20 research outputs found

    Milk production capacity of priangan prolific sheep: II. The lactation curve

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    A calculation was made for the lactation curve of Priangan sheep using Wood equation to find out how much differences actual milk production of uncorrected ewes compared to those corrected using parity and litter size born. Milk production was measured using weighing of the lambs before and shortly after suckling, with average of daily and total milk production were 519.5 g/head and 43.6 kg head-1 lactation-1, respectively. The average of parameter a, which reflected milk production at the beginning of the lactation period was 6.296 that equivalent to 571.5 g/head and significantly affected (P<0.05) by parity. The b parameter which reflected the rate of milk increment at the beginning of the lactation period was found to be 0.528 and significantly affected (P<0.05) by parity. The c parameter which reflected the rate of milk decline at the end of lactation period was found to be -0.20 and significantly affected (P<0.05) by parity. The average persistency which reflected the duration of maximum milk production was found to be 22.58 days without any significant contribution of parity and the number of lamb born. The average time to reach maximum milk production was found to be at week 3.5 after lambing without any significant contribution of parity and litter size. The average estimation of maximum milk production was 708.4 g/head and significantly affected (P<0.05) by ewe parity.   Key words: Milk production, lactation curve, Priangan shee

    Peraturan Menteri Pertanian Republik Indonesia Nomor 36/Permentan/LB.070/8/2016 tentang Pengkajian Keamanan Pakan Produk Rekayasa Genetik

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    Di Indonesia telah terjadi pengurangan lahan pertanian dan penggembalaan di antaranya akibat dari alih fungsi lahan dan dampak perubahan iklim. Di lain pihak, kebutuhan pakan terutama biji-bijian dan bungkil terus meningkat. Penggunaan teknologi rekayasa genetik diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pakan, namun terdapat pro dan kontra terhadap pemanfaatan produk rekayasa genetik ini. Pemanfaatan tanaman produk rekayasa genetik telah berkembang pesat di dunia dalam 20 tahun terakhir. Indonesia telah memanfaatkan teknologi produk rekayasa genetik, namun diperlukan prinsip kehatian-hatian dalam mengadopsi dan memanfaatkan teknologi ini untuk menghindari dampak negatif. Diperlukan payung hukum dalam pemanfaatan teknologi ini untuk melindungi masyarakat. Peraturan Menteri Pertanian tentang Pengkajian Keamanan Pakan Produk Rekayasa Genetik telah diterbitkan pada bulan Agustus 2016. Peraturan Menteri Pertanian ini terdiri dari enam bab, 13 pasal dan empat lampiran. Selanjutnya Peraturan Menteri Pertanian tersebut dirinci dalam Surat Keputusan Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian tentang Pedoman Teknis Tata Cara dan Mekanisme Pengkajian Keamanan Pakan Produk Rekayasa Genetik pada bulan November 2016. Dalam makalah ini Peraturan Menteri Pertanian dan Surat Keputusan Kepala Balitbangtan akan diuraikan dalam rangka sosialisasi agar masyarakat memahaminya

    Morphometric and Phylogenic Analysis of Six Population Indonesian Local Goats

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    The research objectives were to characterize morphometric and genetic distance between populations of Indonesian local goats. The morphological discriminant and canonical analysis were carried out to estimate the phylogenic relationship and determine the discriminant variable between Benggala goats (n= 96), Marica (n= 60), Jawarandu (n= 94), (Kacang (n= 217), Muara (n= 30) and Samosir (n= 42). Discriminant analysis used to clasify body weight and body measurements. In the analysis of variance showed that body weight and body measurement (body length, height at withers, thorax width, thorax height, hert girth, skull width and height, tail length and width, ear length and width) of Muara goats was higher (P<0.05) compared to the other groups, and the lowest was in Marica goats. The smallest genetic distance was between Marica and Samosir (11.207) and the highest were between Muara and Benggala (255.110). The highest similarity between individual within population was found in Kacang (99.28%) and the lowest in Samosir (82.50%). The canonical analysis showed high correlation on canon circumference, body weight, skull width, skull height, and tail width variables so these six variables can be used as distinguishing variables among population. The result from Mahalonobis distance for phenogram tree and canonical analysis showed that six populations of Indonesian local goats were divided into six breed of goats: the first was Muara, the second was Jawarandu, the third was Kacang, the fourth was Benggala, the fifth was Samosir and the sixth was Marica goats. The diversity of body size and body weight of goats was observed quite large, so the chances of increasing productivity could be made through selection and mating programs

