463 research outputs found

    Force balance in canonical ensembles of static granular packings

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    We investigate the role of local force balance in the transition from a microcanonical ensemble of static granular packings, characterized by an invariant stress, to a canonical ensemble. Packings in two dimensions admit a reciprocal tiling, and a collective effect of force balance is that the area of this tiling is also invariant in a microcanonical ensemble. We present analytical relations between stress, tiling area and tiling area fluctuations, and show that a canonical ensemble can be characterized by an intensive thermodynamic parameter conjugate to one or the other. We test the equivalence of different ensembles through the first canonical simulations of the force network ensemble, a model system.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, submitted to JSTA

    Geometry and Topology of Escape I: Epistrophes

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    We consider a dynamical system given by an area-preserving map on a two-dimensional phase plane and consider a one-dimensional line of initial conditions within this plane. We record the number of iterates it takes a trajectory to escape from a bounded region of the plane as a function along the line of initial conditions, forming an ``escape-time plot''. For a chaotic system, this plot is in general not a smooth function, but rather has many singularities at which the escape time is infinite; these singularities form a complicated fractal set. In this article we prove the existence of regular repeated sequences, called ``epistrophes'', which occur at all levels of resolution within the escape-time plot. (The word ``epistrophe'' comes from rhetoric and means ``a repeated ending following a variable beginning''.) The epistrophes give the escape-time plot a certain self-similarity, called ``epistrophic'' self-similarity, which need not imply either strict or asymptotic self-similarity.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Chaos, first of two paper

    Analysis of Chaos-Induced Pulse Trains in the Ionization of Hydrogen

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    We examine excitation (by a short laser pulse) of a hydrogen atom in parallel electric and magnetic fields, from an initial tightly bound state to a state above the classical ionization threshold. We predict that the atom ionizes by emitting a train of electron pulses. This prediction is based on the classical dynamics of electron escape. In particular, the pulse train is due to classical chaos, which occurs for nonvanishing magnetic field. We connect the structure of the pulse train to fractal structure in the escape dynamics, and discuss several issues of experimental interest, with a particular emphasis on understanding the resolution of individual pulses. A brief account of this work appeared previously as a Letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 073001 (2004)]

    Chaos-Induced Pulse Trains in the Ionization of Hydrogen

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    We predict that a hydrogen atom in parallel electric and magnetic fields, excited by a short laser pulse to an energy above the classical saddle, ionizes via a train of electron pulses. These pulses are a consequence of classical chaos induced by the magnetic field. We connect the structure of this pulse train (e.g., pulse size and spacing) to fractal structure in the classical dynamics. This structure displays a weak self-similarity, which we call “epistrophic self-similarity.” We demonstrate how this self-similarity is reflected in the pulse train

    Couette Flow of Two-Dimensional Foams

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    We experimentally investigate flow of quasi two-dimensional disordered foams in Couette geometries, both for foams squeezed below a top plate and for freely floating foams. With the top-plate, the flows are strongly localized and rate dependent. For the freely floating foams the flow profiles become essentially rate-independent, the local and global rheology do not match, and in particular the foam flows in regions where the stress is below the global yield stress. We attribute this to nonlocal effects and show that the "fluidity" model recently introduced by Goyon {\em et al.} ({\em Nature}, {\bf 454} (2008)) captures the essential features of flow both with and without a top plate.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, revised versio

    Reduction in ionic permeability of a silicone hydrogel contact lenses after one month of daily wear

