49 research outputs found

    Reverse magnetic anomaly controlled by Permian igneous rocks in the Iberian Chain (N Spain)

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    Two important reverse dipolar magnetic anomalies in the Iberian Chain (Spain) are located over Permian igneous rocks. A detailed study of one of them, the Loscos magnetic anomaly, where the geological structure is well constrained, reveals that the source of the anomaly must be a reverse remanent magnetisation carried by igneous rocks, acquired during the period of the Kiaman reverse magnetic superchron. Magnetic and gravimetric detailed survey (with 50 new gravimetric measurements and 8 main magnetic profiles -six of them N–S and the rest E–Wwith a total length of 40km), together with a study of the petrophysical characteristics of igneous materials, data processing and interpretation (upward continuation, 2.5D modelling, etc.) allowed to characterize qualitatively the anomaly and its source. Two overlapping anomalies with different wavelength were identified, indicating the presence of a shallower strongly altered igneous body with heterogeneous magnetic properties, and a deeper, large igneous body, responsible for the main, long-wavelength anomaly

    Reverse magnetic anomaly controlled by Permian Igneous rocks in the Iberian Chain (N Spain)

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    Two important reverse dipolar magnetic anomalies in the Iberian Chain (Spain) are located over Permian igneous rocks. A detailed study of one of them, the Loscos magnetic anomaly, where the geological structure is well constrained, reveals that the source of the anomaly must be a reverse remanent magnetisation carried by igneous rocks, acquired during the period of the Kiaman reverse magnetic superchron. Magnetic and gravimetric detailed survey (with 50 new gravimetric measurements and 8 main magnetic profiles -six of them N–S and the rest E–Wwith a total length of 40km), together with a study of the petrophysical characteristics of igneous materials, data processing and interpretation (upward continuation, 2.5D modelling, etc.) allowed to characterize qualitatively the anomaly and its source. Two overlapping anomalies with different wavelength were identified, indicating the presence of a shallower strongly altered igneous body with heterogeneous magnetic properties, and a deeper, large igneous body, responsible for the main, long-wavelength anomaly

    Multiplicative anomaly and zeta factorization

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    Some aspects of the multiplicative anomaly of zeta determinants are investigated. A rather simple approach is adopted and, in particular, the question of zeta function factorization, together with its possible relation with the multiplicative anomaly issue is discussed. We look primordially into the zeta functions instead of the determinants themselves, as was done in previous work. That provides a supplementary view, regarding the appearance of the multiplicative anomaly. Finally, we briefly discuss determinants of zeta functions that are not in the pseudodifferential operator framework.Comment: 20 pages, AIP styl

    Chern-Simons matrix models and Stieltjes-Wigert polynomials

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    Employing the random matrix formulation of Chern-Simons theory on Seifert manifolds, we show how the Stieltjes-Wigert orthogonal polynomials are useful in exact computations in Chern-Simons matrix models. We construct a biorthogonal extension of the Stieltjes-Wigert polynomials, not available in the literature, necessary to study Chern-Simons matrix models when the geometry is a lens space. We also discuss several other results based on the properties of the polynomials: the equivalence between the Stieltjes-Wigert matrix model and the discrete model that appears in q-2D Yang-Mills and the relationship with Rogers-Szego polynomials and the corresponding equivalence with an unitary matrix model. Finally, we also give a detailed proof of a result that relates quantum dimensions with averages of Schur polynomials in the Stieltjes-Wigert ensemble.Comment: 25 pages, AMS-LaTe

    Aportaciones de la modelización analógica al estudio de la deformación intraplaca

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    Se han realizado modelos analógicos de sistemas frágil/dúctil dinámicamente dimensionados. Los experimentos consistieron en comprimir longitudinalmente un paquete de arena con un nivel basal de silicona que funciona como un nivel de despegue. Las condiciones en los límites se eligieron para analizar la influencia de la migración lateral del nivel dúctil, así como de la velocidad de deformación en el patrón de deformación resultante. Los resultados obtenidos indican que cuando el nivel dúctil migra lateralmente el mayor engrosamiento cortical no se produce en la zona más próxima al back-stop, sino que aparece desplazado hacia el interior del modelo. Dynamically scaled brittle/ductile analogue models have been performed. Experiments consisted of the compression of a sand-pack with a basal ductile layer of silicone putty acting as a décollement level. The boundary conditions were chosen to analyze the influence of the lateral migration of the ductile level and the strain rate on the deformational pattern. Results show that when the ductile level migrates laterally, the higher thickening is obtained far from the back-stop creating a high relief in the pro-wedge region

