7 research outputs found

    Research questions and approaches for computational thinking curricula design

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    Teaching computational thinking (CT) is argued to be necessary but also admitted to be a very challenging task. The reasons for this, are: i) no general agreement on what computational thinking is; ii) no clear idea nor evidential support on how to teach CT in an effective way. Hence, there is a need to develop a common approach and a shared understanding of the scope of computational thinking and of effective means of teaching CT. Thus, the consequent ambition is to utilize the preliminary and further research outcomes on CT for the education of the prospective teachers of secondary, further and higher/adult education curricula

    Esitutkimus toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän web- toiminnallisuuden soveltamisesta pk- konepajan hankintatoimessa

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on toteuttaa esitutkimus Auramarine Oy:n ERP-järjestelmän (V10 Powered) kanssa yhteensopivan web-liittymän (V10 PoweredWEB-liittymä) hyödyntämisestä yrityksen hankintatoimessa. Varsinaisena tutkimusyrityksenä oli Auramarinen kiinalainen tytäryhtiö Auramarine Asia Ltd., joka valmistaa samoja tuotteita kuin emoyhtiönsä. Web-liittymä mahdollistaa ERP-järjestelmän etäkäytön internet-selaimen kautta. Aihe-alueen laajuuden ja aikarajoitusten takia työssä keskitytään ainoastaan alihankintaprosessin kehittämismahdollisuuksiin, eikä tarkkojen prosessien luomiseen. Koko työ voidaan jakaa kolmeen pää aihe-alueeseen: alihankintaprosessin ja siihen välittömästi vaikuttavien teemojen tunnistamisesta, alihankintaprosessin ongelmien selvittämisestä ja niiden ratkaisumahdollisuuksien selvittämisestä. Tutkimuksen lopputuloksena syntyi ehdotus uudesta alihankintaprosessista, jossa hyödynnetään web-liittymää luomalla erityinen alihankkijaportaali. Portaalin kautta voidaan toteuttaa kaikki alihankintaprosessin vaiheet ostotilauksen lähettämisestä eteenpäin sekä muun muassa toteuttaa erilaisia tärkeitä ohjaustoimenpiteitä. Alihankintojen erityisvaatimuksista johtuen portaalista on hyötyä eniten oman suunnittelun nimikkeiden hankinnassa, mutta esitettyä menettelyä voidaan käyttää myös tavallisten kaupallisten komponenttien hankinnan ohjaukseen vakiintuneiden toimittajasuhteiden osalla. Portaalin toteuttamiskelpoisuus on varmistettu järjestelmätoimittajan konsulteilta ja Auramarinen johdolta.The aim of this thesis is to conduct a pilot study into the utilization opportunities of Auramarine Oy's ERP-system (V10 Powered) compatible web-functionality. The actual target company is Auramarine Oy's subsidiary Auramarine Asia Ltd. Similarly to their parent company they also manufacture heavy diesel fuel handling units mainly used in ships and power plants. The web-functionality in question enables the use of an ERP-system through a web browser. Due to time constraints the study focuses only on developing the company's subcontracting and procurement processes. The study consists of three main areas: identifying the subcontracting process, finding out and analyzing its key development areas and finally finding out how the web-functionality could be utilized to solve problems and enhance the efficiency of the process as a whole. The outcome is a new subcontracting process description that can be implemented through the use of the web-functionality by creating an extranet type of subcontractor portal. The portal can be used in the procurement process onwards from the moment purchase order is created by the buyer. This pilot study emphasizes more on what can be achieved with the portal rather than on giving definitive instructions on what should be done. This is due to the company's heavy development phase and particularly to the modularization of its product designs that will lead to major changes all around the company in the near future

    Computational Thinking in Regard to Thinking and Problem-Solving

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    Computational thinking is a relatively new concept that is still looking for its exact definition. It can be seen as the by-product of exposure to computational activities, as well as collection of information processing tools one is familiarized with through computing. However, it can be a lot more than that. Similarly as mathematical thinking can be seen to be the constructive force behind mathematics, computational thinking can be seen as the driving force behind computing. Computational thinking is approached via what is known of thinking and problem-solving. The aims of the study are to further clarify the concept and to figure out how thinking and problem-solving can be affected by the acquisition of computational thinking, and to look into if there is anything that can be done to produce more efficient computational thinkers (e.g., programmers and software developers). The research reveals that computational thinking has notable potential to improve the “general” thinking and problem-solving ability, but there are barriers that have to be dealt with in order to meaningfully benefit from this potential. These barriers rise from the nature of thinking and they cannot be completely bypassed. However, the thesis provides methods of how to handle them more effectively. Asiasanat:computational thinking, thinking, problem-solving, learnin

    Computational Thinking in Regard to Thinking and Problem-Solving

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    Computational thinking is a relatively new concept that is still looking for its exact definition. It can be seen as the by-product of exposure to computational activities, as well as collection of information processing tools one is familiarized with through computing. However, it can be a lot more than that. Similarly as mathematical thinking can be seen to be the constructive force behind mathematics, computational thinking can be seen as the driving force behind computing. Computational thinking is approached via what is known of thinking and problem-solving. The aims of the study are to further clarify the concept and to figure out how thinking and problem-solving can be affected by the acquisition of computational thinking, and to look into if there is anything that can be done to produce more efficient computational thinkers (e.g., programmers and software developers). The research reveals that computational thinking has notable potential to improve the “general” thinking and problem-solving ability, but there are barriers that have to be dealt with in order to meaningfully benefit from this potential. These barriers rise from the nature of thinking and they cannot be completely bypassed. However, the thesis provides methods of how to handle them more effectively. Asiasanat:computational thinking, thinking, problem-solving, learnin