32 research outputs found

    Acute Effects of TiO2 Nanomaterials on the Viability and Taxonomic Composition of Aquatic Bacterial Communities Assessed via High-Throughput Screening and Next Generation Sequencing

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    The nanotechnology industry is growing rapidly, leading to concerns about the potential ecological consequences of the release of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) to the environment. One challenge of assessing the ecological risks of ENMs is the incredible diversity of ENMs currently available and the rapid pace at which new ENMs are being developed. High-throughput screening (HTS) is a popular approach to assessing ENM cytotoxicity that offers the opportunity to rapidly test in parallel a wide range of ENMs at multiple concentrations. However, current HTS approaches generally test one cell type at a time, which limits their ability to predict responses of complex microbial communities. In this study toxicity screening via a HTS platform was used in combination with next generation sequencing (NGS) to assess responses of bacterial communities from two aquatic habitats, Lake Michigan (LM) and the Chicago River (CR), to short-term exposure in their native waters to several commercial TiO2 nanomaterials under simulated solar irradiation. Results demonstrate that bacterial communities from LM and CR differed in their sensitivity to nano-TiO2, with the community from CR being more resistant. NGS analysis revealed that the composition of the bacterial communities from LM and CR were significantly altered by exposure to nano-TiO2, including decreases in overall bacterial diversity, decreases in the relative abundance of Actinomycetales, Sphingobacteriales, Limnohabitans, and Flavobacterium, and a significant increase in Limnobacter. These results suggest that the release of nano-TiO2 to the environment has the potential to alter the composition of aquatic bacterial communities, which could have implications for the stability and function of aquatic ecosystems. The novel combination of HTS and NGS described in this study represents a major advance over current methods for assessing ENM ecotoxicity because the relative toxicities of multiple ENMs to thousands of naturally occurring bacterial species can be assessed simultaneously under environmentally relevant conditions

    MusicAOG: an Energy-Based Model for Learning and Sampling a Hierarchical Representation of Symbolic Music

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    In addressing the challenge of interpretability and generalizability of artificial music intelligence, this paper introduces a novel symbolic representation that amalgamates both explicit and implicit musical information across diverse traditions and granularities. Utilizing a hierarchical and-or graph representation, the model employs nodes and edges to encapsulate a broad spectrum of musical elements, including structures, textures, rhythms, and harmonies. This hierarchical approach expands the representability across various scales of music. This representation serves as the foundation for an energy-based model, uniquely tailored to learn musical concepts through a flexible algorithm framework relying on the minimax entropy principle. Utilizing an adapted Metropolis-Hastings sampling technique, the model enables fine-grained control over music generation. A comprehensive empirical evaluation, contrasting this novel approach with existing methodologies, manifests considerable advancements in interpretability and controllability. This study marks a substantial contribution to the fields of music analysis, composition, and computational musicology

    Gypsum scaling in membrane distillation: Impacts of temperature and vapor flux

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    Mineral scaling by sparingly soluble gypsum (CaSO4 & BULL;2H(2)O) is a persistent challenge to membrane distillation (MD). The underlying relationship between the thermodynamic state of the precipitating solution and the point of flux decline due to rapid mineral growth remains unclear. In this work, a series of experiments along with a semi-empirical model are executed to examine the thermodynamic state of the feed solution at the feed/mem-brane interface to evaluate and compare the critical point of scaling. The experiments were deliberately designed in a way to decouple the influence of feed temperature and vapor flux. The thermodynamic state of the precipitating solution at the membrane interface is evaluated using the saturation index and the nucleation energy barrier derived from the chemical potential difference between the dissolved ions and the gypsum mineral. The model is rooted in established heat and mass transfer relationships and reflects the testing conditions used to carry out the experiments. The model is built upon experimental results across a range of operational conditions, with the bulk feed solution temperature ranging from 50 to 80 ? (at a constant flux) and the trans-membrane water flux ranging from 10 to 40 L m(-2) h(-1) (at a constant feed temperature). It was observed that interfacial saturation index calculated at the induction point was not consistent across different experiments, confirming that gypsum scaling in MD is controlled by kinetics instead of thermodynamics. We also found that temperature plays a more important role than vapor flux in affecting the critical recovery. Lastly, we also provide theoretical reasoning to support the experimental observation that gypsum scaling in MD is largely dominated by heterogeneous nucleation onto the membrane surface

    Selective removal of divalent cations by polyelectrolyte multilayer nanofiltration membrane: Role of polyelectrolyte charge, ion size, and ionic strength