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    [EN] Purpose. To compare the ionic permeability using the ionoflux method of new and worn samples of a silicone hydrogel contact lens material. Methods. An ionoflux experimental setup was established to measure the ionic permeability (NaCl) of soft contact lenses. Samples of a silicone hydrogel lens (Comfilcon A, Coopervision, Pleasanton, CA) with optical powers of -1.00, -1.50 and -4.75 diopters (D) were used in this study. Three samples of each power were measured after being worn for one month on a daily wear basis. Lenses were cleaned and disinfected every night using multipurpose disinfecting solutions. Three samples of new lenses from the same batch and the same optical power were also measured to evaluate the effect of lens wear on the ionic permeability of the lens material. Before measurement, the lenses were equilibrated with a 1 M NaCl solution during one week before of each measurement. Results. Lens power had minimal effect on the ionic permeability of a modern silicone hydrogel contact lens with the -1.00 lens having a 15% lower permeability compared to the other two lenses. After one month of lens wear the apparent ionic permeability for lenses with -1.50 D decreased by 15%. In the case of -1.00 and -4.75 D lenses there was a decrease of 26%. Conclusions. The ionic permeability of silicone hydrogel lenses of different optical powers was not significantly different. Worn lenses present a significant reduction of the ionic permeability after a month of wear. The potential effect this reduction on lens movement and discomfort associated to lens wear should be further evaluated.The authors have no proprietary interest in any of the materials mentioned in this article. This work was funded in part by FEDER through the COMPTETE Program and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of projects PTDC/SAU-BEB/098391/2008, PTDC/SAU-BEB/098392/2008 and the Strategic Project PEST-C/FIS/UI607/2011.Ferreira Da Silva, AR.; Compañ Moreno, V.; Gonzalez-Meijome, JM. (2015). Reduction in ionic permeability of a silicone hydrogel contact lenses after one month of daily wear. Materials Research Express. 2(6). https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/2/6/065007S26Yoon, S. C., & Jhon, M. S. (1982). The transport phenomena of some model solutes through postcrosslinked poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) membranes with different tactic precursors. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 27(8), 3133-3149. doi:10.1002/app.1982.070270834Yasuda, H., Lamaze, C. E., & Ikenberry, L. D. (1968). Die Makromolekulare Chemie, 118(1), 19-35. doi:10.1002/macp.1968.021180102MURPHY, S., HAMILTON, C., & TIGHE, B. (1988). Synthetic hydrogels: 5. Transport processes in 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate copolymers. Polymer, 29(10), 1887-1893. doi:10.1016/0032-3861(88)90407-7Nicolson, P. C., & Vogt, J. (2001). Soft contact lens polymers: an evolution. Biomaterials, 22(24), 3273-3283. doi:10.1016/s0142-9612(01)00165-xMonticelli, M. V., Chauhan, A., & Radke, C. J. (2005). The Effect of Water Hydraulic Permeability on the Settling of a Soft Contact Lens on the Eye. Current Eye Research, 30(5), 329-336. doi:10.1080/02713680590934085Guan, L., Jiménez, M. E. G., Walowski, C., Boushehri, A., Prausnitz, J. M., & Radke, C. J. (2011). Permeability and partition coefficient of aqueous sodium chloride in soft contact lenses. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 122(3), 1457-1471. doi:10.1002/app.33336Cheng, M.-L., & Sun, Y.-M. (2005). Observation of the solute transport in the permeation through hydrogel membranes by using FTIR-microscopy. Journal of Membrane Science, 253(1-2), 191-198. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2005.01.017CHHABRA, M., PRAUSNITZ, J., & RADKE, C. (2007). A single-lens polarographic measurement of oxygen permeability (Dk) for hypertransmissible soft contact lenses. Biomaterials, 28(30), 4331-4342. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2007.06.024González-Méijome, J. M., López-Alemany, A., Almeida, J. B., & Parafita, M. A. (2009). Surface AFM microscopy of unworn and worn samples of silicone hydrogel contact lenses. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 88B(1), 75-82. doi:10.1002/jbm.b.31153González-Méijome, J. M., López-Alemany, A., Almeida, J. B., & Parafita, M. A. (2008). Dynamic in vitro dehydration patterns of unworn and worn silicone hydrogel contact lenses. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 90B(1), 250-258. doi:10.1002/jbm.b.31279Pozuelo, J., Compañ, V., González-Méijome, J. M., González, M., & Mollá, S. (2014). Oxygen and ionic transport in hydrogel and silicone-hydrogel contact lens materials: An experimental and theoretical study. Journal of Membrane Science, 452, 62-72. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2013.10.010Wolffsohn, J. S., Hunt, O. A., & Basra, A. K. (2009). Simplified recording of soft contact lens fit. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 32(1), 37-42. doi:10.1016/j.clae.2008.12.00

    Angoricity and compactivity describe the jamming transition in soft particulate matter

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    The application of concepts from equilibrium statistical mechanics to out-of-equilibrium systems has a long history of describing diverse systems ranging from glasses to granular materials. For dissipative jammed systems-- particulate grains or droplets-- a key concept is to replace the energy ensemble describing conservative systems by the volume-stress ensemble. Here, we test the applicability of the volume-stress ensemble to describe the jamming transition by comparing the jammed configurations obtained by dynamics with those averaged over the ensemble as a probe of ergodicity. Agreement between both methods suggests the idea of "thermalization" at a given angoricity and compactivity. We elucidate the thermodynamic order of the jamming transition by showing the absence of critical fluctuations in static observables like pressure and volume. The approach allows to calculate observables such as the entropy, volume, pressure, coordination number and distribution of forces to characterize the scaling laws near the jamming transition from a statistical mechanics viewpoint.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figure

    Parity Effect and Charge Binding Transition in Submicron Josephson Junction Arrays

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    We reconsider the issue of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition into an insulating state in the Coulomb-dominated Josephson junction arrays. We show that previously predicted picture of the Cooper-pair BKT transtion at T = T_2 is valid only under the condition that T_2 is considerably below the parity-effect temperature (which is usually almost 10 times below the value of superconductive transition temperature), and even in this case it is not a rigorous phase transition but only a crossover, whereas the real phase transition takes place at T_1 = T_2/4. Our theory is in agreement with available experimental data on Coulomb-dominated Josephson arrays and also sheds some light on the origin of unusual reentrant temperature dependence of resistivity in the array with nearly-criticial ratio of Coulomb to Josephson energies.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, to be published in JETP Letters, April 9

    Force distributions in a triangular lattice of rigid bars

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    We study the uniformly weighted ensemble of force balanced configurations on a triangular network of nontensile contact forces. For periodic boundary conditions corresponding to isotropic compressive stress, we find that the probability distribution for single-contact forces decays faster than exponentially. This super-exponential decay persists in lattices diluted to the rigidity percolation threshold. On the other hand, for anisotropic imposed stresses, a broader tail emerges in the force distribution, becoming a pure exponential in the limit of infinite lattice size and infinitely strong anisotropy.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figures Minor text revisions; added references and acknowledgmen

    Quantum energy flow in mesoscopic dielectric structures

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    We investigate the phononic energy transport properties of mesoscopic, suspended dielectric wires. The Landauer formula for the thermal conductance is derived and its universal aspects discussed. We then determine the variance of the energy current in the presence of a steady state current flow. In the final part, some initial results are presented concerning the nature of the temperature fluctuations of a mesoscopic electron gas thermometer due to the absorption and emission of wire phonons.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.
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