7 research outputs found

    Concept design as managerial challenge : the modell of concept design of II generation new product development process research

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    An online quality monitoring tool for information acquisition and sharing in manufacturing:Requirements and solutions for the steel industry

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    The purpose of this study was to develop an innovative online supervisor system to assist the operators of an industrial manufacturing process in discovering new solutions for improving both the products and the manufacturing process itself. In this paper, we discuss the requirements and practical aspects of building such a system and demonstrate its use and functioning with different types of statistical modelling methods applied for quality monitoring in industrial applications. The two case studies presenting the development work were selected from the steel industry. One case study predicting the profile of a stainless steel strip tested the usability of the tool offline, while the other study predicting the risk of roughness of a steel strip had an online test period. User experiences from a test use period were collected with a system usability scale questionnaire.</p

    Tilan vaikutus luovuuteen innovoinnissa

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    In the OVET project we study, how space affects users’ creativity during innovation activity. The space covers physical, virtual and social aspects, including communication technology, usage of a space and people’s behaviour in a space. The core of the project is to develop a model and methods for evaluating space experience and creativity from user-centred point of view. The impact of space on creativity is studied by simulating innovation activity in different space combinations.OVET-projektissa tutkitaan tilan vaikutusta käyttäjien luovuuteen innovaatiotoiminnassa. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan tilaa laajasta näkökulmasta, jossa otetaan huomioon paitsi fyysinen tila myös viestintäteknologian hyödyntäminen tilassa ja tilan sosiaalinen ulottuvuus, kuten ihmisten käyttäytyminen ja vuorovaikutus tilassa. Projektissa kehitetään menetelmä käyttäjien tilakokemuksen ja luovuuden arvioimiseen. Tilan vaikutusta käyttäjän luovuuteen tutkitaan simuloimalla innovaatiotoimintaa erilaisissa tilaratkaisuissa