorescent protein (GFP) for cell tracking. Biosutures (sutures covered with ASCs) were prepared with 1.5 x 106 GFPASCs, and solutions of 106 GFP-ASCs in normal saline were prepared for injection. Anorectal normal anatomy was studied on Wistar and BDIX female rats. Then, we designed an anal sphincter injury model consisting of a 1-cm extra-mucosal miotomy beginning at the anal verge in the anterior middle line. The sphincter lesion was confirmed with conventional histology (hematoxylin and eosin) and immunofluorescence with 4', 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (commonly known as DAPI), GFP and a-actin. Functional effect was assessed with basal anal manometry, prior to and after injury. After sphincter damage, 36 BDIX rats were randomized to three groups for: (1) Cell injection without repair; (2) biosuture repair; and (3) conventional suture repair and cell injection. Functional and safety studies were conducted on all the animals. Rats were sacrificed after 1, 4 or 7 d. Then, histological and immunofluorescence studies were performed on the surgical area. RESULTS With the described protocol, biosutures had been covered with at least 820000-860000 ASCs, with 100% viability. Our studies demonstrated that some ASCs remained adhered after suture passage through the muscle. Morphological assessment showed that the rat anal anatomy is comparable with human anatomy; two sphincters are present, but the external sphincter is poorly developed. Anal sphincter pressure data showed spontaneous, consistent, rhythmic anal contractions, taking the form of "plateaus" with multiple twitches (peaks) in each pressure wave. These basal contractions were very heterogeneous; their frequency was 0.91-4.17 per min (mean 1.6980, SD 0.57698), their mean duration was 26.67 s and mean number of peaks was 12.53. Our morphological assessment revealed that with the aforementioned surgical procedure, both sphincters were completely sectioned. In manometry, the described activity disappeared and was replaced by a gentle oscillation of basal line, without a recognizable pattern. Surprisingly, these findings appeared irrespective of injury repair or not. ASCs survived in this potentially septic area for 7 d, at least. We were able to identify them in 84% of animals, mainly in the muscular section area or in the tissue between the muscular endings. ASCs formed a kind of "conglomerate" in rats treated with injections, while in the biosuture group, they wrapped the suture. ASCs were also able to migrate to the damaged zone. No relevant adverse events or mortality could be related to the stem cells in our study. We also did not find unexpected tissue growths. CONCLUSION The proposed procedure produces a consistent sphincter lesion. Biosutures and injections are suitable for cell delivery. ASCs survive and are completely safe in this clinical settin

    RED experiment: an assessment of boundary layer effects in a trade winds regime on microwave and infrared propagation over the sea, The

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 1364-1365).The Rough Evaporation Duct experiment aimed to see if the effects of ocean waves account for errors in modeling the ranges at which radar and infrared can detect low-flying targets