103 research outputs found

    Gravity as a Gauge Theory of Translations

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    The Poincar\'e group can be interpreted as the group of isometries of a minkowskian space. This point of view suggests to consider the group of isometries of a given space as the suitable group to construct a gauge theory of gravity. We extend these ideas to the case of maximally symmetric spaces to reach a realistic theory including the presence of a cosmological constant. Introducing the concept of "minimal tetrads" we deduce Einstein gravity in the vacuum as a gauge theory of translations.Comment: 14 pages. LaTeX 2

    Dynamically broken Anti-de Sitter action for gravity

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    Due to a suitable Higgs mechanism, a standard Anti-de Sitter gauge theory becomes spontaneously broken. The resulting Lorentz invariant gravitational action includes the Hilbert-Einstein term of ordinary Einstein-Cartan gravity with cosmological constant, plus contributions quadratic in curvature and torsion, and a scalar Higgs sector.Comment: 7 Revtex pages, no figure

    The dynamical nature of time

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    It is usually assumed that the "tt" parameter in the equations of dynamics can be identified with the indication of the pointer of a clock. Things are not so easy, however. In fact, since the equations of motion can be written in terms of tt but also of t=f(t)t'=f(t), ff being any well behaved function, each one of those infinite parametric times tt' is as good as the Newtonian one to study classical dynamics. Here we show that the relation between the mathematical parametric time tt in the equations of dynamics and the physical dynamical time σ\sigma that is measured with clocks is more complex and subtle than usually assumed. These two times, therefore, must be carefully distinguished since their difference may have significant consequences. Furthermore, we show that not all the dynamical clock-times are necessarily equivalent and that the observational fingerprint of this non-equivalence has the same form as that of the Pioneer anomaly.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    Translations and dynamics

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    We analyze the role played by local translational symmetry in the context of gauge theories of fundamental interactions. Translational connections and fields are introduced, with special attention being paid to their universal coupling to other variables, as well as to their contributions to field equations and to conserved quantities.Comment: 22 Revtex pages, no figures. Published version with minor correction

    Gravitational contribution to fermion masses

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    In the context of a nonlinear gauge theory of the Poincar\'e group, we show that covariant derivatives of Dirac fields include a coupling to the translational connections, manifesting itself in the matter action as a universal background mass contribution to fermions.Comment: revtex4, 9 pages, no figures, to be published in Eur.Phys.J.C, 200

    The role of translational invariance in non linear gauge theories of gravity

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    The internal structure of the tetrads in a Poincar\'e non linear gauge theory of gravity is considered. Minkowskian coordinates becomes dynamical degrees of freedom playing the role of Goldstone bosons of the translations. A critical length allowing a covariant expansion similar to the weak field approach is deduced, the zeroth order metric being maximally symmetric (Minkowskian in some cases).Comment: 17 pages, LaTe