141 research outputs found

    Comparison of diagnostic value of 68 Ga-DOTATOC PET/MRI and standalone MRI for the detection of intracranial meningiomas

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    To evaluate the diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) alone in comparison to positron emission tomography/ magnetic resonance imaging (PET/MRI) in patients with meningiomas. 57 patients with a total of 112 meningiomas of the brain were included. PET/MRI, including a fully diagnostic contrast enhanced MRI and PET, were acquired. PET/MRI was used as reference standard. The size and location of meningiomas was recorded. Likelihood-ratio chi-square tests were used to calculate p-values within logistic regression in order to compare different models. A multi-level logistic regression was applied to comply the hierarchical data structure. Multi-level regression adjusts for clustering in data was performed. The majority (n=103) of meningiomas could be identified based on standard MRI sequences compared to PET/MRI. MRI alone achieved a sensitivity of 95% (95% CI 0.78, 0.99) and specificity of 88% (95% CI 0.58, 0.98). Based on intensity of contrast medium uptake, 97 meningiomas could be diagnosed with intense uptake (93.75%). Sensitivity was lowest with 74% for meningiomas2cm(3) and highest with 100% for meningiomas 0.5-1.0 cm(3). Petroclival meningiomas showed lowest sensitivity with 88% compared to sphenoidal meningiomas with 94% and orbital meningiomas with 100%. Specificity of meningioma diagnostic with MRI was high with 100% for sphenoidal and hemispherical-dural meningiomas and meningiomas with 0.5-1.0 and 1.0-2.0 cm(3). Overall MRI enables reliable detection of meningiomas compared to PET/MRI. PET/MRI imaging offers highest sensitivity and specificity for small or difficult located meningiomas

    Die Tierwelt der Bergbaufolgelandschaften

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    Bei den im Rahmen des Forschungsverbundes erfolgten faunistischen Untersuchungen stand die Charakterisierung der unterschiedlichen, vor allem aber der wertvollen Biotoptypen der Braunkohlenfolgelandschaft mit Hilfe der dort lebenden Tierarten bzw. Artengemeinschaften im Vordergrund. Es wurden Tiergruppen bearbeitet, die zum einen ein hohes indikatorisches Potential besitzen, zum anderen unterschiedliche ökologische Hierachieebenen reprÀsentieren. Eine Auswertung der Ergebnisse erfolgte zumeist auf der Ebene der Biotoptypengruppen (siehe Heyde; Jakob; Köck; Reuter im gleichen Heft)

    Rational design of a heterotrimeric G protein α subunit with artificial inhibitor sensitivity

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    Transmembrane signals initiated by a range of extracellular stimuli converge on members of the Gq family of heterotrimeric G proteins, which relay these signals in target cells. Gq family G proteins comprise Gq, G11, G14, and G16, which upon activation mediate their cellular effects via inositol lipid– dependent and –independent signaling to control fundamental processes in mammalian physiology. To date, highly specific inhibition of Gq/11/14 signaling can be achieved only with FR900359 (FR) and YM-254890 (YM), two naturally occurring cyclic depsipeptides. To further development of FR or YM mimics for other G subunits, we here set out to rationally design G16 proteins with artificial FR/YM sensitivity by introducing an engineered depsipeptide-binding site. Thereby we permit control of G16 function through ligands that are inactive on the WT protein. Using CRISPR/Cas9-generated Gq/G11-null cells and loss- and gain-of-function mutagenesis along with label-free whole-cell biosensing, we determined the molecular coordinates for FR/YM inhibition of Gq and transplanted these to FR/YM-insensitive G16. Intriguingly, despite having close structural similarity, FR and YM yielded biologically distinct activities: it was more difficult to perturb Gq inhibition by FR and easier to install FR inhibition onto G16 than perturb or install inhibition with YM. A unique hydrophobic network utilized by FR accounted for these unexpected discrepancies. Our results suggest that non-Gq/11/14 proteins should be amenable to inhibition by FR scaffold– based inhibitors, provided that these inhibitors mimic the interaction of FR with G proteins harboring engineered FR-binding sites

