672 research outputs found

    Methylseleninic Acid Sensitizes Notch 3-activated OVCA429 Ovarian Cancer Cells to Carboplatin

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    Ovarian cancer is the deadliest of gynecologic cancers and is usually diagnosed at advanced stage due to invalidated screening test. Although carboplatin has been used for treating ovarian cancer for years, high-grade serous ovarian cancer expressing a constitutively active form of the intracellular domain of Notch 3 develops resistance to this platinum-containing drug. Thus, finding a novel treatment or therapeutic targets are necessary. Here we test the hypothesis that the combinational treatment of methylseleninic acid (MSeA) and carboplatin, two chemicals displaying overlapping effect on DNA damage response, may target Notch 3 for improved efficacy on ovarian cancer treatment. The OVCA429/NICD3 cells expressing an activated form of Notch 3 were resistant to carboplatin, but co-treatment with MSeA synergistically sensitized the cell to an extent similar of that in OVCA429/pCEG control cells. The synergistic effect can be suppressed by the presence of a hydrogen peroxide scavenger N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and kinase inhibitors of ATM and DNA-PKcs. In summary, MSeA and carboplatin synergistically sensitize OVCA429/NICD3 cells in a pathway involves oxidative stress, ATM and DNA-PKcs, suggesting a new strategy to improve the efficacy of carboplatin treatment for high-grade ovarian cancer

    Eating Disorder Programming in Four-Year College Recreation Wellness Centers

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    Eating disorders are more prevalent in the college-age group when compared to the lifetime prevalence. Because of this increased prevalence, college recreation/wellness center staff should be aware of their clients in terms of the increased risk for eating disorders. College wellness/recreation centers, while serving the campus community, also serve the individuals within this community diagnosed with or at-risk for an eating disorder. Through survey research, we show who is employed at wellness/recreation centers, what type of training they receive regarding eating disorder, how this training is provided along with its content, and what method of public awareness on eating disorders is utilized within the facility. Directors of 686 wellness/recreation centers listed in the 2005 NIRSA Recreational Sports Directory were contacted via internet survey. The response rate was 25.0%. The data evaluation (using SPSS) included descriptive statistics to summarize the overall number and percentage of responses. Results indicated that less than half (44%) of the staff at recreation/wellness centers receive training on eating disorders. For individuals who received training, the focus was in the following categories: identification of red flags (73%), general education on eating disorders (65%), and appropriate referral sources (60%). Minimal training appears to be provided on how to provide appropriate intervention (29%). In an attempt to minimize the pressure of environmental interactions that may exacerbate an eating disorder, a majority of facilities have a client dress code, promote a healthy body image, and promote eating disorder awareness to the campus community. As noted, there is an increased prevalence of eating disorders in college-age individuals. There is a low amount of staff training in wellness/recreation centers which illustrates the need for improvement. We recommend an overall increase in eating disorder training, especially with regard to appropriate interventions that should take place within these facilities

    Examining the Criminogenic Effect of Imprisonment on Drug Offender Recidivism

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    Studies have found criminogenic consequences of imprisonment when testing the deterrence hypothesis, yet few studies were found that examined the magnitude of post release criminal offenses among the drug offender population. The specific deterrence and criminogenic effects of imprisonment were the theoretical frameworks that guided this study of Harris County, Texas, to determine if incarceration predicted serious reoffending among low-level drug offenders. A Journal of Science and Law (Scilaw) archival dataset based on Harris County court records was used to build the sample. Chi-squared test of association and logistic regression statistics were used to analyze a sample of first-time drug offenders, N = 11,077, tracked from 1992-2012. Crosstab results found a significant, p \u3c .05, association between punishment and criminal class of new charges and no significant association between punishment and violence type of new charges. Yet, two logistic regressions found that sentencing, race, age, and gender significantly, p\u3c .05 contributed to both the class of new charges and type of new charges with respective pseudo R-squares of .105 and .048. Imprisonment adversely affected drug offender recidivism. Findings from this study add empirical evidence to the public policy debate on the use of imprisonment as a deterrence tool for drug offenders. This is a failed strategy, as imprisonment may not cause a reduction in felony or violent reoffenses. Reducing incarceration rates for drug offenders using newer tools such as drug centers may be a more appropriate public policy and social justice approach