    El magmatismo alcalino del Triásico Superior en el NO de la Cadena Ibérica (España)

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    We have carried out a complete study of the Upper-Triassic alkaline magmatism on the northwestern margin of the Iberian Chain. This magmatism is composed of mafic sills, which intrude the Keuper facies in two geographic sectors: the Cameros Massif (NW) and the Moncayo Massif (SE). In both of these sectors, the rocks are characterised by an intense alteration (spilitisation). The field relationships point to an Upper Triassic age for the studied sills, given that: 1) interactions are recognised between the magma and wet, unconsolidated host sediments, suggesting that the magma was emplaced during or shortly after the deposition of the Keuper facies; 2) in the Moncayo sector a conglomerate bed that includes igneous clasts overlaies the sills and passes upwards to the Norian-Rhaetian Imón Fm. According to the petrological and geochemical features of the sills, an internal differentiation can be recognised inwards, with the developments of three zones: chilled margins, central facies and pegmatoid facies. The rocks are porphyritic and are mainly composed of phenocrysts of pseudomorphed olivine and microcrysts of plagioclase, opaque minerals and minor clinopyroxene. Vesicles and xenoliths of the host sedimentary rocks are also recognised, especially at the chilled margins. The mineral assemblage is constant across the sills but the mineral proportions vary among the different zones. The sills are basic to intermediate rocks. They are classified as basalts to dacites with an alkaline geochemical affinity. According to the trace element contents, this magmatism is related to an enriched sub-lithospheric mantle source affected by crustal contamination. Considering the Upper Triassic magmatisms from southwestern Europe, two types can be distinguished. On the one hand, the magmatisms in the Catalonian Coastal Ranges and SE France are paleogeographically located in the inner platform and are related to deep, astenospheric mantle sources with no evidence of crustal contamination. On the other hand, the magmatisms in the NW Iberian Chain –this study-, the External Betics and the Brescian Prealps are situated in a more litoral position and are related to a shallower, lithospheric mantle with evidence of crustal contamination. These differences could be related to the thickness of the continental crust, which might be thinner in the inner areas of the platform.Se ha realizado un estudio completo del magmatismo alcalino del Triásico Superior del margen noroccidental de la Cadena Ibérica. Este magmatismo consta de sills máficos emplazados entre los materiales sedimentarios de la Facies Keuper en dos sectores: Macizo de Cameros (NO) y Macizo del Moncayo (SE). En ambos sectores, las rocas estudiadas se caracterizan por una intensa alteración (espilitización). Las relaciones de campo apuntan a una edad de los sills estudiados de Triásico Superior dado que: 1) se reconocen interacciones entre el magma y el sedimento encajante sin consolidar, que sugieren su emplazamiento coetáneo con el depósito de la facies Keuper o poco posterior y, 2) se observa, en el sector de Moncayo, un nivel conglomerático con cantos de rocas ígneas similares a las que forman los sills, depositado entre los sedimentos argilíticos que se disponen por encima de los sills y siempre, bajo la Fm. Imón de edad Noriense terminal a Retiense inferior. Las características petrológicas y geoquímicas de los sills sugieren una diferenciación hacia el interior de los mismos, reconociéndose tres zonas: borde enfriado, facies central y facies pegmatoide. Las rocas son porfídicas y tienen una asociación mineral común formada por fenocristales de olivino alterado y una mesostasia compuesta por microcristales de plagioclasa, opacos y clinopiroxeno. También se reconocen vesículas y enclaves de la roca sedimentaria encajante, especialmente en el borde enfriado. Las proporciones modales varían entre las tres facies reconocidas. Los sills están formados por rocas básicas a intermedias, clasificadas desde basaltos a dacitas, con afinidad alcalina. De acuerdo a sus contenidos en elementos traza, este magmatismo está relacionado con una fuente mantélica sublitosférica enriquecida, afectada por contaminación cortical. Considerando los magmatismos del Triásico Superior del suroeste de Europa, pueden establecerse dos tipos. Por un lado, los magmatismos aflorantes en las Cadenas Costero Catalanas y el Sur de Francia estaban paleogeográficamente situadas hacia zonas internas de la plataforma y se relacionan con un manto profundo, astenosférico, sin evidencias de contaminación cortical. Por el contrario, los magmatismos de las áreas más occidentales y septentrionales (NO de la Cadena Ibérica –este estudio-, Zonas Externas de las Béticas y Prealpes de Brescia), próximas al litoral paleogeográfico, se relacionan con un manto más superficial, litosférico y muestran evidencias de contaminación cortical. Todas estas diferencias observadas pueden relacionarse con variaciones del espesor de la corteza continental, más adelgazada hacia las zonas internas de la plataforma

