144 research outputs found

    Composition, structure and chemistry of interstellar dust

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    The observational constraints on the composition of the interstellar dust are analyzed. The dust in the diffuse interstellar medium consists of a mixture of stardust (amorphous silicates, amorphous carbon, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and graphite) and interstellar medium dust (organic refractory material). Stardust seems to dominate in the local diffuse interstellar medium. Inside molecular clouds, however, icy grain mantles are also important. The structural differences between crystalline and amorphous materials, which lead to differences in the optical properties, are discussed. The astrophysical consequences are briefly examined. The physical principles of grain surface chemistry are discussed and applied to the formation of molecular hydrogen and icy grain mantles inside dense molecular clouds. Transformation of these icy grain mantles into the organic refractory dust component observed in the diffuse interstellar medium requires ultraviolet sources inside molecular clouds as well as radical diffusion promoted by transient heating of the mantle. The latter process also returns a considerable fraction of the molecules in the grain mantle to the gas phase

    Laboratory photo-chemistry of pyrene clusters: an efficient way to form large PAHs

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    In this work, we study the photodissociation processes of small PAH clusters (e.g., pyrene clusters). The experiments are carried out using a quadrupole ion trap in combination with time-of-flight (QIT-TOF) mass spectrometry. The results show that pyrene clusters are converted into larger PAHs under the influence of a strong radiation field. Specifically, pyrene dimer cations (e.g., [C16_{16}H10_{10}−-C16_{16}H9_{9}]+^+ or C32_{32}H19_{19}+^+), will photo-dehydrogenate and photo-isomerize to fully aromatic cations (PAHs) (e.g., C32_{32}H16_{16}+^+) with laser irradiation. The structure of new formed PAHs and the dissociation energy for these reaction pathways are investigated with quantum chemical calculations. These studies provide a novel efficient evolution routes for the formation of large PAHs in the interstellar medium (ISM) in a bottom-up process that will counteract the top-down conversion of large PAHs into rings and chains, and provide a reservoir of large PAHs that can be converted into C60_{60} and other fullerenes and large carbon cages

    Studies of low-mass star formation with the large deployable reflector

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    Estimates are made of the far-infrared and submillimeter continuum and line emission from regions of low mass star formation. The intensity of this emission is compared with the sensitivity of the large deployable reflector (LDR), a large space telescope designed for this wavelength range. The proposed LDR is designed to probe the temperature, density, chemical structure, and the velocity field of the collapsing envelopes of these protostars. The LDR is also designed to study the accretion shocks on the cores and circumstellar disks of low-mass protostars, and to detect shock waves driven by protostellar winds

    Infrared emission associated with chemical reactions on Shuttle and SIRTF surfaces

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    The infrared intensities which would be observed by the Shuttle Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF), and which are produced by surface chemistry following atmospheric impact on SIRTF and the shuttle are estimated. Three possible sources of reactants are analyzed: (1) direct atmospheric and scattered contaminant fluxes onto the shuttle's surface; (2) direct atmospheric and scattered contaminant fluxes onto the SIRTF sunshade; and (3) scattered fluxes onto the cold SIRTF mirror. The chemical reactions are primarily initiated by the dominent flux of reactive atomic oxygen on the surfaces. Using observations of the optical glow to constrain theoretical parameters, it is estimated for source (1) that the infrared glow on the SIRTF mirror will be comparable to the zodiacal background between 1 and 10 micron wavelengths. It is speculated that oxygen reacts with the atoms and the radicals bound in the organic molecules that reside on the shuttle and the Explorer surfaces. It is concluded that for source (2) that with suitable construction, a warm sunshade will produce insignificant infrared glow. It is noted that the atomic oxygen flux on the cold SIRTF mirror (3) is insufficient to produce significant infrared glow. Infrared absorption by the ice buildup on the mirror is also small