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    We fabricatedï¾ polyelectrolyteï¾ multilayerï¾ (PEM)ï¾ nanofiltrationï¾ (NF) membranes using a layer-by-layer (LbL) method for effective removal of scale-forming divalent cations (Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+) from feedwaters with different salinities. Twoï¾ polymersï¾ with opposite charges, polycation (poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride), PDADMAC) and polyanion (poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate), PSS), were sequentially deposited on a commercialï¾ polyamideï¾ NF membrane to form a PEM. Compared to pristine and PSS-terminated membranes, PDADMAC-terminated membranes demonstrated much higher rejection of divalent cations and selectivity forï¾ sodiumï¾ transport over divalent cations (Na+/X2+) due to a combination of both Donnan- and size-exclusion effects. A PDADMAC-terminated membrane with 5.5 bilayers exhibited 97% rejection of Mg2+ï¾ with selectivity (Na+/Mg2+) greater than 30. We attribute the order of cation rejection (Mg2+ï¾ > Ca2+ï¾ > Sr2+ï¾ > Ba2+) to the ionic size, which governs both the hydration radius and hydration energy of the cations. The ionic strength (salinity) of the feed solution had a significant influence on both water flux and cation rejection of PEM membranes. In feed solutions with high ionic strength, abundant NaCl salt screened the charge of the polyelectrolytes and led to swelling of the multilayers, resulting in decreased selectivity (Na+/X2+) and increased water permeability. The fabricated PEM membranes can be potentially applied to the pretreatment of mild-salinity brackish waters to reduce membrane scaling in the mainï¾ desalinationï¾ stage

    Attenuation of Microbial Stress Due to Nano-Ag and Nano-TiO<sub>2</sub> Interactions under Dark Conditions

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    Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are incorporated into thousands of commercial products, and their release into environmental systems creates complex mixtures with unknown toxicological outcomes. To explore this scenario, we probe the chemical and toxicological interactions of nanosilver (n-Ag) and nanotitania (n-TiO<sub>2</sub>) in Lake Michigan water, a natural aqueous medium, under dark conditions. We find that the presence of n-Ag induces a stress response in Escherichia coli, as indicated by a decrease in ATP production observed at low concentrations (in the μg L<sup>–1</sup> range), with levels that are environmentally relevant. However, when n-Ag and n-TiO<sub>2</sub> are present together in a mixture, n-TiO<sub>2</sub> attenuates the toxicity of n-Ag at and below 20 μg L<sup>–1</sup> by adsorbing Ag<sup>+</sup><sub>(aq)</sub>. We observe, however, that toxic stress cannot be explained by dissolved silver concentrations alone and, therefore, must also depend on silver associated with the nanoscale fraction. Although the attenuating effect of n-TiO<sub>2</sub> on n-Ag’s toxicity is limited, this study emphasizes the importance of probing the toxicity of ENM mixtures under environmental conditions to assess how chemical interactions between nanoparticles change the toxicological effects of single ENMs in unexpected ways

    Comparing Acute Effects of a Nano-TiO2 Pigment on Cosmopolitan Freshwater Phototrophic Microbes Using High-Throughput Screening.

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    Production of titanium-dioxide nanomaterials (nano-TiO2) is increasing, leading to potential risks associated with unintended release of these materials into aquatic ecosystems. We investigated the acute effects of nano-TiO2 on metabolic activity and viability of algae and cyanobacteria using high-throughput screening. The responses of three diatoms (Surirella angusta, Cocconeis placentula, Achnanthidium lanceolatum), one green alga (Scenedesmus quadricauda), and three cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa, Gloeocapsa sp., Synechococcus cedrorum) to short-term exposure (15 to 60 min) to a common nano-TiO2 pigment (PW6; average crystallite size 81.5 nm) with simulated solar illumination were assessed. Five concentrations of nano-TiO2 (0.5, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25 mg L-1) were tested and a fluorescent reporter (fluorescein diacetate) was used to assess metabolic activity. Algae were sensitive to nano-TiO2, with all showing decreased metabolic activity after 30-min exposure to the lowest tested concentration. Microscopic observation of algae revealed increased abundance of dead cells with nano-TiO2 exposure. Cyanobacteria were less sensitive to nano-TiO2 than algae, with Gloeocapsa showing no significant decrease in activity with nano-TiO2 exposure and Synechococcus showing an increase in activity. These results suggest that nanomaterial contamination has the potential to alter the distribution of phototrophic microbial taxa within freshwater ecosystems. The higher resistance of cyanobacteria could have significant implications as cyanobacteria represent a less nutritious food source for higher trophic levels and some cyanobacteria can produce toxins and contribute to harmful algal blooms

    Ratio of live/dead bacteria in Chicago River water after 1 hour exposure in the dark (D) or under simulated sunlight (L) to one of four nano-TiO<sub>2</sub> materials: rutile nanopowder (RNP), anatase nanopowder (ANP), Pigment White 6 (PW) or P25.

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    <p>Values are reported as mean of 4 replicates ± standard deviation. Nt: no treatment control prior to exposure. Data points marked by asterisks are significantly different (p<0.05) from the 0 mg L<sup>−1</sup> nano-TiO<sub>2</sub> control.</p