    Event trees and epistemic uncertainty in long‐term volcanic hazard assessment of Rift Volcanoes: the example of Aluto (Central Ethiopia)

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    Aluto is a peralkaline rhyolitic caldera located in a highly populated area in central Ethiopia. Its postcaldera eruptive activity has mainly consisted of self‐similar, pumice‐cone‐building eruptions of varying size and vent location. These eruptions are explosive, generating hazardous phenomena that could impact proximal to distal areas from the vent. Volcanic hazard assessments in Ethiopia and the East African Rift are still limited in number. In this study, we develop an event tree model for Aluto volcano. The event tree is doubly useful: It facilitates the design of a conceptual model for the volcano and provides a framework to quantify volcanic hazard. We combine volcanological data from past and recent research at Aluto, and from a tool to objectively derive analog volcanoes (VOLCANS), to parameterize the event tree, including estimates of the substantial epistemic uncertainty. Results indicate that the probability of a silicic eruption in the next 50 years is highly uncertain, ranging from 2% to 35%. This epistemic uncertainty has a critical influence on event‐tree estimates for other volcanic events, like the probability of occurrence of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) in the next 50 years. The 90% credible interval for the latter is 5–16%, considering only the epistemic uncertainty in conditional eruption size and PDC occurrence, but 2–23% when adding the epistemic uncertainty in the probability of eruption in 50 years. Despite some anticipated challenges, we envisage that our event tree could be translated to other rift volcanoes, making it an important tool to quantify volcanic hazard in Ethiopia and elsewhere

    Torus knots and mirror symmetry

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    We propose a spectral curve describing torus knots and links in the B-model. In particular, the application of the topological recursion to this curve generates all their colored HOMFLY invariants. The curve is obtained by exploiting the full Sl(2, Z) symmetry of the spectral curve of the resolved conifold, and should be regarded as the mirror of the topological D-brane associated to torus knots in the large N Gopakumar-Vafa duality. Moreover, we derive the curve as the large N limit of the matrix model computing torus knot invariants.Comment: 30 pages + appendix, 3 figure

    Veneziano Amplitudes, Spin Chains and String Models

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    In a series of recently published papers we reanalyzed the existing treatments of Veneziano and Veneziano-like amplitudes and the models associated with these amplitudes. In this work we demonstrate that the already obtained new partition function for these amplitudes can be exactly mapped into that for the Polychronakos-Frahm (P-F) spin chain model. This observation allows us to recover many of the existing string-theoretic models, including the most recent ones.Comment: 38 page

    Chern-Simons Matrix Models and Unoriented Strings

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    For matrix models with measure on the Lie algebra of SO/Sp, the sub-leading free energy is given by F_{1}(S)=\pm{1/4}\frac{\del F_{0}(S)}{\del S}. Motivated by the fact that this relationship does not hold for Chern-Simons theory on S^{3}, we calculate the sub-leading free energy in the matrix model for this theory, which is a Gaussian matrix model with Haar measure on the group SO/Sp. We derive a quantum loop equation for this matrix model and then find that F_{1} is an integral of the leading order resolvent over the spectral curve. We explicitly calculate this integral for quadratic potential and find agreement with previous studies of SO/Sp Chern-Simons theory.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures V2: re-organised for clarity, results unchange