    The 3.1 micrometer ice band in infrared reflection nebulae

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    Recent observations show that infrared reflection nebulae are common phenomena in star forming regions. Extensive observations were made of two nearby infrared reflection nebulae, Orin Molecular Cloud 2 IRS1 (OMC-2/IRS1) and Cepheus A IRS6a (Cep-A/IRS6a). Mie scattering models of ice coated grains were used to study the constraints on the properties and locations of grains that could produce a feature similar to that observed in OMC-2 and Cep-A. It was concluded that scattering by ice particles alone could not be responsible for the 3.1 micron feature observed in infrared reflection nebulae

    The Diffuse Interstellar Bands: Contributed papers

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    Drawing a coherent picture of the observational characteristics of the Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIB's) and the physical and chemical properties of its proposed carriers was the focus of this NASA sponsored conference. Information relating to absoption spectra, diffuse radiation carriers, carbon compounds, stellar composition, and interstellar extinction involving T-Tauri stars, Reflection Nebulae, Red Giants, and accretion discs are discussed from those papers presented at the conference, which are included in this analytic

    Carbon stardust: From soot to diamonds

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    The formation of carbon dust in the outflow from stars and the subsequent evolution of this so called stardust in the interstellar medium is reviewed. The chemical and physical processes that play a role in carbon stardust formation are very similar to those occurring in sooting flames. Based upon extensive laboratory studies of the latter, the structure and physical and chemical properties of carbon soot are reviewed and possible chemical pathways towards carbon stardust are discussed. Grain-grain collisions behind strong interstellar shocks provide the high pressures required to transform graphite and amorphous carbon grains into diamond. This process is examined and the properties of shock-synthesized diamonds are reviewed. Finally, the interrelationship between carbon stardust and carbonaceous meteorites is briefly discussed

    Efficiency of radial transport of ices in protoplanetary disks probed with infrared observations: the case of CO2_2

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    The efficiency of radial transport of icy solid material from outer disk to the inner disk is currently unconstrained. Efficient radial transport of icy dust grains could significantly alter the composition of the gas in the inner disk. Our aim is to model the gaseous CO2_2 abundance in the inner disk and use this to probe the efficiency of icy dust transport in a viscous disk. Features in the simulated CO2_2 spectra are investigated for their dust flux tracing potential. We have developed a 1D viscous disk model that includes gas and grain motions as well as dust growth, sublimation and freeze-out and a parametrisation of the CO2_2 chemistry. The thermo-chemical code DALI was used to model the mid-infrared spectrum of CO2_2, as can be observed with JWST-MIRI. CO2_2 ice sublimating at the iceline increases the gaseous CO2_2 abundance to levels equal to the CO2_2 ice abundance of ∼10−5\sim 10^{-5}, which is three orders of magnitude more than the gaseous CO2_2 abundances of ∼10−8\sim 10^{-8} observed by Spitzer. Grain growth and radial drift further increase the gaseous CO2_2 abundance. A CO2_2 destruction rate of at least 10−1110^{-11} s−1^{-1} is needed to reconcile model prediction with observations. This rate is at least two orders of magnitude higher than the fastest known chemical destruction rate. A range of potential physical mechanisms to explain the low observed CO2_2 abundances are discussed. Transport processes in disks can have profound effects on the abundances of species in the inner disk. The discrepancy between our model and observations either suggests frequent shocks in the inner 10 AU that destroy CO2_2, or that the abundant midplane CO2_2 is hidden from our view by an optically thick column of low abundance CO2_2 in to the disk surface XDR/PDR. Other molecules, such as CH4_4 or NH3_3, can give further handles on the rate of mass transport.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 18 pages, 13 figures, abstract abridge

    Infrared studies of dust grains in infrared reflection nebulae

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    IR reflection nebulae, regions of dust which are illuminated by nearby embedded sources, were observed in several regions of ongoing star formation. Near IR observation and theoretical modelling of the scattered light form IR reflection nebulae can provide information about the dust grain properties in star forming regions. IR reflection nebulae were modelled as plane parallel slabs assuming isotropically scattering grains. For the grain scattering properties, graphite and silicate grains were used with a power law grain size distribution. Among the free parameters of the model are the stellar luminosity and effective temperature, the optical depth of the nebula, and the extinction by foreground material. The typical results from this model are presented and discussed
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