    Phase curves of WASP-33b and HD 149026b and a New Correlation Between Phase Curve Offset and Irradiation Temperature

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    We present new 3.6 and 4.5 μm\mu m Spitzer phase curves for the highly irradiated hot Jupiter WASP-33b and the unusually dense Saturn-mass planet HD 149026b. As part of this analysis, we develop a new variant of pixel level decorrelation that is effective at removing intrapixel sensitivity variations for long observations (>10 hours) where the position of the star can vary by a significant fraction of a pixel. Using this algorithm, we measure eclipse depths, phase amplitudes, and phase offsets for both planets at 3.6 μm\mu m and 4.5 μm\mu m. We use a simple toy model to show that WASP-33b's phase offset, albedo, and heat recirculation efficiency are largely similar to those of other hot Jupiters despite its very high irradiation. On the other hand, our fits for HD 149026b prefer a very high albedo and an unusually high recirculation efficiency. We also compare our results to predictions from general circulation models, and find that while neither are a good match to the data, the discrepancies for HD 149026b are especially large. We speculate that this may be related to its high bulk metallicity, which could lead to enhanced atmospheric opacities and the formation of reflective cloud layers in localized regions of the atmosphere. We then place these two planets in a broader context by exploring relationships between the temperatures, albedos, heat transport efficiencies, and phase offsets of all planets with published thermal phase curves. We find a striking relationship between phase offset and irradiation temperature--the former drops with increasing temperature until around 3400 K, and rises thereafter. Although some aspects of this trend are mirrored in the circulation models, there are notable differences that provide important clues for future modeling efforts

    A Precise Water Abundance Measurement for the Hot Jupiter WASP-43b

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    The water abundance in a planetary atmosphere provides a key constraint on the planet's primordial origins because water ice is expected to play an important role in the core accretion model of planet formation. However, the water content of the Solar System giant planets is not well known because water is sequestered in clouds deep in their atmospheres. By contrast, short-period exoplanets have such high temperatures that their atmospheres have water in the gas phase, making it possible to measure the water abundance for these objects. We present a precise determination of the water abundance in the atmosphere of the 2 MJupM_\mathrm{Jup} short-period exoplanet WASP-43b based on thermal emission and transmission spectroscopy measurements obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. We find the water content is consistent with the value expected in a solar composition gas at planetary temperatures (0.4-3.5x solar at 1 σ\sigma confidence). The metallicity of WASP-43b's atmosphere suggested by this result extends the trend observed in the Solar System of lower metal enrichment for higher planet masses.Comment: Accepted to ApJL; this version contains three supplemental figures that are not included in the published paper. See also our companion paper "Thermal structure of an exoplanet atmosphere from phase-resolved emission spectroscopy" by Stevenson et a

    Greater sexual reproduction contributes to differences in demography of invasive plants and their noninvasive relatives

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    An understanding of the demographic processes contributing to invasions would improve our mechanistic understanding of the invasion process and improve the efficiency of prevention and control efforts. However, field comparisons of the demography of invasive and noninvasive species have not previously been conducted. We compared the in situ demography of 17 introduced plant species in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, to contrast the demographic patterns of invasive species with their less invasive relatives across a broad sample of angiosperms. Using herbarium records to estimate spread rates, we found higher maximum spread rates in the landscape for species classified a priori as invasive than for noninvasive introduced species, suggesting that expert classifications are an accurate reflection of invasion rate. Across 17 species, projected population growth was not significantly greater in invasive than in noninvasive introduced species. Among five taxonomic pairs of close relatives, however, four of the invasive species had higher projected population growth rates compared with their noninvasive relative. A Life Table Response Experiment suggested that the greater projected population growth rate of some invasive species relative to their noninvasive relatives was primarily a result of sexual reproduction. The greater sexual reproduction of invasive species is consistent with invaders having a life history strategy more reliant on fecundity than survival and is consistent with a large role of propagule pressure in invasion. Sexual reproduction is a key demographic correlate of invasiveness, suggesting that local processes influencing sexual reproduction, such as enemy escape, might be of general importance. However, the weak correlation of projected population growth with spread rates in the landscape suggests that regional processes, such as dispersal, may be equally important in determining invasion rate