    N-acetylcysteine reduces oxidative stress in sickle cell patients

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    Oxidative stress is of importance in the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease (SCD). In this open label randomized pilot study the effects of oral N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on phosphatidylserine (PS) expression as marker of cellular oxidative damage (primary end point), and markers of hemolysis, coagulation and endothelial activation and NAC tolerability (secondary end points) were studied. Eleven consecutive patients (ten homozygous [HbSS] sickle cell patients, one HbSÎČ0-thalassemia patient) were randomly assigned to treatment with either 1,200 or 2,400 mg NAC daily during 6 weeks. The data indicate an increment in whole blood glutathione levels and a decrease in erythrocyte outer membrane phosphatidylserine exposure, plasma levels of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and cell-free hemoglobin after 6 weeks of NAC treatment in both dose groups. One patient did not tolerate the 2,400 mg dose and continued with the 1,200 mg dose. During the study period, none of the patients experienced painful crises or other significant SCD or NAC related complications. These data indicate that N-acetylcysteine treatment of sickle cell patients may reduce SCD related oxidative stress

    Care and education of preschool children

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    Studien ĂŒber die Betreuung und Erziehung von Kleinkindern in der Bundesrepublik sind rar. Die Autoren berichten ĂŒber eine in einer fĂŒr die westlichen LĂ€nder in der Zeit vor der Wiedervereinigung reprĂ€sentativen Gruppe von 0- bis 6jĂ€hrigen Kindern (n=2500) durchgefĂŒhrte Untersuchung. Die Daten wurden auf der Basis von standardisierten mĂŒndlichen Interviews mit den MĂŒttern erstellt und durch ein Tagebuch fĂŒr die Kinder ergĂ€nzt. Die hier dargestellten Ergebnisse betreffen die HĂ€ufigkeit und Dauer der verschiedenen Formen der Kinderbetreuung wĂ€hrend einer typischen Woche sowie die Anzahl unterschiedlicher Betreuungstypen, die im Tagesablauf eines Kindes vorkommen. Desweiteren wird die Betreuung von Kindern von nichtberufstĂ€tigen MĂŒttern mit der von Kindern von voll berufstĂ€tigen MĂŒttern verglichen, und es werden die von den Eltern aufzubringenden Kosten (Geldleistungen, Sachleistungen, OpportunitĂ€tskosten) fĂŒr die Betreuung ihrer Kinder geschĂ€tzt. Die Verfasser plĂ€dieren fĂŒr ein System öffentlicher UnterstĂŒtzung in der Kinderbetreuung, das sowohl den Eltern tatsĂ€chliche Auswahlmöglichkeiten bietet als auch den Kindern eine qualitativ gute Betreuung. (DIPF/Orig.)Data on the different forms of care and education of young children are scarce in Germany. This article reports some results of a survey on child-care issues based on a sample of children up to the age of six (n = 2500) representative of the western part of the country before reunification. Data were collected by a standardized oral interview with the mother supplemented by a diary for the child. Results reported here deal with frequencies and duration of the different child care forms during a typical week, address the number of different forms involved during a child\u27s daily routine, compare the care of children with non-employed and full-time employed mothers, and estimate parental costs (payments, payments in kind, opportunity costs) for the care of children. The authors argue for a System of public support in child care which provides for both real parental options and quality care for children. (DIPF/Orig.

    Vorschulische Erziehung in den LĂ€ndern der EuropĂ€ischen Union - Eine vergleichende Studie. [Symposion 12. Öffentliche und familiale Kleinkinderziehung in Europa - Schwerpunkte der frĂŒhpĂ€dagogischen Forschung]

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    Die Autoren nennen drei Probleme vergleichender Analysen. Eines dieser Probleme besteht darin, dass "vergleichende Betrachtungen nur zwischen Vergleichbarem möglich sind bzw. einen gemeinsamen Bezugsrahmen erfordern. Ein solcher gemeinsamer Bezugsrahmen ist jedoch gegenwĂ€rtig nicht vorhanden bzw. steht noch in den AnfĂ€ngen, so dass bei der Vielfalt der in den europĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern gegebenen frĂŒhkindlichen Betreuungs- und Erziehungsformen eine systematische Beschreibung von Unterschieden ebenso schwerfaellt wie das Herausarbeiten gemeinsamer (Tiefen-)Strukturen bei divergierenden OberflĂ€chenmustern." Ausgehend von diesen Problemen erlĂ€utern die Verfasser die Anlage der Untersuchung, die nach einem abgestimmten Forschungsplan in ausgewĂ€hlten EU-Mitgliedstaaten realisiert wird. Sie nennen ferner die Hauptfragestellungen und legen erste Ergebnisse vor. (DIPF/Ba.