    Relative superiority analysis of Garut lamb and its crossbred

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    The objective of the research was to evaluate the relative superiority of Garut lamb and its crosses with St. Croix and Moulton Charollais. The research was conducted at Animal Research Station, Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production, Bogor, Indonesia. The data used for this paper was collected from 1995 to 2002. The results revealed that individual lamb weight at birth, at weaning, preweaning daily gain, at 6, 9 and 12 months of age of the composite sheep (HG = 50% St. Croix : 50% Garut, MG = 50% M. Charollais : 50% Garut, MHG (MG X HG) dan HMG (HG X MG) = 25% St. Croix : 25% M. Charollais : 50% Garut) were higher than Garut sheep. The relative superiority were 6.7-13.1% for lamb weight at birth, 6.6- 15.6% for lamb weight at weaning, 3.2-20.8% for preweaning daily gain dan 6.2-17.9% for lamb weight at 9 month of age, respectively. The superiority of composite sheep were obtained in good and limited feed condition. Lamb growth parameters were also affected by feed condition, parity, sex, and rearing type.   Key words: Garut, St. Croix, M. Charollais sheep, relative superiorit

    Utilization of FecJ F gene in developing commercial sheep farming : Economic analysis

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    An increase of income per capita in Indonesia is not followed by an increase of numbers and quality of lambs stock. To meet he high demand both for domestic and international markets, sheep production should be elaborated commercially . The Research Institute for Animal Production, Bogor has been able to identify the segregation of FecJ F on Javanese sheep, which has large effect on ovulation rate and number of litters born. The study was purposed to analyse the economic value of using Fed gene and the crossing with St. Croix rams to obtain high number of lamb production as well as high pre-weaning growth rate . Sixty seven Garut ewes were used and classified into three classes of singles, twins and triplets or mom: lambs born . From each litter type, ewes were classified according to the breed of rams to be used . Gamt and St . Croix rams were  used to represent small and large size of sires, respectively . The parameters observed were litter size, birth weight, sex, feed consumption, weaning weight and average daily gain . Lambs and ewes were weighed on biweekly and monthly basis, respectively. An increasing of input for single born ewes was not followed by dramatic increase in its body weight at weaning, which means that the optimum level of production was not achieved. This resulted a shortening of farmers income. However, for ewes having twins an increase of input was followed by significantly increased of production level . Therefore, the economic analysis model used for ewes that carry the Fed gene showed an increase of income of Rp.30,691 .50, and Rp.24,319.82, per ewe per period for St. Croix sires and Garut sires, respectively .   Key words: Economic analysis, Fed gene, shee

    Molecular characterization of six sub population Indonesian local goats based on mitochondrial DNA D-loop

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    Indonesian local goats were spread in some region, but there was still limited data’s known about the characteristics of its genetic diversity and origin. The Mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequences were used to study the genetic diversity and relationships of six sub population Indonesian local goats, namely, Kacang, Marica, Samosir, Jawarandu, Muara and Bengali goats. From 539 blood samples and DNA extraction collections were selected about 60 samples (10 samples each sub populations) analyzed by PCR-RFLP methods, followed sequence analyzed about 5 PCR products each sub population. The results of the sequence analyses were edited and acquired about 957 bp of nucleotides length. After the alignment analyses were found 50 polymorphic sites which divided into 19 haplotype groups of mtDNA D-loop region. The value of nucleotide diversity was 0.014 ± 0.002. Analysis of Neighbour Joining with Kimura 2 Parameter methods and bootstrap test with 1000 replication indicated that each sub population groups was significantly different between one groups to the others. The maternal lineages origin of six breeds of Indonesian local goats was included to the group of lineage B. The Lineage B was the maternal origin of the haplogroup of goats in the region of East Asia, South Asia, China, Mongolia, North and South Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan and India. Key words: Genetic Diversity, mtDNA D-loop, Haplotypes, Local Goat

    Relative superiority analysis of Garut dam and its crossbred

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    In attemp to increase the productivity of Garut sheep, Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production has crossed Garut sheep (GG) with St. Croix sheep (HH) that has high frame body size and adaptable to the hot climate (in 1995) and with Moulton Charollais sheep (MM) that has high body weight gain and good milk production to raise multiple birth (in 1996). The objective of this research was to evaluate the ewe productivity of Garut sheep and its crosses with St. Croix and Moulton Charollais. This research was conducted at Animal Research Station, Bogor from 1995 to 2002. In this study the crossing was done using frozen semen of M. Charollais and ram of St. Croix so that the real performance of these sheep under Indonesian condition is not known. So that the relative superiority of these crosses is calculated from the percentage of the differences between traits mean of crossbred and purebred divided by trait means of purebred Garut, except for the threeway crosses (MHG and HMG) is calculated from the difference between the means of threeway crossbred trait with the means of two parents (MG and HG). It is concluded that HG and MHG show higher dam productivity than GG, it can be seen from their litter weight at birth and weaning. In poor feed condition GG showed higher productivity than the crossbred sheep (MG and HG), but MHG/MHG showed higher relative superiority compare to their parents (MG and HG). In good feed condition HG and MHG/HMG sheep showed higher productivity than Garut sheep. The relative superiority of HG sheep is 26.40% over GG and for MHG/HMG is 11.24% over their parents (MG and HG).       Key Words: Garut Sheep, St. Croix Sheep, M. Charollais Sheep, Relative Superiorit