    3.6 and 4.5 μ\mum Spitzer{\it Spitzer} Phase Curves of the Highly-Irradiated Hot Jupiters WASP-19b and HAT-P-7b

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    We analyze full-orbit phase curve observations of the transiting hot Jupiters WASP-19b and HAT-P-7b at 3.6 and 4.5 μ\mum obtained using the Spitzer Space Telescope. For WASP-19b, we measure secondary eclipse depths of 0.485%±0.024%0.485\%\pm 0.024\% and 0.584%±0.029%0.584\%\pm 0.029\% at 3.6 and 4.5 μ\mum, which are consistent with a single blackbody with effective temperature 2372±602372 \pm 60 K. The measured 3.6 and 4.5 μ\mum secondary eclipse depths for HAT-P-7b are 0.156%±0.009%0.156\%\pm 0.009\% and 0.190%±0.006%0.190\%\pm 0.006\%, which are well-described by a single blackbody with effective temperature 2667±572667\pm 57 K. Comparing the phase curves to the predictions of one-dimensional and three-dimensional atmospheric models, we find that WASP-19b's dayside emission is consistent with a model atmosphere with no dayside thermal inversion and moderately efficient day-night circulation. We also detect an eastward-shifted hotspot, suggesting the presence of a superrotating equatorial jet. In contrast, HAT-P-7b's dayside emission suggests a dayside thermal inversion and relatively inefficient day-night circulation; no hotspot shift is detected. For both planets, these same models do not agree with the measured nightside emission. The discrepancies in the model-data comparisons for WASP-19b might be explained by high-altitude silicate clouds on the nightside and/or high atmospheric metallicity, while the very low 3.6 μ\mum nightside planetary brightness for HAT-P-7b may be indicative of an enhanced global C/O ratio. We compute Bond albedos of 0 (<0.08<0.08 at 1σ1\sigma) and 0.38±0.060.38\pm 0.06 for WASP-19b and HAT-P-7b, respectively. In the context of other planets with thermal phase curve measurements, we show that WASP-19b and HAT-P-7b fit the general trend of decreasing day-night heat recirculation with increasing irradiation.Comment: 22 pages, 29 figures, accepted by Ap

    Telemedicine Facilitates CHF Home Health Care for Those with Systolic Dysfunction

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    An estimated 5 million Americans have congestive heart failure (CHF) and one in five over the age of 40 will develop CHF. There are numerous examples of CHF patients living beyond the years normally expected for people with the disease, usually attributed to taking an active role in disease management. A relatively new alternative for CHF outpatient care is telemedicine and e-health. We investigated the effects of a 6-week in-home telemedicine education and monitoring program for those with systolic dysfunction on the utilization of health care resources. We also measured the effects of the unit 4.5 months after its removal (a total of 6 months post introduction of the unit into the home). Concurrently, we assessed participants' perceptions of the value of having a telemedicine unit. Participants in the telemedicine group reported weighing more times a week with less variability than did the control group. Telemedicine led to a reduction in physician and emergency department visits and those in the experimental group reported the unit facilitating self-care, though this was not significantly different from the control group (possibly due to small sample size). These findings suggest a possibility for improvement in control of CHF when telemedicine is implemented. Our review of the literature also supports the role of telemedicine in facilitating home health care and self-management for CHF patients. There are many challenges still to be addressed before this potential can be reached and further research is needed to identify opportunities in telemedicine