763 research outputs found

    Characteristic Cauchy problem for first-order quasilinear equations

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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart


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    Along with the rapid development of the world economy, young people's demand for drinks with organic ingredients, rich in minerals and healthy vitamins (healthy drinks) also changes increasingly. In the article, the research team conducted a survey focused on researching and collecting data on consuming healthy and environmentally friendly drinks among Vietnamese youth. The research results show some following notable issues: Young people tend to use healthy drinks in the direction of being quick and convenient but still ensuring nutritional content. The aspects that young people are most interested in when using healthy drinks are benefits, nutritional value, and concern for the environment. Healthy drinks have been popular in recent years, but there are still some young people who have never heard of healthy drinks or have known but have never used the product. In addition, the use of healthy drinks is mainly influenced by the benefits and prices, and the product's environmental friendliness. Research shows that the monthly amount spent on healthy drinks is only about 100-200 thousand VND, because young people, especially students, do not have high financial conditions

    Assessing the impact of EVFTA on Vietnam's textile and garment exports to the UK

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    Purpose: The study assesses the impact of the EVFTA on textile exports from Vietnam to the UK and provides some policy implications for Vietnam.   Originality/value: The study used the data of Vietnam's textile and garment exports to the UK in the period 2010 - 2019 and the data of countries' textile exports to the UK in 2019 to propose 3 export scenarios for Vietnam.   Design/methodology/approach: The study uses the SMART model combined with qualitative research methods to analyze and evaluate the positive and negative impacts of UKVFTA on Vietnam's textile and garment exports.   Findings: Research has shown the positive effects and limitations of UVK on textile exports from Vietnam to the UK. Since then, several short-term and long-term measures have been proposed to develop Vietnam's textile and garment industry

    Joint Location and Cost Planning in Maximum Capture Facility Location under Multiplicative Random Utility Maximization

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    We study a joint facility location and cost planning problem in a competitive market under random utility maximization (RUM) models. The objective is to locate new facilities and make decisions on the costs (or budgets) to spend on the new facilities, aiming to maximize an expected captured customer demand, assuming that customers choose a facility among all available facilities according to a RUM model. We examine two RUM frameworks in the discrete choice literature, namely, the additive and multiplicative RUM. While the former has been widely used in facility location problems, we are the first to explore the latter in the context. We numerically show that the two RUM frameworks can well approximate each other in the context of the cost optimization problem. In addition, we show that, under the additive RUM framework, the resultant cost optimization problem becomes highly non-convex and may have several local optima. In contrast, the use of the multiplicative RUM brings several advantages to the competitive facility location problem. For instance, the cost optimization problem under the multiplicative RUM can be solved efficiently by a general convex optimization solver or can be reformulated as a conic quadratic program and handled by a conic solver available in some off-the-shelf solvers such as CPLEX or GUROBI. Furthermore, we consider a joint location and cost optimization problem under the multiplicative RUM and propose three approaches to solve the problem, namely, an equivalent conic reformulation, a multi-cut outer-approximation algorithm, and a local search heuristic. We provide numerical experiments based on synthetic instances of various sizes to evaluate the performances of the proposed algorithms in solving the cost optimization, and the joint location and cost optimization problems

    Travel Intention and Travel Behaviour in the Post-Pandemic Era: Evidence from Vietnam

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    Tourism is on the pathway of returning and contributes to the economic development of many countries. Understanding the decision-making process of tourism customers in the post-pandemic context is crucial for a strong recovery of the tourism sector. The paper aims to identify the determinants of travel intention and the link between travel intention and travel behaviour in the post-COVID-19 pandemic period. A total number of 431 questionnaires regarding the individual behaviour of Vietnamese travellers were collected. The empirical results reveal that electronic word of mouth, crisis management, and destination image in COVID have positive relationships with travel intention. Besides, travel intention is positively linked with the customers’ travel behaviour during the post-pandemic era. By contrast, the results do not support the conclusion regarding the relationship between risk communication, the healthcare system, non-pharmaceutical interventions and the travel intention of customers. Finally, the practical implications are included for enhancing a faster recovery process of the tourism sector


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    Abstract The Netflix movies market is steadily growing, especially during the complex COVID-19 pandemic. Consumers, instead of opting for free movie streaming services with potential risks and copyright violations, are choosing to pay for a better experience while emphasizing responsibility for protecting copyrights and supporting authors and producers. This research aims to examine the factors influencing the intent to use Netflix movie streaming services among surveyed individuals, primarily focusing on employees aged 18 to 22 in Vietnam. Participants were surveyed through online and offline questionnaires. The author conducted logistic regression analysis, treating the use of Netflix movies as the dependent variable, with five independent variables sourced from a literature review. Through online and offline survey questionnaires and multivariate regression models, the study identified and concluded the factors influencing employees' intent to use Netflix movie streaming services in Vietnam. Data were quantitatively analyzed using IBM SPSS 20.0. The research results identified five positively influencing factors on the intent to use Netflix movie streaming services: Price perception, Risk perception, Attitude, Ethical awareness, Subjective norms. Among these factors, Price perception had the strongest influence on the intent to use Netflix movies, while the Subjective norms factor was found to be insignificant. Consequently, the article suggests managerial implications for businesses to attract customers and promote the Netflix movies market
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