    Arah Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan dalam Mewujudkan Bioindustri Pertanian Berkelanjutan

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    Pangan adalah kebutuhan yang paling utama bagi manusia untuk mempertahankan kehidupannya. Oleh karena itu, sektor pertanian memerlukan keberpihakan yang tinggi karena sektor ini adalah leading sector untuk ketahanan pangan, bersifat multifungsi termasuk menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan lingkungan dan sosial (kemiskinan, keadilan dan lain-lain). Sektor peternakan memberikan kontribusi untuk pemenuhan protein hewani. Jumlah konsumsi protein hewani masih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan nilai kebutuhan standar protein hewani dari pola pangan harapan (PPH) apabila dibandingkan dengan negara-negara ASEAN. Sejalan dengan Strategi Induk Pembangunan Pertanian (SIPP) 2013-2045, bahwa pembangunan pertanian diarahkan pada sistem pertanian bioindustri, adalah dengan memanfaatkan secara optimal seluruh sumber daya hayati termasuk biomassa dan/atau limbah organik pertanian, bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat dalam suatu ekosistem secara harmonis dengan meningkatkan nilai tambah usaha pertanian. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan (Puslitbangnak) telah melakukan penelitian dalam mendukung pertanian bioindustri seperti penelitian untuk mendukung model integrasi tanaman ternak sapi-sawit, kambing-kopi dan lain-lain. Namun demikian, secara umum penelitian tersebut masih dilakukan secara parsial dan beberapa aspek dari konsep pertanian bioindustri belum terjawab/dilakukan dan dapat menjadi ruang bagi penelitian baru. Dalam menghadapi tantangan kedepan, kemajuan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK) pertanian selain harus dapat menjawab berbagai hal terkait dengan dampak perubahan iklim, juga dapat menjawab berbagai keterbatasan pada sumber daya yang ada di tengah perkembangan kebutuhan manusia yang tanpa batas. Untuk itu, diperlukan IPTEK yang mengarah pada revolusi di bidang bioteknologi, nanoteknologi dan teknologi informasi. Arah penelitian dan pengembangan peternakan merujuk pada program pertanian yaitu mendukung pertanian bioindustri, adalah (1) Memprioritaskan penyediaan teknologi inovatif untuk optimalisasi pemanfaatan sumber daya peternakan melalui pengembangan teknologi budidaya, penciptaan rumpun ternak adaptif; (2) Mempercepat penyediaan teknologi nano dan riset genom untuk meningkatkan produksi dan produktivitas ternak; (3) Mendorong kemajuan bioscience dan bioengineering di bidang peternakan; (4) Memfokuskan pada penciptaan bibit unggul ternak, teknologi pengolahan, penyimpanan, preservasi dan pengemasan serta rekayasa kelembagaan; (5) Merumuskan rekomendasi kebijakan bioindustri di bidang peternakan

    Morphometric and Phylogenic Analysis of Six Population Indonesian Local Goats

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    The research objectives were to characterize morphometric and genetic distance between populations of Indonesian local goats. The morphological discriminant and canonical analysis were carried out to estimate the phylogenic relationship and determine the discriminant variable between Benggala goats (n= 96), Marica (n= 60), Jawarandu (n= 94), (Kacang (n= 217), Muara (n= 30) and Samosir (n= 42). Discriminant analysis used to clasify body weight and body measurements. In the analysis of variance showed that body weight and body measurement (body length, height at withers, thorax width, thorax height, hert girth, skull width and height, tail length and width, ear length and width) of Muara goats was higher (P<0.05) compared to the other groups, and the lowest was in Marica goats. The smallest genetic distance was between Marica and Samosir (11.207) and the highest were between Muara and Benggala (255.110). The highest similarity between individual within population was found in Kacang (99.28%) and the lowest in Samosir (82.50%). The canonical analysis showed high correlation on canon circumference, body weight, skull width, skull height, and tail width variables so these six variables can be used as distinguishing variables among population. The result from Mahalonobis distance for phenogram tree and canonical analysis showed that six populations of Indonesian local goats were divided into six breed of goats: the first was Muara, the second was Jawarandu, the third was Kacang, the fourth was Benggala, the fifth was Samosir and the sixth was Marica goats. The diversity of body size and body weight of goats was observed quite large, so the chances of increasing productivity could be made through selection and mating programs